Sometimes you just have to lay out what’s being said to sound like you’ve just written a script that sounds like you’re channelling the late John Clarke.
For example, we’re told Anthony Albanese is a risk because he’s never held an economic portfolio. The role of Prime Minister demands a strong economic understanding of economics. But, argue Labor, Anthony Albanese was once Deputy PM. This, according to the Liberals, has nothing to do with economics and it’s only the PM who is involved in the economics of the day,.. along with the economic portfolios ministers which include things like Treasury, Finance, and Trade but not Infrastructure because Albanese held that one.
Of course, the fact that our current Deputy PM is Barnaby Joyce, who rose to such lofty heights at his NPC address this week that he got nose bleed (seriously!), does suggest that it is possible for the Liberals to argue that the Deputy is kept away from economic matters and sharp objects as much as possible.
And of course, this does raise the interesting question of a Peter Dutton led Opposition being unfit for government on the grounds that Petey has also never held an economic ministry. Or will Border Force, Health or Defence all suddenly be economic in nature.
Whatever, we also had the rather strange position of Anne Ruston on Katherine Deves. While I note that this not the only strange position that Liberals have been in, mentioning certain others could leave one open to legal action and I don’t have a spare half million lying around, but let’s stick with Anne for the moment.
I hope nobody is going to take offence for me referring to a federal minister by her first name, but it seems to be what one does when talking about a woman. Scotty does it all the time and, let’s be clear here, Anne is such a warm, caring sort of person that I almost feel like she’s a mate and if you can’t call mates by their first name, well, what’s happening to the Australia I grew up in?
Anne was asked by Patricia Karvelas – or PK, as she’s known to many – about Katherine Deves front page interview in the SMH. Her response… and I may have got this slightly wrong because I’m writing from memory and memory can be faulty, as the PM shows every time he’s asked about some past statement which doesn’t suit his present position, so if I get it slightly wrong, then I never said anything like the thing I said and you just thought that I meant something that I didn’t… Her response was something along the lines of it’s not clear whether Deves had permission to do the interview but whether she did or not, Ruston doesn’t agree with her and she doesn’t have to agree with everything every Liberal candidate says because, people have different opinions and it’s just that we happen to be in the same party and it’s up to her to explain herself but vote Liberal whatever anyone says because even if disagree about some issues when it comes down to it, we’re at least a credible, united government unlike the chaos that could occur if you have independents who’ll all vote as a block and put Albanese into power and then we’ll have interest rate rises.
Which, apparently, is both a problem AND a sign that the economy is doing well and we no longer need the emergency level interest rates.
Yes, whatever one thinks about Albo’s support for a minimum wage rise that keeps pace with inflation, it’s hard to follow the Morrison line that we don’t want people left behind but we can’t afford for them to keep up even though our economy is doing better than anywhere in the world.
Maybe it’s just me but I found the Liberal’s “There’s a hole in the bucket” ad quite confusing. It was suggesting that Labor wouldn’t be able to pay for its promises and would run deficits. This might be a touch more convincing were it not for the fact that while Labor may not have delivered a surplus for over thirty years, the Liberals haven’t delivered one for over fifteen years and they have no projections that deliver one in the life of the next parliament. So we’re being asked to choose between a Labor deficit and a Liberal deficit. Except the Liberal ad then asserts – even though Labor have consistently ruled it out – that Labor will raise taxes. Leaving aside everything to do with Labor’s promise not raise taxes, doesn’t the fact that they’ll attempt to balance the budget by raising revenue suggest that they’re the more fiscally responsible ones? All right, most people don’t actually want to pay more tax so it’s a populist move to suggest that the other side will make you, but surely it’s irresponsible – when we’ve got deficits and debt – to not worry about balancing the books?
Or are the Liberals planning a massive cut in spending on things like health and education. You know, the things that don’t matter.
Ah, it’s Friday the 13th. I’d stay away from ladders today if I were Scotty from Photo Ops.
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The great economic brain of Joyce, the cowboy hat-wearing small country town Accountant, in his brief stint as Shadow Treasury spokesperson, he confused trillions with billions at the National Press Club.
Reading his bio on Wikipedia is quite a journey into a life spent in Idiotsville.
The conservative forces under the despicable Morrison have a never ending competition for “who is the dunce??” Competition is fierce and rotates in daily consideration, for so many defectives have rarely been gathered in one illfated claggy conglomeration of mental glug. Morrison’s qualifications seem to have been rigged so as to narrow down the markers to a select one or two, as he did a thesis on an illiterate, superstitious, fundamentalist group of ancient male supremacists,of antisocial and anti-intellectual standing. What contrived garbage. B Joyce, the drunken prodder, poker, rorter and raver, has had nose bleeds from alcoholic backup reactions, no doubt, and may well drink and rave himself into an early grave. Peter Duckwit-Futton is a mediocre and barely trained ex-police type from Queensland, that Kanaka abusing state. The other turds in the pot include prodder and poker Tudge, nonworker Hunt, Invisible Colbeck, coalchewing Canavan, and an assortment of manifestations of bowel extrusions, for they are uncivilised bludgers and abusers of public funds. It as ever been worse and they must go, now.
He is absolutely desperate and frightened of being removed if he has to resort to this unbelievable nonsense.
We can only hope (thoughts & prayers) that most senior LNP ministers go the same way as tiddler Johnny Howard, who started the destruction of a once lucky and fair Australia.
Things are pleasingly going to shit for the Liar,and he knows it if his latest media appearances are anything to go by.The chickens are coming home to roost in the shape of a very pissed off electorate.He’ll be suffering from a terminal case of Montezuma’s Revenge by this time next week.
I wonder if he’ll be a no show for the concession speech…maybe he’ll get Jen to do it for him.I hope the incoming government swiftly confiscates a number of passports…there are many questions of the most serious nature to be answered.Hello ICAC ,goodbye Scrote& Co.
Life does have it’s rewarding moments.
Nearly forty years ago, those of us whose memories haven’t completely collapsed in the madness of the present moment will recall the concession speech of one John Malcolm Fraser, or Mal to his mates, or maybe maladjusted… who knows?
Would that the present incumbent show the same degree of humility and, yes, integrity, in the face of his imminent routing & defeat.
Scummo isn’t a bulldozer, because bulldozers are useful and will do their job.
He is simply a corrupt, lying, conman and can’t be trusted to do his job properly, fairly, honestly and with a degree of accountability.
The Chinese are making it extremely difficult for Spud Dutton to get his China scare campaign off the ground : they keep on reaching out the hand of friendship and expressing a desire to get their relationship with Australia back on track.
Even after Spud excluded them from the 3-day Indo-Pacific Maritime conference in Sydney for purely domestic political reasons.
As host, Australia can invite whomsoever we like but we are told that China was excluded due to “deteriorating relations.” The Russian Federation was not invited either for more obvious reasons.
This is the first time the biannual three-day event is taking place here since the outbreak of COVID-19. Forty nations and over 700 defense companies from around the world are attending.
Chinese naval officials attended the Sea Power conference in 2019.
How petty can you get with our major trading partner ?
You only have to look back at all the major progressive reforms taken in Oz since the 1970’s to recognize that 90% were introduced by Labor Governments.. Think universal healthcare, universal super, NDIS, Telecommunications (NBN), aboriginal land rights, and many more, all opposed and subsequently damaged by succeeding Liberal Governments. What will Scummo, the Bushes, Trump, Johnson and the rest of this cohort of socially disruptive non-leaders be remembered for? Bugger all! Oh, except for inhumane treatment of asylum seekers, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, starting a confrontation with China, and appalling campaigning tactics based on lies denial and deceit.
Albo’s Elbow,
No, he’s a bullshitter!
Graeme B,
Want to join the unofficial Graeme Club? That’s my first name, my Dad’s, and two other Graeme’s I’ve known for decades. It used to drive my Mum to distraction when the four of us were all together at my parents place. She would call, “Graeme.” (meaning my father) and would get four voices replying, “What do you want?” One day not long after the three of us rolled up and she made us stand next to my Dad in a line in the lounge room and said, quote/unquote,
“G1.” Pointed at Dad.
“G2.” Poked me in the chest as she said it.
“G3.” Poked the next in line.
“G4.” Poked the last Graeme.
“And don’t bloody forget it!”
Needless to say, we never forgot.
When I was living back in Melbourne during the late 60’s early 70’s and Henry Bolt was the primer we had a huge deficit.
We had the same song and the same bucket leaking but from the top.
So it’s the same “song” but from the Libs.
If the Libs can’t think of something new then it’s advertising campaign is pretty bad!!
But then the conservatives always like to live in the past!!
Remember during the 50’s till the 70’s the white picket fence and the wife stays at home to do the cleaning cooking ironing etc?
Conservatives don’t believe in any form of progress!!
The conservatives seem to think that progress is nothing but solecism!!
Funny how Scummo reads the tea leaves for hmself and transposes the message onto anybody else especially when it is accurate and deliterious.
”Conservatives don’t believe in any form of progress” (thanks Johnyperth) is best seen in the wonderful ”city” of Armidale NSW, a two cathedral, university community. Once we had a progressive hospital, now the Hunter & New England Regional Health assert that the Hydrotherapy Pool built by local donations cannot be used by patients because it is too expensive for the desk jockeys in Newcastle 400km south, so they assert that the Pool is leaking. Well, better to cut services a long distance away rather than cut staff numbers from my Newcastle corporate pyramid.
In 2000 after the forced council amalgamation of Dumaresq Shire & Armidale City Councils to form Armidale Dumaresq Council, the elections resulted in 9/11 Nazional$ supporters elected. The cry was Armidale Mall ”the Jewel in the Crown of Armidale”, a bustling, exciting public space where people enjoyed shopping in family businesses, numerous coffee shops and monthly People’s Markets.
The ”Jewel in the Crown” became ”the Dead Heart of Town” as the previously heavy pedestrian traffic flowed into two shopping centres, one at each end of town supporting multinational retail grocers. All done under a Nazional$ supporting Council.
Then began 20years of likely corrupt certainly inept management while regional ferals pursued their personal agendas. Two Administrators, a second forced amalgamation and about $16 MILLION government funding wasted on who knows what only for the Second Administrator to ”discover” (at least0 $8 MILLION funds unaccounted for ….. that were not going to be pursued in case they discovered the culprit(s).
Roll on to 2013 when Murdoch Media-ocrity got RAbbott & Co elected and the same philosophy was applied to national finances. A disaster until Scummo demonstrated complete and utter disregard for any accountancy skills to give away to Liarbal donors any public function or infrastructure that could be purchased with a ”political donation” aka ”political bribe”.
THAT has been our experience of conservative ”leadership” maintaining the ”status quo”.
Why am I not in the least little bit surprised by Saint Scummo of the Announcements. Involve Labor in the negotiations? How would he be able to take all the credit if Labor was part of deal…horror…the horror…
Besides, I would have nothing to try and wedge them with at the upcoming election if they were there from the beginning of the now underwater nuclear penises…I mean submarines, LNP fantasy.
Aww, poor ickle parasite.
Thank goodness he can go back to helping poorween to rort the taxpayers for more election money.
So we’re meant to stick with the devil you know because change would be a risk, but if you don’t like the devil you know, you don’t have to like him because you don’t have to like your dentist but if you’re really determined to vote for change you don’t have to because the devil you know is not going to be a bulldozer any more, he’s going to change into a completely unknown devil.
Does that about sum it up?