Earlier in the year, then Assistant Treasurer. Arfur Sinodinos told ICAC that he didn’t know about individual donations and wasn’t really all that sure what he did for being paid vast amounts of money to sit on a board that had something to do with water. As ICAC isn’t allowed to water board in the hope of getting more information, it was pretty much left at that.
But Arfur is a decent sort of chap and it was decided – by him or someone – that it would be best for everyone if he stood down till this messy business was sorted out or until the public’s memory was as faulty as a Liberal Premier’s recollection for bottles of Grange.
Just last week he cleared up the mess by telling ICAC that he didn’t know much about one of the Liberal’s biggest donors, the Free Enterprise Foundation. He also didn’t know why people donate to the Liberal Party, who donates, who’s banned from donations, what meetings he’d been in, where he’d parked his car, or which door he’d entered through.
After this performance, Joe “Wind Farms Are A Blot on The Landscape But I Love The Smell Of Coal-fired Power Stations In the Morning It’s the Smell of Victory” Hockey announced that he thought it was time that Sinodinios returned to the Cabinet. He’s a man of “great personal integrity” according to Joe without making comment on his public integrity.
So, I presume that he’d be returning as Assistant Treasurer. Makes one wonder who’s actually in that role and if Joe’s so keen to get Arfur back, it can only mean one of two things: Either it’s someone who’s not doing a very good job and they think that man who didn’t notice all the paper bags of money flowing in NSW would be better, or else he IS doing a good job and Joe’s worried that the guy doing the job could lose the Assistant part of his title.
Who is it? I mean, I should know. Perhaps, it’s me and I’ve just forgotten. Or perhaps, I was appointed and just not told. Certainly, I don’t know what the Assistant Treasurer does, and that just about makes me perfect for a financial role with the Liberals.
* * *
Down here in Victoria, the Herald-Sun did a nice little information piece where they showed the links between Cesar Melhem who’s being interviewed by the Royal Commission and various Labor Party figures. It included such useful information as telling us that Daniel Andrews has been Labor leader while this person has been in the Victorian Upper House. In the interests of being exactly like the Murdoch Machine – they can’t say that I’m biased like the ABC – I will do the same. (But without the photos)
Adolph Hitler – Leader of Germany which invaded most of Europe and bombed Britain and caused enormous devastation.
Some of Hitler’s Generals were closely linked to a “peace deal” with Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
John Howard’s middle name is Winston
Tony Abbott admires both Churchill and Howard.
Ah, that sort of thing looks so much more convincing with pictures. >sigh<
I’ll never be able to do what the Murdoch Press does…
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Very droll. excellent writing and insights.
Arthur should not return to Canberra, he has amnesia, we don’t want anyone with that bad a memory and such a sad integrity, morals and ethics, how they get these jobs I do not know.
Since good ole Jovial Joe seems to want Arfur back so much, it doesn’t say much for his relationship with “what’s-his-name” with zee accent and not many answers.
Just thought I would share this email I wrote to Sinodinis a few days before his semi retirement
I have shared it before awhile ago but I thought I would throw it in the mix again
Arfur is full of trick words he wouldn’t know how to lie straight in bed that bloke, an upstanding crook is all Arfur is…he won’t be back, he is carrying tooo much baggage for them now, Smokin joe is dreaming 🙂
Date: Wednesday, 12 March 2014 1:35:12 AM
Hey Sinodinos,watched you on Lateline,trying to answer questions
Well how silly do you think the average punter is?
YOU and Phony Tony are trying to stooge the people again
with your finance advice cronnie mates,
To help strip away protections with these finance frauds is beyond belief,
Your words are trick words
Yes a lot of words amounting to nothing
Trying to convince people it will be OK,
we are the “adult gov in charge now” what a joke
You and the rest of the grumpy old white Blokes
pretending to run this country, are past your use by date.
I have seen many views on these WIND back of PROTECTIONS
the result for customers is grim,going backwards in time again
(which is the LNP’s mantra,the backwards mens club))
Many people do not like what you are about to do
There is a lot of criticism by the experts out there
March in March next weekend
Sir,your Gov is about to slide into oblivion
The “mice” are on the move
Check out youtube,a great video
called Coalition Blues,its a great tune
written all about you and the rest of your inept gov
Your propaganda is not working,and Tony knows it
Hockey’s been a bit quiet lately,his been taking a pounding
Because he tells porky pies,and lots of them
So Tone’s plan to push you out in front of camera to
spread your destruction on innocent people,
and taking away protections.
To keep your mates in the finance sector happy
I would reconsider
As for the documents you wont release,until “its the right time
and not the wrong time”,what is that?
The contempt you are showing
towards the voters is gob smacking, at the least
OMG What are you hiding,more secrets,like the COB,your concentration camps
you are running in Manus and Nauru etc etc etc etc etc
I look forward, to your imminent retirement, from politics Sinodinos
You are not worthy of high office……
(Putting my pretender legal-speak hat on): I recommend that you send this very apt piece of poetry to Arfur again. Won’t hurt to remind him that he has been a very BAD boy!
Are you talking to me ? I am not sure as you have no name on your comment
But yeah why not, I will fling it off tooooo Sinodinis through cyber space to Canberra 🙂
Good idea DanDark.
Yep, Arty “Da Spiv” Sinodinas is either corrupt, incompetent, stupid or all three combined… why would you want him back? “Bookshelves” Brandis too, thinks “…. he’s a man of integrity”… but given “Bookshelves” propensity for silly statements it’s probably best to just leave Joe “Cereal/Toyota Killer” Hockey flapping his mouth around like those appalling windmills.
The very fact that Hockey wants him back shows the LNP have learned absolutely nothing about honesty during the ICAC saga and that proves he/they have no ethical standards at all, and never will.
Does Abbott admire Emperor Hirohito ?
We know he admires the Japanese troops who beheaded Aussies.
Massive insult coming for Andrew "the drinks waiter" Robb when the Chinese refuse to sign the Trade Agreement.
And Australians in Borneo paying for Japanese heads in 1945.
Mobius Ecko, where did you get these figures and how was the “net” derived?
Rossleigh. Your articles are always spot on … on the serious side – for sure.
Yet I sit here, laughing at your wit, and brilliance in turning phrases, and your satirical content.
Please keep writing. Great stuff.
I’d like to comment but I can’t remember if I’ve read the article. With a memory like that, I must be right for a Liberal job.
Jennifer from latest Essential poll supplemental questions. Extract doing the social media rounds.
If Joe reckons that wind turbines are a blot on the landscape just wait until he sees what is left of former grazing and agricultural land after open-cut mining has finished with it.
Joe, you need to get out more.
Jeff Bradley, you’re in line for a ministerial appointment, mate: get you’re blue tie out.
With a ministerial driver you won’t even need to know your own way home.
Job advertisement
Looking for people to become liberal MPs
No brain nor memory required and all expenses paid, even weddings to India,
bookshelves to make you look smarter than you are,
overseas junkets oops jaunts, bike rides, trips to rally the LNP troops in Melbourne via a cancer hospital,
the list goes on and you get all bonuses like good super, overtime and a chauffeur driven car, above award wages
Apply within, don’t wait join us now, we are ” Team Straya” looking after the very few…..
Ring this number now Canberra 666 🙂
DanDark, I love your job ad. I’m not recommending you send it to Abbott, but it would be a delightful temptation!
Ohhh thanks Jennifer, yea bugger it I will send it, thanks for that idea 🙂
They make our day everyday, I will make their day just for a change lol lol lol
little billy was educated by the jesuits
the jesuits support the god of the cistercians
little billy is a cistercian?
the rabbott was educated by the jesuits
the jesuits believe in the inquisition
the rabbott’s royal commissions
put little billy’s women into a cloister