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Time to cut to the chase

As you vote today consider the following:

Climate change

Renewable energy

Education funding

Hospital funding

Deregulation of university fees

Vocational education



Indigenous disadvantage


Legal aid




Political donations

Lobby groups

Tax concessions

Mining approvals

The environment

Marriage equality

Safe schools

The treatment of refugees

Penalty rates

Asset sales

Data retention

Border Force

Foreign Aid

Defence spending

Jobs for the boys


Transparency and accountability

Politcians’ entitlement rorting

Tax cuts for the wealthy combined with a crackdown on welfare


Tony Abbott


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  1. Roma Guerin

    The TPP

  2. Kaye Lee

    Good inclusion Roma

  3. jim

    Great post, again, Inequality and education are glarringingly obvious that these are the reasons to the world problems. Fix inequality and you fix almost everything a fairer society means we are successful as human beings. ….Fix inequality and the promised land becomes reality

    Don’t fix inequality and we are doomed to fail as human beings.and the world burns in a hell.

    Right now there has never been a better time to Vote the hard- right wing Liberals OUT out.….

    TPP pure evil;…Worse than anything we could’ve imagined.”

    “An act of climate denial.”

    “Giveaway to big agribusiness.”

    “A death warrant for the open Internet.”

    “Worst nightmare.”

    “A disaster.”
    TPP pure evil………

  4. paul walter

    The evil deed is done. Whoever got my vote it wasn’t a tory. I thought about these lists a fair bit, looked at the queue at the polling booth and felt despair.

  5. diannaart

    The reason we were told we had to have a DD – the ABCC

  6. Klaus Petrat

    Today at the voting booth, I got approached twice by a LNP volunteer (for Ciobo) and not once by Labor. I had to go to the Labor lady, friendly as she was, and ask to help my wife and grown children how to vote. (I am a German and not entitled). But in the end, we got 3 new Labor votes to Bill. The LNP is agressive, pushy, as in the Parliament. I am sick of that mob. Let’s hope for tonight.

  7. z

    why no Medicare and Bulk Billing included in, Kaye ? that is biggest issue most people concerning

  8. jimhaz

    That list would have to be the biggest list of issues I can recall prior to an election
    (bearing in mind I was not politically minded up until I developed an intense dislike of Howard’s affect on attitudes. He was a greed inducer too supportive of the rise of all conquering capitalism around the world).

    So many of those dots points just simply shouldn’t even need to be on the list as election issues. So much wide reaching havoc should not have occurred in one election cycle.

    The folks behind Abbott were very clearly active in the continuing long term undermining of a cooperative and sharing based democracy, and as all the papers support MT so too is the media.

    As an aside I decided to listen to Scott Ludlum’s noted speech again after hearing it referred to on Kitchen Cabinet this morning. It rolled over to a Keating – Howard debate. I did not listen to any of the current leader debates, the combatants were too boring. I found this debate interesting as pre-election night filler (as was Ludlum’s).

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