Yes, well, I don’t think it’s likely.
But then I thought that John Howard was unelectable. Tony Abbott doubly so.
Therefore, I have to acknowledge the possibility that Trump may be President and it makes me wonder if this is the sort of rhetoric we’ll see when he’s actually in charge and doesn’t have to tone it down because it’s an election year…
My Fellow Americans,
Earlier today, I met with a number of church leaders who have expressed concern about some of my recent statements. Together we examined the Bible and they showed me that Jesus would not have endorsed many of my recent actions.
He would have been appalled by my materialistic obsession, my lack of regard for my fellow human beings and my insistence of meeting violence with violence instead of turning the other cheek.
It saddens me, but I have to acknowledge that maybe I need to change my focus. Instead of concentrating on Muslims and Mexicans, I may have overlooked the fact that Jesus was a bleeding heart terrorist. At this stage, I’m prepared to give God the benefit of the doubt, but unless he hands Jesus over in the next three days, we’ll consider him an illegal alien.
We also make the following demands:
1. God must agree to stop moving in mysterious ways.
2. He must withdraw support for the poor and needy, as it only encourages them.
3. He must agree that when we build the wall on the border that he won’t allow Joshua to blow his trumpet.In the event of this not being agreed to within the three day deadline we intend to start bombing. Apparently God is omnipresent. This means that he’s everywhere, so it doesn’t matter where we bomb, we’ll be destroying God.
Yep, maybe I’m exaggerating… Although George W. did seem to think that he could stop Osama Bin Laden by bombing a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, so who knows?
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There’s something about the look of Trump’s mouth that says “nastier than Hitler”.
And his hand gestures are not much better.
There is something truly wrong with this individual.
With all the gains Bernie Sanders is making, he might be the Democrat nominee. I read before, that if he is up against Trump, he will lose, because the Republican backers will make a smear campaign to show him as a commie wimp, etc. The Koch brothers have a lot to lose if Bernie wins.
I think Donald looks good with the beard, so laid back and the orang-tan suits his big mouth.
an american, a nasty, glowing the sand, slime, a socialist or a woman unless there is a write in candidate the hair is a shoe in.
Ooo – ouch – acerbic that is, Rossleigh. !!
But in keeping with many of your great writings, all of which have much to say, and that I enjoy enormously.
And this one, though couched in odd phraseology, is not far off the mark, as far as Trump and how he sees himself in the world order of things.
Trump is a monster and heaven ( or someone ) help us all if he gets within a bull’s roar of the Whitehouse.
I doubt it will happen – ‘others’ will ‘see to it’ that it doesn’t … ( and 😉 you know what I mean ).
Yes, doubtless, our Mr. Trump is a weird candidate for President. He looks quite like an idiot, his track record screams LOSER and he seems incapable of opening his mouth without offending someone. But I have to ask myself, could he actually be worse than George W. Bush??? Still, small comfort there, I guess. On the other hand, at least he’s not Ted Cruz.
I shudder at the thought of Trump as “Leader of the free world”; no one would be safe with a meglamaniac in charge of the worlds largest weapons of mass destruction cache. The war mongering military leaders and the power mad CIA and other security organisations, would have open slather to destroy as much of the world as they see fit.
I share your prescience regarding the ascension to high office by Howard and Abbott.
Therefore, I am bracing for a President Trump – sounds so, so wrong, does it not?
Also, not forgetting that many Republicans find Trump a tad more libertarian than their religious mindset can stomach, and fear a President Cruz, who would actually be worse than Trump – unimaginable as that may be.
Enough to cause an atheist like me to start praying.
“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“A tooth for a tooth only ends up making the whole world hungry”. – Me ??
Oh Rossleigh? I spent some time last week trying to find an image of Trump I could put beside King Louie from Disney’s The Jungle Book and title it “Separated at Birth” You have done it for me.
Trump is a loathsome oaf but he has the one quality poorly educated yanks aspire to….. he is rich!
They are not. They don’t know how to “get rich” and so admire his skills without fully comprehending or appraising them. The poor will always worship the rich when the rich keep the poor from the education that enlightens them to the scam of achievement by folk like Trump!
Mmmm?? Sounds a bit familiar doesn’t it?
Michael Taylor. A tooth for a tooth leaves nothing but suckers!
Kerri, that was quite witty.
It is a fact that we get the children we deserve and therefore likely that we get the polititians we deserve, very clear in the case of aborthim. The rednecks and the haters of the vulnerable gave us abutt. As far as I know the same american equivalent will vote for trump so the chances are high that he will be the president. At least until some unseen hands arrange for him to go elsewhere! Given your track record Rossliegh, there isgreat cause for concern!
I think you may have said it all. …. How the ‘poorer’ folk see being rich beyond their wildest dreams, as something to aspire to. … And how they follow, drooling at the mouth, the thumping grandeur that money promises. ??
Who was it said ” money is the root of all evil” ….. cos whoever it was, in Trumps case, could be said to have been spot on.
And it is indeed the rich, the wealthy 1% who keep good education from the middle and lower classes – just because they damn-well can.
Bah-humbug to Trump and his mob – and others who follow the ‘big’ money.
Fools – all of them.
Yes Kerri ….
“The unseen hands” ….. unless things have changed so ultra dramatically ‘over there’ … I can see no other way that they would handle this excuse for a politician, let alone a human person.
America has a long history of ‘handling’ difficult customers. !!!
Thanks Michael!