One Sign Of Intelligence Is Being Able To Change Your Mind or Why Scott Morrison Is Einstein!
Remember just a few years ago when we were told that we needed to be “energy agnostic”. Well, all that’s out the window. Apparently we […]
Remember just a few years ago when we were told that we needed to be “energy agnostic”. Well, all that’s out the window. Apparently we […]
Solidarity is an idea that is in the foundations of the ALP, writes Tim Curtis, and that means sticking together to fight for the common […]
“Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. As you may remember, the Government went to the last election with a policy of reducing accidental deaths in the […]
In the argument for investment in renewable energy in Australia, the existence, or non-existence of climate change is irrelevant, writes Warwick O’Neill. Like most semi-intelligent […]
While Joe Hockey labels Australians as “lifters or leaners”, governments are similarly judged as “laggards or leaders”. In one fell swoop this government has taken […]
The implications of peak oil and global warming for world security “The modern global economy has been built on cheap oil and its abundant availability.” – http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2011/02/11/opinion/Peak-oil-will-have-an-adverse-effect-on-all-econom-30148420.html […]
The first thing we need to do is get rid of the toxic carbon tax. It is destroying the joint. After all, emissions went up. […]
The tactic of a bully is to keep their victims living in fear of what could happen so they are grateful when they don’t get […]
Dear Mr Clive Palmer, May I call you Mr? It’s not Sir Clive yet is it? I’m sure it will be in the offing should […]
Since the introduction of the carbon price in July 2012, emissions from the National Electricity Market serving eastern Australia have fallen about 8.9 per cent, […]
In the aftermath of the 2013 Australian election, I spoke to a variety of my friends and colleagues about the core issues that motivated my […]
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