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We’re giving away an iPad

Many people have emailed The AIMN to ask if we will be introducing a ‘subscriber pays’ system.

The short answer to that is “NO”.

The AIMN isn’t a profit-making venture – it’s a forum for citizen journalists where none other exists. To us, it’s the message that is important.

However, like everything in this world there are costs, but we aim to cover these from the revenue that the ads bring in and from crowd funding (donations). Since making our donation buttons more visible we have been delighted with the response.

To show our appreciation we are giving away an iPad Air 2 to one lucky reader.

This is how it works:

Readers receive one ticket in the draw for every $5 donated in a single donation. A donation of $10 will receive two tickets, and so on.

Readers who have set up regular monthly donations will receive five tickets for every $5 donation.

We will run this promotion until 10pm, March 27 2015. The winner will be announced the next day.

The promotion is not open to new donors only – if you have already donated to The AIMN your tickets are already in the barrel!

The details of the prize are:

  • iPad Air 2 WiFi Cellular
  • 64GB
  • Colour: black


But wait, there’s more!

We’re giving away a 2nd prize too.

  • iPad Mini WiFi Cellular
  • 64GB
  • Colour: white


There’s only one rule: you can’t win both. The winner of the 1st prize will not be eligible to win the 2nd prize too.

The promotion is open to everybody who has provided a financial donation to The AIMN and who provides a donation before 10pm, March 27.

Reader, commenters, regular authors and guest authors can enter. Only the site owners are ineligible to enter.

Never owned an iPad? You can read just how awesome they are here.

But remember . . . The promotion closes in 25 days!



Login here Register here
  1. Jennifer Meyer-Smith

    Bravo on your philosophical conviction that the message counts. Admirable.

  2. kmatilda2013

    I’ve been meaning to do this for weeks but never seem to have visa card on me when near computer, but now i see that paypal is accepted. Hooray

  3. David

    Ah you sweet talker you. Sadly cant donate as I only use Amex, ensures I pay monthly and don’t overspend. Of course if you had BPay then I’m in like Flynn
    Cheers hope the promo goes well, enjoy AIM immensely, Haven’t bought a paper for at least 5 years. Sites as this, Twitter, Independent Australia provide what I am looking for and am just as updated, more so probably.

  4. Michael Taylor

    David, we’ve covered that base too. The donate tab under our header has the bank account where money can be deposited into. Just let us know if you make a donation so we can give you a ticket/tickets in the draw.

  5. David

    Cheers Michael, why did I think you hadn’t 🙂

  6. David

    Michael have made a donation, appreciate if you would acknowledge has been done correctly for future ref.

  7. The AIM Network

    Hi David, thank you for that. We’ll check the account in the morning as it’ll probably go in overnight.

  8. DanDark

    Michael that is a commonwealth account to donate to ? I am just checking,
    If so I will chuck my 5 bucks in through a quick transfer tomorrow, whilst I am on my donating day to good causes 🙂

  9. Michael Taylor

    Yes Dan, it is the Commonwealth.

  10. Möbius Ecko

    Tch tch, Apple, obviously didn’t see Four Corners last night. 😉

    Donation will be on the way soon, and if I win the prize will make a nice gift to someone in need.

  11. Linda

    Hi Michael, have setup a regular monthly donation to start on the 5.3.15. I am thrilled to have found your network, I have given up reading the MSM rubbish. I have hope that one day the political landscape will change for the better….. sooner rather than later.

  12. Glenn

    awesome, and I made a donation without knowing about this incentive. 🙂

  13. paul walter

    Silky.. you are a crafty lot..I’ ve a week or two to check my finances, two other favourite sites are also rattling the tin, so we must balance it.

  14. diannaart

    Hooray for Paypal

    And wise selection of 64GB Ipads – really worthwhile.

  15. Faerielights

    I would love to donate to what I have come to love as a truly worthwhile read and worthy of investing my time in doing so. However, I am a single parent, and a student with a significant disability and when I can I will but at present the choice between donating to anything and ensuring my son has enough to eat each week ……I do hope you understand, there simply is no choice…..

  16. Jennifer Meyer-Smith


    you have my utmost respect and empathy. I have recently come out of where you are and I know how hard it is to make ends meet – day in, day out – for you and your family.

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