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How to fix politics – get rid of political staffers and media advisers and hire some policy experts

There is nothing like an election campaign to forcibly ram home how desperately disappointing politics has become.

Ridiculous photo shoots, leaked texts, pork-barrelling, character assassination, gotcha questions, drum beating and distraction – this is what we are dished up when we are asked to judge the performance of our government.

Legislative priority is decided by perceived political advantage rather than good governance. How else could you explain trying to bring on a severely flawed religious freedom bill before enacting the recommendations from the Aged Care Royal Commission?



Money is thrown around with gay abandon.



Outright lies are deliberately told. Before the last election, a misinformation campaign that Labor had an agreement with the Greens and the unions to introduce a 40% death tax went viral. The source was our very own work experience Treasurer Josh Frydenberg in a thoroughly dishonest media release titled DEATH TAXES – YOU DON’T SAY, BILL!

In response to the current leaked texts fiasco, Coalition politicians are dismissing it as a media beat up, that everyone sends nasty texts after a bad day, it’s normal to disagree sometimes.

What rot! There is nothing normal about the whole business and it underlines just what a toxic workplace culture exists in our parliaments.

Blowing off steam to a partner or close friend might be one thing – nasty name-calling in print sent to people who live by leaking to the media is not how any management team should behave.

So why do our politicians do all this? Because their staffers and media advisers think it’s a good idea?

The marketing approach is delivering increasingly worse results in terms of personnel and outcomes. Politicians can’t be experts at everything but they could listen to people who are.

How about we leave the hairdressing to hairdressers, get rid of the personal photographer and image consultants, and get some policy experts on board instead.


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  1. Michael Taylor

    I get the feeling that Morrison isn’t bothered with promoting the government. He only seems to be focused on promoting himself.

  2. Garth

    A good start but a new broom and planned clean sweeping to start afresh may get results.

  3. Phil Pryor

    Morrison, the beastly bratwurst, a huge skinful of excrement pretending to be human; liar, cheat, backstabbing bastard, a lazy loudmouthed lout. He has a big alarm clock so he can get up himself in the morning. What a useless brown log…

  4. Mr Bronte ALLAN

    Great article, as usual Kaye! Never a truer word has been spoken about just how fucking bad is this lying liberal rabble!

  5. James Robert LEONARD

    How about we leave the hairdressing to hairdressers, get rid of the personal photographer and image consultants, and get some policy experts on board instead.

    Perhaps Morrison, after failing at tourist authority management (twice) and government is probably looking for some other job he can’t do.

  6. New England Cocky

    Concise and very pointed. Naturally I agree whole heartedly!!

    The present Liarbral nazional$ misgovernment is a self-inflicted wound that only the Australia voters can heal by
    voting for anyone but Liarbrals in city electorates;
    voting for credible Independent or SFF in country electorates; &
    voting for ALL CANDIDATES in my order of preferences in BOTH the Reps & Senate elections, so that

    we may just be able to save Australian democracy for our grandkids.

  7. Brad Black

    If ps(y)cho Mo was in private enterprise, he wouldn’t last 5 minutes! Oh, wait …

  8. S.Eggert

    Phil Pryor.
    Firstly – isn’t it Bratwurst?
    Secondly – why insult a poor defence less Bratwurst?

  9. Kerri

    Kaye Lee you are just too sensible and principled for this government! (And I use that term loosely)

  10. Kaye Lee

    This is a photo of Scott Morrison messing around with COVID vaccines at CSL in March last year. I don’t want to seem picky but note how the guy who usually does the job is wearing gloves. And aren’t safety glasses usually compulsory in lab work? And if you have to lean that close over open containers, perhaps a hair net? And did they have to disinfect the whole lab after the camera crews left?

    I doubt having the ScoMo media circus turning up at your business would be very good for productivity.

  11. GL

    Actually, his brain dropped out of his nose when he bent over and this photo was taken an hour later multiple tries to find it. I think the man at the end of the bench kept bumping it each time Scummo looked like he was about ready to collect it. Eventually they found the brain of a large amoeba, told him it was his brain, and fired it up his arse because it was the most direct route to the enormous empty space between his ears. Saint Scummo of the Marketing was later heard to say that for some reason he felt more intelligent than before going in for the photo op.

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