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Seizing Australia’s AI opportunity

Productivity Commission Media Release

New research from the Productivity Commission finds that artificial intelligence could significantly boost Australia’s productivity if governments implement well-directed policy and regulation.

In this set of three papers, the Commission places Australia’s AI opportunity in a global context, to consider how our governments can help to maximise the potential economic benefits of this evolving technology.

Paper one outlines how Australia stands to benefit most from AI technology, and consequently, where governments should focus their policy efforts.

“Australian business is already adopting AI through its integration with existing software and services – but to get the big productivity dividends we need business to transform core systems and adopt new tools as they emerge. Governments can support this by investing in skills and digital infrastructure and modelling best practice,” said Commissioner Stephen King.

Paper two provides government with a playbook for developing AI protections in the context of the emerging AI regulatory landscape.

It outlines a stepped, gradual approach to regulation that’s focused on addressing harms as they emerge.

“Australia’s robust regulatory frameworks are one of our biggest strengths. Many uses of AI technology are already covered by this regulation. Before jumping to new AI-specific laws, we should examine existing regulations and better explain how they apply to the uses of AI,” said Commissioner King.

“AI will likely highlight gaps in current laws and regulations that we will need to address. But pre-empting these gaps with overzealous lawmaking could put local policy out of step with global norms, limiting the potential productivity gains of this new technology.”

The research finds the challenges presented by AI are particularly acute in the case of data.

Paper three considers how AI raises the stakes for data policy, and what Australian policymakers should do to address the new questions about data rights and incentives that AI presents.

“Advances in AI highlight that data is an increasingly valuable resource that is underutilised in Australia. Key challenges for governments will be to improve protections and public confidence in data sharing, and to establish clear and consistent arrangements for training AI models.

“The new wave of AI innovation may finally pull productivity growth out of the shallows – judicious policy interventions and a practical approach to regulation would put the Australian economy in the best position to ride that wave.”

The Making the most of the AI opportunity research papers and media release are available from the Commission’s website.


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  1. GL

    To me it’s not true AI until one day little Timmy asks Google Chat or whatever other supposed “AI” search engines are around to write his book report for him (because it cuts into his video gaming time) and the reply comes back, “Go and do your own research and assignment you lazy little shit!” and then hacks his game and reports him for cheating.

  2. paul walter

    An upcoming billy-club.

    We already are straight jacketed under a sort of Electronic Panopticon. Capitalism never fails the chance to misuse technological advances to build a better mouse trap.

  3. paul walter

    I believe it relates to the cashless society and a hegemonic project to idiotise an increasingly dumbed down community.

    It is another of these gifts from god that could be so helpful but already turned over to the New electronic Panopticon merchants and big bizz.

  4. Pingback: Seizing Australia’s AI opportunity - independent news and commentary Australia

  5. andyfiftysix

    Lots of words that dont mean anything. Governments encouraging AI? well if past history is any guide, they will well and truly screw it up.
    This “democracy” is incapable. Fraudband, Solar cells, batteries, you name the technology of the future and australia will find a way to piss it off.
    The average australian is a ready user of new tech but us finding a way to commercialise it or develop it, nah, piss poor.

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