Tom Switzer wrote the following in his article, “Game finally up for carboncrats”:
“The climate-change Cassandras are increasingly marginalised here and abroad.”
Now, I could wonder why Fairfax is running such poorly credentially climate change deniers with regularity, but given the fact that they have started a regular column by Peter Reith (to balance that lefty, Amanda Vanstone), I suppose there must be some sort of boycott from intelligent writers.
All right, I don’t know how good you are on mythology, and some of you may be way ahead of me here, but I find it fascinating that Tom Switzer uses the term “Cassandra”. It seems like many of the climate deniers, he either has no idea what he is talking about, or is deliberating trying to mislead the public.
Cassandra, for those of you, who don’t know, was granted the gift of prophecy, but, after spurning Apollo, he curses her, so that even though she knows the future, nobody believes her.
I refered to her in the title of this blog.
Thanks, Mr Switzer. It seems that you acknowledge that those you criticise have the ability to see the future. Even if they aren’t believed.
Ah, even better than the time Andrew Bolt wrote about people’s refusal to acknowledge that the Emperor had new clothes.
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