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If ever we wanted a New Year to be better than the last, 2020 is the one

We’ve never found it harder to say “Happy New Year” than now. Given the heartbreak being felt across the country perhaps “Hopeful New Year” seems more appropriate.

We’re doing it tough. Thousands of others are doing it tougher. But readers of The AIMN share a common thread so succinctly summarised by Phil Pryor in his comment under 2019: The Top 5.

It’s been a hard year on the nerves and many are now frustrated, disappointed, depressed. We always need honesty, confidence, foresight, planning, positive and progressive attitudes, some hope. With a government from the top down consisting of dung, droppings, drainblocks and deviates, we feel stalled, dumped, betrayed.

That’s how the year ends, and as from today it is how the New Year begins.

We Australians are a resilient lot. It will get better because we will fight for what makes our country better. We can not control the elements but we can hold the powers that ignore them to account.

Over the last couple of weeks people have found their voice. In 2020 we will be shouting, and I suspect, taking to the streets even more. We want our country back and in 2020 we will make that known throughout the halls of Parliament. We will make Canberra rattle with our voices.

But all that’s in 2020.

Reflecting on The AIMN in 2019 … the year was a good one for us, easily surpassing the total number of hits we received in 2018.

In 2019 we had the 20 millionth visitor to the site since opening our doors on the 2nd of January, 2013. People are reading us! We also reached a Facebook membership of 20,000. And we look forward to a bigger 2020 thanks to our fabulous team of writers, our dedicated admin team, the loyal commenters and the growing number of readers.

You’ve all made The AIMN what it is today and we owe you our special thanks.

Oh, and we wish you a Happy New Year.

Michael and Carol.

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You’ll like it even more knowing that your donation will help us to keep up the good fight.

Chuck in a few bucks and see just how far it goes!

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  1. Kathy

    Yes lets be hopeful for a better 2020. Thankyou Michael and Carol and wishing you both the best for the new year ahead.

  2. RosemaryJ36

    For far too many, the start of 2020 is not at all happy and it is difficult to know how to break through.
    People seem unable to comprehend that they do not have to shut up about their problems and that silence is acceptance.
    I do not accept that we have elected a competent government and I will do my damnedest to see them ousted ASAP!
    Very best wishes for 2020 to end better than it is starting!

  3. New England Cocky

    Happy New Year AIMN People. Thank you for providing a site where thinking people may offer solutions to the problems of the world by discussion and debate. Special thanks to Michael and Carol for the behind the scenes work.

    This morning (010120) ABC News 24 Channel announced that military assets are being deployed into the Eastern Victorian fire zone. Many would say that RFS training could reasonably become part of military training for moments like the present. Certainly a military contingent of a platoon (about 30 persons) or a company (about 100 persons) available in the fire fighters rotation under RFS/CFA overall command would have eased the strain on volunteers.

  4. pierre wilkinson

    thank you all at the AIMN network, without your thoughtful analyses of the political situation I would truly despair

  5. New England Cocky

    Addendum to above: The Premier of Victoria called in the military to assist with the bush fire emergency in Gippsland, reported this morning 010120 on ABC News 24 channel.

    THAT is called leadership, Gladys; have you tried applying some rather than dancing to the tune of the unelected political hacks who control pre-selection in the Liarbral Party?

  6. Arthur Tarry

    I live in the federal electorate of Wide Bay – a blue ribbon conservative seat, previously held by that renowned drongo Warren Truss and now by somebody called Llew O’Brien. I’m surrounded and submerged by conservative talk from the ill-informed, the brain-dead, and others that can’t see beyond the nose of their face.Furthermore, most just repeat party-political rubbish. or regurgitate stuff they read in Murdoch rags, be they national, state, or regional newspapers , or News Corp owned local rags. So AIMN provides me with solace and confidence that there are people throughout Australia that think and understand, are willing to believe sound and profound science,
    and that national & state governments & our local councils need to plan for the future, think about people’s welfare and, above all else, place people before money. We currently have a $6 million surf club being built near Noosa, with help from a million dollar plus grant from Mr O’Brien, but still have no shelter for the homeless and those battered by DV.

  7. Keitha Granville

    thanks AIMN, my island of sanity in a country that seems to have fallen off a cliff.

    Maintain the rage people, don’t forget in 3 years time that this government is possibly the worst we have ever had. We have time to mobilise and make sure they are not re-elected, convert people. 1 each and we’ll tip the balance.

  8. wam

    A good thing that the government cannot take is my darling and I have made 2020 still walking and talking.
    Phil used the word that is the number one missing link in political life ‘honesty’.
    My new ‘tear’s hope is albo reads the ABS report and moves to give the workers access to gillard’s greed cash-committee, or dump it but at least reinstate the vote for pay rises.
    The median income in Australia is $48,360 before tax, according to a report released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics this month that analysed data from the 2016/2017 financial year.

    My highlight for the decade (although, crow it doesn’t end till the end of this year) was a female child giving it to jewish, christian and muslim men and women who believe women are not equal, who believe their male god created women with a flaw to ensure they never become equal but, to cater for the girls who shit all over the boys, who believe there are exceptional women.
    Wonder if god cocked up his form of evolution and gave some women male brains? Perhaps some men got female bits and vice versa??
    ps jan 25th is the white metal rat, the new year I celebrate. So gong yee fatt choy to all you rats.

  9. Michael Taylor

    I forgot to mention that we raised $800 for the bushfire appeal. Thank you to all who contributed.

    Now I’ve got the hard job of decided which specific appeal to give it to. Any ideas?

  10. New England Cocky

    Red Cross was mentioned in the ABC News as collecting donations.

  11. Michael Taylor

    That’s who I was thinking of, NEC. A lot of the others were state-based, but this one was national. I didn’t want to show any favours to a particular state.

  12. Stephengb

    Something totally unrelated tomthe story.


    I started following AIMN in 2014, I 7sed to tick the boxes for follow up comments and or notification of new posts, but nothing ever happened.

    I know I have subscribed in 2014, but I thonk I used an email address and password which I have since forgotten

    How can I sort this out ?

    By the way I am not impressed with ever increasing number of articles that are split into parts of an articles that just go on and on !
    We at part 20 with one of them I can’t follow an article longer than War and Peace.

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