By guest columnist Tess Lawrence
Michelle Obama for President?
Yes, of course. Is it even a thing? Absolutely.
It makes sense out of Donald Trump’s nonsensical but dangerous bid to reclaim his title of Heavyweight Champion Idiot of the Free World.
He’s turned Uncle Sam into Uncle Spam. Uncle Sham. And then there’s all that pussy-grabbing wham, bam, thank you ma’am stuff.
Let’s face it. Joe Biden’s election restored some sanity to the Oval Office along with the restoration of normal and bureaucratic, domestic doings of the White House.
Remember all those unoccupied offices when dicktator Trump was in power?
Who needs all those rooms when your entire staff comprises family, a la Sri Lanka’s Rajapaksa dynasty?
Ivanka, Eric, Donald Jr – in their father’s White House, many mansions
In their father’s White House were many, many mansions for the likes of Ivanka, Eric, the very junior Donald Junior and the other Trumplets and their partners.
Biden steadied the ship and removed the floating shit. Sure, he had the advantage of being Veep to President Barack Obama, so the presidency was always in his vision and scope and certainly, within his grasp and capacity.
Now, there’s a hole in Biden’s bucket list
But now there’s a hole in the bucket list of Joseph Robinette Biden Junior, the 46th President of a very Disunited States. But hey, name me a country that isn’t suffering from an identity crisis on this very day, including our own.
There are legitimate concerns about Joe Biden’s capacity to win, let alone see out a second term, healthwise. President Biden is now 81 years old, but it’s not his age that’s the problem.
He seems to be suffering from some sort of condition, and the world has been watching when, on occasion, First Lady Dr Jill Biden, has ‘rescued’ him from his apparent vagueness and disorientations; rather like the courageous efforts of Nancy with Ronald Reagan.
Does Biden have dementia? Not a sin.
There is loud rumour that Biden may be exhibiting signs of dementia. That’s not a sin. But it is certainly worrying when you have to function as the President of the United States. You have to be ‘home’ 24/7. The world depends on it.
Biden’s campaign opening speech, delivered on the eve of January 6th, the third anniversary of the Trump induced storming of the Capitol was brilliant and coherent, well written and well delivered. He stutters. I get that. So do I. That’s not counted.
“…Today, we gather in a new year…just one day before January 6, a day forever seared in our memory because it was on that day that we nearly lost America, lost it all.
Today, we’re here to answer the most important of questions. Is democracy still America’s sacred cause? I mean it.
This is not rhetorical, academic or hypothetical. Whether democracy is still America’s sacred cause is the most urgent question of our time.
And it’s what the 2024 election is all about.
The choice is clear.”
Biden kicks off 2024 campaign in PA with speech marking three years since Jan. 6:
Biden calls out Trump’s megalomania and magalomania
Biden’s recounting of the insurrection and the awful destructive, cruel hubris fuelled by the megalomania and the magalomania of the gross narcissist Donald Trump must surely send a shiver down what is left of the collective spine of the world’s so-called democracies.
But if not Biden for president, who then?
To some, Vice-president Kamala Harris has failed to live up to early promise and whether by Camp Biden design or her own, she hasn’t really appeared to grow in the role in terms of her public profile, although latterly she’s been on more overseas missions.
This from The White House website:
“On August 11, 2020, Vice President Harris accepted President Joe Biden’s invitation to become his running mate and help unite the nation. She is the first woman, the first Black American, and the first South Asian American to be elected Vice President, as was the case with other offices she has held. She is, however, determined not to be the last.”
As things stand. Or fall. She could still become president if Biden died, resigned or was found to be incapacitated. Once unshackled, Harris could surprise us all.
Could she beat Donald Trump? Probably not.
Cometh the hour, cometh the woman, Michelle Obama
Then suddenly but not entirely unexpected, a shaft of sunlight beams through the darkness.
Cometh the hour, cometh the woman; Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama.
In her timely appearance on Jay Shetty’s madly popular award-winning health and wellbeing podcast, ON Purpose, Obama just happened to let slip that she was terrified at the possible outcome of the US 2024 presidential race.
What Michelle Obama said on ON Purpose was on purpose.
MICHELLE OBAMA Opens Up on Her 8 Years in The White House: “We Know Too Much.”
For commentators, it signaled what many Democrats and others alike had hoped for. Former First Lady, Michelle Obama was touting the possibility of entering the race for the presidency.
Two women could beat Trump: Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama
There are two women of colour who could take on Trump and win – Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama. If Obama is serious, she would surely receive backing from Winfrey – and if so, watch out allegedly ex CEO Rupert Murdoch.
Something is going on in the engine room of the Obamas. Both have publicly expressed concern about the possible implications for America if Trump somehow slithers his way back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; although I don’t think either have mentioned him by name.
Michelle Robinson Obama might well seem like a lonesome Crusoe if she does campaign for preselection under the umbrella of the Democratic Party, but she won’t be the first African American woman to do so.
The making of a precedent Or two. Shirley Anita Chisolm
That title goes to the extraordinary and powerful orator, Shirley Anita Chisholm.
In 1972, with the telling campaign slogan ‘UNBOUGHT AND UNBOSSED’ Chisholm, who had already made her mark by being the first African America woman to be elected to Congress, where she was to serve for seven terms.
Shirley Chisholm: The first black woman to run for US president.
Although the former First Lady was the first African American to occupy that role, there is little doubt that her marriage to President Obama was a marriage of equals in that she was and remains an effective communicator and administrator who seriously champions a number of causes and projects. Then. And now.
Sometimes, given the crude political intrusion of the Trump years, that still contaminate global politics, the Obama years seem ethereal. Did it really happen that America once had a black President? I was doing a vox pop in Victoria’s Thornbury when Obama was elected – and some people were weeping with joy that such a thing could happen!
Can you imagine a black man being elected elected US President today? No. Can you imagine a black woman being elected President today? Yes, if that woman is Michelle Obama.

Yes, she can!
Michelle Obama will be sixty on Wednesday. She’s a bub compared with Biden. Again, it’s not the age that matters; it is the capacity to lead and all the depth and breadth that leadership entails. Can she do it? Yes, she can.
Clearly a profound thinker, writer and doer, clues lay in what the Obamas have been up to since they left The White House, both collectively and individually and at times the couple has come under scrutiny and copped some criticism.
The human obstacle to Obama’s ambition is Harris. Michelle Obama as running mate of the current Veep won’t cut it.
Michelle Obama, running mate Kamala Harris. Heir and spare
Would Harris stand aside and be prepared to be Obama’s vice presidential running mate? That’s a big ask for someone who’s already the current heir to the throne. Why would she agree to be relegated to a spare?
And yet, a Michelle Obama/Kamala Harris ticket is not only compelling, it may just save the Democrats and may yet save America from repugnant Trumpian Republicanism.
A presidential Trump loss would hopefully chasten the Grand Old Party and rejuvenate it. Force it to reform; shed its skin. It ain’t healthy to have a weak political opponent in Federal or state politics, let alone have weak governments as incumbents.
Can Michelle Obama defeat Donald Trump?
Yes, she can.
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Tess Lawrence is Contributing editor-at-large for Independent Australia and her most recent article is The night Porter and allegation of rape.
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I 100% like that lady.
I too believe she can do it.
Does Michelle share Barrack Obama’s openly admitted voracious appetite for sanctioning state sponsored murder signing off every Tuesday on who is to be executed by drone strikes? Would she pretend to sip contaminated water in front of the parents of poisoned children, dismissing their fears in preference of supporting a culpable idiot Democrat Governor? Has she got what it takes to be a US presidential war criminal? We do know she has what takes to marry one and then stand by her man.
Would she make The Orange Nutter apoplectic with rage? He had a hard enough time with Hilary, so we can imagine his blood pressure going into the stratosphere and driving his sputtering rationality right off the fairway if he to run against another woman…and gasp…a black woman at that. I agree with Roswell wholeheartedly.
Dear B Sullivan, and these are things we must assess and contemplate for sure. She was not the President. Although she may well have slept with him.
One would agree with Michelle Obama, but first she would need to run for either house or senate, for at least minimal credibility.
However, there is someone ‘oven ready’ with similar appeal who has been road tested at state level, wheeled out on Fox News with Hannity and a debate with DeSantis moderated by Tucker Carlson, Gavin Newsom California’s Governor; they couldn’t touch him as he’s too smart, disciplined, superior debater or communicator, and he kept them on piste.
Dearest Roswell, I’m with you !
Tess, I think you may have picked a dark horse capable of overturning American politics. So think of the Terrific Trio; Michelle, Kamala & Oprah ….. and millions of American women fed up with a social system that rips them off at every turn. Time for a change, Ladies.
Hmmm, not sure if picking a candidate who just has a vagina as a qualification is the smartest move going .
What experience in administration does she have? What are her policies? Is she electable?
Americans who just seem to be so full of razzle dazzle and bling, just can’t seem to find anyone with half a brain. They need a real leader but always end up with grifters, perverts or nut jobs.
@ andyfiftysix: The reason that ”[America] always ends up with grifters, perverts or nut jobs” is that those persons are the most malleable for the economic shysters & unelected political hacks in the party to manipulate for the profit of themselves and their ”political donors”. The same thing occurs in Australia. Check out Gary Allen, ”None Dare Call it Conspiracy” available on the Internet.
After consideration, perhaps the biggest impediment for a Top Three finish will be the short time available to sell the team in the poisonous, high cost American election environment.
Even so, it is possible as NSW voters may remember Ted Mack (INDEPENDENT) won the seat of North Sydney on the absolute minimum duration election campaign, and held it until promoted into Feral politics, from where he retired with distinction.
Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey, now there’s a duo right there !
The USA populace, as voters, let alone as consumers of news, goods, services, attitudes, superstitions, is the sick part here. Nearly half of voters went for an orange orifice, unwiped, untrustworthy, unsafe. A pervert, crook, liar, cheat, double crosser, backstabber, selfinfatuated prick, Donald Dogshit won huge support, and from whom? I, no doubt many of you, have met wonderful ordinary and talented people in the world, including the USA. Ordinary people have come last in every historical context, as victims, deaths, statistics. It’s the Napoleons, Adolfs, Josefs, Benitos, Juans, Pol Pots, etc, that get up, in and over everything. But, Mrs. Obama would make a clever, articulate, talented, acceptable face of the USA, and could produce an extraordinary female voter turnout as a bonus, She would face “headwinds” of the military-industrials, the California Texas axis of evil, “Washington”, religious ultra stupid bigotry, incurable racism, thickboned ignorance and set ways. But she could re-establish USA images of decay, perversion, hypocrisy, decline and overbearing egofixation. It could even puncture Trumpery…
What a dream, Tess, Michelle would be the president to make America great. The media gives biden, like Albo, blame under glaring headlines and, if at all, praise deep in the paper and under disingenuous headers. This is less damaging under our system but of great influence in a two horse race. This year will be more of a democrat vs republican with the task to excite voters into turning up to vote.
Hopefully, in the absence of Obama, Oprah, Kamala, the young will see Biden as senile enough to be controlled by his party administration. Otherwise he is unelectable, except against trump who listens to nobody.
Whatever, this old americophobe is ‘rooting’ for trump
WAM, if by ‘rootin’ for Trump you mean having sex with a MAGA supporter, ok but if you mean ‘root in’ in the American context I would be vaguely interested to know your reasons, but only vaguely as I cannot see any reason to support him.
Andrew Smith, I don’t think she needs to run for congress to gain credibility, I think she earned that as FLOTUS
Certainly Obama’s reputation has taken a bit of a hammering since his departure for such warmongering as the drone strikes in Pakistan but that need not necessarily flow over to Michelle, since she didn’t have a veto power.
It might be preferable if she stood as an independent, given the scum running the Democrats are as bad as the scum running the Republicans. But then she would run the risk of the Dems doing to her what they did to Bernie Sanders to protect their own candidate, another First Lady.
But that’s a hard row to hoe as George Washington is the only Independent ever to have been elected President.
That said she certainly appeals to me more than any of the other candidates.
Ahhh PP ….. I love it when you write dirty!!
Andy mentioned the idea of a candidate having a vagina was a “smart move”. Well J Kennedy had plenty of vaginas, (they were not actually his) did little but talk well, and even Trump boasts of his “successes”. Could this “part” be a secret weapon from now on? Seriously (what?) Mrs. Obama, who might be well and subtly advised, would be siamesetwinically ex-hubby good, in effect.
Yeah, I’d go with that.
The old boy schmoozers to the current antediluvian power machine might make good butlers to a new fem Whitehouse and congress. Either that or resign them to the naughty room.
NEC, i disagree to a degree. Yea sure the money is where you get promotion and advertising space . But in the end , if 45% of the population are dumb as dog shit and are still willing to vote for the crook…..whose to blame?
Seems to me, “movie stars” and grifters who can talk underwater get more attention and praise than those that do the actual work.
Is there nobody in america who teaches logic, clear thinking and science? Fuck me, magnets dont work with water on them comes from their stable genius. Can we put light into the body to kill covid…………….on second thought, he clearly belongs in his demographic.
Lets pick somebody who is popular, a woman , a black woman, That should tick every box…….They are still looking for a messiah. ……… How about somebody with an agenda to make america a better place.
Romeo charlie Obama, oprah or kamala would be terrific as president or vice president. Historically, since my dad came home as a churchill, americophobe, I have been anti-america. Easily the worst option for america is trump. QED ps Friends and family (and here) think my ideas are irresponsible but my septic tank prejudice has been constantly reinforced by observation over the last 9 decades. Not the least being US ignorance of their military’s atrocities, wounded knee, bud daju, no gun ri, my lai and abu ghraib. Albo should free Assange.
Tess you have found a solution to the problem of US leadership, something that has been bothering me. Biden seems like a good man, but I feel that it is time he realises that his time has passed and retire with dignity with his reputation intact, Michelle Obama is not only the best candidate, but the only one who could defeat Trump, hell we are in scary times needing strong world leaders which seems to be lacking, well done.
G’day Dear Andrew, you are right about Gavin Newsom – and he would pick up younger and minority votes who are dropping away from Biden at the moment. Thanks so much for your comment.
G’day Dear Ken, and thank you for your contribution to the discussion. Since publication, John Kerry has resigned as special climate envoy to help with the Dems presidential campaign. The Dems are in big trouble. * I reckon Kerry could beat Trump, by the way.
There is none more worthy to lead this sad country of USA than Michelle Obama! Whilst the middle states of APATHY, blindly follow the GOP Polls like Biblical Predictions; the United States of America appears to be utterly divided, corrupted and broken!!
The decline of the US Empire has many viewers interested! There is no Supreme Power Online other than emptiness!
The decline of the US Empire has many viewers interested!
Fellow earthlings and commentators,as mentioned in the above article, it was Michelle Obama’s
birthday on Wednesday and we thought you may be interested in how The Obama Foundation
celebrated her achievements. A presidential campaign promo perchance ? Perhaps so, but by any measure,
her service to the community, before, during and beyond First Lady days is rightly acknowledged.
Celebrating the Impact of Michelle Obama on her 60th Birthday | The Obama Foundation