Tony Abbott is certainly keeping up appearances. Aside from being a not-so-humble backbencher with an itchy twitter finger, he has been extremely busy for the past few months travelling the world promoting himself and getting paid to do so.
September 15-18 he was in Prague, addressing the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists. Flights, accommodation and incidentals for he and Margie were paid by the AECR.
Then it was off to New York where, on September 30, Abbott addressed the CQS Investor Forum. CQS provided travel, accommodation and some hospitality and then flew him to London for his next engagement speaking to Australian Business in the UK on October 3.
On October 4, Abbott attended the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham as a guest of The Spectator Magazine, who met the cost of travel (including the return trip to Australia), accommodation and some hospitality.
November 2, Abbott went to Port Moresby to address the Anglicare PNG annual fundraising dinner. Anglicare PNG met the cost of travel while accommodation and incidentals were covered by Airways Hotel Limited.
Then in early December, it was off to the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation Knowledge Summit in Dubai. Costs associated with this visit were met by the Foundation and arranged by the Washington Speakers Bureau.
A couple of weeks later, Abbott went to Israel for the Australia-Israel-UK Leadership Dialogue, this time courtesy of the taxpayer. The Australian delegation included Opposition leader Bill Shorten, Trade Minister Steve Ciobo and ten other federal and state parliamentarians.
The speeches are excruciating – Abbott at his absolute pontificating self-promoting worst. Why on earth people are paying him to go on the speaking tour is beyond me. I very much doubt anyone would invite him back for a second go.
But more to the point, what the hell are we paying him for? The people of Warringah have every right to wonder.
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Who cares about this has been?
This man is a dangerous simpleton. If he can gather enough fools to listen to his gibberish, then so be it.
Still good to know that somebody keeps tab of what he is up to.
But there are no more important topics.
Check his diary for an entry : “stab Malcolm in the back”
If Tony Abbott has the energy to travel the world on taxpayer money, the People of Warringah should be asking him why he isn’t working for them instead – especially as he has a lot of down time while Parliament’s on holidays.
Also, I know that that photo above is intended to show how these guys are really ‘nice’ after all and that they can get on which is ‘good’ for bi-partisan politics (cough), I see it as a bunch of complacent neoliberalists, who wouldn’t represent me if Santa told them to.
They are ALL tarred with the same neoliberalist brush, which works against the interests of grassroots people and marginalised groups, not to mention our precious environment.
He is getting paid for travelling the world whilst sullying Australia’s reputation overseas… “Where did they found this clown?’, someone asks there in New York. “Somewhere Downunder” says the other in London, where they are better at geography, and know about colonies.
But Tony’s greatest ambition is to support his local constituents? ???
Too right, Jack, when he returns home to Warringah, he’ll get paid by the locals to tell them what he has ‘learnt’ on his travels…
Nicely summarised by Mike Seccombe in the Saturday Paper :
Action group People Of Warringah has criticised MP Tony Abbott for mingling with A-list politicians overseas instead of tackling transport and other issues in his electorate.
“He’s got a job – and that is to represent the electorate of Warringah but instead, he’s missing in action,” said Nathan Thomas, from the People Of Warringah.
As part of his announcement to recontest the seat, Mr Abbott said he was looking forward to working with Premier Mike Baird on creating better transport links to the rest of Sydney.
But Mr Thomas dismissed the pledge as “all talk”.
“Twenty-two years he’s said he’ll do something about transport and the Spit and it’s just another thing that’s all talk and no action,” he said.
Tony is swanning around like he is a free agent to take up any extra-paying job he can. Last time he was on the back bench he found the time to write a book. How can he accept these engagements when he is supposed to be in parliament?
Yes a very well paid loose and dangerous cannon.
Does anyone in Liberal Party do what they should ?
the People of Waringah will hopefully remember this at the next election. People of every electorate should be more vigilant at keeping their local MP on task – representing them. If we don’t hold them to account then it is our fault if they continue to be elected.
The parliament will be a better place if those sititng in it know they are being watched by the people who put them there. Sadly I think a large swathe of the voting public trot off to the polling booth every few years and vote according to who has promised the most in the campaign rather than taking note of who has DONE most in the previous years. Seems to me quite a lot of the incumbents would be on the unemployed list.
On Menadue’s blog, Tony Smith writes:
‘When your aims are nasty, inevitably your methods are nasty. The Turnbull Government is qualitatively different from any previous government – it is Australia’s first really nasty government.”
I agree.
helvityni I;d say they are also reckless and out of control.
Helvityni, yes, it is the nastiest, most dangerous government ever. It is creating a police state.
It is haggling the most disadvantaged. It now uses AFP, Center link and ATO to squeeze another 4.6 billion out of nowhere.
It surveillances everybody and everything.
It desperately is hoping for a real terror attack in Australia. Manufacturing them is too see through.
It tortures people on Manu’s and Nauru.
Enough. I am too angry
Attached photo all right wing politicians together, I’m also very angry.
Does he pay tax on all these perks? Silly question, i suspect.
Please remind me why we pay these f*ckers?
Tony is apparently writing a sequel to Battlelines whilst also writing for The Australian, The Spectator, Quadrant magazine, and basically anyone who will publish him, and travelling the world on the paid speakers tour, and volunteering to hold hoses on trees that are nowhere near a fire (if there is a camera present)….oh…and he also gets paid to be the member for Warringah though why I can’t answer.
This article is yet another example of how the international neoliberal corporate lobbying industry are able to keep our politicians permanently occupied, remain on message, financially supported and entertained whilst in government, on the back benches, whilst in opposition or after retirement from politics.
Our political class know who they work for and the residents of Warringah or Australia’s voters in general are very nieve if they think their concerns have any importance whatsoever in the minds of their elected representatives.
This article just renews my red-blooded desire to set up a plan to wipe out Rabid’s career once and for all.
Then when he’s proven an imposter for the last 20-30 years of public life, I want every taxpayer dollar paid back from him.
That should send him bankrupt before he goes to gaol for his assorted crimes.
Shorten, Marles and Ciobo are not off the hook either. Each deserve blowback for being neoliberalists.
He wouldn’t get her a job in the private sector.
who is her to whom you refer?
No doubt, I’ve missed some reference, but in the interests of open discussion, all references should be respectfully clarified.
That photo I included is on Tony’s website. I have never been a firefighter but would you leave all those hoses lying on the ground and be leaving one man to fight the blaze alone? At least he remembered to dirty up his clothes this time after the bagging he got in previous photo shoots. The other guys don’t seem so dirty this time though.
Stop taking the cameras with you Tony – it makes you lose credibility.
“Terry2 January 7, 2017 at 7:35 am
Check his diary for an entry : “stab Malcolm in the back””
At least twice, and rotate the flucker to do the ultimate damage.
2017 looks like fun!
With a bit of luck Karma could have something to do with Tonys future.
John Brame,
that would be sweet revenge – especially if his last thoughts realise karma comes from all the Aussies and other peoples who have been depleted by his existence.