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Christmas comes but once a year …

… And here it is! Christmas Day, 2019.

We wish all our readers, authors, and their families a wonderful Christmas Day. You all deserve it!

The days leading up to Christmas have been one of sadness for so many of our brothers and sisters. On this day we think of them.

We have all felt anger, too. With the government, at times with each other, and indeed with the troubles that are brewing the world over. But on this day we trust that it is not anger, but hope that our efforts in making this country – and world – a better place.

We are the people who can do our part: our authors and our readers.

May this also be one of love and peace to you all.

And after what has been a chaotic month Michael and I would like to give a special thank you to our admin group of Kathy, Roswell, and our Facebook team who have all risen above the call of duty.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Carol and Michael.

PS: Don’t forget that The AIMN is donating our reader donations received today or tomorrow to the Australian Bushfire Appeal.


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  1. Pilot

    And a very Merry Christmas to you and your entire extended family Carol & Michael from all of us in our little house.

  2. Kathryn

    Happy Christmas to you, Michael, Carol and to everyone at AIMN. We thank you for your tireless work and your strong commitment in our fight against inequality, inhumanity and political corruption. Wishing you, and all our AIMN readers, a wonderful Christmas and here’s hoping that 2020 will bring you all love, laughter and hope.

  3. corvus boreus

    Seasonal blessings and heartfelt thanks to Michael and Carol, and all the other merry elves at the AIMN.
    May you wassail hearty amidst good company.

    Ps, it is currently precipitating in this part of Terra Straya, a slow soaking rain which is, under present circumstances, about the best Christmas gift anyone could have hoped for.

  4. Miriam English

    Have a lovely day Carol and Michael and your steadfast elves (Roswell, Kathy, and others), and thanks to you for this amazing information source and forum. And thanks to all those who post the collective wisdom of the articles and comments here.

    As an aside, perhaps it’s just me, but I kept staring at the picture at the head of this, wondering how they wired the lights for electricity and hoped it was above the high-tide mark. It was only after I viewed a magnified version of the image, looking for wires on the sand that I realised the jumble of shapes to the left of the tree were not a small girl sitting on the sand. 🙂

  5. RomeoCharlie29

    Allow me to add my thanks to the AIMN team and it’s extended family for the contribution all make to the discussion of matters minor, major and world shaking. So many fine thoughts and ideas proffered, a few perhaps better left unsaid but all done with passion and, mostly, love. May you all enjoy whatever the festive season brings and, as they say somewhere, live long and prosper. Today my wife of 49 years and I will enjoy the company of family and friends but most importantly the first Christmas our most precious granddaughter understands. It is for her future (and that of her generation) that we take the actions we do, small though they are.

  6. New England Cocky

    Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to the AIMN staff and readers.

  7. Phil Pryor

    May we all have a very fine day, every day, if we can arrive at that better place in future with planning, thought for the planet and others, leadership, collective and participatory discussion and action, and, the best of good will in our society and community. Regards to all..,

  8. Roswell

    Thank you for the shout out, Carol. Merry Christmas to you and Michael, and to everyone else here at The AIMN.

  9. Wobbley

    Merry Xmas to all and a wonderful new year with less fascists, lol.

  10. Baby Jewels

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Carol, and to all readers of AIM. What a great place to vent one’s spleen and read the comments of like minds and know we’re not alone. Let’s hope 2020 brings more “loud” Australians as the anger grows.

  11. RosemaryJ36

    I hope everyone, especially our editors and their team, has a peaceful festive season and hope for better things in 2020..

  12. Michael Taylor

    Thank you, everyone. Merry Christmas to you all.

  13. Phil Gorman

    Thanks to you all for a modicum of sanity in an absurd world. Very best wishes for the season and a successful New Year.

  14. Kaye Lee

    Merry Xmas to the entire AIMN family.

    I am having the year from hell and Xmas comes with both my husband and mother-in-law in hospital and me trying to run a business on my own. We lost three family members this year and the empty seats remind us of our loss. I know I am not alone. Xmas is both a wonderful and a sad time for many.

    Without you all it would be so much harder.

    To Michael and Carol, thank you for giving us safe haven and some optimism that there are good people fighting the fight to make the world a better place.

    Love and best wishes to my AIMN family.

  15. Carol Taylor

    Kaye Lee, so sorry for your loss during the year. I am imagining how difficult it must be for you with both your husband and mother in law in hospital. I hope this coming year is much better for you. With people such as yourself at the AIMN, it gives me confidence that the part we play can make things better for those less able and for the future.

  16. corvus boreus

    Kaye Lee,
    I offer my respectful sympathy.
    Peace and health upon your hands and all who shake or hold them .

  17. Gangey

    Merry Christmas to everyone, especially the contributors, who brighten my day with each article I read, regardless of the content.
    My sympathies KL. I had a similar Christmas eve yesterday. Life is what it is, and we do what we do with it.
    My heartfelt sympathy to all of the victims and sufferers of the fires, the drought, and the moronscum et al in general debacle.

  18. DrakeN

    Michael, Carol and the whole tribe of AIMN – thank you all (well, nearly all) of you for your good works and contributions.

    I wish you all the Very Bestest for the Festering Season and may the next years to be as good as you wish them to.

  19. johno

    Yes, thanks to the AIMN team and love and peace to all and sundry.

  20. Henry Rodrigues

    Thank you AIMN and all who make it possible, relevent, and topical and provide a platform for fervent intelligent opposition to the worst bunch of grifters and hypocrites we have ever had to endure. We’ll be back after the break more energized more galvanized and definitely more determined, never to let these creeps ruin this great country and nation. The firefighters have shown us what it means to never give in. So, a bright happy and promising New Year to one and all.

  21. Kathy

    Thank you Michael and Carol. Wishing you both a Merry Christmas. All the best and Merry Christmas everyone.

  22. Anne Byam

    Wishing all ( as it is now Boxing Day as I write ) … a very heathy, happy and prosperous New Year filled with new hope and peace.

    Your article and wishes Carol are beautiful – thank you. … And thanks to AIMN for everything they and the writers do to broaden our minds and thoughts. I don’t comment much, but I do read almost every article.


    Kaye – so sad to hear of your troubles this past year, and I wish for you a great deal better health, and healing for your husband and mother-in-law and a much easier time for you overall. Best of good wishes for the New Year, Kaye.

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