Ah, cancel culture strikes and Katie Hopkins is sent away simply because she refused to obey the law… The outrage industry strikes again.
I know I’m repeating myself, but well, isn’t history just littered with people who repeat themselves until somebody says why didn’t they say that before and when the person says that they did, they’re asked why they didn’t say it more often…
Ok, in capitals so we all hear it:
But then there’s a lot of things I don’t understand!
For example, what are we to make of this?
“Prime Minister Scott Morrison says his government is in ‘constant appeal’ for the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation to change its advice on the AstraZeneca vaccine.” Sky News
However the matter doesn’t end there with Scotty thundering at reporters: “Are you suggesting that the government when advised by the technical and advisory group on immunisation, some of the most senior level scientific medicos in the country, tell the government that the preferred vaccine for people of particular ages is 50 then they changed it to 60 that the government should refuse that advice?”
Yep, but the recent brouhaha with Katie Hopkins confuses me even more.
Ok, it’s true that there’s a certain irony that someone who is so hostile to lockdowns would come all the way to Australia just so she could be locked down in the Big Brother house, However, one wonders whether she was ever more than a publicity stunt for Channel 7. You know, “We’ll pay you X amount to come to Australia and be so offensive that we sack you. You can go back home and every news outlet will be giving us free publicity and then you can go back home and do some interviews about cancel culture!”
Anyway, I sort of have trouble when “conservatives” decide that they can break the law because they don’t agree with it. Yeah, yeah, I get that people need to break laws when they feel that they’re unjust or something… But when someone like Sally McManus – that union person – says something about being prepared to do just that, wasn’t she’s told that the LAW is sacrosanct? It’s not up to us to decide, to pick and choose what laws to follow – but hey, she wasn’t a CONSERVATIVE saying that we should break the law. She was one of those people who don’t understand their place and who thinks that they can break laws just because they want to, as opposed to people who have lawyers who can get them off…
Hmm, I’m tempted to make some tasteless joke about Gladys dating her lawyer because she needs someone who can get her off, but that may seem sexist to some and I may be forced to do that optional training that’s meant to solve sexual harassment and bullying in Federal Parliament. Oh wait, it’s optional. Yes, well that should make about as much difference as Scotty’s recent hair transplant makes to the vaccine rollout.
Yes, compare the favourable coverage some publican in Echuca received from Nine News when he decided to defy the lockdown and stay open with how they react when some poor casual worker decides to keep working in breach of health orders. One is doing it because it’s hard to keep a business afloat so we need to be understanding of the pressures, while the other is only doing it so that they can eat.
Whatever, it was good to see the PM demonstrate to us all that he’s still alive by holding a press conference where he announced that things were basically on target but just a little bit late and that’s mainly the fault of ATAGI… which, apart from the fact that he told us earlier this year that they wouldn’t be setting targets, does use the term «on target » in a rather unique way. «I was basically there for the ten o’clock meeting, apart from the fact that it started at ten and I arrived at midday! »
Of course, it was offensive of one journalist to suggest that the government do anything other than follow the health advice. That’s why the PM is adopting the Great Barrier Reef strategy. It would be wrong to ignore an independent body, so we’ll do the best we can to pressure them to give us the advice we want to follow. And if that doesn’t work, we can cut their funding like we did with the audit office… Mind you that only works if they’re funded by the government.
Yes, sometimes Scott Morrison just rambles on with meaningless waffles and lies, but other times, he disappears and says nothing.
Either way, his detractors are never satisfied… and speaking of Dutton and Frydenberg, apparently, Dutton thinks he has the numbers but without Mathias there to confirm them, he’s not willing to move. Josh was sure he had the numbers but after a recount, he discovered that he was short by sixty billion…
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I have a feeling that the likes of Benito Dutton and our dickhead bean counter are quite content to let the happy clapping liar hang onto the poison chalice.They are heading downhill at a rate of knots right now, and any change of ‘leadership’ would precipitate an avalanche I.Suppose it depends on the imprimatur of that ugly bag of shit in New York.
Thank you for the article Rossleigh.
Great comment Harry Lime, I like it when people blast out the truth.
We are all in the know about the lying by all the ministers embedded in the L/NP,
we MUST keep passing the facts concerning the L/NP on to the ignorant.
At least this shitfluckery is producing great literary tracts. Lol
This business with ATAGI is enraging far more than the usual ScoMoFo shitfuckery. Expert medical advice doesn’t fit his political needs, so he pressures the experts to change their advice. And THAT is supposed to be a valid response to him fucking up the whole vaccination business in the first place.
Why did we need Hopkins when we have our very own vile and repulsive Pauline Hanson.
Scroll down to 9.40am
I read somewhere that Katie ‘loved being on Aussie breakfast tv’. Says a lot.
leefe, the PM got Pfizer. No problem, he is the boss and to his credit he led early by example. Hypocrisy begins when he channels his inner bible-thumper and exhorts others to get AZ. Hypocrites like to guilt trip, that’s their thing, it’s easy to smell and it stinks.
got Pfizer: As this is a trial, there must be a control group of people getting a placebo. Without a control group the trial is invalid. I wonder who is in the control group.
This dundering government has always been changing the opinions of experts , look at the SA Royal commission ,they stopped its enquiry into the MDBA , climate change is another .
Trust stupid Stokes & his Seven network! They thought that asking this fucking inept bloody racialist etc here to Australia just to appear on their stupid bloody “reality” (sic) TV show “Big Brother”, would be a ratings bonanza, how wrong were they? As for Slo Mo & his lying fucking COALition, the less said the better! Another great article Rossleigh!
I now read that this dying reality show Big Brother VIP has flown in Meghan Markle’s estranged brother Thomas and Caitlin Jenner both of whom, during a lockdown , have been granted a commercial visa by this government.
These people are considered to be celebrities who will somehow add their mega pulling power to save this dying reality TV show.
Ho do they get theses visas, who is getting paid off ? There needs to be an enquiry into how these minor (very minor) celebrities can jump the queue.
I have family in the UK who were scheduled to be here in July last year and had to defer, due to the COVID lockdown, until July this year and have now been told that unless they have mega bucks for business class seats, to forget it : which they have !
Terence, that really sucks. The effwit of a PM we have should be strung up by the balls over every fekkin thing he’s stuffed up. To rub salt into the wound people like this shite stain can get in when our own citizens can’t!! The mongrel bred bastard is below contempt.
look over there
nuff said
go lambda or phi or beta or alpha or iota
go fear porn
thanx PHARMA
go opiods!!!
go bex
go vioxx
go thalid
go chemo
go polluted water soil air
go Pharma coal&petrol
just eat your plastic and get injected . . . with ‘what’ . . . what’s in it matey?
my precious . . . go BRANSON!!!!! go BEZOS
And have a nice day.
Its really is a bloody outrage when micro celebrities can be granted commercial visas because Kerry ballsup Stokes’ TV channel is such a great spruicker of this disastrous government and Australian citizens, especially those of a darker hue, are denied entry into their own homes where they pay taxes.
I hope these incidents will be remembered at the next elections, no matter which dickhead is leading this coalition of bastards.
All just more superfluous background noise, psychobabble etc to distract from the important questions about the covid pandemic.
1. Why is the federal government not introducing rapid testing for the general public in Australia. Gladys can get it, vips and various other hangers on can get it, but the general public is told that covid testing characteristically takes 24 to 48 hours to return results to them. Why so long? People in the US and Europe have self test kits, rapid testing (results in 2 hours), etc. This is especially critical with a superspreader like the Delta variant.
2. Why is the federal government not giving any straight answers to the question of proper, dedicated,built for purpose quarantine facilities such as we already have at Howard Springs, NT?
Hotel quarantine in metropolitan areas was established back in March 2020 as an interim, temporary measure.There have been plenty of virus escapes from hotels. None from Howard Springs.
We need 11 of them,eg Darwin (Howard Springs), Adelaide, Alice Springs, Perth, Pilbara, Brisbane, Cairns (or Townsville), Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Hobart.
At 750 million dollars each that is only 7.5 billion dollars.
We could bring in 40,000 returning Australians from overseas with this quarantine capacity. Instead of the current 4,000.
Much cheaper than last years’ jobkeeper.