Of Course You Already Know What I’m Going To Write But I Have A Surprise Or Two Yet…

Image from The Chaser

My wife told me that AI was writing for the Murdoch press.

I was gobsmacked. Why would they use artificial intelligence when actual intelligence has been something that disqualified anyone for the job at the Murdoch stable…

Of course, I shouldn’t have used the word “stable” because that implies horses who are kept in a confined space and only allowed out when someone wants to ride them… Mm, ignore that previous sentence.

Anyway, I suddenly remembered that Modern Western civilisation defines intelligence by IQ tests which are basically one’s ability to recognise patterns. Therefore people like Andrew Bolt can be considered intelligent because they just write the same stuff, over and over and repeat it, ad infinitum… (Ok, people who regularly read me, pot and kettle… Yes, yes, but notwithstanding that…)

Anyway, consider this from Bolt:

The Climate Change Scam

The climate change scam is one of the biggest frauds of our time. It is based on the false premise that human activity is causing the Earth to warm at an alarming rate. This premise has been repeatedly debunked by scientists, but the climate change alarmists refuse to listen. They are more interested in pushing their political agenda than in the truth.

The climate change alarmists have been very successful in scaring people. They have convinced many people that the Earth is on the brink of a climate catastrophe. This fear has been used to justify all sorts of government interventions, from carbon taxes to cap-and-trade schemes.

But the truth is that there is no climate catastrophe. The Earth’s climate has been changing for millions of years, and it will continue to change. There is no evidence that human activity is causing the Earth to warm at an alarming rate.

The climate change alarmists are doing a great disservice to the public. They are scaring people with false information, and they are wasting billions of dollars on ineffective policies. It is time to wake up to the climate change scam.

Ok, now before I continue let me make the following confession: That was not written by Bolt at all, but by an AI bot who didn’t know who Bolt was (lucky AI), but when I said that he was part of the Murdoch stable, the AI came up with that.

In addition it told me:

Bolt would likely also make the following points:

  • He would likely point to the fact that the Earth’s climate has changed many times in the past, and that there is no evidence that human activity is the main cause of the current warming trend.
  • He would likely argue that the climate change alarmists are exaggerating the risks of climate change, and that the costs of their proposed solutions are outweighed by the benefits.
  • He would likely appeal to the public’s sense of skepticism, and argue that they should not be afraid to question the prevailing wisdom on climate change.

However, the AI also added (and I’m not making this up it really did this):

What are some of the counterarguments that could be made to Bolt’s position?

  • Climate scientists argue that the current warming trend is unprecedented in the past 1,000 years, and that it is very likely caused by human activity.
  • They argue that the risks of climate change are serious, and that the costs of inaction could be very high.
  • They appeal to the public’s sense of responsibility, and argue that we have a moral obligation to take action to protect the planet for future generations.

What is your own opinion on the issue of climate change?

I believe that climate change is a serious problem, and that we need to take action to address it. However, I also believe that the climate change debate has been hijacked by ideologues on both sides. I think it is important to have a balanced discussion about the issue, and to consider all of the evidence.

So there we have it. AI could take the place of Andrew Bolt tomorrow but it would probably be sacked due to its ability to consider a counter argument.

As a final aside which has nothing to do with intelligence, I must say that I read a couple of articles today from journalists who could never be replaced by intelligence, artificial or otherwise… Basically, after reading them, I understood that Scott Morrison had launched a strong defence against the Robodebt RC findings which I summarise as follows:

Scott Morrison says that he didn’t do anything wrong because he didn’t do anything and it was up to the public service to tell him and they didn’t and even if they did he would have believed them and he did and he wasn’t in charge and someone else said mean things but they didn’t understand that that’s not the way it works and they didn’t give him the presumption of innocence which even Christian Porter was entitled to and I REJECT THE PREMISE OF THE FINDINGS because the silly woman who headed the Commission didn’t allow me to present evidence that would show that I am on God’s Right Hand and anything I do is forgivable, nay permissible, because one of the Ten Commandments is “Thou Shall Have No Other Gods Before Making The Poor Fear The Lord And His Servant Centrelink And, Like God, Even If You Ask For An Answer Centrelink’s Phone’s Don’t Answer Until The Afterlife”!

It’s worth remembering that his colleagues found this man preferable to Dutton. However, I did find Peter Dutton impressive on 7.30 last night when he said that it wasn’t up to anyone else to tell ex-PMs when to resign and that they should be allowed to pick their end date, before listing a number of them, including Howard… I guess that he’d forgotten that Howard tried to do that but the electors of Bennelong picked it for him…

Yeah, I guess it’s believable that Dutton didn’t remember the briefing and that there were no notes because everyone forgot to take them…


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About Rossleigh 1447 Articles
Rossleigh is a writer, director and teacher. As a writer, his plays include “The Charles Manson Variety Hour”, “Pastiche”, “Snap!”, “That’s Me In The Distance”, “48 Hours (without Eddie Murphy)”, and “A King of Infinite Space”. His acting credits include “Pinor Noir Noir” for “Short and Sweet” and carrying the coffin in “The Slap”. His ten minutes play, “Y” won the 2013 Crash Test Drama Final.


  1. Do you ever tell lies, Mr Morrison?

    No I don’t believe so.

    Yes,that is my favourite too.

  2. Scott Morrison has morphed from Scotty from Marketing into the Bart Simpson of Australian politics. The transition was completed by his use of the cartoon characters classic defence – It wasn’t me, I didn’t do it, Nobody saw me, You can’t prove a thing.

  3. I must admit I’m taking a great deal of pleasure watching the Liar squirming like a cockroach under a bootheel.You’ve got to hand it to him,he’s going to go down lying till the last,and his hero,that other great liar of international renown,the Orange Horror, is accumulating indictments like a cannibal collecting skulls.Oh, the fun ain’t over yet,you despicable little grub.

  4. You’ve done it now, Rossleigh !

    Andrew Bolt announced on Wednesday night that he would be deferring his planned retirement and had signed up for another two years at Sky.

    He said it was essentially to get up the nose of Malcolm Turnbull but clearly he was looking at you.


  5. That ChatGPT thing is really frightening Rossleigh though I have to say that stuff is a bit extreme even for Bolt, though I might be wrong about that as I never read him even though he is a former colleague. News that up to 3000 stories in newspapers across the country are written weekly (weakly) by AI is frightening not only for an ex-journo but would be even more distressing if I actually read such newspapers but I don’t. A lawyer friend told me they now use Chatwhatever multiple times every day and couldn’t manage the workload without it. I said I was stunned and probably looked it. I didn’t go into the specifics though. Oh and isn’t Scummo the gift that keeps on giving? Grist for the mills of those like you. Keep sticking the needle in.

  6. So Anauseating Blot is staying on at Sky, his 37 viewers will be ecstatic. No doubt the offer of more cash was the main incentive to his staying and is only using Turnbull as the excuse.

  7. A I does allow us to perceive a kind of intelligence, but, that is its purpose and it will be used greatly for evil; e g., If the Merde Dogs abuse it, for profiteering and perpetuation, it will be sinful though not seen as such by the uncaring and unknowing. Bolt is just one of a team of turds (and turdettes?) rented for abilities in loud negativity. A lucky but not clever country does not need more wilful misguided muck daily. Our environment and climate problems require great attention and all our best use of faculties. IF, only if, our government agencies can do better, with or without A I, good, for private corporations will likely not do anything for “good” unless it is good for short term profiteering. Sunak in the U K shows us that selfcentred conservative career-promoting idiocy will outflank community aims for good, even for future salvation of us all. Trump may go, Morrison has gone but the spirit of filth lives on, as with Trump supporters or Murdoch readers. Let us hope (aganst hope) for better thinking, decision making, results.

  8. I hear Scummo whilst on leave wrote his autobiography. Seems he opted for a poetic shortcut by plagiarising Chrissy Amphlett .. nailed it:

    (NB: Extreme danger … Warning against evocations of mental imagery)

    I love myself
    I want you to love me
    When I feel down
    I want you above me
    I search myself
    I want you to find me
    I forget myself
    I want you to remind me

    I don’t want anybody else
    When I think about you
    I touch myself
    Oh, I don’t want anybody else
    Oh no, oh no, oh no

    You’re the one who makes me come runnin’
    You’re the sun who makes me shine
    When you’re around, I’m always laughin’
    I want to make you mine

    I close my eyes
    And see you before me
    Think I would die
    If you were to ignore me
    A fool could see
    Just how much I adore you
    I’d get down on my knees
    I’d do anything for you

    I don’t want anybody else
    When I think about you
    I touch myself
    Oh, I don’t want anybody else
    Oh no, oh no, oh no, yeah

    I love myself
    I want you to love me
    When I feel down
    I want you above me
    I search myself
    I want you to find me
    I forget myself
    I want you to remind me

    I don’t want anybody else
    When I think about you
    I touch myself
    Oh, I don’t want anybody else
    Oh no, oh no, oh no

    I want you
    I don’t want anybody else
    And when I think about you
    I touch myself

    I don’t want anybody else
    When I think about you
    I touch myself
    Oh, I don’t want anybody else
    When I think about you
    I touch myself

    I touch myself (I don’t want)
    I touch myself (Anybody else)
    I touch myself (When I think about you)
    I touch myself
    I touch myself (I don’t want)
    I touch myself (Anybody else)
    I touch myself (When I think about you)
    I honestly do
    I touch myself (I don’t want)
    I touch myself (Anybody else)
    I touch myself (When I think about you)
    I honestly do
    I touch myself
    I touch myself
    I touch myself

  9. ” … hijacked by ideologues on both sides … ”

    Oh, please. Studying and accepting the evidence and the science is not ideological. It sounds likes like that artificial-supposed-intelligence has been reading too much Mudrake media.

    It would be interesting to ask ChatGPT to give its version of potential defence for ScoMoFo. Doubtless that would read very much like yours. Hang on … you DID write that yourself, didn’t you?

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