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In case you missed it . . . here’s what Tony Abbott promised



In case you missed it, or forgotten about it (and shame on those who did), here’s a press release from Tony Abbott in November 2012:

The next Coalition government will create a strong and prosperous economy and a safe and secure Australia.

Our policies will deliver more jobs, higher wages and better services for Australian families. We will achieve this through lower taxes, more efficient government and more productive businesses.

Today, I am committing a future Coalition government to creating one million new jobs within five years and two million new jobs over the next decade.

My confidence in this pledge is based on my confidence in our policies and in the competence and experience of my team. Sixteen members of the Shadow Cabinet were ministers in the Howard Government which delivered a golden age of prosperity.

The last Coalition government created 2.4 million jobs, oversaw a 21 per cent increase in real wages and resulted in Australian households experiencing a near tripling in net household wealth.

We have done great things for our country in the past and we can do it again.

The next Coalition Government will create one million jobs in five years and two million jobs in ten years by:

– Abolishing Labor’s job destroying carbon tax. On the government’s own figures, eliminating the carbon tax would add a cumulative $1 trillion to GDP by 2050;
– Scrapping the mining tax and restoring Australia’s reputation as a safe place to invest;
– Removing $1 billion a year of red tape costs from business and implementing our Deregulation Reform Agenda to lift national productivity;
– Ending Labor’s waste and bringing the Budget back under control, taking needless pressure off taxes and interest rates;
– Tackling lawlessness in workplaces by restoring the Australian Building and Construction Commission;
– Removing export bottlenecks by investing in the major infrastructure that Australia needs
– Establishing a one-stop-shop for environmental approvals;
– Lifting workforce participation through a fair dinkum paid parental leave scheme and reviving work for the dole;
– Strengthening relationships with the growing Asian region through greater emphasis on foreign languages in schools and a new two way Colombo Plan;
– Establishing a Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council and ending Labor’s anti-business rhetoric.

In 2013 the Coalition will make further detailed announcements with policies that will strengthen the economy, encourage investment and create jobs.

My goodness, weren’t a lot of people conned?

We could write a book about that pack of lies and gross failures. And leading up to the next election the lies and failures will no doubt snowball.

Please, let’s do whatever we can to stop people from being conned again.


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  1. Kaye Lee

    The Abbott government came up with its pledge to create 1 million jobs in five years solely on the employment growth rate achieved under the former Howard government, a Coalition insider says.

    In comments that cast further doubt on the achievability of the pledge made before the September election, the source has told Fairfax Media that no modelling or detailed calculations were done to reach the figure of 1 million jobs.

    Rather, then-opposition leader Tony Abbott’s office took the employment growth rate of about 2.2 per cent year-on-year under the Howard government and used it to extrapolate its own job-creation target.

    Treasury forecast in MYEFO that employment would grow three-quarters of 1 per cent this financial year and 1.5 per cent in each of the next three years. A Parliamentary Library analysis commissioned by Labor found that this was likely to leave the Coalition at least 200,000 jobs short of its five-year pledge.

    That view was broadly backed by a range of economists who said it would be very difficult for the Coalition to create 1 million jobs in five years, with the mining boom ending and with plans to make deep cuts to the federal budget.

    Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/coalitions-jobs-pledge-queried-20140105-30bzh.html#ixzz3Bx7hZbuF

    “restoring Australia’s reputation as a safe place to invest”

    AUSTRALIA’S renewable energy industry could be bankrupted and thousands of jobs lost if the Federal Government accepts review recommendations made public on Thursday, the industry says.

    The Clean Energy Council said the recommendations from the review of Australia’s renewable energy target (RET) would result in “massive financial damage” to over $10 billion-worth of investments already made in the industry and put 21,000 jobs at risk.


  2. totalcrapcomics

    This article would be more effective if you’d gone through each of the statements he made and refuted their effect or highlighted the broken promise to make it clearer that he’s a douche

  3. Michael Taylor

    TotalC, that’s why I said we could write a book about his lies. It was my excuse for not doing so. I’d need a month to do all that. 🙁

  4. Florence nee Fedup

    Michael, maybe you should point out, taking everything apart point by point has been done to death. No one listens.

  5. mars08

    “Over the next three years, should we win the election, an incoming Coalition government will do exactly what we’ve said we’ll do.

    We will be a no surprises, no excuses government, because you are sick of nasty surprises and lame excuses from people that you have trusted with your future…”

    Clueless Leader (August 25, 2103)

  6. Kaye Makovec

    “Sixteen members of the Shadow Cabinet were ministers in the Howard Government which delivered a golden age of prosperity.”

    That was his first mistake because it is so obvious that none of them are up to date with what it’s like out in the real world for people not sheltered by a well endowed income. They’re typical Leaners who think the country owes them 🙂

  7. Carol Taylor

    To add to Kaye Lee’s comment about ‘one million new jobs’ and apart from the obvious, that is, that Abbott has headed in exactly the opposite direction – any mention of jobs is creating jobs via road construction and now dams. I wonder how many jobs for the girls does that mean? Or is it mostly about jobs for the boys…pun intended.

  8. Michael Taylor

    Thanks Bacchus. I’ll be over there later. 🙂

  9. Choppa

    – Abolishing Labor’s job destroying carbon tax. On the government’s own figures, eliminating the carbon tax would add a cumulative $1 trillion to GDP by 2050;


    – Scrapping the mining tax and restoring Australia’s reputation as a safe place to invest;

    almost done.

    – Removing $1 billion a year of red tape costs from business and implementing our Deregulation Reform Agenda to lift national productivity;


    – Ending Labor’s waste and bringing the Budget back under control, taking needless pressure off taxes and interest rates;

    trying to – but labor is blocking their mandate which is pathetic. They will get there though.

    – Tackling lawlessness in workplaces by restoring the Australian Building and Construction Commission;


    – Removing export bottlenecks by investing in the major infrastructure that Australia needs


    – Establishing a one-stop-shop for environmental approvals;


    – Lifting workforce participation through a fair dinkum paid parental leave scheme and reviving work for the dole;

    Almost done.

    – Strengthening relationships with the growing Asian region through greater emphasis on foreign languages in schools and a new two way Colombo Plan;

    if labor hadnt hacked the indonesians phones would probably be going better. things are going great with china and japan.

    – Establishing a Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council and ending Labor’s anti-business rhetoric.


    So what you have done is highlight a list of things the coalition promised to do and have done. What am I missing here? Arent you glad we have a government that keeps its promises – and doesnt break them just to get the minority support required to stay in government?

  10. billy moir

    Gillard dropped the ball by not capitalising on her 9/10/12 effort. Little billy is a waiter who will not serve till ordered. Sadly, then the time for this has long gone. Nobody who voted for the rabbott cares about his lies because they believe his rhetoric.,

  11. Matthew Oborne

    “job destroying” “fairdinkum”, can I assume someones parrot can use a keyboard?

  12. Jimhaz

    [The next Coalition Government will create one million jobs in five years]

    This ownership of jobs (by both sides actually) is sick. The only jobs governments should be able to state as being created are those whom they actually employ – ie federal government jobs.

    So in reality, the statement should have read – The next Coalition Government will remove 20,000 to 50,000 jobs in five years.

  13. Geoffrey England

    I believe sweeteners will be offered pre next election. No doubt to dissolve away after the election like so many spoonfuls of sugar in water…

    Buyer beware.
    Substandard product.
    Guarantee is not worth the paper it’s printed on.
    Salesmen are snakes.

  14. Möbius Ecko

    Jimhaz that’s on the back of the news I heard on ABC radio this morning that youth underemployment has hit an all time high and youth unemployment is also at record highs.

    On top of that was the news that savings are now declining and Australia is once again the most privately indebted country in the world.

    Both stories were bylines to Abbott going to pseudo war by delivering Eastern European arms using Australian military aircraft to fighters in Northern Iraq. The way the story was framed it was as though Abbott was leading the way with eight other nations trailing behind him, just as they made out the Dutch and Malaysians were peripheral to Abbott in the MH17 body search, when the opposite was the case.

    The desperation in attempting to positively spin the very unpalatable Abbott is tangible in every news story on him.

  15. Lee

    Carol Taylor, women don’t need jobs. They should be at home doing the ironing.

  16. Lee

    “I believe sweeteners will be offered pre next election. No doubt to dissolve away after the election like so many spoonfuls of sugar in water…”

    I automatically think ‘artificial sweetener’….blech!

  17. Möbius Ecko

    Abbott tells 11 lies in 2 minutes.

  18. Florence nee Fedup

    Any idea of what the sweeteners will be?

  19. Florence nee Fedup

    Lee, I try relying on men. It was disastrous.

  20. Kaye Lee


    Just wondering if you are interested in investing in a few money-spinners that I have for sale. There is a wonderful bridge with a view and a lovely island down south that may interest you (due to your obvious gullibility). Your post was kind of sad…I hate seeing people who blindly accept what they are told taken advantage of.

  21. Michael Taylor

    Kaye, I fell of my chair when Choppa says he’s happy to have a government that keeps its promises. Maybe, just maybe, he hasn’t yet heard the news that Abbott is in power.

  22. Kaye Lee


    I particularly enjoyed this one

    “– Removing $1 billion a year of red tape costs from business and implementing our Deregulation Reform Agenda to lift national productivity;


    Bad comma: George Brandis sweats the small stuff
    Hyphens and prepositions come under scrutiny of eagle-eyed minister in bill introduced for ‘repeal day’
    No media organisation would argue the case for bad spelling or punctuation, but this really wasn’t what we were imagining when the government promised to slash red tape.


    Some 1100-old acts up to 1969 are being repealed, dead letters all of them, dead as the legislators who passed them, men in hats who railed at the Hun, considered whether states or the Commonwealth should run lighthouses and pondered licensing for “spirit makers and vignerons”, cutting-edge legislation in its day, now historical curios for 21st-century smartarses to mock. If nothing else, ComLaw might load quicker with 1100 fewer acts in the system.

    The Defence Act 1911 — one of 32 Defence Acts being repealed — which regulates how long a senior cadet drills for, is now being drummed out.

    ‘Bonfire of the regulations’ has a decidedly musty smell

  23. Michael Taylor

    Can’t see where the billion big ones were saved, Kaye. Perhaps Choppa can enlighten us.

  24. Kath Malcom

    Tony Abbott denigrates our first peoples

    Tony Abbott wrecks consumer confidence

    Tony Abbott pursues his religious zealousy in public schools

    Tony Abbott has wrecked the joint

    Tony Abbott has ruined our kids future

    Tony Abbott is the worst P.M in Australian history

    Tony Abbott is a brainless dead beat
    Tony Abbott is the worlds greatest authority on nothing…….

  25. Möbius Ecko

    Maybe Choppa can point us to Abbott’s promised CBA’s on stuff over $100m, which I gather the Red Tape thing comes under.

    Oh that’s right, the CBA’s are another in a long string of broken promises and they’re aren’t any.

  26. Michael Taylor

    Funny, isn’t it? You ask a right-winger to justify their adoration for the Abbott Government and they run a mile.

  27. Neil of Sydney

    “if labor hadnt hacked the indonesians phones would probably be going better. things are going great with china and japan.

    Things are now going fine with Indonesia thanks to the Coalition.

    Labor did three things to damage our relationship with Indonesia.
    1. abolished the live cattle trade without informing them what was going to happen
    2. in 2009 Rudd was spying on them
    3. re-opened the people smuggling business meaning thousands of asylum seekers were fleeing to Indonesia in a hope they could make it to Australia

    All three problems have been solved.


    “MANY Australian commentators were hysterical and absurd … all the problems in the Australia-Indonesia relationship were inherited … from the previous Labor government and they have all been solved by Abbott and Bishop.

  28. Lee

    So Neil, it appears you think that neither the Australian people nor animals deserve to be treated humanely.

  29. Kaye Lee


    While you continue to get your news from The Australian, you will continue to be misinformed. They have been taken to task by the APC for their blatant misreporting so now they have attacked the head of the APC (as seen in media watch last night). You must understand Neil that the Murdoch press is NOT a credible source of information.

    Maurice Newman is at it again with his global cooling rubbish for example, lapped up by the ignorant followers of the Murdochracy


  30. Kaye Lee

    Perhaps ironically, whilst printing their climate change denying rubbish, the Australian did a poll about renewable energy.

    What do you think of Australia’s current investment in renewable energy? 89% Not Enough

    Should the federal Government subsidise the use of renewable energy? 88% Yes

    Do you approve of the extraction of coal seam gas via hydraulic fracturing (fracking)? 88% No

    Would you be willing to pay more for your energy if you knew it was from a renewable source? 58% A little more, 25% a lot more.

    What plans do you have for using renewable energy in the future? 86% Use More

    Do you think the government should consider paying coal fire power stations to shut down? 67% Yes

    Which power sources do you think will grow the most over the next few years? 70% Solar

    Do you think Australia should adopt nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels? 78% No

    At home, do you use renewable energy as part of your supply? 33% Yes a little, 36% Yes a lot

    What do you think is the Australian power industry’s most important challenge in the next decade? Improve renewable storage 39% Find sustainable options 29% Ensure cheaper renewables 21% Manage rising price costs 6% Extract more fossil fuels 4%

    As far as I am concerned Dick Warburton and Maurice Newman and Captain Crap have NO right to overrule the will of the people.


  31. Möbius Ecko

    That comes on the back of the last big investor in Solar in Australia saying they are going to pull out and last week a Californian company cancelling a planned $300 million facility in the Pilbara.

    Abbott in less than a year has destroyed clean and renewable energy in this country, costing far more jobs and money than the fossil fuel industry he’s propping up will produce for this country.

  32. Crowey



    The government is proposing amendments to the Fair Work Act, including to the operation of “individual flexibility arrangements” (IFAs). The amendments are attracting a lot of attention.

    Individual contracts are coming back – but not as we knew them.

    The government is proposing amendments to the Fair Work Act, including to the operation of “individual flexibility arrangements” (IFAs). The amendments are attracting a lot of attention, including from unions, some of whom claim they will make IFAs like the Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs) that were prominent in the WorkChoices period and that famously cut overtime pay, penalty rates and other “protected” award conditions.

  33. Möbius Ecko

    WorkChoices or any form of it can only work if there are individual contracts under whatever name they want to call them. Individual agreements are the cornerstone to the eventual goal of big business, the sub-contracting of all workers and having them be responsible for WHS, leave, super, conditions etc. This is what Minchin in collusion with a couple of business groups proposed in WorkChoices MkII that was leaked and caused so much consternation that Howard had to slap it down.

    It’s the path to the most draconian IR laws in the Western world and worse than those in many Eastern countries as well. It’s the Liberal Party’s holy grail at the behest of their business masters.

    I’ll be surprised if anyone is surprised at this move by Abbott. We said it before and after the election he would piecemeal sneak in WorkChoices and he’s doing exactly that.

  34. Florence nee Fedup

    Of course Indonesia had no problem with this government turning back boats and other comments made by Morrison about Border control,.

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