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Liberals Great Successes: Booming Economy And A Reduction In Global Warming!


“Today’s ABS Labour Force release is further evidence that the jobs market strengthened towards the end of 2014.

The Coalition Government is delivering our Economic Action Strategy to generate jobs and grow a more prosperous economy.

Today’s release shows that employment is growing, unemployment is coming down and more people are actively looking for work.

37,400 new jobs were created in the month of December, building on the 45,000 new jobs created in November and the unemployment rate fell to 6.1 per cent.

In 2014, 213,900 new jobs were created and jobs growth averaged around 17,800 per month; more than triple the average monthly jobs growth in 2013 of around 5,000 a month…


We have delivered on our commitments to get rid of the job destroying carbon and mining taxes, we are assisting small businesses to grow by removing red and green tape, and we are getting major projects underway with environmental approvals worth one trillion dollars; projects that will provide tens of thousands of jobs far into the future…


“2015 is the year of jobs and families – the Government will continue to focus on job creation because it’s good for individuals, it’s good for families and it’s good for the economy”

Eric Abetz


Yep, you’ve got to hand it to those Liberals. A year of “jobs and families”. That explains why the 2014 Budget was so unfamily friendly. It just wasn’t the year for them, but thankfully 2015 is their year.

Of course, they’ve already got off to a flyer on the jobs front: Unemployment is coming down. It’s 6.1%! We haven’t seen a figure like that since… Well, August, 2014. If it continues to fall at this rate, it’ll be back to those pre-Budget days when it was 5.8% by… Let’s see, if we assume that the rate of the fall from November to December is a trend and we extrapolute into 2015, then, why, we’re back to 5.8% by January. And we’ll be back to what it was under Labor before the Ides of March. Excellent!

Now, don’t go listening to the doomsayers that tell you taking the figures from November all the way through to December isn’t a trend. They clearly don’t understand that the figures are from the start of November all the way through to the end of December. A whole sixty one days! That’s more than most of the Liberals’ policies have lasted.

Speaking of policies, much has been made of the effect of dropping the carbon tax, but, as you’ve probably noticed 2015 hasn’t been as hot as 2014. While I don’t wish to get into a debate on climate change using facts and figures, or indeed any data that doesn’t suit my argument, I would just like to point out that the “warmists” have no way of explaining this pause in global warming.

And, what’s more, it occured after the removal of the carbon tax. – a tax which sent lamb roasts soaring to $100 and wiped Whyalla off the map. So those people who made exaggerated claims about what removing it would do, should now apologise for their alarmist nonsense! It just shows how effective their direct action policy is!

Yep, Australia is again open for business. The only slight dampener is that the renovations to The Lodge are taking so long.

“Some $3.19 million worth of work on the 88-year-old, 800sqm, 40-room Georgian-style home began in September 2013 and was due to be completed by mid 2014. It was commissioned by the former ALP government, but on December 12, the Abbott government signed off on changes to the contract, adding another 12 months to the completion date and upping the price tag to $6.38 million.”


I guess this is another example of Labor not meeting a deadline and going over budget! Thank goodness the Liberals are in power so they can double the budget and increase the deadline to a more realistic two years for a renovation project. (If you bet anyone before the election that Tony Abbott would never make it into The Lodge, I hope you haven’t paid out.)

Still perhaps this one of the major projects providing thousands of jobs that Abetz was talking about.

Yes, I’m looking forward to the “job and families” 2015 when unemployment dips to under 6%.

And, of course, if it doesn’t, that’ll just be because we’ve encouraged all those bludgers to start looking for a job, so naturally the participation rate will rise, which could lead to the unemployment rate rising. But that’ll just be a technical rise. We know that more people are working than ever, even if some them are on 457 visas, or Chinese nationals working under our new free trade agreement.

The main thing is that Australia is open for business!


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  1. DonG

    How many of those who were employed during November and December are about to be laid off, these two months of the year employment always rises, as more temp staff are employed to deal with the Christmas trade period.
    Wait for the unemployment figures when the kids are back in school, and the recent school leavers start to register for unemployment benifets, 6.5% I reckon will be in the ball park, then the usual excuse will be rolled out, it’s Labor’s fault for blocking the budget and trickle down economics.

  2. David

    I will merely say on the promise of a $500 reduction per family in electricity charges on the the removal of the carbon tax….since its demise on the 1st July 2014 I have had one credit on my Horizon (WA) account of $25. Apart from that our electricity bill has reduced minutely due to deliberate efforts on the households part to reduce consumption.
    As with Whyalla and $100 lamb roasts, power charge reductions were just stunts and lies lies lies.

  3. eli nes

    We certainly are open for business, at last.
    It is sad that torpid tanya our shadow minister cannot attack abbutt/robb for the FTA that allows china up to a $billion investment without any consideration of any Australian jobs. Perhaps it is even sadder that little billy is also silent when abbutt introduced the new temporary entry visa that allows overseas workers a year before needing a 457. Cleverly avoiding any chance of a job being offered to an Australian worker unionist or not. Still any guilt can be confessed.

  4. Steve

    I made the decision in 2014 to sell my retail business as conditions were as bad last year as they were in the GFC. At least there was a reason for the downturn then. Thankfully I haven’t lost too much, but I know other small business owners who won’t be so fortunate, and are also keen to get out. And I didn’t notice any red or green tape reductions over the last year and a half, nor any reduction in my energy bills. It was so predictable. As soon as you start trash talking the economy, it starts to drop. Good work Libs.

  5. Harquebus

    I would be surprised if, the massive amounts of govt., corporate and private debt did not produce some positive results.
    Global warming has not reduced, it is migrating to the oceans.

  6. stephentardrew

    Ya gotta laugh.
    The sky is falling in.
    No it isn’t cause now we are holding the sky up.
    Oops what’s that big hole opening up underneath us?
    Just lefty lies again.
    Private debt increasing isn’t that great?
    Corporate taxes decreasing isn’t that great?
    The debt is artificially increasing because of those leftist loons.
    After all we halved the doubling of the doubling of the debt.
    Don’t ya love magical mirrors.
    Tsall good.
    Ask Eric he’ll tell ya.

  7. rangermike1

    Brilliant Rossleigh, Facts surrounded with humour makes for wonderful reading. I loved it, keep up the great work.

  8. Rossleigh

    I saw the headline about Hockey justifying Budget cuts because people may live to be 150 and I thought it was satire, but no…

    Sort of reminds me of when Max Gillies’ portrayal of Joh was less grotesque than the real thing!

  9. John Fraser


    See ya in 100 years Ross.

  10. stephentardrew

    Geeze things are not looking too good for us old farts.

    “Buy” the way where do I go to get my age extension Joe.

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