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Never mind the Hezbollahs

By Jane Salmon

Long-term refugees and asylum seekers at the 24/7 vigils for permanent visas around the nation have received injuries, bashings, threats, flag and sign theft at the hands of neo Nazis, nationalists and hate-filled Anglo citizens.

Red-neck Aussie bogans can be terrorists, too.

The Dandenong vigil outside the office of Julian Hill MP has been hit four times. A woman has had her knee injured.

The latest threat by an Anglo local involved waving a propane lighter around. That is, there was a promise to burn people alive in their tents.

We should a long hard look at ourselves before pointing fingers at others.

Jane Salmon

Refugee Advocate


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  1. Baby Jewels

    We are indeed, home to a great many Ugly Australians. Those who seem to get pleasure from behaviour deemed shocking by others, devoid of human empathy, their views fed by RW media, which fill them with hatred for others who’ve never harmed them. And then there are our politicians…. Speaking for myself only, I don’t feel proud to be Australian any more.

  2. paul walter

    The year has so exposed the myth of western democracy. Now they bomb the crap out millions of people, starve them and then wonder why they want to get out of whatever new hellhole the west has created for them.

  3. Andrew Smith

    Australians, in an immigrant nation, adopted Howard, Murdoch & Tanton Network nativist agitprop to keep white Oz sentiments alive & understanding many ageing ALP voters also shared antipathy towards the ‘other’.

    A US-Oz acquaintance was not a fan of Howard who bossed Parliament for a time Vs ALP (Beasley?), but he said worse was how easy it was to co-opt Howard’s ‘battlers’; yet in the US they would be described as ‘losers’ for subscribing to nativist dogma and xenophobia…..

  4. Phil Pryor

    Australia, the Yucky Country at times, but a book wouldn’t sell, not to the thick, slow, fixated, resentful. pompous pisspottery porkers. Why should there be refugees? Why should people not be assisted, aided? We can do it becase we are rich and isolated from more direct classes of superstious rivals. Why can’t we do more better, obvious things promptly and well?

  5. Canguro

    For y’all who’ve banged the drum on behalf of Julian Assange, here he is, speaking, virtually, as we speak, in Strasbourg, France, today. Click through to 53.40 where the action begins. Worth the effort in terms of the points he makes wrt journalistic responsibilities and the egregious & illegal behaviour of the Americans who sought to shut him down.

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