By Tess Lawrence
Porter reveals he has document signed by Kate!
In her second excerpt on Scott Morrison’s Coercive Control of Women, Tess Lawrence doubles down on her treatise calling out Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s dangerous weak and duplicitous leadership. She asserts the continuous political assault and insult of women spills into his incompetency in foreign affairs and gross mismanagement of domestic policies and argues that the body politic itself is corrupted by toxic masculinity when it comes to the treatment of women.
Please read excerpt one here.
Content warning: This article discusses rape, suicide and institutional political psychosexual violence.
By any abacus, Christian Porter’s Blind Trust adds up to dirty money.
More than that, it smacks of something more ominous and ugly; something sinister; perhaps a cover up.
One consolation for those of us who still mourn the death of the woman known as ’Kate’ who alleged she was raped by Porter when they were both teenagers, is that this outrageous contribution to Porter’s legal fees has resulted in Porter’s overdue resignation as a cabinet minister.
But that’s not enough. As a double act, Porter and Morrison clearly think we are fools. So must Porter’s donors. We need to know who donated those monies. We will find out.
Morrison’s obfuscation at Sunday’s press conference and his continued reticence to call out Porter’s latterly conduct is repugnant. SloMo has priors.
If Porter and Morrison continue to promulgate the myth that it is of no consequence who donated these monies to Porter, to help pay the legal fees for a spurious defamation action he initiated after outing himself as the alleged perpetrator, then I suggest they are deluded. Big time.
Porter saga proves Morrison government unfit for purpose.
This latest tawdry episode in the Porter saga, again confirms that he and Morrison are undeserving of the trust of the electorate.
The Morrison government is unfit for purpose and well beyond its use-by date.
What if, like former Labor Senator Sam Dastyari, Porter’s sly money was sourced.
Dastyari said it was; “support for settlement of outstanding legal matter.”
Sound familiar?
What if Porter’s donors are far-right supremacists?
What if the monies were donated by a company/individual awarded hefty government contracts rubber stamped by Porter when he was Attorney General or Industry Minister?
What if the donor is a far-right supremacist group, or an international armaments group or a mining company, or a country – Saudi Arabia? Or other conflicts of disinterest? Quid quo pro?
- Importantly, what if the donors had a vested interest in suppressing any more information relating to ‘Kate’s’ allegations of rape against Porter?
- What if the donors were part of a Liberal faction slush fund?
- What if the donors had any influence in Porter’s decision to discontinue the defamation action against the ABC and Louise Milligan?
- What if the donors had any influence in ‘Kate’s’ decision to withdraw her complaint against Porter?
- What if the donors had criminal affiliations?
Not only are we voters entitled to speculate on the nature and identity of Porter’s benefactor(s) but he actually invites us to do so by virtue of his Blind Trust.
The subtext to all the above is the utter contempt and disrespect shown towards women – and the flagrant disregard for political ethics and standards.
Let us not forget, we are still awaiting Morrison’s legal advice on Porter’s Blind Trust. Pathetic.
Porter and the hours of power
While researching this article, I see that last year, Porter enjoyed the hospitality of former Fortescue chief honcho, now Perth Airport CEO, Neville Power on several charter flights, the first being in May, mere weeks after Scott Morrison appointed Power as Chairman of the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission (NCCC).
How fortuitous it is then that one of Power’s (great surname for someone on the board of energy company Strike) boardroom colleagues on Strike just happens to be Andrew Seaton, the Managing Director of Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd.
A curious entity, ANI is owned by the Australian Government represented by two Shareholder Ministers, the Minister for Finance, Senator Simon Birmingham and Il Duce Peter Dutton, Minister for Defence and Prime Minister-in-Waiting.
ANI seems to be an empty vessel at the moment, its assets apparently including six Collins Class submarines.
Ships ahoy! When Porter leaves politics, of his own free will or otherwise, the old boy’s network will surely kick in for him. For your perusal and in the interest of transparency, we include below the text of Porter’s entry to the Register of Members’ Interests, dated September 13, 2021.
This is how the big boys pay their debts. Corporate jobseeker for mates, if you will:
“I wish to alter my statement of registrable interests as follows:
In March 2021, I commenced defamation proceedings in a purely personal capacity against the ABC and Ms Louise Milligan [NSD 206 of 2021]. On 31 August 2021 this matter was finalised by the Court.
Although these matters have been conducted in a personal capacity and all legal services were engaged in a purely personal capacity, out of an abundance of caution and consistent with approaches adopted by other parliamentarians in relation to the provision of reduced fee or pro bono legal services, I advise that, in addition to my own personal funds, the following contributions have recently or may shortly be made:
• As has been publicly reported, as part of the settlement an amount was paid by the ABC to Company Giles. Now that the matter has been resolved the relevant cheque will be deposited in Company Giles trust account and applied to my account.
• Part contribution to the payment of my fees by a blind trust known as the Legal Services Trust. As a potential beneficiary I have no access to information about the conduct and funding of the trust.
• My engagement of Ms Chrysanthou was on a commercial fee arrangement. However, consistent with her practice for individual clients, she did not charge me for all of the time she spent on the matter and in the recent settling of her fees I am aware there has been a reduction in fees which has resulted in me having received some services from Ms Chrysanthou on a reduced fee basis.
Although all of the above contributions were made to me, or were for my benefit, in a purely personal capacity, in the interest of transparency and out of an abundance of caution I make this disclosure pursuant to item 14 of the Register of Members Interest.”
Porter bombshell! He has copy of Kate’s signed document
Porter must have known that this perfunctory entry would unleash another media firestorm, but the statement he posted on his website on Sunday contained a bombshell that seems to have escaped closer scrutiny and yet it reveals so much about the man – the political milieu of Morrison’s collective narcissistic government and the LNP in general.
I’m not alone in noting that in talking about his dead accuser Porter rarely expresses any emotion, even when referring to her suicide.
I prefer the phrase ‘alleged suicide’ in this case not because I think Kate was murdered, but because I am well aware that we human beings can be driven to suicide. And we can be driven to it by individuals, by social media, by the ‘system’ and other factors and triggers.
Note: Here I must state categorically that in no way am I – or The Australian Independent Media Network – asserting or implying that Christian Porter had anything whatsoever to do with Kate’s suicide.
Read Porter’s analysis of Kate’s 88-page signed document!
Reading Porter’s resignation statement, I was struck by these words:
“…I have recently been provided from a source outside the ABC with a copy of the only signed document that the person who made and subsequently withdrew the complaint ever made.
Many parts of that 88-page document are such that any reasonable person would conclude that they show an allegation that lacks credibility; was based on repressed memory (which has been completely rejected by courts as unreliable and dangerous); which relied on diaries said to be drafted in 1990/91 but which were actually words composed in 2019; and, was written by someone who was, sadly, very unwell…”
Porter needs to be questioned about the above paragraphs in particular:
- How can he be so adamant that the copy of the 88-page document in his possession is the only signed document by Kate that exists?
- Has Porter given a copy of this signed document to the police?
- Does Kate’s friend and one of her ardent champions, Jo Dyer have this document?
- Did Porter show Prime Minister Scott Morrison the copy of this signed document?
- Has the signature and the document been verified as Kate’s?
- Was the document sworn and witnessed?
- Where was it sworn and who was the witness?
- Was the document stamped?
- Was the document addressed to anyone?
- Is the document source connected to Porter’s donor(s)?
- How long has Porter been in possession of the 88-page document?
- Does the 88-page document contain Kate’s unsigned statement that was released by the Federal Court in the public interest?
- Has Porter sent a copy of the 88-page document to the Federal Court?
- Do Porter lawyers Sue Chrysanthou and Rebekah Giles have a copy of the 88-page document? Are they obliged to forward that document to interested parties?
- Has Kate’s family got a copy of the document?
- Was that document produced in Court and/or presented as evidence?
So many more questions. So many more answers to be declined by Porter and the Government.
Federal Court releases unsigned statement by Kate
In March, my article The Night Porter and Allegation of Rape, published in Independent Australia prompted heartening interest and response from informants and sources, not just about the Porter saga but also about other allegations of rape and other forms of sexual violence within and outside of Federal and State Parliaments and invariably coercive control was discussed as a major factor, whether it be in institutions, companies, workplaces, including media outlets, or within households and relationships.
Out of respect for Kate’s own story, her truth as she believed it, of no less value because she is now dead – and because the Federal Court, in a breathtaking decision, thought we the people should hear Kate’s voice – I’m including this comment I posted under The Night Porter article – as is. It has all the links to access Kate’s unsigned statement.
* Dear Readers, we invite you to read ‘ Kate’s ‘ profoundly moving statement along with the preamble sent by her friends
The Federal Court yesterday released the redacted statement in the public interest and I’ve placed links to the actual ‘Exhibit 1’ that is the redacted document, as well as a link to the court case Dyer v Chrysanthou that precipitated its release.
The Federal Court is to be thanked for posting the statement online, so that the wider community has access to what many lawyers, politicians and journalists have been privy to, for some time.
24 June 2021 25 May 2021Exhibit 1 – Dossier + Letter (PDF, 1.8 MB)Second respondent
‘Kate’ was found hanged in the garden of her home in Adelaide last year. Her statement is a voice from that cold and lonely grave. We cannot exhume Justice for her. But we can at least, listen to her voice and allegations and yes, we can decide whom is more trustworthy – whom is to be believed – Kate or Porter?
Christian Porter criticised the ABC In connection with the settlement of his defamation case against it.
He can say or believe what he wants, but his reputation is trash.
Speaking for myself, I believe that he is a terrible, immoral and grotesque human being— Julian Burnside (@JulianBurnside) May 31, 2021
Julian Burnside has spoken up for so many of us on so many occasions, invariably on behalf of the least of us, including indigenous Australians and Asylum Seekers.
In the above Tweet he says he is speaking for himself. But thousands of us will share his views on Christian Porter.
It is sickening to think Porter was once our Attorney General, holding the highest law office in the land. He was appalling then and more so now.
We have listened to him lie and distort the truth. If his reputation is trashed it was he who trashed it. He continues to hold himself unaccountable to no-one save his ego.
He has dashed his hope of becoming Prime Minister.
The Porter affair thus far can be viewed through the prism of institutional coercive control.
Porter’s lust for power is mirrored in Morrison’s ineptitude and mishandling of Porter’s clear political misconduct. Morrison thinks that if he ignores the stockpile of problems exacerbated by his leadership and a Coalition that clearly strives for mediocrity that we will go away – not the problems.
Australia is languishing through lack of leadership. Christian Porter, Scott Morrison and the LNP have forgotten that they are servants to the people. Instead, they are trying to enslave us to a decrepit legacy system that is reliant on coercive control, and social infrastructure drip fed by political bullies.
CONTACTS FOR SUPPORT. Please reach out. You are not alone.
Phone: 13 11 14
Website: www.lifeline.org.au
Blue Knot Foundation
Counselling and support for survivors
Phone: 1300 657 380
Bravehearts Inc
Counselling and support for survivors, child protection advocacy
Phone: 1800 272 831
© Tess Lawrence
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Tess Lawrence is Contributing editor-at-large for Independent Australia and her most recent article is The night Porter and allegation of rape.
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The lid to the sewer that now infests the politics of this country was prised open by that ‘elder statesman’ of liberal politics,Little Johnny Rotten.The cudgel was taken up by the fuckwit mad monk,temporarily slowed down by the hologram Fizza but accelerated with a vengeance by the narcissistic cockhead Morrison, who has single handedly wreaked more havoc on this country than everybody previously, combined.I am speechless,how much more of this shit must we endure before we turn into a third world client state?With all the appropriate corruption and misogyny.Porter is merely one of the more egregious examples of the low grade arseholes that infest Morrison’s imaginary “team’.
The Liar is not a man’s arse.
Great stuff, Tess. Keep it coming. So good to see you here on AIMN. I’ve been on a sabbatical from politics for the last few months.- actually, since that famous champion of women’s rights, Donald Trump, had his election stolen from him by those dastardly Democrats. After 4 years of Donald, I was truly washed out. Exhaustipated!
Anyhow, it’s lovely to be back on my computer, tuned into AIMN and reading such passionate and powerful work. I’m a huge fan of Kaye Lee and Roswell in particular. Wonderful that everyone’s still here, still committed and ‘maintaining the rage’ while I’ve been off the air and mooning about. Big thanks to Michael Taylor while I’m at it!
I was about to say “wow” to Tess, but it looks like I need to say it to Kate as well.
I’d like to write again, Kate, but it’s a bit hard being a moderator, editor and writer at the same time.
I haven’t written much since the post in 2016 about Trump, which I hear went viral in America, having something like 300,000 views within 20 minutes of being published (by some mob over there I can’t remember the name of. It might have been Crooks and Liars).
Sorry to be off topic, Tess. Kate’s comment overwhelmed me. As has your article.
I think Stokes, Gina, and Twiggy helped poor ickle Porter out of the kindness of their black hearts. That’s just my opinion anyway.
Hi, Roswell. Hey, I must have been off the air for a lot longer than I thought! Maybe you could squeeze out the occasional classic? Go on, you know you want to! Meanwhile, do you have an internet address for that Trump piece?
Here it is, Kate:
I don’t think it was actually that good, but it struck a nerve over there.
I think that ”alleged suicide” may be a more accurate term describing the demise of Katharine Thornton.
Meanwhile the corrupt and alleged rapist Porter sill represents the WA electorate of Pearce om full pay & privileges.
There have been allegations elsewhere that a close relationship between the alleged rapist Porter and senior members of the Twiggy Forrest organisation may be related to the ”mystery blind trust”. Even my mate Blind Freddie can see that any politician failing to disclose the source of donations is unfit for the political office they hold on behalf of the political party of which they are a member.
But the game plan is to keep Scummo in power for as long as possible so that the US multinational corporations can remove any natural resources from Australia in what ever time frame they choose.
But are the actions of Scummo in this dirty submarine matter really treason?
Roswell, Thanks for the link, and yes, your piece really was that good. I’m not surprised that it attracted so much attention, but unfortunately, there just weren’t enough of those people – you were right, and Trump was elected. Give me strength!
Thank you, Kate. I guess it wasn’t that bad. I was just embarrassed at its success.
Oh humble me.
Tess, let me say it publicly: this is an awesome series. Well-researched, and well-written.
It packs one helluva punch.
This conservative government under the P M, a Perverted Misfit, a Pernicious Malady, a Predatory Manipulator, a Pathetic Mediocrity, must be attacked, halted, stopped, removed. We wake daily to an irritable feeling of being robbed, abused, betrayed, insulted, Ignored. Never since 1901 have we had a filthy smear of bad incidents, news, misinformation, delusional deviation, Thanks to Merde Dog the Barking mad foreign fistfrigging media maggot of immense evil and influence.., we have been reduced, made impotent and depraved and for WHAT? Is it just imperious ego promotion, fantasising to blistered dickmeasuring insolence? Is it just that these huns, whores, hopeless liars and pushy predators believe they CAN do it all, CAN get into the history books, be noticed, be even admired by the dullards of seduction?? SHIT! The wrong system allowing the wrong techniques allows the wrong types to get in and up with the wrong attitudes and policies for the people, the nation, the planet. Childish people with regressive fantasies plague us, plunder away, with presents to donors, bumboys, leeches, followers devotees, incrowd fellatio friendly fools. IT STINKS and must be fought.
A great read, TL,
I love your list of possible donors to the sleaze with frightened eyes.
The disdain with which Scummo treats the opposition and parliament, his unlimited access to cash and his abilty to avoid responsibility for a cash splash (or anything) plus the movement for ICACery to be divest of power to pat a pollies pockets could be a source?
Hear hear, Michael.
I believe this article by Tess Lawrence is the best and most professional piece of journalism i have read so far on the utterly disgusting and may i say voyeuristic and depraved treatment of females by slimy Morrison and his gang of grotesque sewer dwelling putrid diseased ridden gutter rats……….. I worry not just for my daughters and granddaughters but for all females in this country, young and old who hsve and will suffer under these misogynistic psychopaths. ………….It is up to all of us to put our political/ideological /whatever differences aside and work towards eliminating this scourge of humanity! ………..
Turnbull knew what kind of a thing Porter was, but still made him AG. How bereft of decent Ministers is the LNP that Porter was considered the best for the job, even knowing he was a beast?
whilst I agree with all derogatory comments against porter, I sadly believe that the beetrooter is probably correct and given a modicum of time the porter will rise like an unflushable turd to claim his birthright as an even worse pm than the current jobholder…
you only have to look at the return of the misogynistic serial philanderer and drunk to the post of deputy to see where I get this belief from…
another term of this corruption, secrecy, despicable behaviour and utter incapability will see the demise of democracy in our country
Thanks again, Tess.
@ Jennifer Gregory, – if anything can raise doubt as to the decency of ex-politicians it is the way in which they appear to change their views upon retirement: Turnbull is a classic, of course and Julie Bishop another, but the example of Malcolm Frazer needs to be remembered as well the bitching by K Rudd about the excesses of the commercial media post politics when he’d had ample opportunity to create a more honest environment whilst in office.
The successful indoctrination of the population by politicians, press and priests continues to infect our society in the most detrimental of ways.
Roswell, I remember when you published that piece about Trump. I was in America at the time that went up, and one morning while checking emails to The AIMN there were dozens from Americans thanking us for your words.
I had no idea what they were talking about.
Then I saw your article. 🤦🏻♂️
Dearest Kate, thank you for your support and uplifting words and how wonderful that you are moved to be back in contact with old friends and getting back into the AIMN family commentariat ! Please share the Co-ercive control series – and all the other articles on AIMN. As you well know, truly independent websites are critical.
G’day Dear Roswell, you’re not off topic – am learning more about you – and AIMN – and it’s great to see that you and Kate are back in touch.
Without breaching her confidence, I can say she said some rather lovely things about you – and your writing. Hopefully Kate has inspired you to get back into it !
Dearest Michael, thank you so much for publicly declaring your faith in my writing. And thank you and AIMN for publishing the series.
And for your belief in long form articles. I salute your courage and the empathy you have shown in this most contentious and vexed issue.
xxx tess
G’day Dear G, hope you have a chance to read Part 3 – and will be hanging out for your thoughts because of your comment here ! And thank you for the comment in the first place !
G’day Dear WAM and many thanks indeed. Glad you liked the list re the donors – and mind you, there are far more questions to be put. It is just so outrageous that Porter and Morrison think they will get away with it. They won’t.
The worry is, what else have they done offstage that we don’t know about ? I hope you get the chance to read Part 3 and ask you to share all the articles/series with the whole world !
Dear John, I am so very moved at your words and thank you so very much for them. This series emotionally drained me, I can’t pretend otherwise, basically because i know full well that what I was writing about was just the tip of the iceberg. And because I knew that no matter how hard it is for me to write about it – for millions of others, it is their daily, lived experience. Thanks John, when the going gets touch, I will remember your words.
Hope you have a chance to read Part 3 – and to share all with everyone you know, in the interest of public discussion and debate.