The other day I invited a couple over for a barbecue. Actually when I say that I did, it was, in fact, my wife who invited them, but never mind. We went to a nearby park where they have barbecues because I wasn’t going to use my gas on these people. Anyway, things were going along quite nicely until I told the bloke’s wife to go and get me another drink and she said, “Get it yourself, you lazy bastard!”
Well, I took to social media straight away and said what a rude bitch she was and how she lacked manners and I was always taught that when you’re in somebody else’s home… Or at least, in a park close to where someone lives, even if it’s not their home…. Or rather when someone invites you… Ok, I didn’t actually invite her.
Yeah, I think you know where I’m going with this…
Spin doctors and the media are good at framing things so that you see a picture but don’t actually notice the wall it’s hanging on. And so, Mrs Morrison’s little dummy spit about Grace Tame on 60 Minutes has just been allowed to stand without the media pointing out some basic facts:
- If someone is your guest, it is extremely poor to point out their bad manners to everyone else.
- Mrs Morrison did not invite Grace Tame. She was invited as the outgoing Australian of the Year, and whoever did the invitations, it wasn’t Lady Macbeth or her husband.
- It was at The Lodge in Canberra. While some people have been arguing that the people of Australia own the place where Scotty and his loved one live and others have been saying that because they live there it’s their home, the fact is that Mrs Morrison lives at Kirribilli in Sydney. I have no information on exactly how many nights, she’s spent at The Lodge, but I’m willing to bet that Josh Frydenberg spent more nights there than her. (Remember how he and Scott were shacked up together and how Josh was explaining that they do the dishes after cooking because apparently there are no cooks, housekeepers or dishwashers, either human or mechanical.)
- Mrs Morrison seemed to suggest that she could no longer take holidays after the Hawaiian kerfuffle, but I’m sure that there have been photos of the Morrisons on vacation at Shoalhaven since then. Maybe she doesn’t consider anything within the Australia as a holiday and unless she’s taken to the April sun in Cuba, it’s just another day at the office.
Scott Morrison was very careful not to have a go at Grace Tame. He’s aware that another emotional outburst against a “civilian” like his Christine Holgate tantrum wouldn’t play well in the electorate. So, instead, he got Jenny to say it. You can be pretty sure that candid interviews with any politician’s family are stage managed to ensure that the partner doesn’t come out with something like, “Yes, we certainly had our problems when first met owing to previous relationship with a Hell’s Angel, but once Freddie went to jail I was able to kick my drug habit and I’ve settled to down to the extent that I only ever have a Gin and Tonic on nights when I’m going to the swingers’ event when my husband is in Canberra!”
I probably should add that I’m speaking generally here and, while I’m sure that you all know that I’m not referring to that good Christian couple of Scott and Jen, I feel I should add that if any politician’s wife does drink G & Ts and go to swinging parties, it’s pure coincidence and any defamation action would be an admission of guilt.
Anyway, it’s been a fiery last week in Parliament with The Speaker having the Standing Orders book open for the entirety of Question Time. (This is not a joke, have a look and you’ll see to him refer to it, every time Labor point out that his ruling is inaccurate.)
As we get closer to the election, everything gets a little more ridiculous except for Alexander Downer who has the saving grace that he could never get more ridiculous. He had a piece in “The Australian Financial Review” about the narrow path to victory for the Coalition. Among his pearls of wisdom was this:
“Too few of the current ministry are prepared to do that. Josh Frydenberg and Dutton cannot be left with Morrison to do it alone. Far too many ministers are just sitting in their offices drawing a salary and not getting out and selling the government message to the public.”
Now, I don’t know about Lord Downer, but I’m pretty sure that the idea that there are “ministers sitting in their offices drawing a salary” suggests to the average person like they’re not really working very hard and the only thing that they need to do is “sell” their message rather than any actual work in their relevant portfolio. Yes, that certainly makes me think that this is a party worthy of the slogan, “We don’t hold a hose unless we’re in the prayer room!”
Scotty and his band of merry men are anxious to suggest that Labor and the Greens are a coalition, which is a strange tactic given one of the criticisms of Labor is that they’re not doing enough about climate change. This strategy will undoubtedly play well to the people who think that Barnaby Joyce is articulate and clever, but it’s not going to win the second preference of anyone voting for an Independent because the Coalition think that committing to 2050 was enough and some future government can sort out how it’s going to happen.
Another line of attack is the suggestion that Anthony Albanese has never held an economic portfolio, which is strange from a party that would argue that every portfolio is part of the economy. However, I guess it’s also a way of putting a dent in Peter Dutton’s leadership aspirations and this may be why Josh keeps bringing it up. Still, I don’t see how being Treasurer while the country piles up more debt than it’s had in its entire history and presiding over the first recession this century is a better qualification for leadership than not ever being Treasurer.
The other line of attack on Labor is that they’re China’s preferred party in the coming election. As a line of attack, this could open up questions of which party do various other countries prefer? I mean would it be a recommendation if Boris Johnson were to say that the Liberal Party is the party he wants, so no more birthday parties! If Boris gives you the thumbs up and then is deposed, would that be a good omen? And will we ask Macron? Would Biden say, “Yeah, you should vote for that fella down under… You know the one that’s worn out the carpet next to his bed… from being on his knees… praying… I need to make myself clear. He’s a good friend to the US but not that good.”
Whatever, I’m not sure that slogan “A VOTE FOR LABOR IS A VOTE AGAINST WAR WITH CHINA!” is quite the vote winner that Dutton envisages…
So, what surprises will the rest of the week bring? A leadership spill? A minister sacked? A trip to Government House. (No not to call an election, just to see if David Hurley is still there or whether he’s moved on…)
Whatever, there’ll be no ukulele playing. The best we can hope for is one of the ministers on the fiddle.
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Rossleigh…… That was hilarious . One of your best efforts yet. You’ve managed to rope in all the uglies, Lord Downer, ‘lovely’ Jenny, scummy Scummo, the frugal Joshie (ignore the trillion dollar debt) , dark knight Dutton and Colbeck.the cricket fan…… What a collection of dummies to choose from. I’m still trying to keep my sides from splitting.
“I don’t hold a hose unless we’re in the the prayer room ” That will be their epithet.
Still nothing about Grace and the oboe. I’m so disappointed.
Scummo is sinking deeper and deeper into the cesspit of his own creation. I’m guessing that he and the rest of Shit for Brains R Us are going to continue running with the Labor/China garbage. Putrid and malodorous behaviour, but then again what else do we expect from the LNP.
leefe, Grace and the oboe is just evidence that she is a Demi-goddess from Greek mythology and any attempt to attach myself to her skirt-tail would end badly.. rather like the way Scotty hides behind his wife’s skirt but only when she’s not wearing them…. I don’t think that made the sort of sense it made in my head… if I keep this up, I’ll be PM before they break for… Sorry, I’ll just have to check standing orders… No, look sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. Anyway, leefe, I’ll allow the question… oh, sorry, point of order it wasn’t a question… the Prime Minister has the call…
Can I take over the role of Speaker? It seems pretty easy.
George Bernard Shaw: “I don’t know if there are men on the moon, but if there are they must be using the earth as their lunatic asylum.”
Thanks again Rossleigh! Great & true article, & I agree with your sentiments entirely! Now Labor HAS to win this election so we can get Australia back to where it used to be, before the COALition fucked us all up!
don’t suppose anyone noticed that Grace was all grace when greeting Ms Morrison, just pofaced when greeting the misogynistic
but then again, it just begins
soon there will be boat loads of rapists, murderers and drug dealers invading our shores, all with the ALP backing
the Chinese will be given the Port of Darwin…. >what? oh, well blame Labor<
dole bludgers will bankrupt the country and Labor will tax your dead grandmother
and worst of all, good xtians will not be able to vilify gays and others
please bring on the election whilst this toxic scum are perceived as such by the silent majority
and someone take that ukulele away
If the ”Ministers are on the fiddle” does that mean that Scummo is the organ grinder to Jenny the monkey?
@GL: Remember ”never disturb your enemy while they are making mistakes”. Napoleon Bonaparte
I have been commenting far and wide (for me) with a side by side composite photo of Scott grabbing the hands of the pregnant woman and the firefighter in Cobargo with the comment “what was that about manners Jen?” Some clever sod has put the opening strains of “You Make My Dreams Come True” by Hall and Oates to Scotty’s ukelele attempts with excellent timing and 1 phrase that prohibits me from posting it here. The timing is excellent. As is the sentiment.
Of course the logical comparison is Nero.
Our Putrid Pig at the Pinnacle of political posturing, posing, prostitutional playing to the plebs, is such a disgrace, it must completely unsettle the wife, who must realise she made a shamefully inadequate and erroneouis choice. Shit, not silk, Diarrhoea not diamonds, Cack not caviar, this is the Morrison merde pile of national shame, a crippling blow to our very future.
The reality is the bandit aims to get the nationals’ role in a coalition with labor. Keeping labor out of government is worth millions to the extremists which will be used in the bandit’s 9 seats to force labor into giving the bandit a ministry.?
The lnp will capitalise on the toxic extremists in the ever repeated slogan labor and the greens.
These two forces and sundry chinese, russian, boatseconomy and palmer may be enough for a miracle.
Go for his ego albo get him fuming.
Well I do have to say a few articles on Jenny today. You know the Emelda Marcos defence dont you? ” But darling, i need the shoes to make my husband look good.” ” I hate the hard ball tactics in parliament”. Well Jen, you married the psycho who is in charge. Why should i friggin care? You obviously dont. I guess the family income allows you to turn a blind eye to the dick you married. But thats the thing with arseholes. They dont know that they are.
I see the 9/Fairfax has progressed from flinging dirt to liberally (pun intended) throwing their shit around:
You’ve excelled yourself with this piece, Rossleigh. I tips me lid.
Defenders of ‘Jen’ completely overlook the fact that she and the scumbag have been joined at the hip for ever. I doubt that her views differ from his even marginally. In fact she might be the wellspring. Like a Margaret Whitlam of the Dark Side.
‘Why don’t you get a little model boat with a sign saying ‘I stopped these!’ darl?’ That’d look nice on the sideboard, next to the picture of Jesus with the blue eyes!’
Just when Scummo thought his bad week was just about over –
Maybe he should get Jen to say a few words about how horrible they are being to Saint Scummo of the Marketing.
Just think of all that yummy delicious coal that Bananbaby and Coalavan and Scummo and Gorgie Porgie and the rest of the LNP can eat to their hearts content when the power station shuts down. Baked coal with coal sauce and coal ice-cream and pina coaladas and sliced coal with coal salad sandwiches, the list is endless.
The current gubmint is made up entirely of The Triumvirate of Turdosity: Scummo, Friedeggburger, and The Reichspud. The rest are there to be trooped out to spruik for and cover up for the three whenever they screw up.
What mean people. Such disgusting behaviour. We are better than this. If half of the comments that were written about Jen were written abOut Ms Tame it would be an avalanche. I will be glad when the next election is over no matter who wins. Just to clean out the viterole .
Ah, the good ole LNP, “It all happens in the future.” Only 11 more years before…make that 15 with the usual blow outs and stuff ups, before we will see the first by then waayy out of date frigate.
Mrs Morrison had NO right to be passing public judgement on national tv. She did not “invite someone to her home”. She doesn’t live at the Lodge and this wasn’t her party. Grace Tame had more right to be there than either of the Morrisons. Jen’s comments were completely out of line.
Considering Ms Tame’s history, one could understand why being told to be nice and smile to protect a man’s job was triggering. Her whole campaign started with #Letherspeak. Morrison’s greeting to her was thoroughly demeaning – no mention of her work, congrats on catching a man, and now spin around for the photo.
No-one was being mean to Jen until she chose to publicly trash a very brave young woman.
You might want to visit some right-wing Facebook groups or follow some right-wingers on Twitter to see what they’re saying about Grace Tame.
It ain’t nice.
We’re timid by comparison.
Bananababy can huff and puff all he likes about Zali Steggall if he feels like it. Let’s see how he wriggles and squirms as he tries to sort this out. I expect that it will vanish all too soon from the view of the public thanks to maatteess in the main sleaze media.
Jo…. I have just rapped myself on the knuckles for being a truly bad boy for saying nasty things about the lovely Jenny………….
Post your misplaced outrage, it might be wise to remember, Jenny entered the election fray to prop up and coverup her nice husband’s past performance and future prospects. Scummo is fair game and Jenny has chosen to make herself his protective shield. So what’s your beef ?
On a side note of bloody ludicrous.
I was having a crappy day until I saw and read this.
Oh, dear, I cackled myself, firstly reading the article about “lovely” Jen, the one that needed an $85,000/yr babysitter to keep her company, because she is a wall flower, well she’s dispelled that rumour, with her vitriol against Saint Grace Tame, who has more style and manners in her little finger than both ol Jen and Colonel BLIMP! Thank you for saying ALL the things I have written ad nauseum, about SCUMMO & Co. and previously the Onion eater, finally the gloves are off, well, by some of the media, and we’re getting the real SCUMMO, and rest of LIBTURD filth! Shame its taken nearly 10 yrs to expose their true nature. And secondly the comments were brilliant, haven’t laughed so much, well since the onion eaters exploits! Keep it up.
What utter, nasty, bitter rubbish. No excuse for Grace Tame being sullen. It WAS plain bad manners.
Hope you feel better after getting that off your chest, Lisa. 😇
What on earth is this Lisa on about?
It was the PM’ s wife (like the PM) who was unsympathetic to the two victims, needs to get off the drink or ice or whatever and bone up a bit on what happened to the two women rather than stick up for a stuck cow like Morrison’s wife.