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Scomo, I thought you said they’d be back by Christmas!

By Janet Grogan

I’m wearing this shirt on behalf of my son and the other 37,000 Australians currently stranded overseas.

While tennis players from around the world are being welcomed to our shores, taking up quarantine rooms in hotels, seemingly circumnavigating the waiting lists and restricted flights, our citizens are left wondering when their nightmares will end.

Many, like my son, have been unable to work while overseas. They have had to use all of their savings, superannuation and rely on the help of family and friends. Many will be in debt for years to come.

There has been little help from Federal or State MPs. They seem to see these people as numbers. The few that have recognised the problem are both surprised and shocked when they realise that our Federal Government has nothing to offer these Australians stranded abroad.

The much lauded Repatriation Flights do not apply to many of them, as my son and his friends can attest to while stuck in Canada. They roll their eyes when yet another generic email arrives advertising flights from Los Angeles. This is not much use when you are in Vancouver.

Even when you think you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, this can so quickly be eclipsed. My son has just learnt that his connecting flight through Tokyo (due to arrive 4TH February) has been cancelled, and may not reopen until April. I wonder what the Prime Minister would do if it was his flight, or his family’s?

When you said they’d be back by Christmas, Mr Morrison, which year did you mean?



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  1. Keitha Granville

    A couple of weeks with a repat flight every day would see them home. No charge, just bring them home.
    Open Christmas Island for quarantine, Howard Springs is the example of how to do it. Open up the mining camps in the West, in Queensland, let the NT gift run them as they seem to have it under control !


  2. New England Cocky

    The simple solution was to use RAAF training flight hours to bring Aussies home from a known set of airports straight into hard quarantine for 14 days.

    However, it appears that Scummo & the Hellslinger Cult of greed & Paedophile Protection reckoned that this was an excellent way to sned travellers into poverty while the Liarbral Nazional$ misgovernment spruiked, “”Not out fault”.

    Seems that Scummo is out fault, and we have to wait for the 2021 early election to rectify the abysmal Australian political misgovernment.

  3. wam

    The conservative christians were responsible for the stolen generation abuse. They were responsible for the abuse of the refugee children from england. They were responsible for repealing our right to die legislation, They were responsible for the thoughtless intervention, heartless cashless cards and the murderous robodebt.
    The hillsong players and branch stacked ideologues are in control and pre-selecting inept twits like kelly and christenson.
    So where would you expect real problems, like yours, fit into their mindset?

    When will we realise freedom of speech should include questioning politicians on their beliefs.

  4. Phil Pryor

    Nothing is more crippling, intellectually, socially, politically, than ignorant, primitive, brainless, fantastic, lying religious superstition. Religion cannot apparently be removed, wiped out, even modified, for the indoctrination and brain scrubbing and leaching are universally entrenched. With religion goes royalty, nobility, snobbery, class criminality, bribery, corruption, nepotism, insider criminality, bumboy and joygirl posing and primping, greed upon greed, layers of anti social attitude and the horrible consequences for most of us. To have a knobpolishing peanut as P M, the Poxed Mentality, is appalling and a daily irritant to those of us who want a better, planned, balanced, peaceful, fair enough world. But big Knobbies in corporations, religions, conservative political pushy parties, Ruin Things! (My apologies to many decent people of simple faith who do good works, love one another and live with common sense and decency.)

  5. DrakeN

    The veracity of their claim to “Christianity” could be equated to a claim by me that I am the only living descendent of the Russian Tzars and am therefore eligible to inherit all the wealth stolen from them during their overthrow.

  6. TuffGuy

    There always seems to be plenty of flights for celebrities, athletes and business people……

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