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Oxfam: UNSC’s failure to call for a ceasefire “utterly callous”

In reaction to the UN Security Council’s passing of a watered-down resolution instead of calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, Oxfam Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, Sally Abi-Khalil said:

“The failure to call for a ceasefire after five days of deliberate delays and dilutions of the resolution is incomprehensible, and utterly callous. It is a profound dereliction of duty from an organisation established to uphold the UN Charter to maintain peace, and protect lives.

“It actively denies over two million Palestinians – many of whom are now starving as a risk of famine looms – respite from the relentless bombardment and siege they have endured for nearly two and half months.

“An immediate and permanent ceasefire is the only way to deliver humanitarian aid at the scale and speed urgently needed, end the horrendous loss of life and ensure the safe return of hostages.

The US’s removal of calls to suspend hostilities shows just how out of touch its policies are with the urgency and terror that Palestinians are experiencing. Its actions in the Security Council demonstrate the US’s increased isolation from the global consensus.”



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  1. Clakka

    For the US hegemon, such a struggle with glory and purity whilst trying to maintain its suzerain pumped with ballistics and the attitude of a junkyard dog.

    They deserve to be hoist by their own petard as the vast majority of the world watches them crumble into a bloodbath of their orchestrated multi-faceted Machiavellian scheme of ransom.

  2. Terence Mills

    The Biden administration are playing to the Jewish vote so you get a watered down Resolution and they then abstain : pathetic !

  3. Andrew Smith

    One would suggest that it’s still unclear how to get past both the corrupt Netanyahu and Hamas regimes, both friendly with Putin (former with Trump too), but Biden gets blamed via the UNSC?

    Too much noise ‘flooding the zone’ timing, deflecting from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, backgrounded by left and right promoting or dog whistling both anti-semitism and Islamophobia, while ignoring context e.g. neighbours, inc. Saudi, Egypt, UAE etc. who seem to have more time for Israel than Palestine?

    UNSC: ‘The UN Security Council on Friday adopted a resolution calling for speeding up humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip amid reports of widespread hunger but stopped short of calling for a suspension in hostilities. After repeated delays, the resolution passed without the original call for an “urgent suspension of hostilities” between Israel and Hamas. Friday’s vote in the 15-member council was 13-0 with the United States and Russia abstaining.’


  4. Steve Davis

    “…but Biden gets blamed via the UNSC?”
    Just what is Andrew Smith trying to say here? Is he saying that Biden is blameless in regard to the Gaza tragedy?

    This was followed by “deflecting from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,..”
    What is going on here? Is he downgrading the Gaza tragedy?

    If Andrew Smith stopped talking in vague generalities perhaps we might be informed as to the exact nature of the points he tries to make.

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