So let’s see if I’ve got this straight:
- We needed a Royal Commission into the home insulation scheme. At the end of it, we discovered that there should have been more oversight and that safety standards were lax. The Abbott Government responded by announcing that we had far too much “red tape” and that they wanted to ensure that businesses weren’t held back by too much regulation.
We needed a Royal Commission into union corruption, because union corruption holds back the economy. Examples of union corruption discovered included shutting worksites down when there’s a breach of safety regulations and when union officials pressure firms into paying workers more.
We don’t need a Royal Commission into the banks because we have plenty of oversight through ASIC, APRA and various other acronyms who have managed to ensure that any dodgy behaviour in the banks is stopped in its tracks. A Royal Commission, in this case only, according to Barnaby Joyce: “The great beneficiary of a royal commission would be the solicitors, because they would have this going for a couple of years and at the end they would have done no more than what we already have with ASIC!” The banks aren’t behaving badly, but apparently a Royal Commission could cause a loss of investor confidence, in spite of it finding nothing at all.
The government announced that they were going to try to ensure that Clive Palmer paid his workers their entitlements. Apparently, neither APRA nor ASIC – you know those organisations who keep the banks in line – can be left to compel Clive Palmer to do the right thing. Clive Palmer needs the government to act.
The government tells that the Royal Commission into trade unions shows the need for ABCC – a body they wanted to set up before they even set up the Royal Commission. This wasn’t a waste of money though. It was worse spending millions of dollars to discover that you were right all along and that thanks to the Royal Commission we’ve discovered all sorts of things, like the fact that unions contribute to the Labor Party.
Yep, that’s about it!
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Thank you.. Well said
How arrogant and corrupt are the Libs timing of this. NOW all to see why these Libs are against a Royal Commission into banks.
Yet another reason we need a Royal Commission into the banks
Right on point Rossleigh, thank you. From my observations there’s Royal commissions , and there’s Terms of Reference ! ….. If the neocons set one up they will steer the outcome in the direction to suit them ! …
Whilst I’m open to be corrected, a National ICAC could , to my mind, have the ability to find it’s own way ‘ home ‘, and investigate a range of ‘fields’ – thus having an enduring ‘clean up’ capacity, in the National interest.
and they are going to make clive palmer pay, yes , with tax payers money, what else did you expect?, you must look after you friends not the workers.
I wrote my comment and you cut me off
Well said, as usual Rossliegh! Unfortunately for us, this lying, inept, flat earth, right wing, tea party, so-called liberal party seems to think that a Royal Commission into “anything” will solve all this countries ills! What bullshit! And now Malcolm Talkbull thinks that if we do not “accept” his wanting a Royal Commission into the ABCC (what a joke!), then he will take his bat & ball & go home! If only. The ABCC is nothing more than a committee set up to try & make it seem like the building industry Unions are nothing but a complete bunch of criminals! What about ALL the taxation rorts etc that ALL these wealthy people, industrialists, media barons, pastoralists, mining barons etc are ALL taking “advantage” of? Surely, a Royal Commission into their taxation affairs would show up more “criminals” than any bloody ABCC “grand jury” would ever find? Unfortunately, just another fine example of this bloody government’s Union bashing (& anything else) to deflect what are the “real” problems afflicting the Australian economy.
And apart from Clive Palmer’s Nickel company, how many other companies are going to be held to task for shafting their workers??? Gosh! I guess that depends on how many of those companies are owned by political opponents to the LNP!
Antonio, nobody cut you off. For some reason your comments were caught in the spam folder. That’s been happening a bit lately, and we apologise for it.
We need a Royal Commission into the influence the IPA has had over the LNP taking the 75 wishes they presented tony Abbott.
We don’t have the luxury of time to indulge the sophistry coming out of the treasury benches.
If we buy submarines and ships off the shelf we could lose the coming war, or at least have our import and export capability at the mercy of our competitors. We have driven the car industry offshore and allowed the oil refining capacity we would need in our defence capacity. Are the leaders in Canberra working for our potential Enemies?
Looking down the IPA wishlist that has been about 80% successfully adopted by the LNP. I have selected the policy agenda applicable to the Whyalla steel works which makes Australia’s Rails as in ‘Railways’ what if they, the LNP/IPA, had put these policies into play?
Remove anti-dumping laws
Cease subsidising the car industry.
End all corporate welfare and subsidies by closing the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.
Force government agencies to put all of their spending online in a searchable database.
Remove all remaining tariff and non-tariff barriers to international trade.
Return income taxing powers to the states
Abolish the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
End all hidden protectionist measures, such as preferences for local manufacturers in government tendering.
Pogo said it, “We have met the enemy, and he is us”!
An eighty millon dollar waste and a n example of -actual- corruption most can’t grasp, over people’s heads.
Courts, solemn, therefore must be right. But a few are happy with this huge waste and ritualised corruption, provided it is paid by the taxpayer.
These are the employers and bllnded Ideologues whose project is the crushing of worker rights and the profits that come from exploitation.
The terms of reference of a Royal Commission into the banks will be written by the banks, just like the “Mining Tax” was formulated by the Minerals Council and the big mining companies. Utter rubbish, total waste of time. What we need is decent regulation and either (re)nationalising one of the big banks or establishing a new government (people) owned bank. Pluses: virtually unlimited reserves, ethical, not for profit, cheap. Minuses: fat cats slim. Banks’ products are generic, they can only distinguish their brand by offering better terms and service. Taking away market share works. Shaming them doesn’t.
The four deaths that occurred during the home insulation scheme were due to greedy small businesses who ignored WH&S legislation to do what they did, it is they who the blame for those deaths resides with, nobody else.
Yes, re-nationalize the Commonwealth Bank.
Townsvilleblog and those small businesses got away with it because the LNP were busy politicising it to crucify Rudd and Garrett which brings me back to why they are planning to crucify Clive Palmer. (Not that he is totally blameless but he is not alone)
Bring in a Federal ICAC to investigate all white collar, tax and political crime and corruption. This is too important to let Politicians determine the narrative of what is and what isn’t corruption.