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Battle Cry of the Unbowed

By Roger Chao

Battle Cry of the Unbowed

In this hallowed land downunder, where change is underway,

Lies a spark, untamed and fierce, that will not fade away.

It’s a flame that feeds on anger, on the wrongs we can’t ignore,

It’s a fire that fuels rebellion, and a cry of something more.


No chain can bind our spirits, no shackle lock our might,

No wall of privilege shield them, no discrimination aid their flight.

They trample with exclusion, they wound with bias so deep,

But we are the strength unbroken, a promise we will keep.


They think us weak and weary, they deem us frail and slight,

But we’ll show them we won’t falter in this never-ending fight.

Through the darkened veil of sexism, through racism’s hateful sneer,

We’ll march with heads held high, no surrender, and no fear.


We’ll break the bonds of hatred, we’ll shatter all that’s wrong.

No more the voiceless victims; we’re coming and we are strong.

With hearts ablaze and minds afire, we’ll tear down each vile trace

Of the oppression that has held us, of the shame we’ll not embrace.


We’ll stand for all the silenced, we’ll speak for those unheard,

We’ll fight for every soul oppressed, by action and by word.

We’ll challenge every bigot, we’ll fight them to the grave,

We’ll be the beacon in the darkness, the valiant and the brave.


For this is not a whisper, it’s a shout into the night,

A rallying cry of warriors, a symphony full of might.

It’s a call to all who hear it, a summons to be free,

A battle cry of the unbowed, a fight for equality.


Let the world hear our roaring, let them tremble at our song,

For we are the unyielding, and we’ll fight with tine and prong.

With a love that’s fierce and fearless, with a rage that’s pure and right,

We’ll bring forth a new tomorrow, a world overflowing with light.


So heed this cry, you mighty, you keepers of the chain,

Your walls are but illusions; your power is but vain.

We’re the tide that’s ever surging, we’re the storm you can’t subdue,

We’re the hope, the dream, the future, we’re the many, not the few.


Our voices will be thunderous, a storm that will not cease,

A tempest of determination, a wind of lasting peace.

Stand with us or stand aside, but know that we’ll not bow,

We’re the voice of all humanity, and our time has come, it’s now.


Roger Chao is a writer based in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges, where the forest and local community inspire his writings. Passionate about social justice, Roger strives to use his writing to engage audiences to think critically about the role they can play in making a difference.


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  1. Roswell

    That. Is. Outstanding.

  2. Steve Davis

    Wonderful stuff.

    And it’s evidence for Proudhon’s belief that a sense of justice is innate in every human heart.

    When reading material like this, I’m always reminded of the fact that inspirational literature always comes from common folk and champions of the oppressed and disadvantaged.

  3. Michael Taylor

    I really enjoyed this. What a talented writer you are, Roger.

  4. Anne Naomi Byam

    Brilliant … a powerful message and delivered so very well.

  5. New England Cocky

    Well done!! It is fabulous to see the younger generation standing up to be counted, prepared to reject the corruption that currently infests Australian society.

  6. leefe

    The young people give me hope. Thank you.

  7. Phil Pryor

    S Davis, Proudhon’s background was of a respectful artisan family, and, being neither lower working class or bourgoisie, he had a sense of decency and balance in an age of expanding greed and narrowness.

  8. Phil

    Beautifully written. Deeply stirring.
    This question, “What role can I play to make a difference?”.
    My starting point: The vile traces are within, sown by indifference, hurt, hatred, absence of love, and nurtured by anger. Violence is part of the cycle; with it, nothing will change for the better. So is apathy, comforting distraction.
    If we engage, listen, share about the principles we want to guide our society to one that is more compassionate, where no-one is left with needs unmet, then the policies we need will be clearer and powerful enough, then ‘our voices will be thunderous’ enough, to repurpose the systems and beliefs that feed the gross inequalities, injustices, absences of compassion.

  9. Steve Davis

    Phil P, thanks for the comment.

    I could never understand the antagonism of Marx towards Proudhon.
    Apparently he devoted many months to developing his criticism of Proudhon, leaving important work unfinished.

    Kropotkin was profoundly influenced by Proudhon, and in his great work “Ethics – Origin and Development”, developed the following from Proudhon — “Without equity there is no justice, without justice there is no morality.”

  10. Phil Pryor

    Perhaps Proudhon was centrally cored in a balance, whereas Marx “suffered” from a duality, being an imagined working clas type as well as feeling (more than) somewhat intellectually elitist. It’s as if Marx was both above and below…and perhaps Marx thought Proudhon was “just too bourgoise…”

  11. Steve Davis

    Phil, your last point probably nails it.

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