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UN Security Council ceasefire resolution a turning point in Gaza war

Australian Council for International Development Media Release

Australia’s peak body for international humanitarian organisations welcomes the United Nations Security Council’s resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and release of all hostages as a crucial turning point in the war.

Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) CEO Marc Purcell said it marked a significant breakthrough despite the United States’ decision to abstain from voting.

“This passage of this binding resolution, following four failed attempts since the start of the war, shows global leaders are no longer willing to accept the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians, many of them children, as collateral,” he said.

“The US’ decision to abstain is disappointing, particularly since it put forward its own failed proposal for a ceasefire just days ago. It is essential the US use its influence and relationship with Israel to obtain a permanent ceasefire.

“We are hopeful the passage of this resolution overnight marks a crucial turning point in the war that has killed nearly 32,000 civilians through bombing, starvation and dehydration.

“It is vital that both the state of Israel and militant groups immediately lay down arms to allow for the passage of humanitarian assistance, which is still being blocked from entry into Gaza, and the release of all hostages.”

ACFID is urging the Australian government to commit additional and ongoing funding for the humanitarian response in Gaza and the West bank, including for Australian non-government organisations providing lifesaving assistance.


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  1. Douglas Pritchard

    “The US’ decision to abstain is disappointing,”.
    But understandably its the action of a collaborator in the genocide.
    Its procrastination, and feeble protests reinforces the criminal tendencies of the Seppos.
    Palestine has been decimated by the actions of a terrorist religious cult aided by a country obsessesd with God and Guns, and no ethics.
    Even the aid collected from nations who support the Palestinians is vetted by the Zionists who are doing the ethnic cleansing.
    Do you really think the same thing could not happen to Australia, with its close association with both criminal parties?
    Pine gap, US militarily bases, hosting the US military we make ourselves a very big target.

  2. Clakka

    Blinken hell. Netanyahu’s cartel in control. Biden signed latest US supply bill which included 12 month prohibition on funding to UNRWA – a requirement of the GOP (Netanyahu’s cartel wants UNRWA scrapped). The previous US sop motion to UNSC vetoed by China & Russia (for good reason). Arab states coalition offer to rebuild Gaza for free – ignored. Not one single word spoken about continuing weapons supply. Netanyahu cartel reigns and rains death and destruction. US sponsors new hegemonic nakba.

    As the rest of the world closes in to shut down the nakba via last night’s passed motion, it’s no surprise that the best the USA could do was abstain, daring the rest of the world via the UN to enforce the motion – it is clear now the USA has pushed its boundaries to revealing itself as a bent world-copper.

  3. Phil Pryor

    The Israeli zionists, having learned from the self deceiving filthy supremacists, interventionists, oppressors, the USA, murdered and thieved away to grab a huge chunk of Palestine, which existed until May 1948. It still should. A sick, ugly, dishonest story still bubbles…

  4. JulianP

    “…a crucial turning point in the war…”. ?? Perhaps.

    At the same time though it’s relevant to ask why the apparent change in US policy?

    Part of the answer I believe lies in the recent comments of US Senator Chuck Schumer https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/14/us-senate-leader-chuck-schumer-calls-for-new-israel-elections-amid-gaza-war

    During his recent speech on the Senate floor, (and before the UN cease-fire vote), Schumer called the Israeli PM “…an obstacle to peace…”. His comments created a storm of criticism, not least from Israel and Congressional Republicans.

    I admit to being intrigued why a long-standing and ardent supporter of Israel would give voice to such apparent heresy.

    I began to ask around and was referred to an article that attempts an explanation – the comments being made in the context of US foreign policy in the Middle East and elsewhere, with part of the explanation coming from the New York Times, no less. https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/whats-bugging-chuck-schumer/

    The guts of the article is that Netanyahu’s unremitting assault on Gaza is badly compromising US strategy in wanting to contain Iran (in the first place) and then Russia and China’s growing economic influence. The overall idea being to replace that with US influence – principally commercial, which process can only be successful if there’s long-term peace and stability in the region.

    Hence Schumer’s veiled threat to the Israeli PM.

  5. leefe


    That makes sense. The Seppos will only abandon Netanyahu if and when he becomes a liability to their broader interests.

  6. Pingback: UN Security Council ceasefire resolution a turning point in Gaza war – Equilibrion

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