Our Prime Minister has been called a liar by the President of France, and the worst thing about that is that it is unsurprising. People’s worldview will now be that Australia and its politicians cannot be trusted, and our leaders have only themselves to blame.
Hardly a day has passed since Tony Abbott and the Coalition came to power that some form of corruption, controversy or pathetic behaviour hasn’t been the subject of our media headlines.
What is it that in a thriving multicultural and prosperous country that would invoke Scott Morrison to summon the expression; “we will do it the Australian way.”
Before he did so, I intended to invite the reader to comment on the list of subjects that follow, but now you can add “the Australian way” to it or even how the world sees us as a nation.
1 On leaving for the Glasgow summit and upon his arrival, Scott Morrison looked and acted decidedly nervous. As he approached the podium to announce Australia’s emissions target for 2050, the adrenalin was pumping like a man about to tell a lie. Mind you, nervousness when you knowingly tell lies must be different than when you unwittingly tell them. Now with the added slogan “we will do it the Australian way,” one would have to be super careful about how you apply a saying that could be turned around, twisted or turned upside down – just saying. Anyway, Katherine Murphy has a good article on the subject here. And writing in the New Daily, Alan Kohler says:
“Most people in Glasgow will dismiss him as a freeloader, or laugh at his gall to come to such a consequential conference with something so inconsequential, but some might seize upon it as a remarkably fine wheeze.”
And this is the Australian way?
2 Insiders 31 October. David Speers interviews Angus Taylor from Rome. Taylor says $20 billion of taxpayer’s money to fund new technology. No new taxes after that. If it doesn’t work, then the government of the day will have to sort it out. It seems that if they could describe the $20 billion as other than our taxes, they would.
This is the Australian way?
3 Just as it would seem that finally, the public comprehends the importance of doing something about climate change, Labor becomes overly cautious about being burnt again. Come on be brave, Albo.
This is the authentic Australian way.
4 This is what brave is. “I’m a footballer, and I’m gay.”
It’s hard to believe that in 2021, a young tearful soccer player, instead of just being one among many, has to identify himself as gay; otherwise, he won’t be recognised. Well done, young man.
Setting an example of the Australian way.
5 “Opposition Treasury spokesman Jim Chalmers has outlined a new political and policy strategy for Labor to target Australia’s middle class by developing an inclusive growth agenda.” The Australian 31, October Paywall.
A winning way.
6 On 31 October 2016, I wrote on Facebook that housing affordability is an issue they have put in the public domain without having anything positive to say about it.
No, this is not the Australian way.
7 I’m testing my memory, but I cannot recall an Australian Prime Minister who had his own personal photographers.
A marketing way.
8 Roy Morgan’s fortnightly poll has Labor’s two-party lead out from 53-47 to 54-46, from primary votes of Coalition 36.5% (down one), Labor 35% (down one), Greens 13.5% (up two) and One Nation 3.5% (up half).
Now, that’s the way.
9 “It was not done with a lot of grace. I was under the impression that France had been informed long before that the deal was not going through. Honest to God, I did not know you had not,” said the President of the USA.
Definitely not the Australian way.
10 The Australian Government, during its tenure, to put it lightly, has tried to bury our access to information. In my view, the only area where there is a valid reason to withhold information is in our national defence.
This article by Christopher Knaus of The Guardian points out the failings of the Morrison Government.
“Prime minister Scott Morrison’s office also again failed to meet lawful timeframes in the majority of FOI requests it received, according to the latest Office of the Australian Information Commission’s (OAIC) annual report.”
They do it their way.
11 The length to which the Morrison government has gone to protect Christian Porter is another example of power gone mad. The government doesn’t seem to mind how much it destroys our democracy.
And then there was this, as reported in The New Daily:
“Despite Speaker of the House, Tony Smith – a Liberal MP – deeming there was a “prima facie” case to refer Mr Porter to Parliament’s privileges committee, the government general from further scrutiny.”
For 120 years, this has been critical protection against corruption, yet the government walks away from anything that threatens its power.
In silent protest, this fine Speaker has moved to the backbench.
Protesting in the Australian way.
12 JobKeeper continues to find its way into the headlines. Now churches, it seems, were the benefactors of thousands of dollars, and The Guardian reported that:
“Hope Unlimited Church, a global church that began on the New South Wales Central Coast, revealed in filings to the charity regulator that it posted a $1.6m profit last year while receiving $660,000 in Jobkeeper payments.”
An unChristian way.
13 What did you think about Murdoch’s publications doing a backflip on Climate Heating. True, after telling its readers that the whole thing was a hoax for over a generation. From The Monthly:
“News Corp, meanwhile, began its recently foreshadowed pivot towards advocating for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 (or “Mission Zero” as it has been labelled), shamelessly pretending it had not spent years tearing down any and all efforts to achieve it – something Australian of the Year Grace Tame quickly dubbed “greenhouse gaslighting“.
“Momentum has clearly shifted on the net-zero debate, especially in light of News Corp’s late-stage conversion: 69 per cent of Australians want the government to commit to the target, according to the latest Climate of the Nation report, while a whopping 82 per cent back the phasing-out of coal, and these numbers have been growing for a long while.”
He does it his way.
14 Paul Fletcher has become the go-to man when the government wants to tell lies and do it while at the same time sounding reasonable. The car parking scam is but one example. The Guardian reports that:
“The auditor-general lashed the scheme in a report released mid-year, finding it was “not effective” and projects had been handpicked by the government based on the advice of its own MPs and candidates ahead of the 2019 election.“
A conservative way.
15 Lest it be forgotten in the essence of time when the campaign starts, don’t forget these words about Greg Hunt.
“After claiming “official” discussions with Pfizer had only started in December, Health Minister Greg Hunt has finally confirmed that the government met with Pfizer last July to discuss purchasing the Pfizer vaccine. Sources say Australia was given options for as many doses as needed to be delivered in January this year, yet government officials turned down the offer Callum Foote reports from Michael West Media.”
Lying is un-Australian.
16 Paul Keating speaks at the National Press Club Wednesday, 10 November 12.30 ABC24.
A genuine Australian way.
17 Just to prove they are tough; our very conservative government has refugees who haven’t committed a crime incarcerated on Nauru for no good reason. It has been ten years now. And the Biloela family still languish somewhere in outer Perth. Immigration Minister Alex Hawke, another Hillsong man, granted her parents and six-year-old sister Kopika bridging visas to be together while she recovers.
The Australian way?
And I’ll finish how I started: the Prime Minister has been called a liar by the President of France. The worst thing about that is that it is unsurprising.
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My thought for the day
Life is about perception. Not what it is but what we perceive it to be.
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I have it on good authority this is Morrison’s favourite song, and as such everything and everyone else is irrelevant!
It’s the New Unaustralian Way. If you want a go to get a go then “Do it My Way”.
JL …. once again your objective analysis of everything that is wrong with the present Australian misgovernment has soured the milk on my morning cornflakes.
Sadly, too many Australian voters expect no better and after the Turdball political assassination and quickly identified as ”The Liar from the Shire”.
There is only one preventative action. At every election
and we may be able to undo the damage done by the PAST TOO MANY YEARS OF LIABRAL NAZIONAL$ MISOGVERNMENT
Thanks, John.
All true, sadly. Yesterday produced my favourite Scott Morrison quote ever. In response to Emmanuel Macron calling him a liar over the infamous subs debacle, Morrison said, ‘‘I won’t cop sledging on Australia’. On Australia? Was it Australia that cancelled the deal without bothering to mention it to the French PM, or was it Morrison? Did Macron call Australia a liar, or did he call Morrison a liar? Perlease! Gimme strength!
Our travelling itinerant garbage dump. AKA the P M, has betrayed us, the nation, the planet, friends, allies, the future. What is the Australian way, some ask? It is surely not relentless lying, thieving, cheating, favouring, spite, bribery, corruption, as practised devotedly by conservative politicians. Our leaders are not fit to be there, and that stystinker Merde Dog is behind so much of this reeking shit. Fat Clive, frau Gina, Solly and Gerry the cheating insiders, hordes and scrums of these anuses, have profited by the idiotic treasurer’s calculated bolstering of support for the corporate way of overconsumption, polluting, dumbing down and general dickheadery.
The Australian Way appears to be that we do not commit to anything when it comes to climate : we will not commit to not developing more coal mines ; we will not commit to not building more coalfired power stations ; we will not commit to reducing our coal exports and we will not commit to reducing methane emissions.
At one stage I thought that Morrison should go to Glasgow even though he didn’t want to. Now I’m wondering why he bothered.
John Howard started this, my way is the Australian way rot that Liberals use.
To think some deceitful and failed marketing spiv can refer to himself as Australia, what he does is the nation and to criticise him is to criticise the nation, is the sort of grandiose rot I would expect from a tin pot banana republic or military Dictator, and it now is the case, a John Howard, Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison.
When any of the coalition proclaim in loud voices that they will do something in the “Australian Way” what they mean and intend to do, is what satisfies Murdoch, the miners, the smug bunyip landed aristocracy who feel they own the land and the country, the fat slob from the west, their donors, and all those middle class and grey haired bludgers who feel entitled to to get something for nothing just because they were here first.
That is what Scummo really means by “The Australian Way”
Lying, hypocrisy, lining their own pockets and those of their mates, extra curricular activities under the doona, are all part and parcel of the the coalition’s definition of the Australian Way.
PS : Thanks JL for the information about Paul Keating’s appearance at the( National Press Club) ABC 24. Won’t miss it.
Terence Mill, I imagine that he might be wondering the same thing and wishing he had not. Although based on his personality it is doubtful that his reflections would be other than he was a great hit and he sorted out Macron and everyone was on his side. For those of us who know the measure of the man, and those who are still in the waking up period of their understanding of the man, Morrison going to Glasgow was a gift. He was never going to be anything other than what he is, a temporary political incumbent of a minor nation whose narcissistic personality sees himself as a contemporary of god.
Great article, & oh so true, as usual Mr Lord! Sadly our lying ignorant, flat earth, robodebt, car park, airport, lying, Porter supporting, mudrakes “best” friend fucking Slo Mo , happy clapping fucking dick head would NOT know any better, & now he is lying to the President of France! WTF?? The “Australian Way”, he would not know what it means, the fuck wit!
Spot on as usual Mr Lord, the photo by SBS of him talking to an empty room delivering his speech shows what the rest of the world thinks of him as Eeffie would say “how embassment”
I came across a mock dialogue between Scott Morrison and interviewer Waled Ali, that I thought was very good, and not far from the truth.
Waled Ali : ‘ Prime Minister, Many commentators and former political associates such as Malcolm Turnbull, have been saying that you tell untruths or indeed lies, frequently even routinely. May I ask you what is your favourite lie ? ‘
Morrison : ‘ I don’t lie. ‘
Waled Ali: ‘ Yes, that’s my favourite one too.’
Phil, you say “Our leaders are not fit to be there”. While I entirely agree with the sentiment, I take exception to the use of the word “leaders”, as it implies that amongst the rabble comprising the federal cabinet, that someone exhibits leadership qualities. To a man/woman, when summonsed, I would not follow any of them, not even down to the curb let alone across the street, due to overall trustworthiness issues … and competency questions. May I request you use another word please or preface it with “supposed”.
Ah Fred, leaders they are, by backstabbing, etc, but “supposed” is true, for they are followers of donors, controllers, superstitions, fantasies, dogmas, patrons, supporters, pushes, interests, the gleam and allure of profiteering.
I agree Fred, leaders they are not.
Aye, preface with supposed,
butt as they are arse lickers,
a more apt preface would be “suppository”, aka toxic tony’s “wisdom”.
Yep, that has about the right sound.
Australia’s suppository leader, Scott Morrison.
Nope, doesn’t sound quite right, let’s leave out the word leader.
Australia’s suppository, Scott Morrison.
Ahh, that sounds better, much more like it…😁
Well may you ask – What is the Australian Way? because it’s an excellent example of how effective marketing is done. It’s a question with almost unlimited answers. None of them right BUT also none of them wrong. You get to choose the one you want. Each and every person can drive the emotional bus. Indeed, everyone gets to give their own meaning. It’s empowering.
Years ago, for example, Nike adopted the Just Do It slogan while earlier Coke had It’s the Real Thing. Both apparently meaningless but crucially, they were open-ended. The masses bought in. They ridiculed. They laughed. But crucially they remembered.
Here Morrison, the Marketing Man, is possibly on to a Winner. Currently, he’s just road testing. But if it takes off like It’s Time did, then he’ll be well pleased.
So he’ll be encouraged when he (and his advisors) see articles like this because in the advertising industry any publicity is good publicity. That’s the irony of it all. As long as the punters are talking about it. Spreading and repeating the slogan till it becomes a mantra.
No publicity is bad publicity.
He went to – Strike me Rome ..But . Instead , He has tarred his own ( Australia ) with his own brush .
He went to Glasgow , He was very Aukus , you know ..( Awwww kward ) …………..what clan or shire is Eee from ………………
And they took the High road . And we took the Low road , And scotty took that lump of coal before all Yee ! …………
Apparently the ‘Australian way’ is to have a PM whose ‘spiritual advisor’ is currently facing trial for charges of concealing serial child rape.
She will be right mate, thats the Australian way. Please Scotty bugger off.
Here’s another example of the Australian Way under the L/NP government…… ROBOTAX
Holiday workers slugged higher tax rates have been ripped off..
The greed of the L/NP gang of crooks knows no bounds, not happy with ripping off the unemployed and pensioners with Robodebt, they have been targeting overseas working holiday makers with Robotax just to grab a few more bucks.. FFS!
Which will now have to be repaid… Tip of another iceberg of L/NP deceit.
Remember the Lying Rodent’s get-out-of-jail-free card: “non-core promise”!!! And as duplicitous, corrupt and loathsome is Morrison and the LNP, they got the tick of approval from Aussie voters in 2019. Make of that what you will!
IMO The Major stumbling block in Australia to fair and honest elections is the complicit collusion by the MSM with the L/NP. Australia’s media is owned, controlled by despots like Murdoch, Costello &co, and they don’t give a rats for truth or honesty. Without informed citizens knowing all the political skulduggery, the truth, citizens become duped, deluded by RW propaganda. Result is citizens voting against their better interests. As well the L/NP with nasty agendas, purposely defund public education. L/NP have sold out to big money, corporations, RW ideology, and only care about the top end of town, kowtowing to “elites”. Media ownership laws are broken, corrupted, so not until they are fixed, will Australia have informed citizens at the ballot box. And without informed citizens at the ballot box the shitfuckery will continue. The insane will remain in control of the asylum…
And that’s exactly how Morrison intends to keep it… SNAFU… and then, more to the point.. FUBAR!
Max Grosse “And as duplicitous, corrupt and loathsome is Morrison and the LNP, they got the tick of approval from Aussie voters in 2019”
They got the tick of approval from the Nats who won ten times more seats than the Greens with only half as many primary votes, and from the National/Liberal Party who won 23 times more seats than the Greens despite polling less primary votes.
Most Aussie voters gave Morrison the tick of disapproval. The Australian Way is to pretend otherwise. The Australian Way is to pretend that Australia is a democracy even in the face of the over-represented Nationals’ recent demonstration of how a privileged minority can over-rule the will of the majority with its demands of inaction on climate change.
Well said John Lord. I’m so sick of Morrison banging on about China’s emissions when Australia is in the top 10 of the world’s highest emitters ( per capita ). Tell the truth Scomo, Australia is the complete climate laggard and deserves worldwide scorn.
Phil Prior asks the question
“What is the Australian way…? It is surely not relentless lying, thieving, cheating, favouring, spite, bribery, corruption”…
As a immigrants of 42 years I have seen all of every one of those descriptions of so called “dinky die” Aussies, more often than not, all in the one individual.
Then if you look at the preference voting of the last federal election it is clear that at least 51% of the voting population think exactly the way that the LNP think, and have clearly thought, for the last 19 out of 25 years.
Indeed the example was shown by such notables as Howard, Abbott, snotty and his cabinet of lying deceiving parliamentarians, our so called fourth estate, a large number of our leading businesses, our footy players, and even our sandpaper loving cricketer’s! All think that, lying, cheating, rorting, corruption, misogyny, and debauchery is indeed the “Australian way”.
My experience is that it is the new immigrants that seem to have more honour, moral fibre and empathy.