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No tunnel-vision under a Labor Government

Media Release

The Liberal Government have forged ahead with plans for a Beaches link tunnel without effective planning or disclosure, all while ignoring public opinion.

The business case for the estimated $14 billion and over 10km long and deep tunnel has not been released by the NSW Government. There has also been no analysis of the costs and benefits of public transport options.

The tunnel will impact significantly on local green space and amenity, especially during construction. Due to the secrecy around the business case, it is widely speculated that the Liberals will do what they do best and privatise the tunnel and tax users with an ever-rising toll.

Local Labor candidate for Manly, Natasha Phillips-Mason, in collaboration with Federal Labor Candidate for Warringah, Dean Harris, will be hosting a Transport symposium for local community members to hear from infrastructure experts and discuss their concerns for the proposed build on Sunday 3 March at the Balgowlah Golf Club.

Natasha has said she will oppose the Beaches Link Tunnel and instead focus on public transport to ease traffic congestion.

“The Beaches Link Tunnel is an ineffective and dangerous solution to our congestion issues.” Natasha said.

“I am particularly concerned about the secrecy and missing business case for the $14 billion dollar Tunnel project that will lead to more cars on local roads as well as a decade of construction chaos, tolls and the inevitable push for more development to fund it.”

“We need a solution focused on improved public transport, for example introducing new ferries and ferry routes, to make public transport a more viable option for local residents and encourage them to leave their cars at home.”

“Furthermore, the planning and risk management for the proposed Liberal Beaches Tunnel puts many in our community at risk. The plan sees smoke stacks located dangerously close to schools during the construction phase, and untold predicted damaged to houses in the vicinity of the drilling.”

Residents are invited to attend the event to share their opinion and help set a more community minded agenda to ease congestion on the Northern Beaches.

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  1. Lawrence S. Roberts

    The City of Sydney is having huge problems bringing back the Tramcars, the technology is beyond them.

    With the self-driving electric or hydrogen bus, van, and car months away from implementation why would we squander

    desperately needed resources on this project which only benefits the developers.

  2. Shaun Newman

    The tories are really getting desperate now lol.

  3. pierre wilkinson

    Lawrence S. Robert: because the developers probably donate a fair bit of the contract money back to the LNP as contributions.

  4. paul walter

    Nice place Sydney, before the gangsters, developers and real estate sharks took it over a couple of generations ago.

  5. Pingback: A great article from the AIM ntework – Author David Tyler | Townsville Blog.

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