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What happened to those emails?

Our subscribers would have noticed that for a couple of days now they haven’t been receiving their emails to notify when a new post has been published on The AIMN. Fear not, you have not been ‘unsubscribed’.

We have received countless emails asking why the notifications aren’t being sent out, and our readers deserve an explanation.

Our blog platform – WordPress – regularly install updates and the emails stopped being sent out after the latest update two days ago. It would appear that one of the plugins that we use to provide features on this site has not yet been updated to be compatible with the WordPress upgrade.

A plugin (we know you’re going to ask) – in simple terms – is a small program that adds certain features to the site, for example, the facility to edit a comment within a few minutes after it has been submitted by one of our commenters.

Until the plugin has been updated we have the option of removing each plugin – one at a time – to determine which one is the culprit. So if you notice that some of our regular features (such as the comment editing feature described above), it will only be temporary.

Some plugins are essential to the site and cannot be removed. If, by a large bout of bad luck it is one of these that is the culprit, we have no choice but to wait until the plugin is updated.

Yes, it is frustrating at our end but bear with us, we’re doing what we can.

Thank you for your patience, and thank you to all those loyal subscribers who have emailed us.


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  1. minbani

    My sincere commiserations. As a webmaster myself, I feel your pain. 🙁

  2. Freethinker

    That happens when an update is a downgrade.
    Why they cannot keep KISS

  3. trishcorry

    Comment notification to wordpress app on my phone is also not working for AIMN, only for my own wordpress blog.

  4. Michael Taylor

    Trish, it’s only with and not

  5. trishcorry

    I didn’t know there was a difference. But likes on this site notify on my app, but not comments on my posts, which used to before. I get both if someone does either on my other blog. Thanks for the update. I forgot to say before.

  6. Michael Taylor

    One’s simple. One’s complex. 🙁

  7. Carol Taylor

    And ours is the complex one.

  8. Trish Corry

    Aha. No worries.

  9. The AIM Network

    All the issues have been resolved. Emails are now being sent out when a new post is published, as well as email notifications when a follow-up comment is published.

  10. Trish Corry

    Yep. I just got Paul Walter’s comment on my phone app. So all working in the land of apps as well as emails. 🙂

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