I used to think climate change was our most urgent problem. Now I think it is integrity – in government particularly.
If you don’t think integrity is important, then it’s easy to lie.
It’s easy to use your position to dole out rewards to supporters who will keep you in power.
It’s easy to transfer public money to mates.
It’s easy to cover up what you are doing.
It’s easy to attack and undermine those who would hold you to account.
It’s easy to claim credit for things you didn’t do and point the blame at others for things you should have done.
It’s easy to gloss over corruption.
In trying to suggest that Anthony Albanese is too weak to lead, Scott Morrison said being in government isn’t easy.
I dunno. I think it’s been pretty easy for him.
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And before anyone says it’s been a rough few years, Morrison passed over handling the pandemic to the health authorities and the Premiers, the fires to the people who hold hoses, and the floods to locals in tinnies.
ProMo was busy with his official photographer, cooking(?) curries, building chicken coops, and washing hair.
@Kaye Lee Hear hear l totally agree with you that this Federal Election (AUSTRALIA FEDERAL INTEGRITY COMMISSION BILL 2021) should rightly be at the forefront & centre of this year Federal Election but its not and been push to back burner. Only because Scomo does not want to deal with it at this point of time as l also been verbally told of 2 very different version of that INTEGRITY COMMISSION BILL 2021 too. As Dr Helen Haines MP Independent Federal Member for Indi actually did 2 of those 2021 Bills both under the INTEGRITY COMMISSION BILL 2021. “EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM and STATEMENT OF COMPATIBILY WITH HUMAN RIGHTS” 88pg, While her main AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL INTEGRITY COMMISSION BILL 2021 No, ,2021 (Dr Haines) “A Bill for an Act to establish the Australian Federal Integrity Commission, and for related purpose 264pg. If l could l would of put those 2 links in but both copies of those HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ones l got has not got links to either of them & l wonder why is that then secretive to the highest level too. Dr Helen Haines MP is a Independent Federal Member for Indi who side is she taking LNP or ALP maybe its the LNP. The other night over the internet the Weekly Times & the National Farm’s Federation put on a forum Alex Sinnott was the moderator with the 3 Independents Rebekah Sharke MP S.A., Dr Helen Haines MP V.I.C & Hon Bob Katter MP. Now l don’t know who ales listen to that Monday night forum but it was certainly way better then that Sunday Night Leaders Debate between Scomo & Albo that l watch & listen too. @Kaye Lee one of the questions was about the INTEGRITY COMMISSION all 3 had 1 minute to say what they needed to say about too. I also wonder what sort of answer is going to happen tonight on Ch 7 with the third Leader debate as the exact same question you are asking is going to happen again tonight too. Maybe l should track the ALP one if they do have one of course maybe or maybe not. 🙁
The ALP has said it will be the first thing they do if they gain power.
For those who haven’t noticed, the ALP have a policy to implement a standing standing anti-corruption body ASAP.
As a bonus, they have dropped the coy wording of “integrity” and called it a National Anti-Corruption Commission.
This is good, because in the current clime of blatant corruption, a body to maintain federal political integrity is somewhat akin to a conservation scheme to help preserve unicorns.
Of course the press pack, whether out of deliberate bias or sheer incompetence (or both), refuse to acknowledge this linguistic shift &, when they bother to mention this issue, still refer to ALP support for an ‘integrity commission’.
To repeat, ALP’s current stated policy is to immediately implement a National Anti-Corruption Comminssion (NACC).
Thank you for saying what I am thinking.
the morning shows are all over the need for social reform over the leaders personal attacks.
No mention of scummo, the media and murdoch having attacked labor with lies for the last three years.
Tonight, albo, $trillion debt and cost of living.
this mob of lawyers have a $400k part time job on the fair work commission till they are 65?
Ms Bernadette O’Neill, commencing 6 April 2021
Mrs Sophie Mirabella, commencing 24 May 2021
Mr Phillip Ryan, commencing 28 June 2021
Ms Alana Matheson, commencing 5 July 2021.
these are full of lawyer integrity which means they are independent of integrity.
If INTEGRITY was water, then the LNP have been in serious drought for decades! There is absolutely NOTHING GOOD one can find to say about the thoroughly discredited, totally corrupt, miscreants in the LNP which is now being mismanaged by a self-serving, unconscionable pathological liar and bible-thumping hypocrite, the bone-idle Sloth Morrison. Morrison expends more time and energy getting out of hard work; delegating his responsibilities to other members of his inept cabinet; pathetically attempting to divert attention away from his self-promoting bullsh*t, increasing level of corruption and unspeakable lies; blaming others when his incompetence inevitably leads to everything he touches going pear-shaped whilst, at the same time, desperately trying to take credit for other people’s hard work or initiatives! The fact that Morrison tries to hide such depravity under a thin layer of bible-thumping hypocrisy makes him even MORE reprehensible.
Morrison has revealed himself to be a ruthlessly ambitious, totally remorseless, shape-shifting sociopath who rose to power on the back of his backstabbing betrayal against his OWN colleagues: Michael Towke and Malcolm Turnbull which PROVES that he is prepared to stoop to ANYTHING – even treachery – to attain and maintain a level of autocratic, undemocratic and malevolent power that borders on fascism! If Morrison can so easily betray his OWN colleagues, what does that say about his abysmal lack of character? Even his own colleagues do not trust him and many of them despise him with Barnaby Joyce describing him as being “loose with the truth” and the ex-LNP NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, aptly describing Morrison as being a “horrible horrible person”. Even the French President, Emmanuel Macron joined in on the chorus by internationally – and justifiably – “outing” Morrison as an unconscionable pathological liar who lies so easily, so smugly and so convincingly, it is doubtful that Morrison is even capable of recognising truth from fiction anymore!
For decades now, the pompous chest-beating deceivers in the LNP – and their malignant Propaganda Minister, Murdoch – have pushed out and promoted the BIGGEST LIE in Australia’s history being that they, the inept wasteful elitists in the LNP, are the better economic managers HOWEVER, history has proven that the REALITY is completely different! During the scandalous years of the war monger, John Howard and his appalling Treasurer, Peter Costello, even the highly respected International Monetary Fund (IMF), described the Howard/Costello regime as the worst, most wasteful and inept government in Australia’s history (see link below). The truth is that the best economic management this country has ever seen took place under Labor governments when Keating was Treasurer and, following Labor’s victory in 2007, when Wayne Swan was appointed Treasurer of Australia by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. In this position, Swan played a key role in Australia’s successful response to the Global Financial Crisis throughout 2008 and 2009.
Sadly, the skewed presentation of facts constantly pushed out by the dangerously undemocratic LNP/Murdoch Alliance PROVE that gormless LNP supporters are being manipulated and fed a non-stop diet of remorseless lies, character-assassinating slander against the ALP, the Greens and anyone prepared to stand up and understandably condemn the appalling hyperbole that has become a permanent feature in the Z-rated rags of the Murdoch press! The collaboration between the political psychopaths in the LNP with Murdoch and the unelected, neoliberal swill in the IPA, is beyond undemocratic and ensures that any Australian who is foolish enough to allow themselves to be manipulated into believing the mind-numbing misinformation they soak up in the LNP/Murdoch-controlled media, will continue to live in a thoroughly deluded world in a parallel universe spoon-fed on a non-stop diet of LNP-promoted lies and slander!
It has become a terrifying reality that the LNP/Murdoch/IPA Alliance have now taken control over the last form of (once) impartial media in our nation: OUR taxpayer-funded ABC. The LNP have achieved this by parachuting horrendous right-wing, LNP-supporting sycophants onto the Board and into seats on influential panel shows, such as Q&A! The worst of them: the reviled David Speers, the horrendous right-wing extremist Fauziah Ibrahim, Patricia Karvelas, Lisa Millar (who’s father, Clarrie, was a high-ranking MP in the National Party) and other pro-right discredited “journalists”, do nothing but use every opportunity to denigrate the ALP, the Greens or anyone expressing a left-wing view whilst promoting the twisted, callously inhumane, elitist ideology of Morrison’s depraved version of the LNP. Such malevolent control over EVERY form of media in this country can only be described as fascism at its worst!
If the majority of working- and middle-class Australians are prepared to vote for the LNP AGAIN, a regime that despises them, it will give the LNP/Murdoch/IPA Alliance PERMISSION to become MORE emboldened, more corrupt, more callous and infinitely more dangerously undemocratic! It will enable the Morrison regime – the worst, most inhumane and corrupt in living memory – to vandalise, destroy, annihilate and defund EVERYTHING they didn’t get time to vandalise, destroy, annihilate and defund up until the day of the election! BE WARNED!
Love your work Kaye Lee. If only I could have had a job at Morrison’s pay level and do nothing of value, as he has. Easy money. A Lazy, malevolent man.
Just read this about Morrison from a Crikey reader recommendation today. A cracker.
Thanks Deb, a great read!
For Morrison, words are just distracting noises that come out of a hole in his head. They are not connected to any logic or fact or principle. They are not constrained by anything he has said or done in the past, nor do they commit him to any future course of action. To expect otherwise is to make a categorical error.
Morrison’s political career provides no grounds for believing that he will ever give a straight answer to any question, offer a cogent and consistent argument, explain himself in any way, or do anything he says he will do. He has never baulked at any hypocrisy, small or large.
He speaks in order to make the very act of questioning him an exercise in futility, addressing no concrete reality beyond the immediate imperative to generate static. It is a form of anti-oratory: the rhetorical equivalent of avoiding an awkward conversation by starting up a leaf blower.
Just perfect!
It amazes me just how blind (or is it stupid?) people are to not see the blatant Lies, Corruption and Lack of Accountability that characterises John Pork Barilaro, The Holy Virgin Gladys, Dom Perignon Perrottet, Scotty from Marketing, The Minister for Burning Fossil Fuels and Commander Potato Head.
Wake up Australia.
Against all the noise from a morally crippled press gallery, also.
Given past performances from Australian voters, also.
No one knows
what it’s like
to be
as thick as a brick. (JethroTull)