We Have Liberal Leaders In Charge – Thank God!
Confirmation bias is a truly wonderful thing. Ok, there are times when it may sound ridiculous. I’d mention Donald Trump and the stolen election here […]
Confirmation bias is a truly wonderful thing. Ok, there are times when it may sound ridiculous. I’d mention Donald Trump and the stolen election here […]
Cults need their followers to be in constant contact because without that, followers may start to notice that there are more sensible ways of looking […]
Now let me emphasise that there is a comma in between the “Hello” and the “World”! I wish to emphasise this so that nobody gets […]
Outside the supermarket last week, there was a man sitting with a sign asking for help to get accommodation for the night. His upturned hat […]
“Good morning, children, and happy 100th anniversary of Donald Trump Day to you all. Today is the day when we pause in our daily work […]
There are often competing rights in any civilised society. Clive Palmer’s right to go skinny-dipping at a public beach needs to be balanced by other […]
The great advantage of writing satire is that when you tell the truth, nobody believes you. This is fortunate because it means that no secret […]
The media are reporting that anti-Trump protesters are outnumbering pro-Trump protesters at various places throughout the USA. This is being disputed by the Trump camp […]
I’m concerned that so few people understand how politics works in this country. For example, various people were complaining about Greg Sheridan’s appearance on QandA […]
Listening to the results come in from the Queensland election, I was reminded of the old saying, “When you’re a hammer, everything is a nail.” […]
Ok, the recession isn’t really over yet. I’m just getting in early because the Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank said something about growth that […]
Looking over the events of the last couple of days, I’m trying to decide which one actually tipped the scales to make me realise that […]
To anyone who looks for consistency, political commentary can be confusing. You know the sort of thing, Brett Sutton is meant to be in trouble […]
The media can be quite invasive. What right did they have to splash this poor woman’s personal life across their front pages and to lead […]
Ok, here’s a brief summary of the Liberal position over the past seven years. 2013: Debt and deficit disaster. It’s only by having a surplus […]
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