The AIM Network

Scott Morrison Quiet – Is He Isolated With Covid-19 Or In Hawaii?

Image from (AAP photo)

Ok, I apologise for the terrible clickbait but, unlike most clickbait it could be true for all I know.

Anyway, apart from spreading rumours, I have a few pertinent points to make about the nonsense coming from the Federal Government and, more importantly, I had this great idea for countering the influence of Murdoch’s Minions and I wanted to share it far and wide.

I’ll start with the idea which is really quite simple. On the weekend, I purchased “The Saturday Paper” and took it to the coffee shop where I read it while waiting for my wife. As I looked at the people reading Rupert’s rag, I could help but wish that the shop stocked something a bit more radical like the one I’d just read. Then it hit me. Why not leave it behind?

Ok, I don’t expect one edition of a mildlly leftie newspaper will lead to a rousing chorus of “Do You Hear The People Sing?” before the quiet Australians try to storm Parliament but it would at least be read by some people who’d normally only read the propaganda from people like Andrew Bolt. If it just changed a handful of votes in the right electorate, it may not lead to a change of government, but at least it might get them remembered in the next sports rort.

Or, if you can’t afford “The Saturday Paper” why not print out one or two articles from “The Australian Independent Media” and if you go down for a coffee, slip them into the paper on the opinion pages. I mean, it couldn’t do any harm and if it just makes one person think, who knows, that might spread like…

Mm, hard to think of the right simile without sounding insensitive. Wildfire, nah. Coronavirus? Definitely not!

Speaking of Coronavirus, I couldn’t help but find Scottie’s rationale for keeping schools open a little weird. According to our fearful leader, it doesn’t matter if it spreads in schools because it doesn’t affect young people as badly. Teachers apparently are disposable, as are any older people that students come into contact with after school.

However, that wasn’t the strange bit. He went on to tell us that if they closed schools down, then parents who were health workers would have to stay home to look after them and we certainly couldn’t spare health workers at the moment. When you say it quickly, this sounds all right, but stop and consider for a moment. If schools are kept open, sooner of later, the children of those valuable health working parents are going to get ill and potentially affect their parents. Then, instead of them merely needing a babysitter so they could go on working, they need another health worker to look after them.

The other thing that puzzles me is the testing. Apparently you can only get tested if you’ve been overseas or you’ve been in contact with a confirmed case. To illustrate what’s wrong with let’s imagine Basil hasn’t been overseas, nor has he been in contact with a confirmed case. Basil, in spite of showing symptoms can’t get tested. Now, if he has somehow picked up the virus from an unknown source, he can continue to infect people, none of whom can get tested because until one of them gets tested, there are no confirmed cases in this spread.

So, maybe Scottie could go on television, and explain away my concerns. Or maybe he really has been struck down and is being kept in quarantine.

Nah, surely we’d be told.

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