Pauline Hanson Stay the Hell Out of My Bedroom!
Forcing couples to sign prenuptial agreements is an intrusion and un-Australian. The power is getting to Hanson’s head. Stay the Hell out of our Bedrooms!
Forcing couples to sign prenuptial agreements is an intrusion and un-Australian. The power is getting to Hanson’s head. Stay the Hell out of our Bedrooms!
In 2010, Tony Abbott, supported by the media in epic proportions, touted Gillard’s infamous “Carbon Tax Lie” as THE lie that cost Abbott the Prime […]
Shorten has shifted the narrative and claimed a very large space all of his own.
By Redcuchulain How we define who is Australian and what we mean by “Australian” has become strong focus over many years. With the rise of nationalism […]
Pauline stands for all Australians. Except Fat White women it seems. Has Pauline redressed all the issues that women face?
By Tim Jones Would the promise of a Federal ICAC give one of the majors the keys to the electoral mint? Tim Jones urges Turnbull […]
The Turnbull Government is still NOT listening to the people and March in March is BACK!
It is up to us to reject, condemn and shame those who are not genuine in their desire to serve the people.
Tonight it really hit home. It hit home that the Australian people are more interested in trashing the fair go, than holding it dear as a […]
This is the second blog in a series to discuss how the One Nation Party leaders promote themselves compared to who they really are. This article will seek to understand how One Nation uses Hope, Fear and Racism to gain voters’ trust.
A need fed by fear driven politics is causing a loss of focus and it is causing a lot of pain.
For those who see themselves as a class above the unemployed, specialised welfare bashing is the new team sport.
When the Liberals do Something Dodgy When the Public puts the pressure on and the Media actually reports on the Liberals doing something dodgy When a […]
We are allowing politicians and the media to set the agenda, defining the framework and then we are arguing within that framework.
Could Turnbull actually have every leader’s behavioural nightmare? Is he a leader who fears change?
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