I am a very vocal “I love FriendlyJordies Fan” This is simply a blog post to share what I consider his best video yet. Well researched, funny as, but the most serious reasons ever to put LNP last on 31st January, 2015. Please, please, please make sure that the parties most likely to side with Campbell Newman in case of a hung parliament, are also down the bottom of your list. Together we can do this!
Make sure you subscribe to FriendlyJordies so you don’t miss out!
Originally published on https://polyfeministix.wordpress.com
Wow! Great work. Let’s hope many QLDers see that.
I have subscribed.
Newman should welcome Abbott with open arms.
It would be an improvement.
Good God I don’t believe I said that.
Uncle Tony told me he was off to QLD to see his brother, Can Do. Tone said that Can-do was reluctant to have him in the State, but Uncle Tony said, he could have been a bit shy and didn’t want to bother Tones, (what with all the 200 pieces of legislation ready to go and all). Tony talked to Campbell and insisted he come up there. Tony said Campbell was crying on the phone with gratitude. Can’t understand why he put the phone down so suddenly.
Thanks for this Trish Mc Corry. My nephew drew Friendly Jordies to my attention about a year ago and my politically saavy daughter is addicted. I am also a subscriber. Yes he draws some very pertinent points and very well researched every time. The Chaser boys should be wooing him!
“…proving that the banks that gave us the global financial crisis have more morals that Campbell Newman”
Don’t hold out to much hope people . We are talking Queenslanders here.
Only marginally above sandgropers in intelligence.
great work. expose the con. loved it. more updates please as we head to erection day – get rid of the biggest prick ever.
Subscribed, after I stopped shaking…
“One-time Newman government MP Chris Davis has launched a scathing TV ad campaign urging Queenslanders not to trust his former colleagues.
Dr Davis, rearing his head as the election campaign enters its final fortnight, has teamed up with the Wilderness Society to take the Liberal National government to task before the January 31 poll.
“Trust is the cornerstone of good governance. It creates jobs, builds economies, protects the environment,” Dr Davis says in the ad.
“My experience is that you cannot trust this government.”
The spot concludes with Dr Davis imploring voters to restore “balance” to the state parliament.
He said the LNP government had broken its trust with voters by betraying public servants, winding back political scrutiny of donor influence and demonstrating contempt for the professionalism of doctors and judges.
“We need a government that can help us earn and innovate our way out of debt … rather than cannibalising our assets,” he said.
Voters should also heed studies that suggest sociopaths rise to the top in the political arena, he added.”
“Warren Truss has become so muddled about his infrastructure portfolio that he has accused the Labor Party of opposing road projects which it initiated and funded while in Government.
In a bizarre attempt to prop up his Coalition mates in the Queensland state election campaign, Mr Truss today claimed the ongoing upgrade of the Bruce and Warrego highways was at risk from Labor.
In fact, it was the former Labor federal government, working in partnership with the former Queensland Labor state government that initiated these projects as part of our record investment in Queensland infrastructure.”
G’day Trish, how is it looking in Rockhampton, in Townsville the swing is on with Labor likely to take all three seats here, one of the three by a large margain. good luck mate.