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A love letter to our readers, from Tess Lawrence

Dearest Readers, Michael Taylor and the AIM Network Team – and fellow contributors.

To learn that two of my articles made AIMN’s top five articles for 2023 has filled me with great joy and excitement and I’m positively squeaking with delight.

Of course it has. I am honoured to lay my pen alongside AIMN luminary Rossleigh, who also scored two places in the lineup and then there is the delightfully named Grumpy Geezer who keeps us all on our clodhoppers!

In truth, both of my articles were years and months in the making. Long hours, long nights and even longer days. To think that anyone, let alone thousands of you read them, is an enormous privilege.

They were ‘long reads’ sometime referred to as ‘long form’ or essays. There are facile editors who rely on ‘popular wisdom’ that articles should be no longer than 1200 words because apparently, you the reader, is incapable of sustaining interest in a longer article. Utter bollocks as it transpires. When I first became a journalist, I was imbued with the edict that whatever I wrote should be understandable for a 12-year-old. I thought this was gross insult to 12-year-olds. I was told that words should comprise of no more than two syllables. I ignored such gratuitous and elitist pomposity and arrogance.

Readers mean the world to us. Not just because of the click bait factor but more for the wondrous and complex nature of communication. I learn so much from readers. And from comments too.

I wish to salute the founding editor of AIM Network, Michael Taylor – and his elves – because of his courage and his belief in journalism and journalists. He is extraordinarily supportive and unafraid of long form or short form journalism for that matter. He is a joy to work with and his life experience is such that he has a great empathy and sense of a shared humanity, a good heart as well as a formidable intellect. I’ve watched him nurture talent. He’s a generous editor, and reminds me of my beloved Editor in Chief, the great Les Carlyon, who never once curbed my feral pen, but protected it. And Me.

I could not have achieved the Top Five if Michael had been a lesser editor, a lesser publisher, a lesser journalist.

Nor could I have achieved such an accolade, were it not for you the reader. Thank you. I shall not squander your trust.

1. Tess Lawrence: Number 1 for-2023: George Pell ‘Devil Incarnate’ is dead

2. Rossleigh: Number 2 for 2023: The Amazing Linda Reynolds

3. Tess Lawrence: Number 3 for 2023: Who is Christian Porter’s sugar daddy? (part 1)

4. Grumpy Geezer: Number 4 for 2023: A farce only a monster could love

5. Rossleigh: Number 5 for 2023: The Strange Case Of Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

Tess Lawrence is Contributing editor-at-large for Independent Australia and her most recent article is The night Porter and allegation of rape.




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  1. New England Cocky

    Well Tess, it was hard earned & well deserved among some very strong talent.
    As a ”regular” AIMN reader, I appreciate your thorough research and ability to concisely describe that research in simple plain English.
    Thank goodness, Michael & Carol Taylor plus all the other contributors, both authors and commentators, for sharing their wisdom & experiences in this time of deliberate media untruth in the Murdoch Media Monopoly. George Orwell would be sad that his prediction about manufactured history has been achieved in the English speaking world.

  2. David Baird

    Just keep ’em coming, Tess. Great stuff!

  3. Phil Pryor

    Well done, for getting it “right” takes a fine estimate of length, depth, content, accuracy, balance, and the final cut or fatal stroke…

  4. Grumpy Geezer

    A happy start to the new year for you Tess. Welldone, keep ’em coming.

  5. tess lawrence

    G’day Cocky, thank you for your kind words and thoroughly endorse your shoutout to Michael and Carol Taylor and all contributors and commentators who make up the AIM Network family. Support, donations and subscriptions for AIM is critical to keep us alive as well as
    helping to grow the site.

  6. Roswell

    Beautiful letter, Tess. From the heart.

  7. tess lawrence

    Thank you Dear David, rest assured I shall, we shall.

  8. tess lawrence

    Geezer, I just know’ed you weren’t really grumpy. Thank you very much !!!!

  9. tess lawrence

    Thank you Dear Roswell, I know you’re a legendary stalwart for AIM.
    Pretty exciting to be part of something so energetic and feisty, ain’t it !

  10. Roswell

    Tess, the place doesn’t run without me.

    Just ask … me.

  11. kelly

    thank you

  12. GL

    Australia to Get Head on a Stake: Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton go into hiding.

  13. John Lord

    Congratulations to your top five writers. All very worthy winners. May allTHE AIMN writers continue to enthralled us with their words.

  14. tess lawrence

    Dear Roswell Just love it. Thank gawd you’ve got a sense of humour as well !

  15. Clakka

    Indeed, such love. To find a home which my mind, heart and soul can move freely to and from, and within which there is such enrichment in so many and varied forms. An invigorating home of energy, willingness and wit, and thankfully sometimes mixed with weirdness.


  16. Cath

    Congratulations Tess and the other AIMN writers who keep us informed when msm and abc fail to do so

  17. Bill Reed

    Dear Tess, I sent you a person note re Truganinni via I hope it was forwarded it on to you.

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