Jonathan Haidt – this really raises some great discussion points! Worth watching if you have twenty minutes!
Ok, parts of this have a US context. And I do have concerns with the fact that he overlooks the Iraq Wars. However, it’s […]
Ok, parts of this have a US context. And I do have concerns with the fact that he overlooks the Iraq Wars. However, it’s […]
“If people coming here by boat are “illegal” and need to be locked up indefinitely, then when our navy entered Indonesia waters, were they also […]
From ” The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics And Religion” by Jonathan Haidt. “If you want to see post hoc reasoning […]
After a very successful summer, where the Australian Cricket Team have pounded the English, it looked like we were invincible. But then along comes Tony […]
Ok, I’ve had a bit of a brain wave. By brain wave, I mean that every now and then my brain waves to me and […]
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Benjamin Franklin. (Often attributed to Albert Einstein who was quoting Franklin) […]
Does this sound familiar? “And yet what does Gove offer? That students learn about history ‘in the right way.’ This is problematic. History is problematic. […]
As I watched a report on the Maryville… And here’s the problem. I was about to write “rape”, but it’s never been proven in a […]
When I first heard people complaining about Queensland’s VLAD laws, I thought it was a tremendous over-reaction – they didn’t have to ban all […]
(Click on photo to enlarge) There are two books called “The Conservative Revolution”, but, unfortunately, only one on Kindle. Of course, as Kindle is too […]
How many Andrew Bolts does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: None, because it’s daytime and the past few hours have been […]
Yet again the ABC are demonstrating their determination to make the Coalition look silly. Their latest trick is to give Cory Bernardi’s ideas publicity. Earlier, […]
There was an article in the paper the other day about the road toll. In Victoria, it had gone down overall, but there was a […]
“THE Abbott government will strip funding from the peak Aboriginal legal aid organisation and policy positions in its state affiliates, but has moderated the […]
As an English teacher, I had the pleasure of reading many persuasive essays and listening to many oral presentations. Kids would present their point of […]
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