By Ad astra
No, I don’t mean ‘hopping mad’. We know that he is hopping mad with the media and its ‘fake news’, with CNN particularly, and with some of its commentators whom he has chosen to label as intellectually deficient, and unpleasant to the eyes (bleeding from a face lift!).
We know he is hopping mad about the criticism he attracts. We know he prefers admiration, adulation, even reverence. We know he craves the hero worship he received as host and star in his TV reality show The Apprentice. We know he needs his image to be polished endlessly. Fame is almost more important to him than fortune.
No, I mean ‘mad’ in the clinical sense, in the sense of the many synonyms of the word: mentally disturbed, insane, lunatic, maniacal, even crazy or crazed. Some peri-clinical synonyms of ‘mad’ too might be applicable: unstable, erratic, unsafe, dangerous, perilous, foolish, senseless.
‘Mad’ derives in part from the Old English ‘gemædde’: ‘out of one’s mind’, ‘extremely stupid’, ‘insane’ or ‘foolish’.
Do you see a nexus between these words and Trump’s behaviour?
Let me present you with some evidence so that you can make up your own mind about whether Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America is indeed ‘mad’.
First, look at a report in The Guardian of what ABC political commentator Chris Uhlmann had to say at the conclusion of the recent G20 meeting in Hamburg. Do watch the video; it will become a collectors’ item.
Speaking on Sunday from the G20 conference in Hamburg, Uhlmann said Trump had shown ‘no desire and no capacity to lead the world’ and was himself ‘the biggest threat to the values of the west’.
He was an uneasy, lonely, awkward figure at this gathering and you got the strong sense that some of the leaders are trying to find the best way to work around him, Uhlmann said.
Where was the G20 statement condemning North Korea which would have put pressure on China and Russia? Other leaders expected it, they were prepared to back it, but it never came.
Uhlmann said Trump was obsessed with ‘burnishing his celebrity’ and had ‘diminished’ his own nation to the benefit of Russia and China.
We learned that Donald Trump has pressed fast-forward on the decline of the United States as a global leader. He managed to isolate his nation, to confuse and alienate his allies and to diminish America.
[He is] a man who barks out bile in 140 characters, who wastes his precious days as president at war with the west’s institutions like the judiciary, independent government agencies and the free press.
So astute was Uhlmann’s analysis that the video of it soon became viral, drawing complimentary remarks from observers of international politics.
Look at the essence of his analysis. Keep in mind that he is referring to the man who occupies the most powerful position in the world, a position that demands leadership in today’s complex global environment where everything is interconnected.
First, Uhlmann concludes that Trump has ‘no desire and no capacity to lead the world’. The world’s media reaction to Uhlmann’s analysis was strongly affirmatory; clearly many agreed. How can a man in Trump’s position eschew leadership and show no capacity for it? Does this fit synonyms of ‘mad’ such as: ‘foolish’, ‘senseless’, ‘ill-advised’, or even ‘unsafe’, ‘dangerous’ or ‘perilous’?
Uhlmann concluded that Trump had ‘managed to isolate his nation, to confuse and alienate his allies, and to diminish America.’ He went onto say that this defect rendered Trump ‘the biggest threat to the values of the west’. What words apply to this assertion? Mentally disturbed, even insane?
Writing in, in an article titled: Radical new plan to remove ‘incapacitated’ President Trump, Liz Burke makes this assessment:
US politicians are so seriously concerned about President Donald Trump’s sanity they are making a plan that could see him removed from the White House over it.
A group of Democrats has put forward a bill to propose a committee that could declare Mr Trump ‘incapacitated’ and remove him from office.
The increasing level of concern over the deteriorating situation in the White House comes as questions have been raised over the President’s state of mind following a series of bizarre and even aggressive tweets.
Mr Trump at the weekend shared a violent video in which he was shown wrestling to the ground and repeatedly striking a man whose face was covered by a CNN logo. This followed a series of personal attacks on a female journalist, and railing against the MSNBC breakfast program she hosts.
In another tweet, the President conceded his use of social media was ‘not presidential’, but declared a new term for his style: ‘MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL’.
Others have declared it crazy, unusual, and concerning, and are making moves to use his unusual behaviour to end the celebrity businessman-turned-politician’s presidential term.
The evidence suggesting ‘madness’ accumulates.
David Renmick, editor of The New Yorker in an article titled American Dignity on the Fourth of July writes inter alia:
Donald Trump…has no interest in the wholeness of reality. He descends from the lineage of the Know-Nothings, the doomsayers and the fabulists, the nativists and the hucksters.
The thematic shift from Obama to Trump has been from ‘lifting as we climb’ to ‘raising the drawbridge and bolting the door’. Trump may operate a twenty-first-century Twitter machine, but he is still a frontier-era drummer peddling snake oil, juniper tar, and Dr. Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Cure for profit from the back of a dusty wagon.
Further on Renmick writes:
Trump is hardly the first bad President in American history – he has not had adequate time to eclipse, in deed, the very worst – but when has any politician done so much, so quickly, to demean his office, his country, and even the language in which he attempts to speak?
Every day, Trump wakes up and erodes the dignity of the Presidency a little more. He tells a lie. He tells another. He trolls Arnold Schwarzenegger. He trolls the press, bellowing ‘enemy of the people’ and ‘fake news!’
He shoves aside a Balkan head of state. He summons his Cabinet members to have them swear fealty to his awesomeness. He leers at an Irish journalist.
Last Thursday, he tweeted at Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, of MSNBC: ‘I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came … to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!’
The President’s misogyny and his indecency are well established. When is it time to question his mental stability?
Returning to the G20, what was Trump thinking when he delegated his 35 year old favourite daughter Ivanka to sit in for him among world leaders: Xi Jinping, Angela Merkel and Recep Tayyip Erdogan? Usually high-ranking public officials are delegated this task. Historian Anne Applebaum took to Twitter to denounce what she described ‘an unelected, unqualified, unprepared New York socialite’ being seen as ‘the best person to represent American national interests’.
Trump defended his action with these words: ‘I’m very proud of my daughter, Ivanka – always have been, from day one I have to tell you, from day one…She’s always been great. She’s a champion. If she weren’t my daughter, it would be so much easier for her. Might be the only bad thing she has going, if you want to know the truth.’
Ivanka was given the official title of ‘First Daughter and Advisor to the President’ early in the administration, amid outcry that an unofficial role exempted her from ethics rules.
Is this behaviour an example of an unbalanced person?
Read what another writer at The New Yorker, Evan Osnos, had to say in an article written back in May: Is political hubris an illness? He begins:
In February, 2009, the British medical journal Brain published an article on the intersection of health and politics titled Hubris Syndrome: An Acquired Personality Disorder? The authors were David Owen, the former British Foreign Secretary, who is also a physician and neuroscientist, and Jonathan Davidson, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University, who has studied the mental health of politicians. They proposed the creation of a psychiatric disorder for leaders who exhibited, among other qualities, ‘impetuosity, a refusal to listen to or take advice, and a particular form of incompetence when impulsivity, recklessness and frequent inattention to detail predominate.’
Sound familiar? Do these words apply to Trump?
Further on Osnos uses these words:
President Donald Trump, in the months since he entered the White House, has become a kind of international case study of mental health’s role in politics. To his friends and allies, he elicits an array of anodyne, even appealing, adjectives: unpredictable, fearless, irascible, sly. Many of his counterparts in diplomacy, and in American politics, are rapidly shedding the euphemisms that they once used to express their appraisals, however.
When Trump, after a confused viewing of a Fox News segment, urged people at a rally ‘to look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?’, suggesting that an incident – which no one could identify; nothing notable had happened the night before – had something to do with Sweden being overrun by refugees, Swedes reached a judgment. ‘They thought the man had gone bananas’, Carl Bildt, Sweden’s former Prime Minister and foreign minister, told Susan Glasser, of Politico, in an interview published this week. ‘It was a somewhat unsettling thing to see the president of the United States without any factual basis whatsoever lunge out against a small country in the way that he did.’
Though politicians often accuse each other of being crazy, Trump has inspired a more clinical and sober discussion. (In the magazine this week, I write about proposals in Congress to assess the President’s mental health.) In recent days, the discussion of Trump’s stability has entered a blunter phase.
Over the weekend, Trump made a series of bizarre comments, including questioning the history of the Civil War, saying he was ‘looking at’ breaking up banks (prompting a stock-market slide), and demonstrating unfamiliarity with basics of the health-care bill known as Trumpcare. The Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley told an interviewer that it was ‘among the most bizarre recent twenty-four hours in American Presidential history’, adding, ‘It was all just surreal disarray and a confused mental state from the President.’ Joe Scarborough, the former Republican congressman, told his television audience, ‘My mother’s had dementia for ten years…That sounds like the sort of thing my mother would say today.’
Finally let’s hear from our own Julia Gillard, recently appointed head of Beyond Blue, who cautions against throwing around the charge of being mentally ill as an insult. But she did weigh into Donald Trump’s odd Twitter behaviour, acknowledging there will be questions about his mental health, acknowledging that some had a genuine concern for the president: ‘I know that some people in the US, some commentators are not proffering that analysis by way of insult, they’re actually saying it because they are genuinely concerned. But I do think if President Trump continues with some of the tweeting etcetera that we’ve seen, that this will be in the dialogue.’
Let’s end on that sober note before this piece becomes too long.
With the evidence and the opinions quoted above, what do you make of it all? Recall the words that are used to describe ‘madness’: mentally disturbed, insane, lunatic, maniacal, crazy, unstable, erratic, unsafe, dangerous, perilous, foolish, senseless, and impractical.
Ask yourself, does Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, show signs of madness as described above?
I’ve made up my mind.
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“Is Donald Trump mad? ”
That is a rhetorical question, isn’t it?
Cut snake.
If Donald Trump was still in the real estate business, I doubt anyone would be considering his intellectual capacity, but that says more about big business – the entire corporate edifice – than Trump.
Donald Trump as POTUS is a fish very much in the wrong pond.
My worry is how the Republicans politicians including Ryan can support him.
People concentrate in Trump and IMHO he is not the problem or danger, the danger is on those behind him that have the knowing in how to manipulate his mental incapacity to their own agenda.
He does not care about world leadership because he is concentrated in run the country as one of his business.
He will be capable to “make peace” with North Korea if he can have some kind of private business benefits from it.
Not sure mad is correct word. Definitely self centred to expense all others, including his family. Has obsessional thoughts disorder. Show signs of early alzheimer’s or at least senility. Is erratic and confused most of the time. Prone to be aggressive and paranoid often. Suspect he suffers from deafness. Definitely selective deafness, where he hears only what he wants to. Listens to no one.
What worries me is that he appears to have surrounded himself with mostly men who are either insane or born bullies.
What worries me most Florence nee Fedup, is the fact that this vacuous, narcissistic, mercurial ‘man-child’ has his finger on the nuclear trigger. Do not kid yourself that he can be manipulated by others. If this nitwit sets his mind to do something, then he will do it.
is Trump mad? i dont know! but i hope he isnt because he has his fingers on the Nuclear Codes,and if he’s like every other political leader who is losing popularity and constantly down in the polls then they usually start a war or two!~~!
Robert you are correct. This man is incapable of having any sense of the consequences of his actions. Leaving Paris Agreement showed that. He expected them to bow to his wishes, beg him to stay. Same with the health bills. Let them whither, they will then beg him to fix things. Paris was only too happy to see the last of him. Health isn’t going to wither. Too many rely on it.
Trump is like to schoolchild, mostly boys in the playground that have no control over their behviour because of common disruptive behaviour disorders include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Does not his youngest son suffer from some disorder. Trump is said to have called him a moron or something similar.
Not ‘mad’; just an ignorant and egocentric man who is showing us all how inadequate business experience is for a position making decisions about anything other than narrow profit making.
Just a narcissist with the ego-centric mindset of a teenager.
I am sure that most contributors to this site will be aware of the latest farce that was played out only today in Washington. I will not try to recount the ‘goings on’ because readers will not believe me. Instead let me refer you to the site of an excellent newspaper, The Washington Post.
We all laughed at Sean Spicer’s awkwardness and stammering as White House Press Secretary. Now, that Anthony Scaramucci is in the role of Communications Director, it seems that we have gone from bad to worse. The infighting that is now occurring in this dysfunctional administration simply takes your breath away. I do not see how there can even be some sort of agenda here, sinister or otherwise.
This Trump administration is surely the most shambolic and chaotic administration in generations, perhaps even since the formation of the Republic.
Trump entered the Presidential candidate stakes, imo – to garner attention, to create headlines for himself by antagonising and delivering perverse comment throughout, ( e.g. – shooting someone in a NY street and still gaining votes etc. ) … all for his own headline grabbing ego and his obsession about himself and his compulsion for notoriety.
And then – ( gawd – how did THAT happen ) he won. ???
The Republicans find themselves between a rock and a hard place on this one. He is setting about alienating the agencies ( one way or another ) …. firing this one and that, with the continued aim at grabbing headlines ( which he does – daily ) …
He had, and still has – NO intention of leading the country. He’s cunning, and his incessant tweets, indicate just how cunning he really is – to keep himself in front of the entire world ( via social media ). And the MSM, continue to take huge notice of him as well. He makes headlines, and no doubt rubs his ( little ) hands together with glee about it all.
He is certainly not the full quid. And has no right whatsoever to lead any country.
” …. he ( Uhlmann ) is referring to the man who occupies the most powerful position in the world ….. ” Would so like to see those words banished from our language. Trump has reduced the alleged ‘most powerful position’ in the world to a laughing stock. It is only through their endless self-promoting propaganda, that the world has come to see America as a leading light – and THE most powerful nation. I personally don’t think they ever have been quite that, although they may have come close at times. Money wise, particularly. Education wise – NO, upkeep of essential infrastructure – NO, adequate and proper health care – NO. – reduction in massive military expenditure – NO, proper care for returned veterans – NO – – etc. …
People there seem equally if not more, terrified of the replacement for Trump – that being Pence, who is a fundamental “Dominionist” christian. But I doubt he could be any worse than the current incumbent.
I also doubt that Trump could ‘press the button’ to start anything. I do not have links to provide at this time, but the agencies ( from what I have learned over time ) have fail-safe procedures in place to prevent disasters happening in the case of e.g. some maniac being able to intervene to ‘access the nuclear codes’. The maniac is there now, the powers in military charge know it, and I would hope they are on the job 1000% to prevent him getting his biggest headline yet.
He certainly has mental problems, and needs to be removed.
Trump’s certainly getting worse, more erratic, craving attention more and more. My guess he is a psychopath whose demands for admiration and adulation require more and more, but it’s never, ever enough. Now he’s surrounded by sycophants and his megalomania is relatively unchecked, he is going to get more and more unstable. Probably not going to end well.
I think that you have summed it up pretty well, Jaquix. Just how badly it is going to end up remains to be seen.
I used to hope he would be impeached, but now I hope they ride it out so that he can be voted out in the next elections. If he is impeached then the scheming and vicious Mike Pence becomes President. Trump is a buffoon, but Pence is a deeply dangerous Christian Fundamentalist. And by that I mean the Christian version of the Taliban.
Much better that the idiot remain there. Sure, he’ll do a lot of damage, blundering around, but not half as much as the focused attention of Pence could wreak. Pence would roll back all gains by women, outlaw LGBT folk, completely legitimise racism, do his damnedest to destroy science, and open the floodgates for religion to invade all schools. Health would be crushed, as would education.
Yes, Trump is a blithering idiot, but there is far, far worse waiting in the wings.
It is the ultimate dilemma Miriam but I think you are right.
I doubt that America will be the same again after this Trump administration.
Narcissistic megalomaniac.
I reckon he thought the President could do whatever he wanted, I don’t think he understood that the Congress actually still makes the laws. He can veto I know, but he can’t actually just DO everything he wants as he does in his businesses. And look how they have mostly ended up.
He still just says “you’re fired” to those he doesn’t like, and gives the top jobs to his kids. He doesn’t understand why the rest of the world leaders don’t love him. I am struggling to understand how even his wife could love him, but then I suppose there is someone for everyone.
Agree with you Miriam, Pence would be a dangerous alternative – Trump may be nuts but he’s manageable.
the thought that nags is does the rupert press lie as much in the usa as here???
wam, two words: “Fox News”.
It has been shown that it actually reduces the intelligence of its viewers.
Impeachment is (perhaps) neither here nor there. That Trump is impeached is nothing more than a decision to charge. It’s a ‘lower house’ (HOR) decision. Yes necessary but certainly not sufficient. It’s the Senate that really ‘counts’ – literally and figuratively. .
Clinton faced two charges – one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice. Subsequently acquitted on both by the Senate. Not surprising, because conviction requires a two-thirds majority in the Senate which currently has a Republican majority. Good luck with that.
I suspect that Trump will be there for some time to come.
silkworm, I should know better than to download a video that doesn’t have a label. What a waste of bandwidth.
Trump is making America irrelevant again. So be it, We will all be the better for it.
Keitha Granville, some women find it ‘easy’ to love a rich man..
Max Gross, they all bare arms over there, even the good people have to watch out…
I think the line from a Three Stooges short that fits The Donald to a tee, “Every time you think you weaken the nation.” speaks volumes.
I do believe that as the pressure of being the President piles on him that he is slowly going insane and will become a real danger to just about everyone on the planet. The Republican Senate and Congress may be left with no choice but to remove him in the near future.
Yes…white women find it ‘easy’ helvityni…that’s how come he got elected,
I certainly agree with the comments that have been made about Mike Pence – it would be alarming if he where propelled into the Presidency as Gerald Ford was. But, I think we are heading towards a scenario where many Republicans are becoming so disillusioned with Trump that they may seriously consider backing impeachment – particularly if Trump goes after Mueller. I see the real danger as this: unlike Trump, Pence is a “true” Republican and very acceptable to the Republican establishment. With Pence in the White House and Republicans controlling both the Congress and Senate, it would be open slather for the Republicans to advance their right-wing agenda through legislation. Such an outcome could be very attractive and lead many Republicans to dump Trump and install Pence.
“We supposedly live in a “representative democracy,” but 99% of our so-called representatives voted for this bill. Does this really represent the will of 99% of the public? These are the kind of numbers you’d expect to see in totalitarian states, and the ironic thing is the vote was driven by a desire to put a stop to supposedly fascist Trump. We’ve got much bigger problems than Trump.”
“This is exactly how empires implode. Corrupt, power-drunk , disconnected elites living in an echo chamber of hubris always destroy everything in their path at the end of a geopolitical cycle.”
Donald probably has ADHD. Irrelevant tweeting in his position as POTUS gives it away. He’s not alone though as 8 million others in the USA have it. The Party he represents must have known who they were getting. He wasn’t some unknown homeless person straying into HQ from off the streets. He was selected! The media are in the dumps because they can’t control him, he tweets without their approval and flips them the bird. Imagine the collective pain of the mainstream media at the moment, poor dears. The media-ego is severely bruised, me me me, ‘me’ in pain because ‘me’ can’t control a real estate agent who got the top job. Funny actually. MSM, on the air unaware.
gordon greystoke, that white women voted strongly for him is actually a fallacy that’s been spread far and wide. It isn’t true. Trump got elected mostly because poor white men voted him in, and they did so in great numbers. Women of all colors, including white, voted for anybody but him. Only a minority of white women voted for him. Most had better sense. After a rather gullible friend sent me an email proclaiming that Trump was voted in largely by white women I did a little research. It was just more of the fake news that, like confetti, fills the air around this ridiculous man.
I thank you all for your comments. There is a strong consensus running through them.
In answer to a comment left by Michael Taylor on The Political Sword, I responded:
“Almost every hour by the hour Trump displays more evidence to answer the question: ‘Is Donald Trump mad?’
“He appoints as Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, whose demeanour and language is more befitting the mafia than the White House, ejects Sean Spicer and elevates the sycophantic Sarah Huckabee Sanders to Press Secretary, publicly demeans Senator Sessions whom he wants to replace, makes a political speech to 45,000 Boy Scouts, suddenly wants transgender folk barred from military service, then overnight sacks his Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, who has been loyal to him throughout his campaign.
How much more evidence do we need to answer our question?”
2353NM left a link on The Political Sword to an article in The New Yorker to which I responded:
Thank you for the link to Evan Osnos’ piece in The New Yorker: Donald Trump’s State of Mind, and Ours
I thought Osnos’ concluding paragraphs were particularly salient:
“For some mental-health practitioners, the ethical debate is a distraction from a larger point. In a forthcoming book called “Twilight of American Sanity,” Allen Frances, a professor emeritus at Duke University Medical College, argues that the more urgent concern is unravelling the national psyche that brought our politics to this moment. Frances told me, “We need to be looking in the mirror to see what’s wrong with us that would allow someone who is so unsuitable for the Presidency to rise to the highest and most dangerous office in the world. Trump’s psychology is far too obvious to be interesting. You don’t have to be a psychoanalyst to understand Trump. He’s the most transparent human being who ever lived. Giving it a name doesn’t explain it or change it.”
“As Trump rages in the White House, the country has settled into a summer numbness. The protests have grown less frequent; the country has escaped to the beach; the latest cell-phone push notifications from news apps no longer produce a skip of the heart. Diagnosing that sense of permission and paralysis is an urgent problem, Frances said. “The instruments for dealing with Trump are political,” he added. “Psychological name-calling is an impotent avoidance of our responsibility as citizens, and it represents a failure to try to get insight into us, which is much more important.”
How right Osnos and Frances are. What type of people elected Trump, and still support him? What sort of America do we now have? What is to become of that great nation? Can it return to some semblance of normalcy?
Ad astra, the evidence – no matter how quickly it mounts – appears to be amounting to nought while the GOP cowers cravenly in the corners of power. That Trump’s approval rating is somewhere in the mid 30s is irrelevant to them. That he has achieved nothing, is also irrelevant. Perhaps if his approval rating drops below 30 they might get a shiver down their spine.
I fear, however, that this is going to get very ugly. Trump is stirring his supporter base into a frenzy. If Trump is removed, I fear that some in his supporter base – the deplorables – will be prepared to spill blood.
” How much more evidence do we need to answer our question?” ..Now THAT would depend on what he is playing for..Given that his “mentor” Steve Bannon was the “architect” for Trumps tactics and policy direction of “disruption”, what to us seems like absolute madness and chaos just might be “steady as she goes” dismantling of civic order, that will best suit those who function best in a “controlled anarchy” environment.
” Wars and panics on the stock exchange,
machinegunfire and arson,
banckruptcies and warloans,
starvation lice cholera and typhus:
good growing weather for the House of Morgan” ( John Dos Passos..; USA / Nineteen Nineteen..The House of Morgan).
Just like the IPA / LNP in Aust’..the defunding and destruction of civil governance may just be the very thing they want to achieve..especially now that Dutton is to be put in charge of those military / security arms that police civil disorder..In short, with the RWNJ’s : there just may be a method to their madness.
Harquebus, really? What on Earth does that article you linked to about Trump being powerless against all the other politicians voting to restrict Russia have to do with the discussion at hand? The article’s author, Michael Krieger, implies most people in USA would not want restrictions placed upon Russia. But considering the wide understanding now of how disastrously Russia fiddled the US election I think Mr Krieger has lost contact with reality.
No wonder you hold so many right-wing fear-based views, considering the reading matter you subject yourself to. You really need to open yourself to less conspiratorial, less right-wing panic-merchants. Get a good dose of reality.
IMO the most serious problem is that we have 2 mad people one in USA and the other in NTH Korea.
With another missile launched yesterday over Japan I start thinking that the mad man in Korea have a serious domestic problem and has to create a conflict to save his own skin.
Trump is the ideal idiot to provoque.
I hope that I am wrong…….
Ad astra, when Carol and I were in the US in February we dined with a journalist friend and her family. Carol and I sat there gobsmacked as we heard how bad things had become after only a month of Trump assuming the presidency.
As we were about to leave the manager of the restaurant came over to tell us there had been a complaint about our table. “Why?” we asked. “Because you had been saying bad things about the president”.
My friend’s father, a NASA rocket scientist (yes, he really is a NASA rocket scientist) told me that this is becoming more frequent. Because he was of darkish skin hardly a day goes past when he isn’t asked “do you like President Trump?” Before too long, he whispered to me, it’ll be the ‘brown shirts’ asking him.
By the way, he had met Donald Trump. Didn’t think much of him at the time. Thinks less of him now.
ICD 10 and DSM V would suggest he has a severe personality disorder. He has been diagnosed unofficially by some American Psychiatrists and Psychologists with a personality disorder; quite unethical without interviewing him, but he presents a special case. Google DSM V and see what you think. Often when people not familiar with the two Manuals of mental health try and make an assessment, they do not get an assessment right. In the case of Trump it is quite clear in my opinion, and precedents have been established by Professionals in the US.
Caution, do not try and assess yourself, spouse, children or others as more than likely you will get it wrong.
The bloke is as mad as a cut snake but what I found amazing is that there are large sections of blue collar areas that support his policies more so than the fool himself.One survey I saw showed his popularity, policywise had risen in some rust belt areas
I have just spent a few weeks over there and in Alaska, where my boss and his wife currently are, it is difficult to find anyone opposed to Trump in Alaska.{while there, I did look from the rooftops but couldn’t see Russia as Sarah Palin alleged}
Not many see him as a Republican more a maverick and I am still trying to get my head around just how disenfranchised and abandoned working Americans must have felt to put him in the White House
Michael Taylor
“I fear, however, that this is going to get very ugly” I do too
overpassesforamerica is building up steam and American Patriots for Donald J. Trump, have hundreds of thousands of followers and never shut up, and are more racist and blatant about their views as days go by.
Thankfully “Resistance” is really active and holding rallies almost daily
Just to add, Alex Jones of Infowars, with a following of close on a million is calling for civil war just last week
Alex Jones and Other Conservatives Call for Civil War Against
Interesting that he has delegated his daughter to stand in for him at important meetings. The nearest analogy I can think of is the lunatic Roman emperor Gaius Caligula, who made his horse into a senator.
nurses, there was a time when calling for a civil war would have raised a few eyebrows at the FBI.
Maybe it has.
Not really a good time to spruik such nonsense.
Meanwhile, Muslims are stopped at airports because they might be trouble-makers.
just a few days ago
Victorian Labor MP denied entry into US
Updated: 6:35 pm, Friday, 28 July 2017
Lebanon-born Khalil Eideh, who is on an official study tour with other MPs, was split from the group in Vancouver after a United Airlines staffer told him he was not allowed to board a flight to Denver.
Plum crazy, nurses.
The Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. Yet Trump sends a anti-gay person Peter Hoekstra as an Ambassador to that country. Why? He also at one stage attacked Sweden as Astra above writes…Why?
Not very sensible…weird…
He probably did it to be nasty, helvityni.
🙂 most likely Michael, silly small countries of no insignificance…just doing things right, something he’s not able to do…
For Peter Hoekstra it is imply a case of going home. Besides as a former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, he knows all about Islamic terrorism. And he hosts a really good Tea Party as well.
Take note. This is how the swamp is drained.
Tell me this is just a well scripted comedy. Can’t be serious?
If Trump is capable of comedy, then there’s no problem. Sadly he isn’t.
Because there has been such a good response to this essay, readers may also be interested in an article entitled,
“What do we do if Trump really is crazy?” by Dana Milbank, opinion writer in The Washington Post. (I can assure readers that Dana is anything but a fan of ‘The Orange Blob’). This article is available at,
So now the wife wants to hit the toe.
No wonder the evangelicals are on board. Apparently, they like to talk dirty. LOL.
As for the wife, she and their children have other ambitions apparently. (Only in America.)
It was George Carlin who said, ” if you have ignorant and stupid citizens, you’re gonna end up with ignorant and stupid leaders”. Half a dozen names come quickly to mind that fit that category.
RoswellJuly 29, 2017 at 2:28 pm
“Plum crazy, nurses.”
No plum bloody evil over there .
We had reason to go to Mission Texas for a few days and while there met a young American girl {blonde hair blue eyes} who was a member of Resistance. Because of the proximity to the Mexican border she and her boyfriend used to like to go to Mexico for regular cheap weekends. That has now stopped.
During the last 5 months her, her boyfriend and 2 other friends have been stopped at the US side of the border, searched and had their phones seized and passwords demanded for the 3rd time.Failure to produce passwords means the phones are taken and cloned.Her boyfriend refused once and was taken down by 3 {cops} and his phone snatched.
No special powers are needed by Law enforcement to do this apparently and according to her this phone seizure has gone from 4 to 5000 a year to 4000+ a month.
They no longer have their Mexican weekends.
They now spend their weekends fighting with Resist instead
I thank you all for your comments, greater in number than any other article I have had published on AIMN has evoked.
The number and intensity of your comments indicate how seriously concerned you are about Trump’s behaviour, understandably so, since what he says and does has the potential to affect all of us, particularly as he has access to the nuclear codes.
I won’t attempt to write a response to all of your comments, but here are some:
Michael Taylor, the description of your and Carol’s restaurant experience has overtones of fascism in as far as fascism supports forcible suppression of opposition. Trump exhibits the same behaviour patterns. He wants ‘yes men’ around him.
You are right when you say that the Republican establishment, which is becoming increasingly apprehensive about Trump’s demeanour, cravenly continues to support him because of the power he commands. There will come a time though when he becomes intolerable even to them. How then will they cope? Any forcible attempt to remove him will enrage his sycophantic supporter base and violence might result, as Alex Jones predicts (nurses 1968 link). Robert Reynold’s has given us a link to the Washington Post article: “What do we do if Trump really is crazy?’, which shows how close some Republicans are to concluding that he really is crazy.
The White House scene is desperately ugly and getting worse by the day as Scarramucci’s mafia-like behaviour is added to the already toxic mix. Anything is now possible. Who would ever have predicted what has transpired since Trump’s election?
Congress and the Senate, indeed the American people and the rest of the free world look on with astonishment and apprehension about what will come next.
There is gathering consensus in the MSM, social media, and among the political commentariat that Trump is mentally disturbed. We all should be fearful, very fearful. And as you say Freethinker, with Kim Jong Un in North Korea rattling his sabre, who knows how Trump will react? Trump has some very dangerous sabres too.
Joseph Carli, the idea that Trump is deliberately indulging in disruption and the dismantling of the civic order towards controlled anarchy is plausible, but is Trump really capable of such a planned strategy, and equipped to actually carry it out? Bannon might be, but he too seems to be in the process of being extruded from the White House, unless, as some predict, he will make a comeback. This type of guy never lies down while power is within their reach.
Today is Sunday. Who can guess what Monday will bring?
“This type of guy” would not have risen without the ‘right’ eco-system to spawn him.
His actions are applauded in such ponds as Wall Street, big mining, well big corporate anything, really. Trump has never had to account for his behaviour or the consequences of his behaviour.
In his world, of excess and sycophants, Trump is quite sane.
There’s plenty more where he came from.
I expect you’re right. We are the product of our environment, Bannon especially so, coming from Breitbart infamy.
Let’s hope there are not many more Trumps around!
There are a lot of Trumps, but the majority of them weren’t handed the silver plated spoon on a block of real estate that aided Donald.
Trump’s voice patterns have been compared to the average person – short, disconnected sentences and repetitive. Which is part of his appeal – “he sounds just like an ordinary Joe” to many Americans (and not a few Australians). Except we don’t want an ordinary Joe to have his finger on the shiny red button, nor do we expect an ordinary Joe to offer the extraordinary solutions urgently needed.
Culturally our part of the world is Post-Truth, Post-Reason and now, Post-Presidential and we will find a very different world, Post-Trump. Whether it will be a positive learning experience, no-one can predict.