Yesterday I was ignorant.
I had received, unsolicited, a YouTube video about the dangers of GMO which is in the Covid vaccinations most of us have had. My ignorance stemmed from not understanding that GMO is different that vaccination. So I spent about three minutes Googling GMO and vaccinations, and Google came up with an incredibly long list of scientific articles, peer reviewed, from respected scientific and medical journals which seemed to link the two terms together, and more than that show research which confirmed the lifesaving results of GMO vaccinations.
I had seriously dismissed all the hoo-haa conspiracy stuff that flooded the internet during the Covid days, but gee whizz, I am ignorant it seems, or could it be just not all that thrilled about living my life under the clouds of conspiracy theories that seem to occupy too many minds.
Today I am WOKE.
But from the same person, this morning I was ‘woke’, sorry, it was capitalised ‘WOKE’, and in case I didn’t understand what was meant it was ‘Willfully Overlooking Knowable Evidence’. So I could interpret that as not only being ignorant, but also dumb.
I thought perhaps I should check with Google to determine what WOKE really means, and it turns out to something quite positive.
WOKE it turns out, according to the Cambridge Dictionary means ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality.’ Mmmm, that does not sound like willfully overlooking knowable evidence, but rather engaging with the knowable evidence to recognise disadvantage or discrimination when it is evident, so that attitudes can change.
I thanked the person for the complimentary label applied to me, and thanked him for giving me the motivation to write.
When I look at the world we live in and the changes which I have witnessed in my lifetime, recognising Aboriginal people as being people and including them in the population of human habitants of Australia, and giving them the right to vote, the wave of feminism which saw women achieve a degree of equality…. yes, a DEGREE of equality, to see homosexuality decriminalised, abortion rights, voluntary assisted dying for terminally ill patients, freedom to worship or not worship the god(s) of choice, the privilege of living in a wealthy country in fact, per person, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, and so many more positive changes we have seen, most of which remain under the threat of being reversed.
In economic terms we have seen the assets of the family home reach such heady heights that most homeowners will die millionaires just because the home they bought when it was affordable is now out of reach for the average worker. I recall the price of the first humble home I purchased in 1970, $12,380.00. My wages were about $100 per week or $5,200 per year. I don’t know how much that house would fetch on today’s market, but at least $600,000 does not sound unrealistic. IN 1970 the house was around 2.5 times my annual income. Today it is valued at around 9 times average annual income. So it has become almost impossible to enter the market without some serious help.
The cost of buying a house has become so expensive that people are forced to rent as they try to save for the deposit of their first home, but rental costs have ballooned. Where four years ago rent on a two bedroomed home where I live was around $240 per week, now almost $500 per week. The minimum take home wage, after tax is around $600 per week.
Poverty is rife. And nothing seems to be being done about it. Being WOKE means I recognise the problem and can maybe pressure governments to do something about it… maybe. I am led to believe this is a wealthy country, but what I see is that those who have the wealth are very much committed to keeping it, even make the pot a bit larger by reducing their taxes and pressuring governments for more of their special interests to be funded, like the government contributions to private schools or any other worthy cause that would benefit those who already have the most.
Being WOKE, I refuse to live in fear.
Fear of the unknown is a great political tool, and the unknown is the danger posed by those who would board an unseaworthy vessel in Indonesia to get across to Australia, the land of milk and honey. It takes a lot to leave a homeland which has become unsafe, where persecution is rife, where difference is scorned. And so, since the pathway to Australia House or the nearest Australian Embassy is not all that accessible, other means are sought to find the desired freedom, only to find that on arrival they are immediately sent off to an offshore detention centre, never to land back in Australia.
The model of sending the unwanted off to remote places has become an example for others to follow, those despairing refugees seeking solace in Great Britain are now boarded a plane to Rwanda. We cannot allow criminals to just come whenever they feel like it. Yet when we look at the desperate people who have arrived here in the past, refugees from WW!!, boat people escaping post war Vietnam and so many others who have arrived here from war torn or intolerant places, escaping religious persecution or ethnic power struggles which have resulted in bloody civil wars or the effects of climate change which has made their homeland uninhabitable, they have made valuable contributions, socially, economically, culturally. Australia is a far better country for the diversity which such immigrants have brought. But please don’t tell anyone that, especially those who are afraid of people who look different, speak different languages, dress differently, worship differently.
And of course, those ethnically diverse migrants bring their self-righteous religious hatreds with them. Much has been made of the knife attacks in NSW in recent days, video footage of the young man attacking the preacher and the quest to find those who rioted as a result of that attack, not to mention the search for other radicalised youths who may pick up a knife and find someone else who has insulted their belief making them worthy of death.
A bit of perspective here. This year, and the year is about 20 weeks old, and 30 women have been killed by men, partners, former partners, men not known to them. Two preachers survived a knife attack, and the attacker is under arrest. The attack in the church was motivated by the firebrand preacher presenting sermons which were broadcast on the internet, available for anyone who wanted to access them, and the sermons were critical of Islam, gay rights and a number of other issues. In earlier times the only people who heard the sermons were those who were in the congregation, in the church as the sermon was delivered. The preacher wants the attack and no doubt his existing and still to come sermons to be available online so he can use his position to not only preach to his congregation but also have those vitriolic words available to anyone who happens to trip over them as they check their social media accounts.
I find that a bit problematic. The inciting of religious difference has consequences. Earlier this week Salman Rushdie was interviewed on 7:30. He has released a new book ‘Knife’, about an attack on him where he was stabbed multiple time including in his right eye. Yes, I am speculating, but about 36 years ago his book ‘Satanic Verses’ was published and since there is in it a dream sequence where one of the protagonists’ dreams of some contact with an angel, it was deemed blasphemous, and a fatwa was issued to kill Salman Rushdie. Memories are long and religious dogma includes the repeating of stories from generation to generation. So an attempt was made on Rushdie’s life in front of an audience he was scheduled to address. (I once asked a local Imam whether he had read Satanic Verses as he was telling me how evil the book was. He hadn’t read it and assured me that he definitely would not read it. What a shame. If he had read the book, he may have enjoyed a really good belly laugh as the absurdities of the plot evolved, and the insult to Islam was not found because there is no insult to Islam.)
So a young radicalised person attacks a preacher, who was possibly instrumental in his radicalisation, just as the Ayatollah Khomeini in issuing the fatwa was instrumental, 35 years later inciting the attack which almost cost Rushdie his life.
So the WOKE me looks at the issues that are around me, that in one way or another touch my life and try to do something to let humanity shine, the anti-WOKE people of the world stoke fear of difference, strive to develop an orthodoxy which marginalises difference.
I wear the WOKE label with pride.
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Seems there is no such acronym as WOKE. That is a myth and not the origin.
Funny, Elon Musk must get a mention here. People can be odd bastards. He can build rockets and electric cars and other miracles of modenity, but is deeply preoccupied of the WOKE problem.
Never mind. This is a great posting.
The nonsenses concerning Gaza denialism reach out like tendrills to touch people who have had nothing to do with the obscenity.
So the guy with the knife was wrong.
But I feel a deep shred of sympathy when we live in a society where our own vindictive lying has got so out of control.
So pleased that someone else has seen the absurdity of the ‘terrorist threat” posed by the stabber when in fact the stabbee is the problem. I thought I was a lone voice. I have a particular dislike for people who dress up in robes and funny hats in order to tell the rest of us what to do. The titles they confer on themselves like priest or bishop, archbishop or whatever are constructs they have invented to give themselves false authority to preach hatred as their interpretation of ancient texts that were intended to be read by only them. Texts full of mythological bullshit designed to frighten the ignorant masses into subjugation.
When it comes to a terrorist act it’s a question of ticking boxes.
noun. the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives.
Bert, do you think you would have volunteered your body for an experimental ‘vaccine’, “confirmed” by your 3 minute Google search that returned the meaningless word salad “the lifesaving results of GMO vaccinations”?
‘lifesaving GMO’, really? What proof? Why was the public not informed?
There’s a series of legal challenges playing out as to the legality of the TGA ignoring the fact that the so-called covid-19 ‘vaccine’ was actually a gene-therapy and that special approval should have been secured through the office of the Australian Gene Regulator. One example is here: https://julesonthebeach.substack.com/p/australian-criminal-brief-update
Once upon a time, pre covid era, gene therapy was offered to patients who had tried every other medical option in the hope of regaining health. Now the unspecified rubbish is dumped willy-nilly in batches of so-called ‘vaccines’ and the TGA has no intention whatsoever of informing the public.
As for ‘woke’, it is a bit like the way the word ‘sick’ came to be a synonym for ‘great’ some decades back, as in the surf was fully ‘sick’ this morning. ‘woke’ applied by some people actually means ‘asleep’ or ‘ill-informed’.
WOKE, to me, is the septics seeing the terrible racism within their society. All of them should be ‘WOKE’. To many this is an anathema so change the meaning to add fear. QED?? WOKE is akin to our old-fashioned ‘fair go’. Sadly the former has a sleep faction and the latter can lack conviction. Australians were 60% for same sex-marriage and higher for the voice till the devious unWOKE ‘no’ campaign changed the meaning and added fear.
I hope I am WOKE but not to Synagogues, Churches nor Mosques and the men within.
In response to the covid vax criticism https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/this-man-got-217-covid-shots-heres-what-it-did-to-his-body/5b5k3qjdj
John, so some German guy was dodgy enough to profit from providing proof of vaccination for a fee to people who didn’t want to get the product? Yet he would not be dodgy enough to feign getting injected? Other questions: who were the doctors who provided the service of jabbing him; what proof of ID did they use; did the grifter use the ID of the people he was selling his services to; was he working in co-ordination with a dodgy doctor(s) or nurse(s); did he split profits with dodgy injectors?
I watched an interview where one nurse, who refused to fold to coercion, was taken aside by 2 other nurses and told that they would pretend to inject her so she could keep her job. She chose unemployment.
As a society, it’d be really good to get to the bottom of what happened. This kind of wreckless perversion of ‘science’ by bureaucrats and politicians needs to end for the sake of future generations.
Royal Commission please.
Ah Pete, what a great question.
Purely hypothetical, but in the circumstances of a raging epidemic which is taking lives, I could join the circle and sing Ring a ring a rosy and see who gets up after we have all fallen down, or perhaps, volunteer in a medical trial of a new vaccine which has been developed using a new technology.
Just for the record, I am currently on a large medical trial which started seven years ago, extended due to Covid, and concluding this year. So far I have survived and am about as fit as I have ever been. I guess being past the official use by date makes the decision easier.
And John, I have had 4 Covid vaccinations and and my annual flu shots. Following medical advice. To overdo the vaccinated seem a bit fool hardy really.
There is a Pete here, writing of his fears (?) or lack of information )?) and thus warning us of.., what? The Federal department of health and aged care has an online report, fully and clearly available, informative and accurate. GMO technology has been covered, reported, investigated and logged by them for over twenty years. The community has full access to this. Australians and the environment are protected. Fact sheets are available. GMO dealings are fully defined, and follow requirements in the Act, of 2000. Australia was a leader in making such comprehensive, transparent information available. I’ve known for ages that the department offers us c. twenty five, publications on life saving death prevention vaccines, which have saved umpteen millions of lives. Ignorance is not bliss here. Finally, had the USA not suffered from Trumpian ignorance and national stupido syndrome, c.900,000 lives would have been saved by merely following what Australia did. Needless deaths, ignorance fuelled deaths…
I had seasonal flu about 15 years ago and saw fit to have the annual vaccine every year since, I have also had all the covid shots available plus pnuemococcal and shingles. I caught covid a few weeks ago and got the anti viral meds and that fixed me in a week. Too many people believe the anti vax bullshit and as a result we are now having recurrences of illness that we thought had been banished years ago…time to woke up
A quick follow-up, most here seem not interested in what I say, so skip and have a good day 🙂
I only found this interview today – Julian G with Dr John Campbell on his YouTube 24th channel, April 2024, title of video is ‘Genetically modified organisms’. Dr Campbell states that he’s angry that doctors and the public were deceived by govt authorities and the drug companies.
Also, Greg Reese substack – ‘Japan Fights Back Against WHO Pandemic’
More detail on the WHO (English subtitles, Klagemauer TV, 14 April 2024) –
Internationaler Weckruf: WHO plant heimtückischen Coup in 194 Ländern! | http://www.kla.tv/28573
It seems to me that public enemy no.1 at the moment is the WHO. And as of next month Aust has the chance to sign onto the new WHO Pandemic Treaty. If that happens then in about 11 months Tedros becomes our new health boss. You likey latest mRNA, lucky you.
Aust may well scrap our Health Depts and defer to the WHO as the single source of health info.
That is how dumb this country has become.
Some at least Pete, I’ve seen Campbell on youtube and have not quite worked out what his agenda is. Suffice is to say I don’t believe he works in my interest. Anyway a good pandemic or zombie apocalypse might solve the overpopulation and consumption issue and foreshorten our imminent demise.
John H, watched a few of his talks the last 2 years, when referred there. At first I’d have described him as a very unconvinced fence-sitter. Now he seems to be more off than on the fence. The penny dropped.
From what I can glean, the West got the we-don’t-need-your-offspring version of the GMO jab, the one where the youth and family-ready parents get potentially sterilized. No need for wars. BitChute has interviews with ex-OBGYN doctors Luke McLindon (Aust) and James Thorp (USA). You’ll probably get the picture, unlike the baffled ‘experts’ on the latest Stateline on ABC tv (2024, Episode 2, screened 25th April).
As for zombie apocalypse, the CDC was all over this a while back and created a comic for their own sick amusment. One day, with some luck, it’ll come back to bite them all on the ass.
Preparedness 101 : zombie pandemic – https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/6023
Excellent article, Bert
From what I understand, the term ‘woke’ comes direct from the wonderful lingo of the African Americans (I think in New York), eg., “That bro, he’s woke.”, meaning he’s awake (to the circumstance). A classic and appropriate bit of lingo. Of course it has been appropriated, and twisted by arseholes to muddy the waters, initially to disparage the meaning and intent of African American’s dialogue. No surprise there.
As for the broader GMO imbroglio, it has been going on for years, with initially an understandable stink regarding the evil behemoth Monsanto, developing a seed GMO to elevate the effectiveness and thereby use of glyphosphates – the stink, in that case was perfectly understandable.
It is nonsense, however to bang on about genetic selection and manipulation. To meet needs, humans have been doing it in agriculture for thousands of years. Just because now it is better and more quickly achieved by scientists in labs working at molecular levels ought not be cause for hysteria. Ha ha ha haar, fear of the Triffids. Over all agriculturists are very careful about what goes on with seeds and fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. They have learned the hard way by the awful travails brought by the alchemists of the unconscionable, brutal and greedy fossil-fuel industry derivatives, toxifying the soils, water supplies, plants, animals, farmers and consumers. For many years now they have been slowly but surely understanding and implementing processes encouraging nature’s beneficial responses and cycles by far and a way better serves them. Research, understanding, trials and implementation goes on apace, with the latest treatment tech studied for 10-20 years, but urgently brought on to efficiently deal with the covid-19 pandemic, mRNA treatment technology.
Nevertheless, America, the homeland of sensation, ignorance, doomsayers and white jackets for sale to feckless organizations pumping olde worlde tech and arcane religious gobbledegook, persists. It’s a counter-culture industry, and the internet is pumped full of its bile.
Of course, understanding the elements and operation of the microcosm is essential. It’s nearly 200 years since the initial identification of the elements of the microcosm within all living things. At the base, the understanding of proteins and their myriad functions marched on. In 1958, after over 100 years of dedicated work by scientists in the field, the first Nobel Prize was awarded, for the extraction and use of insulin. There are over 400 million people with diabetes mellitus, and insulin ensures vastly improved health and extended wellbeing and life for those afflicted. And that’s just one example of the benefits and use of such understandings. Benefits to 100s of millions of folk. I owe my life to it.
Regarding covid and vax, rather than sift my way through the American Trumpian era bs and ‘alternative truths’ by the white jackets paid by the dark counter-culturists and peddled by conspiracy theorists, I’d rather heed the information and advice from Oz’ own Nobel Laureate, and world renowned expert practitioner in the field, Peter Doherty:
Short Version: https://youtu.be/UbaXC6xGs3w?si=kdhWTTf_WVkAtww0
Long Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIEC79GmUqc