“Tony Abbott Worst PM in History” lacks Irony: Paul Sheehan lacks grip on reality!
Paul Sheehan devoted two columns to a Facebook group called, “Tony Abbott Worst PM in Australian History.” Now, I’ve always thought that there are certain […]
Paul Sheehan devoted two columns to a Facebook group called, “Tony Abbott Worst PM in Australian History.” Now, I’ve always thought that there are certain […]
I copped a bit of flak for referring to Tony Abbott as the ‘circus clown with the big ears’ in my previous post, and probably rightly […]
From the moment Tony Abbott emerged as a possible leader of this country the mainstream media went silent on his inability to keep his word. […]
In my years of being old enough to know what an election campaign is, I cannot recall one so inundated with media tales of what […]
With the announcement that the Reserve Bank is tipped to cut rates today, Joe Hockey has pounced: Mr Hockey says the expected cut shows Labor […]
“We can’t take all these illegals, Australia is full!” “Full of racists, you mean!” OK, we know where this dialogue is going. The words “Nazi” […]
Dear Tony Abbott, You probably get a lot of letters from both admirers and those seeking to criticise every facet of your existence. I am […]
The switch has been flicked. Extraordinary. I have seen more reporting of government policy in mainstream press over the last week than I saw in […]
But what if Tony Abbott is often touted as being the most effective opposition leader this country has ever had. What criteria people use to […]
A couple of weeks ago, I posted “What’s on the Menu” about the Mal Brough dinner. Someone who works in the hospitality industry raised a […]
We’re natural story making machines. We like to give our universe a sense of order and reason, so when something happens, we like to create […]
The media keep announcing that Kevin Rudd is PM again. He’s not! He’s just been elected leader of the Labor Party. Julia Gillard continues to […]
Labor’s leadership crisis took a turn for the worse today when Rudd replaced Gillard as leader. While Gillard has announced that she will quit politics […]
There were a couple of good speeches in Parliament today. One was the valedictory speech by the former speaker Harry Jenkins during which he called […]
It’s official. The mainstream media has gone stark raving mad. This article was published in the Age today: For the sake of the nation, Ms […]
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