Tyranny or Terror? Selling the Politics of Fear.

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last week you will no doubt be aware that ASIO is raising Australia’s terror level from medium to high. Apparently we are about to be inundated with Aussie ISIS combatants, and we all need to keep on our toes as the threat is very, very real!
But really, what are we actually afraid of ? The vast majority of Australians do not live in a hyped up state of paranoia over the esoteric and ill defined threat of “domestic terrorism”, (That’s not to say that such an attack could never happen, but the fact that it hasn’t happened thus far does render the prospect somewhat abstract). The expectation that we will be massacred by a suicide bomber on the train is not something that we tend to think of as we head off to work of a morning, nor do we wonder if some mentally unstable drug addict will open up with a semi automatic at the local school.
Our fears tend to be far more mundane in nature; “Will I be retrenched?”, “Will I be able to afford to go to uni?”, “Have I saved enough for retirement?”, “Will interests rates go up?”, “Will my wages be cut?”, “Will I be able to save a house deposit?”, “Can I afford to go back to work with the price of child care?”; these are the things that most of us really sweat.
As much as the government would like to shift our axis of fear away from it’s cruelling budget and toward a shadowy underworld of fanatical extremists who are feverishly plotting to kill us all, the fact remains that for most us “Does my bum look big in this”, or “will my transmission seize up before my next pay cheque” is a greater source of palpable anxiety than the prospect of some unhinged Jihadi’s returning from Syria or Iraq.
But are we living in a fools paradise? Should we be scared? Would our day-to-day lives actually be safer (or better) if we all adopted the hyper-vigilant cortisol arousal of a combat soldier? Because surely that is exactly what “raising the threat level” is suggesting we do?
I don’t ask this merely as some form of glib commentary, this is a serious question. How exactly does the government want us to respond to this apparent heightening of the threat level, and how would such an undertaking affect the quality of our lives; and more importantly what effect, if any, would it have on the material outcome of an actual terror attack?
If our remaining on hyper alert could actually save people from a bomb blast then maybe, just maybe, it might be worth doing. But the sad fact is there simply is no evidence that our living in a perpetual state of exaggerated paranoia would help avert any such tragedy. It wouldn’t have helped a single person in the world trade centre, or the sari club, or the train passengers in Madrid. In fact if you look at those parts of the world were terrorist attacks occur fairly frequently, and consider how many suicide bombers have been able to walk right up to highly trained vigilant security professionals and blow themselves up, it’s fairly obvious that being constantly on guard just isn’t an effective defence.
There are of course the occasional examples of terrorist plots thwarted by bystanders, like the aeroplane passenger who wrestled the underpants bomber into submission, (after he noticed smoke billowing from the would be assailant’s crotch). But these examples are not generally attributed to super citizens, who, after years of being strung out on adrenal fatigue, finally found their relentless zeal vindicated. No, they were generally thwarted by normal people who just happened to notice something odd, and responded appropriately. Now correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t this something that the vast majority of us would do automatically, regardless of the government rated “threat level”?
So what is the point of all this talk of “real and imminent danger” and “raising the threat level”? Apart from seeding a general air of apprehension the only effect such rhetoric seems to have is increasing the level of racism directed toward people of middle eastern descent. Statistically speaking we are far more likely to die from cancer, heart disease, car crashes, bush fires, domestic violence, suicide, sharks, crocodiles, snake bites… hell, even a sugar induced diabetic coma is more likely turn up your toes than a local terrorist. Honestly, it would make more sense for us to be paralysed with fear at the prospect of hopping in the car and driving to McDonald’s.
So why is the Abbott government so intent on ramping up our levels of ambient anxiety? Why is Tony out there, day after day banging on about the “real and present danger” these terrorists pose, when it has been proven so many times, from the IRA to the Boston marathon, that ramping up the threat levels will not prevent anything? Hmmm, kind of makes you wonder?
While all this chest beating clearly won’t thwart an attack, it does however seem to effect the governments standing in the polls. Now I don’t want to appear too cynical but when Tony bangs on about terrorist threats his poll ratings go up, and when when we turn our attention back to the budget and the broader economy his poll ratings go down. Now I accept that this observation is mere correlation, and there is no empirical evidence to prove causation, but I am fairly certain that the correlation is not lost on Mr. Abbott. As Howard proved back in 2001, (when he rode the post 9/11 wave of panicked disbelief to steal a seemingly unwinnable election), there is no greater gift you can give an unpopular government than a terrorist attack.
Noting Howard’s success in parleying terrorism into political capital, Abbott has made valiant efforts to emulate his Liberal predecessor. MH17, while an undeniable tragedy for the families and friends of the victims, seemed like a welcome boost in the polls for Abbott. Like a pit bull with lock jaw Abbott was determined to milk it for all it was worth. With an unprecedented lack of sensitivity or decorum Abbott bombarded the news cycle, endlessly recounting reports of “remains strewn around the wreckage”, and when that wore thin he moved on to the militarily jingoistic “operation bring them home”, and his ill-advised sabre rattling at Putin.
Like all good things his poll upswing off the back of MH17 had to come to an end… but Abbott is an undeniably political animal, and he knows that in the absence of a real attack, fear of an impending threat is almost as good. Thank god for ISIS, middle eastern dual nationals, airport security upgrades, ASIO terror alerts, and Murdoch’s unwavering commitment to keeping them in the forefront of the news!
While Abbott and Murdoch seem to revel in their ability to keep us anxious, the fact remains Australia is an extraordinarily safe country, and hopefully it will continue to be so. We have security agencies that work hard to keep us safe from terrorist threats, and so far they have done a pretty good job. I am not saying we wont ever have an attack on domestic soil, but I am saying it is a fools errand to be working ourselves into a permanent paranoid lather, or mentally aligning ourselves with some mythical, quasi racist “team Australia” in order to prevent such an attack from happening. That said FEAR WILL STOP US ENJOYING OUR LIVES. So it is worth asking ourselves, is living in a constant state of trepidation really worth it? Especially if the only perceptible upside is Tony’s position in the polls?
Me?, I’d rather just enjoy my day 🙂

More articles by Letitia McQuade:

The Highway to Hell, Hockey’s Trickle Down Delusion

Refugee Insanity; the crippling cost of Australia’s cruelty

Feminist Bitches, who needs them?

Abbott’s war on the environment is facing some tough opposition.

Introducing the new “ABC free” AUSTRALIA… now with extra ignorance, selfishness and cruelty

THE CLIMATE OF DENIAL: Why real climate action will NEVER come from big business or government.

BEWARE of Abbott’s Free Trade Trojan Horse

About Letitia McQuade 27 Articles
Letitia McQuade is a writer, business person, and an award winning screenwriter and film maker. As a post grad, she studied creative writing at Melbourne University, and has a BA in Film and TV from VCA. Letitia has owned and run numerous small businesses in retail, manufacturing and real estate.


  1. A rather good article. Yes… how does all this fear stuff help us know what to do that can make a difference in our everyday lives?

    What is the pucking foint of all this scaremongering if not to scare us into supporting Abbott’s government with all its lumps, bumps and warts? I do hope that the average person will wake up to (or at least tire of) all this angst-inducing deflectionist propaganda.

    This government seems to me to be a simplistic recipe-driven mob caught up in a kinda disjointed time warp. That is, they’re kinda flailing around falling back on the scare tactics that kept Menzies and Howard in power. But they’re clueless that such tactics are, these days, failing to work as well they used to in the good-old-days – as evidenced by the ongoing opinion polls that indicate that we’re not reacting as we ‘should’.

    Gawd. This mob are so profoundly stupid and unimaginative – but have not yet realised it. I have two chooks that, after a month, have yet to work out that if they stand on a platform in front of their new feeder that the feed lid lifts up and gives them access to food.

    Abbott and Co. are no brighter than Blackey and Ruby. At least the birdies are nice critters and a source of yummy breakfasts.

  2. It’s a shame things like this aren’t broadcast so much more publicly, so the majority of Australians get to hear it and hopefully gain a better understanding of what our Supreme Idiot is all about…which is fooling the people for his own gains and nefarious purposes.

  3. I could see all this stage managed crap happening couple of weeks ago when it was announced that 2 Muslims were detained at Melbourne airport later to be released. As if ASIO would issue a media release of detaining 2 suspects so to alert any accomplices. ASIO does not work like that. Then a few days later another Muslim was detained at Sydney airport again to be released but not before it hit the news cycle.

    One can presumably ascertain that the Abbott is playing us as mugs

    Will the footy crowds drop off? becos of Brandis statement of extra security at the footy finals.

    I wouldn’t like to be Brandis if there is a significant drop in attendances.

  4. An interesting observation on The Drum this evening. The last time we all went into Iraq it was about the atrocities of 9/11, Usama Bin Ladin and weapons of mass destruction and of course removing the evil Saddam Hussein.

    This time we are getting ourselves involved in a civil war essentially between two factions of extreme Islam (Suni & Shia) and we have a coalition made up of essentially Christian countries.

    What on earth are we thinking and why is Tony Abbott so hell bent on getting Australia involved : the only country in the Asia Pacific region.

    This will not end well.

  5. …security agencies that work hard to keep us safe from terrorist threats, and so far they have done a pretty good job.

    Really? Now how the hell do we KNOW that?

    There is practically nothing to stop a couple of angry, disaffected loons from grabbing some shotguns and going to Central Station at morning peak hour. If terrorism is the aim, such an action would surely qualify. It would make global headlines and probably shut down the city for a few days.

    The fact that such a thing (or anything similar) has NOT happened is a good indication that there is no intent on the part of the “usual suspects” to commit such a crime.

    Seriously.. consider the number of illegal firearms floating around the Sydney underworld… think about the number of unsolved drive-by shootings and drug-related murders that have happened in recent years. Now… why haven’t the “usual suspects” followed the example set by the crims? Could it be because those home-grown phantoms simply don’t exist?

  6. Terry2 …. I doubt that President Obama will ‘happily’ invite a great deal of Australian assistance in his efforts to stop this latest abomination in the Middle East. I believe he would see Abbott as an extremely dangerous form of loose cannon …. which he is.


    Ros031 … Love the analogy … your chooks ( and mine ) have a great deal more sense than this ridiculous excuse for Gov’mint’.
    And yes, they provide beautiful breakfasts …… it’s Spring and they are ‘in the mood’ …. more eggs than I know what to do with !!! LOL.


    bobrafto … Ref. the stage managed crap. How people could NOT see through that absurd announcement, just a wee time after the idiot Abbott’s ‘ really-very-serious’ !!!! statements about terrorism here, and what they planned to do about it. I damn near choked when I heard that stage(d) production. It’s just TOO bloody much. He obviously thinks we are all idiots. Well – he has another think coming.


    Ref. your article Letitia. Such a well written piece … concise and damn near perfect.

    A couple of items attracted me specifically ….

    …………….. But the sad fact is there simply is no evidence that our living in a perpetual state of exaggerated paranoia would help avert any ………………such attack. It wouldn’t have helped a single person in the world trade centre, or the sari club, or the train passengers in ………………Madrid.


    ……………..So why is the Abbott government so intent on ramping up our levels of ambient anxiety? Why is Tony out there, day after day ……………..banging on about the “real and present danger” these terrorists pose, when it has been proven so many times, from the IRA to ……………..the Boston marathon, that ramping up the threat levels will not prevent anything? Hmmm, kind of makes you wonder?

    No … it wouldn’t avert such an attack, if the perpetrators were absolutely focussed on causing as much damage as possible, by stealth and zealous intent. BUT – it can happen ANYWHERE in this world. Not only from terrorists, but from Mother Nature herself. We hear of the destruction by floods, cyclones ( both of which we have had ourselves ) … the current eruption of the Icelandic Bardarbunga volcano … wicked landslides …tsunami’s, …. all of which kill many thousands of people, …. and dozens of other nasties throughout the world, which NO-ONE expects, or are necessarily prepared for.

    AND ….

    The SOLE purpose of this revolting Government, is to attempt to keep Australian people in a state of fear, of intrepid anticipation, of division, of anything pessimistic, soul destroying, and submissive – that will try to ensure we buckle and crumble in order to keep this rotten mob in power. That is their ONLY agenda. Period.

    We are a waaaay BETTER THAN THAT. Keep on searching folks … for an answer.

    And don’t let’s blame the Labor Party too soon …. there have been many many good Labor Governments before, and there will be again.
    The current Labor Party may just surprise us one day soon ( I sure hope so ). !!!! No one can tell me they don’t have SOMETHING up their sleeves.

  7. Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble you might know that it was the US Turkey and Saudi backed rebels in Syria that used chemical weapons.

    Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble you might know that the arming funding co-ordinating and control of the various rebels groups in Syria by countries such as Saudi Arabia Qatar Turkey and the US etc etc have all helped create the mythical beast now referred to as IS.

    Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble you might know that the US bombed Libya into submission and that Al Qaeda types mopped up.

    Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble you might know that the downing of MH17 was probably by a Ukraine military jet using cannon fire aimed directly at the pilots.

    Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble you might know that a Coup d’etat took place in Kiev that was orchestrated by the United States.

    Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble you might know that our media are incapable of reporting the facts.

    Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble you might know that our politicians are walking talking zombies who it would appear are all bought and paid for by the United States.

    Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble you might know that Obama is the ‘Liar in Chief’ and little more.

  8. Sadly I believe we will see more women and kids slayed within their families that we will see by terrorists, A close second could be the result of truck accidents we see on a regular basis.

  9. Very interesting thoughts Mark. Particularly the reference to who in fact shot down the aircraft MH17 ??? and the following comment about the U.S. being implicated.

    hmmm….. a big hmmmm !!!

  10. bobrafto:

    I could see all this stage managed crap happening couple of weeks ago when it was announced that 2 Muslims were detained at Melbourne airport later to be released. As if ASIO would issue a media release of detaining 2 suspects so to alert any accomplices…

    There was a strong hint that this pathetic crapfest was coming when Tony dub-dum accompanied by Peta Credlin popped in to see David Cameron a few weeks ago. We were only told that they’d got together for some “security talks”. More likely they were discussing the security of their jobs!


    I urge you to watch this video. Russell Brand hits it with the accuracy of a Special Forces sniper!!!!

  11. I just hope the Government is not insane enough to have a “False Flag” event, but one never knows what lurks in the dark corners of them that desire power over all.

  12. Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble you might know that the downing of MH17 was probably by a Ukraine military jet using cannon fire aimed directly at the pilots.

    Crap. The damage is exactly consistent with a medium to long range SAM hit, it was not consistent with any type of air-to-air cannon hits.

  13. dennis:

    I just hope the Government is not insane enough to have a “False Flag” event…

    I refuse to believe they are that crazy.

    But there’s more than one way to get a frightened electorate to line up behind the government…

    “Americans have been told that their government is keeping them safe by preventing and prosecuting terrorism inside the US,” said Andrea Prasow, deputy Washington director at Human Rights Watch and one of the authors of the report. “But take a closer look and you realize that many of these people would never have committed a crime if not for law enforcement encouraging, pressuring, and sometimes paying them to commit terrorist acts.”

    In the case of the “Newburgh Four,” for example, a judge said the government “came up with the crime, provided the means, and removed all relevant obstacles,” and had, in the process, made a terrorist out of a man “whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in scope.”‘
    — from the Summary, “Illusion of Justice: Human Rights Abuses in US Terrorism Prosecutions”




    The Illusion of Justice report and the Use of “Radicalization Theories” in Counterterrorism Sting Operations




  14. And I’ve read a couple. Conspiracy theorists always come out of the woodwork whenever there’s a major incident.

  15. And as I said then – that fateful day – the cui bono moment* was all about the Israeli invasion of Gaza – state terrorism and the death of thousands of civilians and the destruction of thousands of homes, businesses and civilian infrastructure. Have you noticed how this act of barbarism has virtually disappeared from our (Zionist) media?

    And I should have added

    Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble you might know that the beheading videos were fake. And that there were no beheadings on video. None whatsoever. (not those ones anyway)

    And just to underline how easily our media manipulate the truth it is worth remembering that there were 3 (three) towers collapsed at the World Trade Centre on 9/11.

    * that’s my speculation

  16. Mars
    Yes, Brand nailed it!

    We are now seeing the Coalition of the willing Mk2.

    Apart from the staged arrests, the head of ASIO pops up his head on the box to alarm the population with a possible high level terror alert that may or may not happen as Brandis confirmed.

    ASIO is supposed to be a secret organization and no one knows the names of anyone working there and Brandis lied when he said it was not political motivated.

    The scary thing now is the govt has the AFP and ASIO as their puppets, and Newman goes one better with the addition of the judiciary as a puppet. Brand is right the LNP are the terrorists.

    The last threat was Iraq had WMD’s what is the new threat now?

  17. @mark delmege

    Hi Mark. About your Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble stuff. You make quite of a lot of interesting points.

    But has it not ever occurred to you that you think you’ve ever get it all figured out just a wee bit too much? To me the whole tenor of your contribution here is kinda sorta like the self-styled footy expert who is totally on top of how the ‘the bloody expert so-called referee’ ripped my team off in such a blatant way?

    It strikes me as all a bit too easy in the case of a complex situation when you gas on about the “MSM thought bubble” stuff. I mean what makes you such an expert in these matters?

    Perhaps you may wish to actually back up your claims with more than a simple statement preceded by “Unless you have been living in a MSM thought bubble you might know that..X. I for one would like to hear something more substantial than this.

    I’m not having a go at you by any means. But can you please back up these assertions with some actual factual facts and some argument for them rather then just ‘saying’ them?


  18. Dennis ….

    It worries me, that the ‘false flag’ is already being looked at, if not unfurled. Here and elsewhere. It can denote anything ( apparently ) including the curtailing of domestic civil liberties, and basic human rights … as well as war / confrontation in various ways.

    As you said … “I hope they are not insane enough” but unfortunately, from what I and many others observe, it is possible this Government or it’s leaders at least, are just that – – – insane. The classic for me was the announcement of new ‘measures’ to control the threat of terrorism in our country. And just 2 or 3 days later, they ‘catch’ their first suspect ….. how very convenient. Nothing has been heard about it since ( although I stand to be corrected on that – if anyone knows more ?) …. Then another 1 or 2 people – suspects caught at another airport. Again, nothing further said.

    Well this little black duck didn’t swallow it, and frankly I don’t think too many other people did either.

    Now the terrorism threat has been raised higher – at whose behest ? We might well wonder !! …. The outgoing ASIO director general – David Irvine made the comments, but added “We are facing a persistent threat (from terrorism)”… but not much different to post 9/11” http://www.news.com.au/national/top-cop-ken-lay-warns-risk-of-terror-attack-on-australian-soil-as-high-as-postseptember-11-asio-considers-raising-threat-level/story-fncynjr2-1227053099713 …. at least he had the good sense to deliver a bit of double speak with that one. Other leaders, State and Police took up the cudgels and added their thoughts.

    And who heads it all at a Government level ? None other than Scott Morrison …

    Now THERE’S someone who can be trusted … NOT.

    Since 9/11 … anything that happens ( particularly here in Victoria ) …. AFL Grand Final, Melbourne Cup Carnival, — and a bit further on, the Boxing Day Cricket match, the Australian Open Grand Slam, and the Grand Prix in March … has seen a heightened amount of security every year. THAT makes good sense. And it will continue.

    I am not being alarmist … because I know we will catch this mongrel Government out – one way or another, sooner than later.

  19. Tony Abbott has just committed Australian armed forces to involvement in two conflicts(low level logistics to start, but with the possibility of open-ended escalation).
    He has done this without the prior consultation of parliament(although Bill Shorten predictably reacted to the sabre-rattling with enthusiastic monkey-drumming), and has declared his intention to make any decisions regarding deepening our involvement in the same arbitrary, unilateral manner.
    The possibility has been raised of Australia deploying ‘armed military advisers’ to the Ukraine.
    Both deployments will likely have serious blow-back consequences for Australia.
    I think it is is unwise to contradict conventional military wisdom by committing to military involvement on two fronts.
    Sending combat troops into a murky war with Russia would be straight reckless stupidity.

  20. Anne Byam:

    …just 2 or 3 days later, they ‘catch’ their first suspect ….. how very convenient.

    Have you read the comment I posted last night?

    Human Rights Watch have collected data which shows American law enforcement agencies have been arresting and prosecuting “people would never have committed a crime if not for law enforcement encouraging, pressuring, and sometimes paying them to commit terrorist acts.”

    What a great way to demonstrate the need for stronger laws and more resources??? First you encourage/finance some simpletons to plan a terrorist act… and then you arrest them… Brilliant!!!

  21. It will end in another ‘Cronulla riot’.

    And why do people keep promoting that halfwit Russell Brand, middle-class brats may consider him a humourist of great wit, but that is the irony itself.

  22. CMMC,
    Our enthusiastic involvement(especially with religious overtones) in a sectarian/factionalised overseas conflict could have domestic repercussions far worse than the violence at Cronulla, particularly with an unhinged, wild-swinging zealot leading the charge whilst loudly braying offensive slogans and sledges.

  23. Rob happy to help. I thought the OSCE investigator Bociurkiw – quoted above – who was one of the first international monitors to reach the crash site would have been a compelling witness but Möbius Ecko didn’t seem impressed. If you have read the PDF report released this week you would know that what I claimed was not in any way contradicted. And if you had read the Chemical weapons report you would know that what I said was not contradicted there either. In fact both reports were written in such a way that people could take what they wanted from them. The fact of the matter is that what our media claimed they said was a lie. It is a bit like the beheading videos. It was implied that beheadings were to take place without actually showing a beheading. That our media said otherwise is a reflection on them and their poor standards.
    Three building were pancaked at the WTC on 9/11. You can see the videos yourself.
    Coup in Kiev – you might be familiar with Victoria Nuland being quoted saying they (the US) had spent 5 billion creating the circumstances on the ground or even her ‘f*ck EU’ comment. And then there was the Estonian Foreign Minister Paet discussing with EU member Ashton how the bullets found in both the protesters and police were the same type suggesting that snipers were used in a psyop to create the circumstances that were to follow within hours. You can do your own research.
    Now if there is anything else in particular you would like me to elaborate… I’d be happy to try – but you might need to wait till I return from my day job.

  24. This whole terrorist thing seems to be running to a script. Abbott announces $630 million for new anti-terrorist laws then three people get detained at the airport (and subsequently released without charge). The retiring head of ASIO appears on television (odd within itself) to tell us he wants to go out with a bang (so to speak) by raising our terrorist alert to high (even though there is no specific threat). He was no doubt aware of the raids that were to be carried out the next day (and one wonders why he would jeopardise that by going on tv…whatever happened to ‘operational’ matters). Two men were detained (and a bookshop raided) but this was the culmination of a 12 month operation which would indicate that we already HAVE the systems in place to catch these people without blanket metadata retention or billions in additional funding. Apparently they already know the people who have gone overseas to fight which would indicate that they can just arrest them if they try to return using our current knowledge and laws. As I mentioned before, I doubt anyone has considered the effect on the tourism industry of officially raising our terrorist warning to high which means a terrorist attack is likely. Why are they telegraphing their every move in the media? Every person who has talked of increased alarm has said there is no specific known threat so this is all just poll-driven posturing.

    And now Fred Nile, in his usual 6 months out from an election publicity stunt, has once again called for the banning of the burqa. It seems to me that the threat is increasing because idiots like Abbott and Nile really piss people off and are actively working at dividing our society. Listen to talk back radio and this is very apparent. The bigots feel empowered.

  25. Yes Rob, I thought the OSCE investigator Bociurkiw – quoted above – who was one of the first international monitors to reach the crash site would have been a compelling witness but Möbius Ecko didn’t seem impressed. If you have read the PDF report released this week you would know that what I claimed was not in any way contradicted. And if you had read the Chemical weapons report you would know that what I said was not contradicted there either. In fact both reports were written in such a way that people could take what they wanted from them. The fact of the matter is that what our media claimed they said was a lie. It is a bit like the beheading videos. It was implied that beheadings were to take place without actually showing a beheading. That our media said otherwise is a reflection on them and their poor standards.
    Three building were pancaked at the WTC on 9/11. You can see the videos yourself.
    Coup in Kiev – you might be familiar with Victoria Nuland being quoted saying they (the US) had spent 5 billion creating the circumstances on the ground or even her ‘f*ck EU’ comment. And then there was the Estonian Foreign Minister Paet discussing with EU member Ashton how the bullets found in both the protesters and police were the same type suggesting that snipers were used in a psyop to create the circumstances that were to follow within hours. You can do your own research.
    Now if there is anything else in particular you would like me to elaborate… I’d be happy to try – but you might need to wait till I return from my day job.

  26. Letitia is spot on in her assessment. How do they want us to respond? By genuflecting in their presence and encouraging them to spend more money to bolster their ego on feeling they are saving us all, like Howard did.

    So is Russell Brand on the mark (thank you Mars08). A simple changing of England and Cameron to Australia and Abbott says it all.
    And what he says around the 4 minute mark is what I have been preaching for years, to no avail. Hope he does better.

    I like it when intelligent and well spoken people agree with me 🙂 We all like that “I told you so” moment, even if said to self 🙂

    May look into this Trews 🙂

  27. mark,

    Apparently the beheading videos DID go further than we saw and they have been analysed by experts and said to be real. I cannot believe that they would lie about this, for the sake of the families if no-one else. There was also an interview with a recently released journalist verifying that he was a prisoner with them.

    These are like recruitment videos for IS. The “Don’t mess with us” gang mentality is effective in attracting disaffected youth who want “meaning” in their lives.

    The US and UK military-media-industrial complex is made to look impotent in its response. The propagandists come across as a credible threat to a secular, pluralistic way of life and they play into that fear.

    The idea that this violent rabble can actually form a nation state is ludicrous. They are just a bunch of testosterone filled gun-toting maniacs high on blood lust.

  28. Kaye Lee, you too have explained it well. May I quote your ‘script’?

    “And why do people keep promoting that halfwit Russell Brand, middle-class brats may consider him a humourist of great wit, but that is the irony itself.”

    CMMC, although not a fan of Russell Brands style of comedy I am a ‘fan’ of intelligent people who can look at evidence and see the bullshit and think for themselves, and put more than 2 sentences together 🙂 Perhaps it is because those who understand his ‘simply put’ view are not middle class brats 🙂

  29. I would think that the reason that our Superknob PM is promoting this terror alert its because ALL Tory Governments around the world Give the Impression their are fighting terror on our Behalf and THEY are the Best Party to Handle the situation, Thatcher did it with the Falklands Howard did it with the Tampa, Szarkosy( French PM at the time ) tried picking on Immigrants but he failed, Abbott is lining us up for the old “Who would you Trust ” When his Lips are Moving then its a LIE, always remember this Point He has no credibility and he definitely should not be Our PM He Must have some Mental illness because he seems to believe his own Lies
    Bottom line being its another distraction to the Less than great Job at home

  30. Kaye Lee ‘analysed by experts and said to be real. I cannot believe that they would lie about this ‘ You wouldn’t say that if you had seen the videos and with respect two dead people amongst millions – I can’t understand why you maintain faith with them. Would you say that if Bush was in office? Even now Obama is still intending to continue and to ramp up the arming training and coordination of death squads – er sorry good rebels in Syria – the same who have been involved in massacres, live organ eating and the destruction of Syria. The same who have been leaking weapons to al qaeda types since day one.

  31. Apparently we now have to be “alert and alarmed”. It’s these Libs “Weapons Of Mass Distraction”.

    Also,we can thank Idiot Abbott & these Libs for the hightened alert level – Getting us involved in Iraq AGAIN,and Idiot Abbott grand standing on the world stage,so terrorists certainly know who and where we are.

    These Libs are a threat to our national security.But of course they want to politically paint themselves are some kind of savior.

  32. Kaye Lee:

    …the idea that this violent rabble can actually form a nation state is ludicrous. They are just a bunch of testosterone filled gun-toting maniacs high on blood lust.

    I’ve been reading a few Arab blogs recently… and that opinion has popped up a few times.

    The feeling is that, on the field, ISIS has run out of puff and that this idea of a caliphate is nonsense.

    The rapid advance by ISIS in northern Iraq is mainly due to the loose alliances formed between the hardcore ISIS fighters with Sunni groups in Iraq opposed to former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. It is a marriage of convenience as most of those local groups would NOT welcome the rabid ISIS ideology… just as they have objected to the tactics of al-Qaeda jihadists in the past. On a similar note, many of the jihadists going to join ISIS in Iraq (including Australians) are amateurs, not trained soldiers. These fighter are hardly battle-tested, frontline troops.

    Recently the Kurds have managed to repel ISIS from their borders and an advance on Baghdad is doubtful, given the prospect of US air cover and the lack of popular support for ISIS in that region.

    It’s likely that ISIS has sown the seeds of it’s self-destruction by its extreme aggression towards other Muslims (and other groups), its fondness for applying medieval punishments, the blatant oppression of women and inability to gain recognition by major powers. For the vast majority of Muslims, ISIS does not present a viable form of Islam as it plays on the tragic sectarian conflict that has torn at Iraq since the disastrous, illegal American invasion.

  33. Mars 08 …. I did read your post last night – it was a good one. Had watched the video ( OSCE Investigator that Mark had posted ) and was particularly alert to the ‘false flag’ theory by Dennis. So I began to write, with much on my mind, and went on into the ridiculous ‘exercise’ that Abbott had dreamed up to ‘follow up’ on his anti-terrorism plans by arresting 3 ‘suspects’ ( which you had mentioned ). And which Kaye has advised – released without charge.

    A subterfuge of the weirdest order, and actually very ill timed ( showing the utter stupidity of the man ) – because I believe it fooled no-one. …. If he was out to truly underscore the benefits of his anti-terrorism stand, he might’ve waited a bit longer to do it ?? …..

    I read the Human Rights link – and would be willing to bet there was also a lot of money given or promised, to involve these deluded fools into following their ( FBI ) orders. When it comes to the U.S. – absolutely NOTHING surprises me. They are ruled, not by the President but by the CIA and FBI – quite possibly in concert with the military. A theory held by many.

    Ref: your last remark … agree – although Kaye’s remark also is salient. Both aspects are possible at one and the same time. Gun-toting blood lust maniacs, who are indeed not able to gain recognition by major powers.

    The ‘big boys’ ( which Abbott includes himself in, somewhere near the top at that !!! ) …. are playing at pre-war games – and destabilising as much of the planet as possible. All for what ? POWER ? and it’s perceived benefits ?

    These leader idiots seem to forget that, once at the top ( in competition and that’s what it is ) – there is nowhere else to go but down again. David Cameron – to his credit ( I think ) tends to play matters down somewhat – making matter of fact statements, and leaving it at that. ( from what I have seen ).

    http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/sep/11/uk-rules-out-air-strikes-isis-syria ….. it’s interesting that a ‘spokesman’ for Cameron was the person who ‘over-ruled’ Hammond – the British Foreign Secretary on ‘ no air-strikes against ISIS ‘. This article goes back and forth somewhat … Cameron said – and Cameron didn’t say etc. Ending with … ” Cameron insisted he thought it was still possible that the moderate Syrian rebels could be helped to improve their position against both Assad and Isis. ” Needs to read in full though.

    Just how far will these ‘elected leaders’ in the world, go ??

  34. Anne Byam:

    …your last remark … agree – although Kaye’s remark also is salient. Both aspects are possible…

    In fact I wasn’t disagreeing with Kaye Lee at all. In it’s current form, ISIS is “just a bunch of testosterone filled gun-toting maniacs high on blood lust.” . Simply thugs who waltzed into northern Iraq because because the central power in Baghdad had largely neglected the region: the Iraqi government’s presence there that was simultaneously corrupt, repressive, flimsy and arrogant. I suspect they’ve stretched themselves as far as they can.

  35. Um … Mars08 …. I realised that – a tad too late to change things !! Cos I went back to read a few other bits and pieces and my edit time ran out !!

    So … agreeing with you both.

    Thought at the time, when Iraq was left to it’s own devices, after being ‘trained’ by our forces and those of the U.S. … to go on to become it’s own well run country, in safety and a democratic way of being ……… that it would NEVER ever work. The Middle East is what it is … and always will be … filled with conflict, religious and otherwise.

    Was horrified that the futile exercise to try and help them to help themselves, resulted in so many good troops who died – over all.
    We were all horrified at the needless deaths over those times, of our own soldiers and those of the U.S.

    The thugs need to be dealt with – relentlessly, with 100% certainty.

  36. mars08,

    I could of course be wrong about the authenticity of the beheading videos and I have NO intention of trying to look at them myself. I still think it improbable that it was faked – you would still have to kill the person to stop them from proving it was faked.

    Arming groups in Syria is an entirely different matter as is the tragedy of the thousands killed in all the current conflicts – Gaza, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, different parts of Africa. I saw the son of one of the victims of the plane that was shot down. Rather than speaking about the plane, he spoke about the tragedy of thousands of displaced people, the destruction of towns and homes, the death of so many innocent people.

    It’s all so pointless, the reasons are so spurious, the tensions are encouraged by governments who contribute to the build up of arms in these areas which can easily fall into, or be placed in, the wrong hands. Yesterday’s terrorist groups are today’s allies.

    Instead of bombing them all how about we use a diplomatic, economic, and humanitarian approach. Cut off the supply lines for ISIS. If I had my way I would stop the manufacture of weapons – where are all these really poor people getting AK47s and Toyota trucks?

    Make their home countries better, not worse. Educate their children, improve their health and their economies. Use sanctions to condemn human rights abuses.

    I know this won’t work against maniacs like ISIS but they will fizzle out of their own accord. They have attracted far too much attention to their horrific atrocities. They will find themselves very lonely and far from home with waning support.

    I wonder if they could make an area where people can choose to live under whatever ideology these guys are trying to push? I would imagine they would run out of women willing to live there pretty quickly and I very seriously doubt they would be capable of administering anything they did have control over.

    Big picture – stop corruption and greed around the world, reduce inequality, and that will do a damn sight more to solve the “terrorist threat” than more dogs at airports.

  37. Anne Byam:

    The Middle East is what it is … and always will be … filled with conflict, religious and otherwise…

    The “otherwise” part has a lot to do with it…

    The sectarian myth of Iraq
    17 June, 2014

    We coexisted peacefully for centuries, and need neither brutal dictators nor western intervention…

    Until the 1970s nearly all Iraq’s political organisations were secular, attracting people from all religions and none. The dividing lines were sharply political, mostly based on social class and political orientation…



    Goodbye, Baghdad
    28 April, 2007

    They go on and on about Iraq’s history and how Sunnis and Shia were always in conflict and I hate that. I hate that a handful of expats who haven’t been to the country in decades pretend to know more about it than people actually living there.

    I remember Baghdad before the war — one could live anywhere. We didn’t know what our neighbors were — we didn’t care. No one asked about religion or sect. No one bothered with what was considered a trivial topic: are you Sunni or Shia? You only asked something like that if you were uncouth and backward. Our lives revolve around it now…



    Can Christianity Survive in the New Iraq?
    23 July, 2013

    By 1979 various Christian factions came together to create the first secular Christian political party in the region — the Assyrian Democratic Movement (ADM). “Ideologically,” Teule explained, the theory was that “Assyrian should not be limited to one specific community,” but “Assyrian should refer to a common ethnic identity” of all the four or five church communities in Iraq.

    “In this way they created in Iraq a third ethnic group, next to the Arabs and to the Kurds,” he said.


    A historical view of the divide between the Shia and Sunni in Iraq
    29 July, 2014

    One of the key historical differences between the Shiites and the Sunnis has been their attitude towards government. The Shiites have always rejected earthly authority, whereas the Sunnis have had a much closer relationship with those in power. In the aftermath of the two world wars, Shiites once more found themselves on the outer.

    ‘The Shiites of southern Lebanon, the Shiites of Iraq, Bahrain, of what became Saudi Arabia, all faced a new situation in which they were being incorporated into modern nation states, most of which were dominated by Sunni politicians and in which the Shiites were often very poor and marginalised,’ says Professor Cole. ‘So the history of modern Lebanon or modern Iraq has in some sense been a history of Shiites struggling back against this marginalisation and seeking greater political participation.’


  38. Kaye Lee:


    I could of course be wrong about the authenticity of the beheading videos and I have NO intention of trying to look at them myself. I still think it improbable that it was faked…

    Huh… Oh no no no. That wasn’t me taking the conspiracy theory angle! I’m quite willing to believe that the beheadings took place. I think you’ve confused me with someone else.

  39. I heard Abbott today saying in a nut shell, ‘everywhere’ will have more security.

    ‘Hey look at us, we gotta increase security because we’re so freakin’ insecure!’

    At least he will be able to boast in 6 months time how many full-time jobs he has created….or not.

  40. Can’t wait for him to get started on alcohol, cigarettes, fires, suicide, road crashes, air crashes, poisoning, drowning, and lightning.

    Apparently, despite all their whining, the tories think that the much-maligned “nanny state” is exactly what we need!

  41. Thank you Mars08 for the links … I have read them all. They give a much greater oversight of the complexities that have plagued the region for centuries …. here and there, as well as in recent history. And a good look at the fact that many factions could live together peacefully – at times. …. but then that was inherent in days gone by as well – for most countries – post WW ll. For a short while things were peaceful. ….. I remember it well ( except for the “beware of the Yellow Peril” thing – which was on the go when I was a kid !! – another matter altogether ).

    ” Sectarian tension between Shia and Sunni Muslims is not a new phenomenon in Iraq. The US withdrawal and the rise of ISIS may have increased the intensity of the conflict, but the divide between the two denominations effectively began in Iraq nearly 1,400 years ago, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. ” – – – – – from the link you provided : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/rearvision/the-divide-between-the-shia-and-sunni-in-iraq/5631830 ….. admittedly just one paragraph, but I think that para. underscores what I rather ‘generalised’ in my original comment about the Middle East. And of course, anti-semitism is always on the agenda – from some source or another. But that’s a whole other subject !

    And I doubt that Christianity ( at this time ) could survive too well, in Iraq, and many other regions of the Middle East.

    ( I strive to keep my comments short – hasn’t damn well worked – yet !! ). 🙂

    One thing is for certain. I am absolutely NO great lover of the great U.S. of A …. the self appointed ‘police’ of the world. In the past, they have manipulated and edged their way in and out of situations all over the world … sometimes for better, often for worse. And I don’t think you are too much of a fan either. I do think that the current President ( if he truly has any say ?? ) …. has tried to be moderate at least. But the situation has become too much for him ( and everyone ), and he’s gone the way of all flesh there.

    Whether we should let them fight it out for themselves, or try to wipe the thugs off the face of the earth, is an unanswerable question. I personally, would hope somehow these gun toting mongrels will be done away with. For humanitarian purposes only – not for any political or protection of resources, gain.

    I don’t think we ‘Westerners’ will ever begin to truly understand the complexities of the differences between Sunni and Shi-ite. It is bound in history, and periodic conflict.

    We can but wish all might sort itself out !!

    Again – thanks.

  42. To Kaye .. ( 5.18 pm comment ) …. HEAR HEAR …. and again HEAR HEAR.

    I couldn’t agree with your comments more if I tried. How wonderful that would be …. a great comment, worthy of repetition over and over, for contemplation – and maybe one glorious day, implementation.

    It probably could not be achieved at this time, or even in the near future, but is certainly something to look forward to, and work for.

    Wonderful thoughts there, Kaye.

  43. This idiot, Abbott shows all the narcissistic megalomania of a demented Ronald Reagan who couldn’t tell fact from fiction or reality from Dreamworld! Like Reagan, Abbottoir is suffering from DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR – Abbott believes he is in a starring role in his own pathetic little war movie!

    Heard of PLATOON? Well, this is BABOON!
    Heard of A BRIDGE TOO FAR? Well, this is GONE TOO FAR!
    Heard of THE GREAT ESCAPE? Well this is Abbott’s own little HATE MISTAKE!

    Abbott is swaggering around like Churchill on 2 Litres of Testosterone! Remember Churchill’s erudite speech as outlined below:

    We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France,
    we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
    we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
    we shall fight on the beaches,
    we shall fight on the landing grounds,
    we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
    we shall fight in the hills;

    Well, here is ABBOTT’S VERSION:

    We shall drive you around the bend, we shall do a silly dance,
    We shall turn more boats around in the seas and oceans
    We shall fight for desperately needed compliments for our growing egos,
    We shall send this island into another war no matter the cost!
    We shall fight like blood sucking leeches
    We shall leave no man standing around
    We shall make light of human suffering and murder
    It will be our Battle of the Wills!

  44. Again to Mars08 …. did you HAVE to bring all that up ? ….. please — he has enough ridiculous ideas as it is !! I was enjoying my little time on the computer, until I read your list of possibles for the Abbott to get his rancid teeth into ….

    As for a ‘ nanny ‘ state …. I think we are already there. !!

    Geez … thanks …. ( * joking of course ) 😉

  45. @Anne Byam… there are (at least) three things that infuriate and frustrate me about the straaayn meeeja’s coverage of the most recent events in Iraq.

    The first is their (real or feigned) ignorance about the level of violence in that country in the past decade. They want us to believe that everything was rosy after the illegal, needless, fabricated US invasion. It clearly wasn’t!

    Second is the idea that the current violence is due entirely to religious fanaticism. As if all the people of that region care about nothing else and are content with every other aspect of their lives… except the religion of their neighbours.

    And third is the notion that things happen in isolation. Apparently there is no explanation to be found in history or by putting events in context. The meeeja wants us to think that the bad stuff over there happens simply because there are a lot of bad people. And besides… who could have seen this coming????

    Odd, isn’t it… how rarely we hear the opinions from the non English-speaking world…

    Iraq’s Sectarian Bloodshed ‘Made in the USA’
    August 9, 2006
    <== That's right! 2006!!

    Iraqi Shia and Sunnis have lived in harmony for centuries. Historically, the two sects lived in the same areas, intermarried, worked together and didn’t fight over religious beliefs. During the decade of U.S.-imposed sanctions, Iraq’s generally secular society became far more religious. This transformation even affected the secular Baathist regime, which gave Islam a bigger role in schools and other aspects of everyday life…



    A political program to help USA in Iraq
    July 16, 2007
    <== 2007

    Mr. Kissinger was however in error when he referred to centuries of conflict between Iraqis. On the contrary, despite the diversity of the Iraqi population, people have lived together in harmony in this part of the world for centuries. Although the population was often difficult to subdue by central government, a real civil conflict, based on ethnic or sectarian animosities, was rare. Different Iraqi groups were participated in the 1920 revolt, all united by a desire to be free of British rule. A chief feature of the movement was the unprecedented cooperation between the Sunnis and the Shiites communities.

    Most conflicts were between the central government, which indeed was frequently unrepresentative of the complexity of Iraqi society and other equally unrepresentative political or religious sub-groups…


  46. Frankly Mars08 … the ‘straayan meeja’s’ ( I DO like that ) …. coverage of anything is always suspect. ALWAYS. They report for ratings, for the most part, so can be dispensed with – to a large degree. Occasionally I am tempted to cry at it all, but end up laughing … it is soooo ludicrous. Take just 3 newscasts – any 3 will do … they report as they see fit – and most always have differences – large or small in their reporting. Depends on who is pulling the strings before broadcast time ( which incidentally can be an hour or so before scheduled viewing time ). How often have we seen a ‘LIVE’ ( wow ) reports, while we sit with darkness outside, and the ” LIVE ” report is shot in broad daylight.

    Much the same as the newspapers ….. they print at around midnight or before – the ‘news of the day’ …. to get the papers out to rural sectors, ( fair enough ) before delivering to suburban and outer areas of a CBD. It has been thus for as long as I have known it, and I was attached to the media many years back. Nothing has changed.

    Based on this bit of info. your observation that ” everything was rosy after the illegal >>>>> U.S. invasion ” is relevant – for sure. The ‘meeja’ said so, because it suited them at the time. And right – ‘clearly it wasn’t’ ……. And they repeated it —- big news – to the overawed public, eager for more news from the BIG country. Don’t think it quite goes down so well, these days though.

    In the Middle East, I DO think religion still comes into it – isolated factions that is … which we don’t fully understand, and never will … except what is fed to us by those who believe they understand everything. And that can come from any source, but mainly from major media ( and alternative media ) upon which many rely.

    Not too sure about lack of opinions from the non-English speaking world. After all, English ( by and large ) is all we speak here – unless we are Muslim, Chinese, Russian, Indian or whatever. I see several Chinese reading their newspapers, with the odd hyroglyphic type characters we don’t understand ( unless we call upon Kevin Rudd to interpret – especially Mandarin ). ? So it doesn’t surprise me personally that we don’t get too much from those quarters. And certainly the major ‘meeja’ is not going to interpret it all for us, is it ?

    Ref. your first link – “sectarian bloodshed.”

    ” With over $320 billion spent, more than 2,500 U.S. soldiers dead and countless Iraqis killed, the time for an alternative is now. ” ( ended up being over 4,200 troops dead actually ).

    Took quite a while for that to come to sadly pass. Not surprisingly. The Yanks will never be told what to do – rather like someone we know in our own country at this time. the Abbott. Nobody tells HIM what to do …. he is a law unto himself.

    Ref your second link … ( I have read both in their entirety ). Just this : ” Iraq lacks a political culture of moderation and compromise that many see as a necessary condition for a power-sharing arrangement to work in a sustainable way. If power relations between the groups change, leaders may not be prepared to re-negotiate or compromise and the shaky ethnic and religious institutional structure will break apart. ” Which I believe to be right., as it stands today. Admittedly, just one comment out of so many.

    But if I got into this particular article, ( which I would like to do but won’t ) … my commentary would end up 3 times as long as the original article … so I decline. Very very interesting article though. And not exactly U.S. friendly by any means. Which kinda suits me and my pre-disposed attitudes towards the U.S.

    The last sentence in that article : ” In the long run, it will be for the Iraqis themselves to determine the future of their country.” …. which again is true. But it’s not only Iraq involved now … it is many parts of the Middle East and complexities continue and grow.

    Again thanks – it’s been a good debate.

  47. As we have seen (and continue to see) right across the world… it’s not rare for religion and politics to be intertwined. Religious institutions played a big part in the history of the UK and other European nations. In the US, Iran and parts of Central America it is still carries a lot of clout.

    In a country with an unstable past and lacking a strong central government to provide order, welfare and services, religious organisations can step up to fill the power vacuum. People in a broken society will then come to rely on those institutions. But whether those people wholeheartedly support every part of that religious ideology is another question…

  48. Interesting, the biggest looming impact of our declaration of a high state of alert, whilst not affecting the footy, is already impacting on tourism as we are the only country in this region who are anticipating that terror strikes are ‘likely’.

    The governments’ of our source countries for inwards tourism are obliged to notify their citizens of the risks of coming to this country.

    Your silly action, Mr Abbott, in using fog horn tactics in areas that generally require discretion, sensitivity and diplomacy do not indicate a good understanding of national security policy.

  49. Nice one Mars and a few posts that followed, Kaye I think the exercise (the publicity surrounding the alleged beheading) was designed to create an emotional response – it’s how propaganda works.

    The problems and how to solve them it to me is all bound up in our decency. Its not so much that ‘muslims’ hate our way of life but that those countries have what ‘we’ want. And that these days is hydrocarbons. We sanction them, we drone them, we invade them, change their leaders and ways of life and support another as a settler invader. And then wonder why radical resistance movements emerge. All the while we fill the region with weapons and death squads. And we battle over how to humanely process the few refugees that come our way.

    I stopped reading (professor) Juan Cole when he backed the invasion of Libya.

    Kay I have never said those blokes weren’t killed but have any bodies been handed over? The last one allegedly beheaded was a dual Israeli citizen who according to one poster – had converted to Islam – and that he operated by being taken into these groups. One group boasted that they had scoured the internet removing any Jewish reference to him that would further endanger him to his captors. But maybe that sort of gossip is irrelevant.

    Anyway the point of all this hyped up terror terror and terror alert by the gangster political elite and their quisling media supporters is to gain our quiescence for their further military attacks and designs in Iraq and quite likely to gain the upper hand for their death squads for their illegal war in Syria and to finally remove al Assad. And if history is any guide the result of that will be to create an even greater catastrophe there.

    But Israel will be happy to have another critic sent back to the stone age.

  50. If government raises a ‘terror level’ then there should be a statute law that requires them to justify in exquisite detail why it was raised 3-6 months/after specific incident’s likeilhood has passed.

    If they cant justify in a concrete way why it was raised all people involved should stand down from their positions.

    Liberals are operating this is as a political stunt: If ordinary Australians are to take this seriously. It logically follows that if this ‘threat level’ is raised dishonestly they should face the same kinds of punishment as say a person whom calls emergency operators reporting fires that dont exist. = criminal investigation.

    It cant just be based on the idea that perhaps/potentially there must be some radicals out there in the community who may/may not be wishing harm for a particular purpose. That is inprecise and absolute rubbish.

    In conclusion: even using the logic and point of view of the counter argument: ‘that there IS a threat’ as a right wing voter would probably hold said position. Then the running joke that is the Abbott ‘government’ cannot even produce a credible argument to justify their actions even from this context.

    Funny how government is there for all the non-existant problems but only exacerbates the real ones.

    Australia is about to qualify for one of the many statistical definitions to be ‘in recession’ this is a mathematical certainty as far as accounting identities go. So where’s the ‘war on unemployment’ or likeilhood of being unemployed ‘threat level’?

  51. Totally agree with you Sam … the Government should be held accountable, particularly if delivering more ‘elevated’ levels of the threat of a terrorist attack, when it is not so. ( well, not any more than it has been for the past 13 years !! ).

    Third time I have posted the following, but it is even more relevant in regards to your comments :

    The outgoing ASIO director general – David Irvine made the comments, but added “We are facing a persistent threat (from terrorism)”… but not much different to post 9/11”

    The whole article can be seen here : http://www.news.com.au/national/top-cop-ken-lay-warns-risk-of-terror-attack-on-australian-soil-as-high-as-postseptember-11-asio-considers-raising-threat-level/story-fncynjr2-1227053099713

    If it is ‘not much different to post 9/11’ ,,,, then what you suggest should be implimented – somehow, but by whom ? This rabid Government won’t bring it in as legislation.

  52. Did you know the Federal Police lost a package of plastic explosives at Sydney airport http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/police-apologise-after-leaving-plastic-explosives-at-sydney-airport-20140911-10fh8q.html shit who needs terrorists! Good thing no one put it in a rubbish bin like at the Sydney Hilton Bombing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney_Hilton_Hotel_bombing
    Watch ‘Park Avenue’ to see the script Abbott and Hockey keep struggling with then collect your $100 and your one dice and set off to be president

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