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  1. babyjewels10

    “the Australian Prime Minister said in Colombo a couple of days ago – I quote – “Sometimes in difficult circumstances, difficult things happen”.” If that one statement doesn’t prove he’s totally deluded and off with the fairies, nothing will.

  2. Kaye Lee


    This is from the man who said ten years ago,

    ‘‘Abortion is the easy way out. It’s hardly surprising that people should choose the most convenient exit from awkward situations.’’

    His exit was off to Oxford, you deal with it. He also said that contraception was wrong because it was usually part of a “me now” mentality. This from the champion of “me now”.

  3. Jennifer Meyer-Smith

    On the basis of your comments, maybe ole Tone’s problem (not meaning any disrespect to anyone else) is that he is schizophrenic. One side of him says one thing and means it, and then another comes out and trumps it with contradictory and uncomplimentary conduct.

    I can’t come up with any other explanation for such blatant hypocrisy that lacks total insight of what motivates one’s own impulses and conduct.

  4. donwreford

    The blog is so convoluted in its strange story, you would think this is book material? for a grasp on how all this can be.

  5. Kaye Makovec

    “These men give one faith that the world is not full of corporate puppets like Tony Abbott.”

    It’s what keeps some of us going. That and hope, trust even, in the young ones coming up behind us.

  6. kerrilmail

    Maybe as a form of civil disobedience we should all use the words Bin Laden and Assange every time we phone, email or text???

  7. John Fraser


    People think i'm joking when I tell them that Abbott is a moron.

  8. stephentardrew

    Kaye I had an nasty little cynical thought. What if lots of people, by that I mean a mass movement, regularly typed, emailed, phoned or text a list of scary key words in a variety of sequences so that they could not be easily filtered. That would surly screw up the works somewhat. In fact if things get out of hand that may be one solution to this unconscionable invasion of privacy.

    “Sometimes in difficult circumstances difficult things happen.” “Shit happens.” I am gob-smacked at the lack of media and academic attention by psychologist, sociologist and linguist at the deep underlying subconscious implications of these comments. Abbott is totally off of his rocker if he thinks these quotes are any way acceptable in a modern sophisticated democracy. He is tacitly approving murder and genocide. Good lord have we come to turning our backs so easily by ignoring the blatantly obvious lack of concern and consideration for anyone who gets in the way of Abbott’s agenda. Is not his lying, treatment of the unemployed, elderly, workers, refugees, homeless, youth, the working poor and disenfranchised women the very sign of a completely callous and mentally challenged disturbed personality.

    Clearly the point of these quotes is the blatant re-framing of the facts to meet his twisted objectives.

    My country my country wherefore my country.

  9. Rob031

    @Jennifer Meyer-Smith – September 14, 2014 at 7:52 pm

    … maybe ole Tone’s problem (not meaning any disrespect to anyone else) is that he is schizophrenic. One side of him says one thing and means it, and then another comes out and trumps it with contradictory and uncomplimentary conduct.

    I can’t come up with any other explanation for such blatant hypocrisy that lacks total insight of what motivates one’s own impulses and conduct.

    As an amateur psychologist I’ve been fascinated as to how Abbott’s mind works. Some people reckon he’s a narcissist or a socio-path and he certainly appears to tick a few boxes along those lines. But, being a tad knowledgeable of personality disorders (eg DSM IV and now V) it’s not so easy to fit him into any of these categories.

    Schizophrenic? Not sure. It may be a more like a dissociation disorder syndrome – as in Syble or The United States of Taura. This is quite different from Schizophrenia with ‘voices’ and the like.

    Abbott appears as an odd mixture of persona. At times he seems genuinely caring. At others he’s a political manipulator. It’s as though these two aspects of his mentality have no awareness of one another. This I think is what you’re getting at Jennifer MS.

    Whether Abbott is a narcissist, a sociopath or a DID’s sufferer it’s a bit of a worry that he’s at the helm.


    BTW. Here is a clip by Katie Lee that was used in an episode of The United States of Taura for those who like psychological humour. It’s from her album (1959) titled “Songs of Couch and Consulation” which has a bunch of brilliant songs about matters psychological like, say, “Repressed Hostility Blues”

  10. Lee

    ‘‘Abortion is the easy way out. It’s hardly surprising that people should choose the most convenient exit from awkward situations.’’

    Oh you mean like adoption?

  11. Paul

    100 years ago there was just one word, “Lunatic”, perhaps we should just use that when describing him.

  12. Lee

    We have a catch-all term now – dick.

  13. CMMC

    ‘Personality’? He hasn’t got a personality, take away the robust physicality and there is the classic catatonic absence of humour and passion.

    BTW, I saw a meteorite over Newcastle about 7.15 last night.

  14. Hotspringer

    A bott is evil. Full stop.

  15. Kaye Makovec

    Kerrilmail, we used to do that way, way back when Echelon reared its ugly head.
    There were so many phone conversations using the word bomb like ‘we have a paddock bomb’ and ‘our old bomb has had it so will have to buy another one’.
    The old Echelon was so bad we could actually hear it click in 🙂

  16. Kaye Lee

    A while ago I wrote an article called message in a bottle where I said “Capitalist fundamentalists have taken over my country and are carrying out a jihad against anyone who earns less than $80,000. Please send help.”

    If I type the word banana you will know that a white van has pulled up outside the door.

  17. Kaye Makovec

    You should have made a sticker 🙂

  18. diannaart

    Stop A Bott

  19. Jennifer Meyer-Smith


    I like your description of Abbott as, “lunatic”.

    Pity his poor Mum and Dad didn’t call him something starting with L, then we’d even have alliteration to assist us with this very apt description.

    (I so hope his minders read this blog.)

  20. Claudio Pompili

    To call Abbott a hypocrite, liar or moron misses the point and seriously under estimates the danger facing Australia.
    Abbott is a single-minded bully and narcissist, gaffes and buffoonery aside, who craves power and has enough rat cunning to surround himself with like-minded religuous/Ideologically-driven sociopaths. Collectively, he and his A-team are the most dangerous grouping of extreme right-wing politicians of a fascist hue that I’ve experienced in 50 years of voting in Australian elections.

  21. Jennifer Meyer-Smith


    the humour of calling Abbott names relieves the tension of knowing, if Australia doesn’t make a stand, our subjugation under Abbott’s LNP Government will be prolonged.

    That’s why I want an alliance between Labor and the Greens. That’s also why I’m pleading with Labor to make a stand now. Both actions will bring more people to their fold and they won’t lose those of us, who are frustrated by their lack of action so far.

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