Clive Palmer Was Building A Second Titanic and Speaking of Leaks…

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Ok, I often get to say, “I told you so!”

Not as often as I’d like, admittedly, but more often than most people.

Now, as I’ve often been fond of pointing out, part of the reason is that I have the memory of an elephant… And, according to my family, I have a physique to match. My wife does occasionally wonder why, with the sort of memory that can tell people about what Scott Morrison said in 2012, I can’t remember to pay bills until she reminds me. However, that’s a whole other story and we’d be delving into complicated psychology and all I really want to do is remind you that I told you way back in 2014. (You need to click the link unless you read and remember everything I write, and if that’s the case – while I’m flattered – I suggest that you probably need to get a life… )

Canberra’s Pot and Palmer Night or When the Bull Turns

All right, Clive sort of fell off the radar. And he’s talking about court action to seize Malcolm’s assets, just because a court has seized his. But, you’ll notice that one of the others at the dinner was one Martin Parkinson. Now, I realise that some of you may not have been paying attention, but others will have noticed that Martin was a senior public servant dumped by Tony Abbott, only to be appointed Secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet on December 3rd, 2015… Which the more astute of you will remember was shortly after Malcolm Bligh Turnbull was appointed as the PM you have when you’re not having a PM. (Ah, remember that Clayton’s ad… “The drink you have when you’re not having a drink.” I think the subtext was the drink you have when you’re too intimidated by peer pressure to admit that you don’t want to do what’s sensible… Mm, the phrase “Malcolm, the Clayton’s PM is more appropriate than I first thought!)

However, the more astute amongst you may have also noticed that it was the Prime Minister’s department that just announced that they were the ones who were responsible for the safe full of classified documents. And those who actually have a good memory not affected by chemtrails, vaccines and the fluoride in the water supply will notice that it was a certain Martin Parkinson who announced the bad news.

Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice…

So, what can we conclude from all this?

Well, quite simply that, come tomorrow, Malcolm will be on the front foot, telling us all that Bill Shorten’s equivocation on Adani just shows that he can’t be trusted because unless one is fully committed to a coal mine that can’t borrow money from the same banks that had such risky lending practices that they caused the GFC, then one is clearly some sort of reconstituted greenie… And also – by the way – Shorten just wants to suck up to billionaires which makes him an embarrassment. Oh, that reminds me, Turnbull is going to be in the US shaking hands – or whatever body part takes the POTUS’ fancy – with Donald.

Mm, I’ve generally taken the view that when the choice comes between a conspiracy and SNAFU, pick the latter.

In this case, I’ll be waiting anxiously for the Liberals to find some way to suggest it was Labor’s fault for not winning the election.



About Rossleigh 1447 Articles
Rossleigh is a writer, director and teacher. As a writer, his plays include “The Charles Manson Variety Hour”, “Pastiche”, “Snap!”, “That’s Me In The Distance”, “48 Hours (without Eddie Murphy)”, and “A King of Infinite Space”. His acting credits include “Pinor Noir Noir” for “Short and Sweet” and carrying the coffin in “The Slap”. His ten minutes play, “Y” won the 2013 Crash Test Drama Final.


  1. Oh Rossleigh, that is the most brilliant piece of satire (no reality) that I have guffawed over. THANK YOU!!

  2. Did Clive’s Titanic hit an iceberg placed by Parkinson?
    And was the duo of filing cabinets just a cunning “sleeper” plot to distract from Africans being a riot in the Senate to keep Dodo Dutton amused?

  3. Like, bobrafto, I was waiting for “Labor dunnit”.

    I can only reflect on what has been released to the public, the “cabinet-leaks” mostly looks bad for Tony Abbott and Labor. Unless I have missed something…

  4. The only image I am able to conjure of Malcolm’s meeting with “The Donald” is the conversation must be very one sided as Malcolm fellates “The Donald” rendering him only capable of speaking in vowels.

    Hmm Turnbull’s statements about sycophancy and billionaires are quite prophetic – perhaps his true calling is as a reputable TV psychic

  5. Great article Rossleigh! Sadly, whether we like it or not–& it is obvious that many of us DO NOT “like” Talkbull whatsoever!–we are saddled with this lying, inept obscenely over-paid excuse for a politician & his bloody party! At least until the next election, where (unless Mudrake & his bloody rags try to subvert the political process with all their bloody lies & screaming headlines) Shorten should be our next PM. We can live in hope that all the crap that Talkbull & his cronies spout about Shorten that the general public will be able to see through the bullshit & start Australia on a more even keel with a far better Political party in power!

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