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March in March

For those who want to express their displeasure with the direction this government is taking us, March in March is happening again on the weekend of 21/22 March.

This is especially important in NSW with the state election the following weekend. The following is from the organisers of the Sydney March.


The people have spoken but the fight is far from over!

March in March is on again – an empowering day to unite with fellow Australians to call for a better government! Come and voice your concerns, stand up for what you believe in and demand better policy making now and for our future ahead of the NSW State Election on March 28th!

In March 2014 over 20,000 people joined us in Sydney to be counted. Are you ashamed of this government? Are you concerned about the direction our country is headed? JOIN US IN 2015!

Abbott may relinquish his leadership but the current government still has a lot to answer for and the buck stops with us! The people have been outspoken – so far cuts and changes to healthcare, welfare and education have been rejected but there is still much to fight for – ABC funding has been cut; the environment, science, climate change, the treatment of refugees and our indigenous people are among many issues which are dangerously disregarded; healthcare, welfare and education are under continual threat. Mining and environmentally destructive methods threaten our land while lining the pockets of those in power; our government ignores climate change and the needs of it’s people while the mainstream media pushes its own agenda…

The war has only been half won but we have their attention!

We want the government to listen to our demands for a fairer future for all!



Other marches that have been organised so far are listed below.

Perth :






Bega Valley:



For updates the home page can be found here.



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  1. John Lord


  2. roddy666

    Yes, why is there none in Melbourne?

  3. Jennifer Meyer-Smith

    The March in March in Melbourne was on March 4 and it was magnificent.

    50,000 people were counted. I and my daughters were there.

  4. roddy666

    Wasn’t that the Union one? I had to work that day 🙁

  5. Jennifer Meyer-Smith

    Same thing.

  6. Roddy


  7. Margaret McMillan

    I’m not sure if this is ok, so please remove if it’s inappropriate moderators!

    As someone involved in organising these rallies/marches, I would like to explain that the whole thing started as an idea on twitter, and since then has been kept alive by Facebook pages. We understand that not everybody uses Facebook, and that in fact some people actively hate it, but as an Australia wide grass roots organisation, it is the only practical way we have of letting people know March Australia exists. If anyone is interested, all of the regions which have an active group are listed on the website or you can look for the Facebook page MarchAustralia-National.

    The first marches in March last year brought upwards of 100,000 people out into the streets around the country. Given the shocking record of this government it should be more like 500,000 this time.

  8. Aortic

    Can’t make it to the Sydney one but you have my full support. Hope for an enormous turnout not only to tell these Federal idiots they are on the wrong track but to give their State counterparts a strong message too.

  9. John Lord


  10. gangey1959

    March in March should be a good precursor to the election on the 28 March. Let us hope NSW has the same opinion of their existing government as their east coast counterparts to the north and south.
    Maybe then we can take Australia back, for the benefit of ALL of us.

  11. John Lord

    I have a friend who was one of the founding organizers of M in M. These marches didn’t gel with me so I messaged him for an update.
    His answer follows.

    I fought to keep it grassroots John. People came in to dominate and I left in June. Disgusting experience.

    The Unions took over.

  12. townsvilleblog

    I hope massive numbers turn out and vote against the LNP.

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