A test article – is he nuts?
“I thought the chance of Dutton being prime minister was so terrible,” Turnbull says. “I thought Dutton would run off to the right. He would be dog whistling. He’d be going on about Muslims and migrants, and any right-wing, hot-button, red-meat issue he could go for, he would go for. And I thought he would do a lot of damage as prime minister of Australia in a short period. Because once people become prime minister, they’re off the leash.” (Malcolm Turnbull, Nemisis, ABC).
It’s now been two and a bit years on the sidelines for Dud and Suss and the chamber pot rodeo that is the Tory coagulation. They now seem to have settled on a key theme for their desperate marketing of the L/NP grift machine as viable, alternative government – nuclear power.
The Thug’s inherent talents had previously been pushed to the fore as a primary strategy – fear campaigns and a Howardesque racism (the Tories’ nod and wink to One Notionists and those at the bigot end of the nut job bell curve). He seemed to have embraced the idea that his innate hatefulness had been validated via his successful appeal to the worst in our nature through his ‘go low, go No‘ mendacity in the Voice referendum. Dud’s FUD¹ is surely the quintessence of the man. Taking time out from drowning kittens to disparage the dusky and the powerless always puts a spring in his goose-step.
Carping negativity and constant doom-mongering, hyperbolic distortions of events, dismissal of inconvenient reality, Trumpian post-truth narratives to frame their hypocritical, self-righteous humbug and their blaming-the-dog-for-farting pecksniffery, accusations of failings that they themselves effected when in government, opportunistic partisan sledging to politicise any issue regardless of collateral damage – all to be deployed as chance arises of course, as per the Tory handbook. And all with the enthusiastic participation of the Murdoch t̶o̶i̶l̶e̶t̶s̶ outlets. But Dud’s now changed tack – pitching a Bjelke-Petersenite “don’t you worry about that” nuclear energy brain fart as his election winning master stroke.
Dud projects a dullard’s demeanor, a gormless oaf who’s confused by the concepts of logic or reasonableness. His narcoleptic personality suggests the power had failed on his cocoon partway through his metamorphosis to a human-like form and his presentation skills trigger a Pavlovian gag reflex so what makes him think he can sell this particular dog? Why does he think it’s a winner? Let’s speculate.
There was a brief post-FauxMo attempt at re-packaging the Dud. Cuddly Pete™ had the shelf-life of a Liz Truss lettuce after the Tory/Murdoch brains trust pinged that a Hannibal Lecter psychopathology in a dull-eyed, lumbering Spudzilla masquarading as your kindly uncle was not only well beyond Dud’s acting skills but also beyond the credibility of their own rabid propaganda. So then came the “party for the workers” pitch.
Dud celebrated this newly discovered workers’ champion status by jumping onto the pointy end of an aeroplane on a 9 hour round trip to Perth to spend just 40 minutes of quality time gobbing Caviar Russe Classic Osetra, quaffing Pol Roger Brut Reserve and plucking the hairs on billionaire Gina Reinhart’s chins at her ostentatious birthday celebrations.
“The same people that said that the minimum wage would wreck the economy, tax cuts for all Australians was Marxist economics in a war on hard-working Australians, the same people who said the weekend would be over and there would be no more barbecues for everybody.” (Katherine King MP).
Was another contrived persona called for following the failure of these facile attempts at repackaging? A nuclear science-literate visionary, a man of energy, a can-do man of action? That notion is ludicrous as is obvious – Dud is more Larry Vaughn, mayor of Amity Island². But such a try-on is no more risible than their previous two try-ons at ‘hide the fuckwit’.
Which brings us to that huge deposit in the mining industry; Gina herself. Gina, aka Big Vag, is a filthy rich nepo baby who roundly embraces an anti-worker, anti-environment ethic and so is perfectly placed to call the shots in RWNJ Toryland. Big Vag has interests in coal mines so delaying the closure of fossil-fueled power stations that further tops up her billions at the expense of a habitable planet is an L/NP face on which she is prepared to sit.
Then there’s the Nats who’ve never seen a regional boondoggle they didn’t like – provided someone else is paying. Nuclear power is being championed by yokel luminaries and one string banjos such as jizz distributer & VB sommelier BJ, the Purpled Priapus from New England. Nominative deterministic David Littleproud and pencil-neck Matt King Coal Canavan (“what have koalas ever done for us”) will also do all that they can to obstruct clean energy – the notion of viable ecosystems being anathema to their $-driven ideology. The play for these envionmental criminals is to stop or delay any more wind or solar power generation. The level of humbug displayed by these plunderers as they profess a heretofore unspoken concern for the wellbeing of whales supposedly at risk from wind turbines is truly astonishing.
These things are all speculative but nevertheless still possible contributors to Dud’s adoption of the nuclear albatross. However the underlying rationale I believe resides within that dark, dank sinkhole of malignant authoritarian cruelty and deceit that forms his being.
“Dutton’s raison d’être? Make Australia Afraid Again. Then he will offer himself as the lesser of two evils. A serious strongman for the age of anxiety.” (Bad Cop, Lech Blaine).
This is not about energy policy, it’s Dutton doing what Dutton does – stoking a culture war.
He has no intention of seeing nuclear energy come to fruition, rather it’s to drive uncertainty to sabotage investment in green energy and then abandon climate action. Positives for Dud are that it enrages Greens, “dirty lefties” and latte-sipping inner-city elites, it disguises his paucity of ideas (“look, squirrel”), he controls the agenda by flooding the zone with shit³, and it helps to camouflage that he’s got as much substance as a snowman in a hot tub and couldn’t carry a stick through an open door. And our pathetic corporate media is lapping it up.
The consequences for national security, energy independence, sovereignty, Australia’s potential pariah status and economic haemorrhaging are all entirely secondary to the ambition of a truly nasty, divisive thug. Is he nuts? You be the judge – psychotic is my take on him.
¹Fear, uncertainty and doubt
²Jaws movie reference
³Steve Bannon, pustulated, Trumpy slimebag
References / Reading
“… the paucity of talent inside the ranks of the federal parliamentary Liberal Party is such that there will be many eager for Frydenberg to return. Right now, if Peter Dutton were to be hit by the bus – or flogged at the next election – there is no obvious leadership alternative. None.” (AFR “journo” and Lib Party stenographer Phil Coorey).
Make Australia afraid again: must we have our own Trump moment for Peter Dutton to become PM? Lech Blaine. The Guardian
Bad cop: Peter Dutton’s strongman politics. Lech Blaine. The New Daily.
Outrage is a key performance indicator for Peter Dutton, the ‘bad cop’ of politics. But what does he value? Judith Brett. The Conversation.
The Stats Guy: Dutton’s migration dog-whistle doesn’t stack up. Simon Kuestenmacher – The New Daily.
Peter Dutton is Australia’s figurehead of fear and fake news, like Trump but without charisma. Katharine Murphy. The Guardian 14 Oct23.
An unusual chess player’: How Labor is approaching Peter Dutton. Jason Koutsoukis. The Saturday Paper.
For whom the pendulum swings. Peter Brent. Inside Story.
This article was originally published on Grumpy Geezer
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Nice to hear from you again Grumpy…and correct on all counts.You know we’ve got a problem when the clatterfart Littleproud starts to look reasonable against carp mouth Dutton.In fact, this latest load of horseshit reads as kicking himself in the face,repeatedly.
The whole “we’ll fix emissions better than anyone, better than anyone EVER – trust us” nuclear thing looks like a very roundabout way to make having no climate policies everyone else’s fault, but the least chance to claim doing nothing is the fault of climate activists, Greens and Labor cannot be passed up!
“Oh, too bad; we have to keep supporting fossil fuels but it’s their fault”. Who will be surprised THAT is the planB for when (if Dutton becomes PM) Senate and States say no to nuclear, as Dutton knows they will?
At the very moment in history when growth of low emissions RE has crossed a vital threshold and become driven almost entirely by demand for electricity at least cost (free market economics now support RE) they are going to Socialise and Nationalise clean energy and put caps on any not-nuclear options to protect fossil fuels, err the economy, err the battlers from RE. THAT requires NO nuclear power plants to be built. It isn’t “If they were serious about climate they would support nuclear” – that is about 3 decades too late as a consequence of mainstream framing of the whole issue as green/left/fringe – it is “if they were serious about climate they would support RE”.
No doubt in my mind that the LNP will continue to firecely and doggedly oppose and obstruct the things that will make RE reliable to make sure their claims it is unreliable will be true. And whilst the nuclear distraction is in full swing Labor is giving fossil fuel miners everything they ask for, confident that with Dutton and Littleproud running the LNP they will get the preferences of voters with climate concerns by default, for being less worse, regardless of how blatantly two faced.
It isn’t going to be enough to have a strong cross bench to have a balance of power when Labor and LNP work as a de-facto coalition to support fossil fuels.
Poor old Dutts signed up for the pro-Israel lobby, and maybe he is regretting the move.
He was tapped on the shoulder.
“Things are getting a bit hot for us right now, so have you got some crazy stunt in your toolbox to distract Australia”.
With all the enthusiasm of a 2 year old anxious to please.
“I`ll do the nuclear power one, how about that?”
Brilliant Dutts, you are a legend.
We are mailing you a real nice new kipper for that chrome dome, and a tube of glue.
Dutton is an evil dickhead.
Great article Grumpy. Agree with every part of it. If the rotton spud was ever to be elected to PM he would make Scott Moronson look like the best thing since sliced bread. I hope for Australia’s sake there are not enough gullible greedy conservatives and bigoted right wings nationalists to ever give him a chance. Sadly though, if we look at Septic Tank Land as an example; bigotry, racism, aggression, negativity and the person least suitable to hold any position of authority is being treated like a cult leader and saviour. I sincerely hope Australians have more brains than our Yank cousins across the big pond.
I’m waiting for Neutron star head Duddy to start pushing Ablanese for a ban on satire because he’s all upset about people being mean and picking on him.
I’m trying to follow this energy debate (or is it a conversation ?) to the best of my limited ability but I may need some assistance from you folk out there.
1.All parties are agreed that coalfired generation as a means of providing power supply is to be phased out : no argument, right ?
2.Both sides agree that we must transition to net zero emissions by 2050, one side more earnestly than the other – with one side not wanting any interim targets but nonetheless still agreeing on this fundamental 2050 deadline : Right ?
3.Both sides agree that wind farms and solar arrays will make a contribution to this 2050 target, one side is more enthusiastic than the other but both have fundamental agreement on these renewables as being essential : all agreed ?
4.Both sides concede that wind and solar alone will not provide sufficient baseload energy to get us through and current battery storage technologies won’t contribute that much beyond a few days additional power [when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun isn’t shining].
5.One side wants to adopt gas (with unproven carbon capture and storage) and Green Hydrogen [when proven] plus pumped hydro to fill the gap and provide continuity of supply and the other mob want to assemble a number of small modular nuclear power stations, with some bigger ones if available (costs and timing to be agreed), to meet continuity of national electricity supply ; are we agreed ?
So it seems to me that the question that needs answering is whether we agree in principle on either :
a) nuclear power (the coalition’s preference)
b) a combination of gas, pumped hydro and green hydrogen (Labor’s preferences)
as viable and consistent backup to the sun and wind.
Is that what it comes down to ? If so why can’t we get together as a nation and make these fundamental decisions ?
What am I missing ?
Maybe it’s Dutton, like his predecessors, caught in the long term nexus between fossil fuels and immigration in media, former being supported by Dutton’s back of cigarette packet nuclear PR delaying strategy and white nativism on the latter by our RW MSM culture informed from US.
Anti-immigration tropes and narratives promoted locally are taken at face value, too easily, but are not even original. Of course ‘Tanton Network’ and a friend of his used to work at the National Review (also with Tony Abbott’s present report/boss* at Danube Institute Budapest which is partnered with fossil fuel Koch’s anti-Ukraine Heritage and linked to anti-immigrant Tanton CIS), journalist Peter Brimelow.
From Wiki (includes sources):
‘Peter Brimelow (born October 13, 1947) is an American white supremacist writer. He is the founder of the website VDARE, an anti-immigration site associated with white supremacy, white nationalism, and the alt-right…(there was criticism of) Brimelow’s promotion of the views of an anti-semitic conspiracy theorist….
Brimelow opposes both illegal and legal immigration, despite having immigrated to the United States himself, and has referred to Spanish-speaking immigrants as “completely dysfunctional”‘
And advising media proprietors, before being stood down, as was Tucker Carlson, quite rightly
‘According to the New York Times, Brimelow had a direct reporting relationship with Rupert Murdoch at Fox News’
*Former Thatcher aide John O’Sullivan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_O%27Sullivan_(columnist)
Dutton is electable, Dance of the cuckoos, by the truths of the sun not shining, the wind not blowing and no carbon nuclear with same waste as USUKA..
Albo is not electable for houses, groceries and being one of tim blairs anti-nuke kooks. He doesn’t include me as I am an old fashioned debt and delay kook. But the LNP who, unlike gillard, had a painless ride to doubling and tripling deficits and debts have no fear from the poms’ story:
in 2007, were going to cook xmas turkeys by 2017, at a cost of 9billion.
Sounded good but it is now 2024, the cost is now 92billion and the project will see only one of the reactors built in 2031.
I would prefer fusion but fission seems pretty safe.
Ps the turkeys are still frozen.
Geez, wam..”Dutton is electable”
If they dropped AUKUS and Neo LIb, Dutton and co would have a faint chance. because they’d be not much worse than the current lot for such exchange.
But still Albo seems to win, the Assange thing is much more complex than meets the eye, but he and US/UK understand much more of realistic politics than people like ideologicised Hansonists, Jabotniks and Bible-belt types driven by the Atlassian think-tank fantasies that have caused more than a bit of grief people left out of the charmed circle…Palestine is the ultimate destination of the weird politics of the Right.
The Carnival of Morons just keeps firing more and more of their brain fart powered bullshit cannons in desperation: It appears that Dud’s nookaleea fizzicalist, O’Brainless, now seems to be telling potential investors that renewables will be a part of their plan.