All that I had predicted about Peter Dutton has come to pass. His comparing the 1996 mass murder of 35 people at Port Arthur with a pro-Palestine protest at the Sydney Opera House could only be made by a person without the most basic human qualities.
People on the right of politics in Australia show an insensitivity to goodness that goes beyond thoughtful examination. They have hatred on their lips, and their hate starts with the beginning of a smile.
Unsurprisingly, Peter Dutton has exhibited an unsympathetic attitude toward matters of the heart. His history in immigration shows it. Those who remember the tragedy that was Port Arthur recall the events with a mixture of shame and disgust, but overriding our abhorrence is a never-ending love for the victims and those left with nothing but the saddest recollections.
Making a comparison between two such events is, at its base, a horrible thing to do. What would those with inconsolable memory who survived think of such an intended offence? As one who has witnessed his naked profanity for so long, l believe Peter Dutton is devoid of sympathetic feelings.
To instinctively politicise every matter of importance that comes before him is unworthy of the position he holds and openly identifies his lack of intellectual introspection.
Again, his observations comparing the 1996 mass murder of 35 people at Port Arthur to a pro-Palestine protest at the Sydney Opera House have been labelled “tone deaf” by one of the survivors of the horrific mass shooting.
The Liberal leader has copped a series of left hooks for his insensitivity after he used an address at the Sydney Opera House to draw links between the social significance of Australia’s deadliest shooting massacre in recent history and pro-Palestine demonstrations last October.
He has laid out his campaign strategy for the next election in full. The merits of any particular argument seem oblivious to him. His only interest is how much damage his negativity can impact on his opponent. Remind you of Tony Abbott; it does me – even Trump. In short, a disgrace.
Can he overcome his acute unlikability? If he is to have any chance of winning the next election, he must undertake a personality makeover. The only state that shows any endorsement of him is Queensland. That’s understandable, given his petulance of the authoritarian leader. It’s a Trump style that Australian conservatives seem to be adopting en-mass.
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My thought for the day
We live in a time where horrible things are being perpetrated on us. The shame is that we have normalised them and adjusted accordingly.
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You’re right John, everything about Der Trumpspud screams gutter level intellect, political expediency and political thuggery. Change of personality? Good luck with that, his personality is set in Roman concrete with all that it is good is compressed into a near microscopic ball in the very centre of his brain.
As noted in the Saturday Paper Dutton does have a sort of policy on nuclear power but it’s very much a movable feast.
On March 12 he announced that the Coalition would “shortly” announce about six sites across the country where nuclear reactors could be built but evidently he hadn’t discussed this with his coalition partner, whatever his name is.
Dutton said that he would locate them in places where coal-fired power stations were closing down and he would announce those locations shortly.
Initially the announcement was expected within a couple of weeks, then before the federal budget on May 14. Last Sunday, on the ABC’s Insiders program, Dutton would not commit to a pre-budget announcement, improbably blaming the recent stabbing incidents in Sydney for the delay.
So, his only policy is shrouded in mystery – we don’t know the timing for installation and commissioning of these nuclear power stations : we don’t know who will supply them or at what cost and now we don’t even know where Spud is going to put them. And will they cut the cost of electricity ? Spud will get back to you on that.
And the polls are telling us that the coalition are a big chance at the next election : as the French say donnez moi une break !
The best way for Labor to win the next Federal Election:-
Remind the masses we were given PM Scott Morrison by the Liberal Party, to save us from Peter Dutton.
Even his own party thinks he is worse than Morrison.
No point Labor giving policies at the next Federal Election. Most of the masses, won’t understand them, and the media will LIE about them anyway. Yes, the Libs and their media will make them up. Labor needs to point out the lies these are.
Just remind the masses how bad the Liberal Party is, and Labor should win.
Wonderful news! Der Spudfraudenfuhrer’s brother-in-arms and former occupier of the High Chair reserved for the toddliest toddler within the LNP, His Holiness Scott Scumburger, has gifted this country with a book of words! How lucky we are!
For now we can get to know the real Scott. The pill-popping anxiety freak. The chronically lying mendacious man behind the mask of normal. The man who ticks off the box that has him believing he ‘outsmarted’ the French president by lying to him about the status of the submarine deal. The guy whose daily chats with God delivered the program which ticked off the items on his to-do lists. A man who thought that crying, shouting, groaning, screaming as a form of pleading to God was perfectly normal behaviour for a grown adult.
There’s bound to be another book begging to be written about this devious babbling fabulist; one that unpacks the mystery of how such an unsuitable man came to be able to claw over the backs of all who stood in his way as he clambered to the top of the LNP dung pile to claim the high chair.
The Spud has more than one policy, it resides along with the rest in a bottle labelled “Claytons and Brain Fart policies. Keep away from scrutiny and reality.”
Not to forget his latest – support for Elon Musk and his snuff movies on X.
I also agree with Wayne Turner, Labor should do what the Lieberals do and go to the next election with no policies. Just trash them big time and let everyone know how bad the Lieberals are and why they should never be elected. Point out all the good things done by Labor, point out the 2nd best economy in the world for instance, show the numbers that prove they are not the economic girly men and that the Lieberals are.
To point out one example Labor took the negative gearing to the 2019 election and got flogged. Now it seems everyone is telling them they should do something about negative gearing. Go figure.
Mr Dutton was a very angry Police officer.
My dislike for him is enormous.
He is also a man without a soul..
He would be a very selfish Prme Minister.
Mr Albanese has a good heart which I love.
Thanks, lord, the pool was very cold this morning. I think generations see with different eyes compare a hopalong punch with the chainsaw of 40 years ago and the devastation in gaza??? “People on the right of politics in Australia show an insensitivity to goodness that goes beyond thoughtful examination. Unsurprisingly, Peter Dutton has exhibited an unsympathetic attitude toward matters of the heart.” Truth?? ““The point I was making, which is absolutely a legitimate one, is that I thought this was a time for the Prime Minister (Anthony Albanese) to show leadership and to step up,” Mr Dutton said. “I think, with John Howard, who stood up at a point of national importance for our country, demonstrated leadership and changed the course of history for the better. The Prime Minister has allowed this rise of anti-Semitism in our country.” “I don’t resile from that at all.” Truth?? The gaurdian 26 Feb 2024 — If you see your opponent as a caricature, you are setting them up for victory,
Polls putting dutton in front may put a dent in your argument???
Glinys, christians prefer jews to muslims and many don’t mind muslims getting killed.
For Services Australia and ACOSS
Dear Amanda Rishworth and Cassandra Goldie,
I want to know why Services Australia refused to conduct a formal review of their initial decision affecting my payments.
Who decided I was not eligible for a formal review? How was I selected for an objection decision? What are the eligibility criteria for this scheme? Do Services Australia practise it on the most vulnerable people (homeless people, people diagnosed with schizophrenia, etc)?
The description of the scheme must be publicly available.