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Spying on Julian Assange: UC Global, CNN and Russian Couriers

History’s scope for the absurd and tragic is infinite. Like Sisyphus engaged in permanent labours pushing a boulder up a slope, the effort of making sense of such scope is likewise, absurdly infinite. To see images of an exhausted and world-weary Julian Assange attempting to dodge the all-eye surveillance operation that he would complain about is to wade in the insensibility of it all. But it could hardly have surprised those who have watched WikiLeaks’ battles with the Security Establishment over the years.

Assange is not merely an exceptional figure but a figure of the exception. Despite being granted asylum status by an Ecuadorean regime that would subsequently change heart with a change of brooms, he was never permitted to exercise all his freedoms associated with such a grant. There was always a sense of contingency and qualification, the impending cul-de-sac in London’s Ecuadorean embassy.

Between December 2017 and March 2018, dozens of meetings between Assange, his legal representatives, and visitors, were recorded in daily confidential reports written by an assigned security team and submitted to David Morales, formerly of special ops of the marine corps of the Spanish Navy. The very idea of legal professional privilege, a fetish in the Anglo-American legal system, was not so much deemed non-existent as ignored altogether.

The security firm tasked with this smeared-in-the-gutter mission was Spanish outfit UC Global SL, whose task became all the more urgent once Ecuador’s Lenín Moreno came to power in May 2017. The mood had changed from the days when Rafael Correa had been accommodating, one at the crest of what was termed the Latin American Pink Tide. Under Moreno, Assange was no longer the wunderkind poking the eye of the US imperium with cheery backing. He had become, instead, a tenant of immense irritation and inconvenience, a threat to the shift in politics taking place in Ecuador. According to El País, “The security employees at the embassy had a daily job to do: to monitor Assange’s every move, record his conversations, and take note of his moods.”

The revelations of the surveillance operation on Assange had had their natural effect on the establishment journalists who continue taking the mother’s milk of conspiracy and intrigue in libelling the publisher. CNN’s Marshall Cohen, Kay Guerrero and Arturo Torres seemed delighted in finding their éminence grise with his fingers in the pie, making the claim, with more than a whiff of patriotic self-importance, how “surveillance reports also describe how Assange turned the embassy into a command centre and orchestrated a series of damaging disclosures that rocked the 2016 presidential campaign in the United States.” Rather than seeing obsessive surveillance in breach of political asylum as a problem, they see the quarry obtained by UC Global in quite a different light. The WikiLeaks publisher had supposedly been outed.

The trio claimed to have obtained documents “exclusive” to CNN (the labours of El País, who did the lion’s share on this, are confined to the periphery) – though they have not been kind enough to share the original content with the curious. Nor do they make much of the private security materials as such, preferring to pick from the disordered larder that is the Mueller Report.

The CNN agenda is, however, clear enough. “The documents build on the possibility, raised by special counsel Robert Mueller in his report on Russian meddling, that couriers brought hacked files to Assange at the embassy.” Suggestions, without the empirical follow-up, are made to beef up the insinuated message. “While the Republican National Convention kicked off in Cleveland, an embassy security guard broke protocol by abandoning his post to receive a package outside the embassy from a man in disguise.” The individual in question “covered his face with a mask and sunglasses and was wearing a backpack, according to surveillance images obtained by CNN.” So planned; so cheeky.

Another line in the same report also serves to highlight the less than remarkable stuff in the pudding. “After the election, the private security company prepared an assessment of Assange’s allegiances. That report, which included open-source information, concluded there was ‘no doubt that there is evidence’ that Assange had ties to Russian intelligence agencies.” Not exactly one to stop the presses.

CNN, in fact, suggests a figure demanding, unaccountable, dangerous and entirely in charge of the situation. It is the psychological profile of a brattish historical agent keen to avoid detection. (Here the journalists are keen to suggest that meeting guests “inside the women’s bathroom” in the Ecuadorean embassy was a shabby enterprise initiated by Assange; the obvious point that he was being subject to surveillance by UC Global’s “feverish, obsessive vigilance”, to use the words of El País, is turned on its head).

He is reported to have “demanded” a high-speed internet connection. He sought a working phone service, because obviously that would be unreasonable for any grantee of political asylum. He requested regular access to his professional circle and followers. Never has such a confined person been deemed a commander, an orchestrator and master of space. “Though confined to a few rooms inside the embassy, Assange was able to wield enormous authority over his situation.”

The account offered by Txema Guijarro García, a former advisor to Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño and an important figure dealing with the logistics of granting Assange asylum in 2012, is decidedly different. In general, “relations between him and the embassy staff were better than anyone could have expected. The staff had amazing patience and, under difficult conditions, they managed to combine their diplomatic work with the task of caring for our famous guest.”

The language from the CNN report suggests the mechanics of concerted exclusion, laying the framework for an apologia that would justify Assange’s extradition to the United States to face espionage charges rather than practising journalism. It is a salient reminder about the readiness of such outlets to accommodate, rather than buck, the state narrative on publishing national security information.

It is also distinctly out of step with the defences being made in favour of publishing leaked diplomatic cables being expressed in the Tory leadership debate in Britain. While it should be construed with care, the words of Boris Johnson in the aftermath of the publication of British cables authored by the now ex-UK ambassador to Washington, Sir Kim Darroch, are pertinent. “It cannot conceivably be right that newspapers or any other media organisation publishing such material face prosecution.” Even Johnson can take the pulse of history accurately once in a while.


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  1. Chris Ward

    “Even Johnson can take the pulse of history accurately once in a while?” It would certainly do you no harm to look at history in context. I suppose you regard the casualties of the behaviours of Assange, Manning and Snowden to be quite acceptable. I suspect that is because of your jaundiced view and lack of understanding of global politics generally. Your contribution to the pulp mill are gratefully received even when you make no sense.

  2. R. Lee

    Which casualties would they be Chris?

  3. Chris

    Read and discover. John Harington helps: “Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
    Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” And this before Watergate and the like.

  4. Karen Kyle

    The Kim Darrock business was a leak which is under investigation. Assange and Wikileaks involved the wholesale stealing of private information. As far as I can work out journalists are free to publish any info they get but they can’t steal it. Nor can they ask anyone who has that information to give it to them. If it mysteriously turns up on their desk they can pubish with legal impunity.

    Assange is party to theft,and possibly a charge of espionage. I hope so. I am no fan of Assange. He has no moral compass and his links to Russia seem to go back a way. He was responsible for securing a safe birth in Moscow for Snowdon.No sympathy for either of them..No sympathy for Binoy Kampark and his over emotive contempt either.

  5. Crude Fury

    Spot on, your usual (tortured) sort of way.
    Did you find your “moral compass” in Hills Song or in Merdoc’s pocket?

    It’s funny, how many people got it wrong with Assange (but at least you and our beloved and highly respected government got it right abandoning a citizen in need)!

    2008, The Economist New Media Award[385]
    2009, Amnesty International UK Media Awards[386]
    2010, Time Person of the Year, Reader’s Choice[387]
    2010, Sam Adams Award[388]
    2010, Le Monde Readers’ Choice Award for Person of the Year[389]
    2011, Free Dacia Award[390]
    2011, Sydney Peace Foundation Gold Medal[391]
    2011, Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism[392]
    2011, Voltaire Award for Free Speech[393]
    2012, Big Brother Award Italy 2012 “Hero of Privacy”[394]
    2013, Global Exchange Human Rights Award, People’s Choice[395]
    2013, Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts[396]
    2013, New York Festivals World’s Best TV & Films Silver World Medal[397]
    2014, Union of Journalists in Kazakhstan Top Prize[398]
    2019, EU GUE/NGL Galizia prize[399]

  6. Phil

    It would appear the spooks or should that be the kooks are invading this ere blog. Espionage and intrigue a plenty.

    Time to call for Inspector Jacques Clouseau.

    I love it when people take this crap serious. Assange like all of them, the politicians, the spies, the police, and the media, are all getting well cashed up c/o the mug punters. Only horses and fools like real work.

    The establishment hates the Assange’s of the world it spoils all their fun.

    Why did Christine Keeler get splinters in her fanny? She had half the cabinet through her.

  7. Phil

    Did you find your “moral compass” in Hills Song or in Merdoc’s pocket?

    Loved that one.

    Slightly off topic but. What’s the bet? Epstein gets bail or ends up Brown Bread. The corruption in US politics is now beyond fixing. Fixing now there’s word.

  8. Phil

    Anyone remember Spycatcher.? From Wikipedia. Not Wikileaks.

    In Spycatcher, Wright states that he was assigned to unmask a Soviet mole in MI5, and claims that the mole was Roger Hollis – a former MI5 Director General; it also describes people who might have or might not have been the mole; and narrates a history of MI5 by chronicling its principal officers, from the 1930s to his time in service.
    Moreover, Spycatcher tells of the MI6 plot to assassinate President Nasser during the Suez Crisis; of joint MI5-CIA plotting against British Prime Minister Harold Wilson (secretly accused of being a KGB agent by the Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn); and of MI5’s eavesdropping on high-level Commonwealth conferences. [2]
    Wright examines the techniques of intelligence services, exposes their ethics (speculative until that time), notably their “eleventh commandment”, “Thou shalt not get caught”, and explains many MI5 electronic technologies (some of which he developed), for instance allowing clever spying into rooms, and identifying the frequency to which a superhet receiver is tuned. In the afterword, he states that writing Spycatcher was motivated principally to recuperate significant pension income lost when the British government ruled his pension un-transferable for earlier work in GCHQ.

  9. Lambert Simpleton

    In Julian Assange we have the most upper most example of what a vicious system will do to those who see through and dare to reveal a glimpse of that system’s subterranean and nefarious actual activities.

    So many whistleblowers end up brutalised by the system and suicide as happened with people like Dr. David Kelly of WMD and Aaron Schwarz, who showed up corrupt misuse of technology in the US’s higher education system and many more besides,as well as some people who have mysteriously disappeared.

    At this very moment we have a secretive government out to settle nastily with journalists who exposed problems with our refugee detention system and with excesses by Australian troops in Afghanistan.

  10. Phil

    Not to mention Israeli nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu .

  11. Lambert Simpleton

    Phil, if you set a group of us down for an hour to think over who has been persecuted, the list would be very long.

  12. Phil

    ‘ Phil, if you set a group of us down for an hour to think over who has been persecuted, the list would be very long.’

    Indeed . Too long. I can only imagine what the world would be like if good men do nothing.

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