By SirScotchMistery
In 2013 Australia went to the polls to elect the latest round of self-serving morons who are in overpaid positions in the under-worked offices controlling the fruits of our labour by the tax system.
Among the hopefuls was one Anthony Abbott, dual British/Australian citizen, all-round sports star, poster boy for red speedos and major sales effort for Malvern Star.
Over the past couple of months many people seem to be interested in a small issue surrounding Australia’s Constitution which clearly states in Section 44:
44. Any person who –
(i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power: or
(ii.) Is attainted of treason, or has been convicted and is under sentence, or subject to be sentenced, for any offence punishable under the law of the Commonwealth or of a State by imprisonment for one year or longer: or
(iii.) Is an undischarged bankrupt or insolvent: or
(iv.) Holds any office of profit under the Crown, or any pension payable during the pleasure of the Crown out of any of the revenues of the Commonwealth: or
(v.) Has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any agreement with the Public Service of the Commonwealth otherwise than as a member and in common with the other members of an incorporated company consisting of more than twenty-five persons:
shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.
In September 2014, noises began being made about the fact that Abbott had completed a Rhodes scholarship, as a British subject, and to date no evidence has been produced by his office or his speechwriter in chief, Peta Credlin, as to the veracity of his claim to have renounced his British citizenship, and I have been thoughtful about that over the last couple of weeks having recently applied for a new passport.
To me it seems passing strange that such an important document could be misplaced, lost or stolen. If any of those situations had occurred, it seems to me, that like a birth certificate one would endeavour to have it replaced as fast as humanly possible. Especially, in the circumstances where based on enormous packs of lies you have been “elected” to lead the country.
I don’t for one minute state categorically that the man who currently holds the chair normally utilised by prime ministers of this country has lied about his citizenship, but for the life of me I can’t understand why if he has renounced his dual citizenship, he is so standoffish about proving the fact.
I guess in the light of the number of other lies he has told, none of us actually find it surprising that he has lied about this and I wonder what the net effect will be on the country if indeed he is a dual citizen, sitting in Parliament as a result of a barefaced lie, misleading the Parliament, committing egregious acts of omission in his ongoing lie to the Australian people. How will the Constitution deal with such a situation?
Eric Abetz, was in breach of the Constitution when he was elected to the Senate, as a dual Australian/German national. Apparently in that situation he was allowed to continue in his stolen role, though the High Court has commenced an action against him after he finally renounced his German citizenship.
Jackie Kelly, in 1996 was forced to a by-election after being found to have been elected holding both Australian and Kiwi citizenships. I can’t for the life of me imagine how anybody can forget that they are a citizen of both countries unless they are completely stupid. Upon revisiting that thought when one considers just how stupid Abbott and Abetz are, yes, I can see how some people would do that.
The thing I find most intriguing is why the British Home Office also appear to be unable to find the form RN. Likewise the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Well-known Australian blogger Tony Magarathea had his email account raided and all the emails were deleted. If there is nothing to worry about, why would anybody do that? Further, how many organisations would have the a) skills to do that and b) any interest in doing so?
As Alice was reported to have said “curiouser and curiouser”.
We need a couple of good pro bono lawyers who will take Abbott to court and settle finally his citizenship status. All roads lead to he is a dual. That will among many other things, make him eligible for his own terrorist moves to strip citizenship and if anyone qualifies as being a terrorist, he does
I’m sure I read somewhere that Abbott has put a clause into the new “we can take your citizenship away” legislation that removes this limitation. I may be wrong though, but am sure someone more knowledgeable than I might know for sure.
I suspect he has. I suspect there could be big problems with the date on the renunciation form. He was in parliament 1996, when first incident led to a MP resigning, then Abetz I believe 1998. How many elections have we since then. Laziness and lack respect for the Constitution could be the only explanation. Maybe he cannot bring himself to renounce his UK citizenship. Appears to believe we owe all the mother country.
Did I read that correctly? Does it say that anybody having money interests in a corporation of more than 25 people can’t be a member of parliament? Or am I reading it wrongly? (Legalese is so incredibly difficult to make sense of.) If it says what I think it says, that reduces the current government to a skeleton crew, doesn’t it? Most of them seem to have their fingers in some very sugary pies. And if that isn’t illegal, it damn well should be. They’re supposed to be working for the Australian public, not for some private paymaster.
I’d love it if we could use the law to get rid of some of these crooks. Trouble is, the law is mostly used on people who don’t have money. I can’t see it being used against phony Tony, regardless of how much it should.
My son had to renounce his duel nationality when elected to federal parliament. Abbott needs to be sorted quick smart or will his party spring it as a rouse to oust him in the fullness of time(aka Sir H Appleby) or when the polls go down like the titanic
There’s no point having a referendum on changing anything in the Australian Constitution (for example recognising gay marriage or indigenous sovereignty) if the existing Constitutional laws are going to be ignored. https://www.change.org/p/tony-abbott-show-us-your-papers-renouncing-your-british-citizenship-before-you-were-elected
Well-known Australian blogger Tony Magarathea had his email account raided and all the emails were deleted. If there is nothing to worry about, why would anybody do that?
You guys probably read my justified rants on Campbell Newman and the judiciary.
One thing I didn’t write about was that one afternoon in 2008, being out for most of the day I went to my computer and turned it on and it turned on with a loud bang. I looked for my external drive and it was missing. Subsequently I discovered that incriminating Council FOI documents were missing.
Now who would do that keeping in mind Newman was Lord Mayor and I was issued with a planning and development approval that contained 2 counts of extortion dressed up as conditions.
One starts to believe that these LNP arseholes believe that they’re above the law and my experience proves it.
Most of us hear of things like this at some stage. How many of us have actually written the information off as “conspiracy theory”.
I would like to know how dual citizen Eddie Obeid has not had problems with his time in government, surely the state is the same as the federal government and if so, would this not cast some doubt about the legality of decisions made by the Carr government?
AEC HOR Nomination . Form 60
..from Form 60
“…I am not, by virtue of section 44 of the Constitution,
incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a Member of
the House of Representatives (see page 1*)
Tick Yes – or – No…”
….from Form 60b
“…Information on this form is collected under the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (CEA). The nomination form will be publicly produced at the time of the declaration of nominations, which takes place 24 hours after nominations close, and may be inspected at any time following the declaration of nominations by members of the public in accordance with the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918…”
“…Giving false or misleading information is a
serious offence….”
…but evidently not a serious enough offence to be pursued if anyone bothers to raise an issue of suspected non compliance with Section 44 of Australia’s constitution.
In fact every impediment possible will be put in a citizens way to prevent enforcement of the law.
From ‘Candidates Handbook’ …The Act, Part XXII
Anyone contemplating a challenge to an election result should consult their own legal advisers. The validity of the election of any member of parliament may only be disputed by a petition to the Court of Disputed Returns within 40 days of the return of the writ. The Common Informers (Parliamentary Disqualifications) Act 1975 provides penalties for ineligible members of parliament who sit as members or senators. Such an action has to be argued in the High Court under section 5 of that Act.
Sect 5
“…Penalty for sitting when disqualified
(1) Any person who, whether before or after the commencement of this Act, has sat as a senator or as a member of the House of Representatives while he or she was a person declared by the Constitution to be incapable of so sitting shall be liable to pay to any person who sues for it in the High Court a sum equal to the total of:
(a) $200 in respect of his or her having so sat on or before the day on which the originating process in the suit is served on him or her; and
(b) $200 for every day, subsequent to that day, on which he or she is proved in the suit to have so sat.
(2) A suit under this section shall not relate to any sitting of a person as a senator or as a member of the House of Representatives at a time earlier than 12 months before the day on which the suit is instituted.
(3) The High Court shall refuse to make an order in a suit under this Act that would, in the opinion of the Court, cause the person against whom it was made to be penalized more than once in respect of any period or day of sitting as a senator or as a member of the House of Representatives.”
28,000 petitioners have been unable to make any headway via civil/conventional political channels.
It would appear that the only course open to aggrieved citizens concerned that Australia’s constitution has been willfully contravened by our highest ranking politician is to mount an appeal to the High Court – which the cost renders prohibitive.
Well,,,,I am up to contributing to a crowdfunded challenge – it appears to be the only hope left to get this matter rigorously examined.
Yes it would, Roscoe.
@SirScotchMistery …… a challenging and great article, with obviously much research done.
Somewhere, sometime, the truth will out. …. because it always does – eventually.
Interested in the Tony Magarathea emails being wiped out of existence. …. I have to wonder about that – ( I have researched some info. on it ) ….
I find it difficult to believe a man like Magarethea would not have backed up absolutely ALL of his information, particularly being so potentially important and explosive – onto something like a Flash Drive, or external hard drive, CD / DVD etc. …. and put aside for that ‘wonderful rainy day’.
But then – we all make mistakes, eh ?
Good one bilko. …. There is much upheaval in the LNP – despite what they might pretend it to be. … The backbenchers in particular are not in the abbott’s corner ( if the MSM is to be believed –
by even half ) !!
Perhaps the more ‘capable of thinking’ LNP members are indeed sitting on a political bomb, waiting for the right time to expose it and explode it.
One can only hope.
re : ( aka Sir H Appleby ) … I gather you mean ‘Humphrey’ ( “Yes, Minister” fame ).
Am now wondering if the current leader of our country, owns a dog ??? … as Sir Humphrey did – a dog more important to Humph than his family was ( apparently ) !!
It is loosely thought the abbot does … a little spoodle ( cross cocker spaniel / poodle ) named Maisie. …. There are spoofs galore about it, and that’s NOT Maisies’ fault !!! 🙂
The crowd-funding appeal for funds to challenge Abbott’s eligibility to be stand for election sounds like a brilliant idea.
I think a few good lawyers – Julian Burnside springs to mind – might be willing to act in a pro bono capacity if we raised the funds to cover court costs.
If it is proved that he is illegally sitting he is liable to a fine levied at the rate of 100 pounds for every day he sits while disqualified. )Constitution Act ss 44, 46)
It ight be that the matter should first be raised in the House
Disputed elections
Until the Parliament otherwise provides, any question respecting the qualification of a senator or of a member of the House of Representatives, or respecting a vacancy in either House of the Parliament, and any question of a disputed election to either House, shall be determined by the House in which the question arises.
http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/coaca430/index.html#s46 .
I believe that Tony Magarathea tweeted some information about Abbott’s status which should still be on Twitter.
Florence nee Fedup don’t forget Robert Wood NDP 87/88 – nice bloke too.
Annie B
spot on re “Yes Minister” , but can a dog own a dog in which case Abbort would have a poodle just to kick when winnie pynnie was not around, mind you i do not recall dogs being allowed into the AFP college on Brisbane Ave and I spent many a hour there.
Wake up Australia, Tony doesn’t care.
After reading this article from the reticent Sir ScotchMistery (don’t hold back, tell me how you REALLY feel), one would gain the impression that Tones holds a special place in his heart towards his birth nation.
I mean it’s not as if he has taken Australia back to the British honours system of awarding Knights and Dames to Australians he deems worthy….. he has? Well, maybe that was a brain fart, as if Tony would go ahead and award a member of British Royalty a knighthood…. he did that too? Award a knighthood to a prince?
Gawd, wot else has he done we don’t know about?
Yes, we know he doesn’t care. And that makes it even worse.
Dogma – The West is fighting terrorism
Reality – The West uses terrorism as an instrument of policy
“Senator Erich Abetz, congratulations! Having renounced your German citizenship on 9 March 2010, this allows you to take up your seat in the Australian Parliament with a clear conscience” – John Hawkins
See the questions that Abetz will not answer – http://tasmaniantimes.com/index.php/article/abetz-and-channel-highway-land-deals
“Tony Magarathea had his email account raided and all the emails were deleted”
Nick Davies’ book “Hack Attack” tells the story of the murdoch press in England and their ubiquitous hacking of the Royal Family, various celebrities, politicians, murdered children and just about everybody else.
The degree of cross pollination between murdoch employees and the English conservative and labor parties was breathtaking.
Think about that.
Could never happen here though, eh ?
crypt0, I wouldn’t trust a Murdoch employee here in Australia as far as I can spit. They know what an evil piece of shite he is and the Nuremberg defense doesn’t cut it with me. As the quotation goes….
‘qui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent’. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas
A super clever bod can hack anyone’s computer – and indeed delete absolutely everything off the hard drive, provided it is connected to the internet at the time – leaving it bare, and most likely unusable cos they don’t stop there – they can get into the registry / system too, and jigger that up as well, big time.
Anyone who wants to preserve their work, their photographs, their graphic programme images, emails of any description – and anything else that is important ( and let’s face it – we don’t ‘save’ stuff unless it has some degree of importance to us ) …. will, if they are wise, plonk the whole bloody lot onto a Flash Drive, or other external device – and NOT allow those devices to be used — unless off line altogether ( i.e. pull the plug outta the wall ).
It’s seriously that simple. …. And in this day of super duper techie stuff – it has to be personally mandatory, in my opinion. …. Yes, a lot of work, but worth it.
By the same token, I agree with you – there are many and varied cross pollinations of all kinds, especially in the press, in the governments, military, spying ops and apps – you name it – it can happen. …. A certain browser that will remain nameless ?? …. gets into bed with sites, and ‘allows’ information to be gleaned from a persons’ on-line browsing activity, and their email account. … Not to mention the Australian governments’ continued fear tactics reminded to us, that they will be able to ‘track’ through our ISP’s our on-line activity. ( another subject for another time ).
Always better to be safe, than sorry. … I think Magarathea must’ve made a whopper of a mistake.
@mark delmege ….
“Dogma – The West is fighting terrorism
Reality – The West uses terrorism as an instrument of policy.”
No two sentences have ever rung so true. …. Brilliant.
Annie, Microsoft Windows is extremely insecure. I don’t think I’d trust Apple’s computers and phones either, considering the way they eagerly jumped into bed with the NSA. I don’t trust Google’s Android operating system either. They were much to happy to help the NSA out too.
The only operating system I would put any kind of trust in is Linux. It is free and far more secure than commercial operating systems. However Linux is not just one single thing — there are hundreds of variants because anybody can make their own version.
I use a version of Linux born and bred here in Australia by retired engineer Barry Kauler. His version is called Puppy Linux, however even Puppy Linux has diverged into many different variants, each with their own advantages. On the whole Puppy Linux has the advantages of being very small while being highly functional. It also runs faster than most Linux variants (and certainly faster than Windows or Mac), in fact it is commonly used to breathe new life into old computers that are generally considered too slow for “modern” operating systems. One of the best things about Puppy Linux is that it refrains from running servers, which makes it very difficult to break into it. Also the built-in firewall, when activated, is far more effective than anything from the Microsoft Windows world. Puppy also allows you to shut down or continue your internet connection at the click of a mouse.
One of Barry Kauler’s latest experiments with Puppy Linux is in a variant he calls Quirky Unicorn which runs entirely from a thumbdrive. This means you don’t need to have your operating system on your computer at all, but can carry it with you in your pocket. Most versions of Puppy are downloaded and burned to CD. You can then either install Puppy from the CD to the computer’s hard drive or else run Puppy directly from the CD. A great advantage of the latter method is that your operating system is safe from damage. You can, of course, keep your data on the computer’s hard drive or a flashdrive or it is even possible to add it to the CD.
we are getting off topic so let me add this as well
Thanks so much for that information. … I will look into it. … I do not use my Smartphone for any apps. or downloads ( strictly phone calls and texts ), do have an iPad that I grapple with occasionally, and never ever EVER use Microsoft Windows IE 8 or anything to with internet explorer. …. They are totally unreliable, and result in many crashes of internet connections, along with other garbage it may allow in.
Linux I know is good and reliable, and the Puppy Linux is more than interesting. …. will search that now.
I have been using Google Chrome recently ( after trying Mozilla, Safari and Opera ) – which has a lot of so called goodies on it – that allegedly protects ? … however, I rely on a super A-V to stop nasty crap on sites, and on getting into my computer. ( which it does in a nano-second ) …. By the same token, I also move my saveable stuff to external devices, and I save to those devices, when off-line. … Yep – I am paranoid – – – with many protections on my computer – and I have nothing to hide or even protect, for that matter ??? LOL. … Never want to lose photographs, though.
While Google ‘seems’ to be honorable enough, I have found recently some stuff sold off (?) to another highly reputable ( allegedly ) website which professionals and business people use … you would know which site I mean. … Sending out email invitations in my name, when I have never EVER requested for any such thing to happen. … ( A nasty story attached to that – not involving myself, but involving a businessman of good repute. … It is being reported. ) … It actually comes under the banner of ‘identity theft’ … and is a reportable offense. …. How complicit Google is in this situation, remains to be seen.
Thanks again ……
Cheers ..
@mark delmege.
Interesting link you provided – I understood some of it. …. Seemed to be mostly about satellite interception of transmitted data ( from whatever / wherever ) … and is a world-wide endeavour. … Altho I have no doubt many companies compete to put forth their competency in these ventures.
And yes – we got off topic, but I think if occasionally we can help one another understand some crucial bits and pieces about computerisation, ( we are all sitting here using iPads, PC’s and mobile phones to add comment to AIMN ) … then that’s a good thing.
There are many fascinating subjects covered on Nautilus Institute – and I have bookmarked it for further and future references.
Thank you for the intro to Nautilus ….
Apologies for remaining off-topic.
Annie & Miriam and interested parties.
Just wanted to add, that I use a variant of Puppy-Linux – Firefox as browser and Duck-duck-go as search engine.
DDG – does not carry all the tracking garbage that Google has – although it is not a comprehensive as Google. However, FF has drop down menus so I can switch quickly to any search engine I want.The primary reason for switching from Windows was simply pragmatic – Linux does not cost more than a donation (which is purely a choice) and is way, way faster than Windows.
While those-who-would-control-everything work to catch up with the technology – we can stay alert thanks to the work of people like Barry Kauler.
Annie would you expand a little on ‘Super AV’ please. When I googled came up with a) an Italian armoured vehicle and b) http://www.2-viruses.com/remove-super-av
May I also be off topic.
I haven’t tried this one yet so, at your own risk.
“Tails is a live operating system, that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity”
I haven’t tried this one yet either. Both only recently discovered.
“MenuetOS is a pre-emptive, real-time and multiprocessor Operating System in development for the PC written entirely in 32/64 bit assembly language.”
I think that the surveillance state will stop when our fiat finally reaches its intrinsic value.
To AIMN people
Could you please save off these computer tips in a file to which we could add more information as we discover and/or learn?
Thank you
Diana, thank you for the reminder. I keep forgetting about DuckDuckGo. It has a number of advantages over Google, so I should really use it more often. DuckDuckGo actually gets you to your selected page faster than Google because it presents you with the links to the final targets in its result page and you just click the link to go straight there. Google, on the other hand, presents you with search results that link back through Google to the desired page so that they can keep a record of what you like to see and this takes considerably longer. DuckDuckGo actually uses Google for its search, but strips out any identification from the search request. This means that Google will normally return stuff it thinks you’ll be interested in because of all the data it has compiled on your past searches, but DuckDuckGo won’t. This has the small disadvantage in that you have to be more descriptive and deliberate in your choice of search terms, but has the great advantage that Google can trap you in a “filter bubble” where you will only have your expectations fulfilled and might not be presented with things that will challenge your assumptions greatly. Eli Parisier talks about this in his TED talk http://www.ted.com/talks/eli_pariser_beware_online_filter_bubbles.
Filter bubbles become particularly dangerous for conservatives who don’t like to be presented with new and discomforting ideas, because they get fed a nice, cosy, comfortable view of the world, where they honestly don’t know that people are upset about mistreatment of refugees, spying, income disparity, and so on. They become fed the things they want to believe. For progressives it is less dangerous because we tend to like to have our assumptions challenged and generally thrive on fresh ideas, but even for us it is dangerous as it prevents us seeing the world as it really is and makes it harder for us to understand and empathise with conservatives and how truly delusional their worldview can become and why. Then conservatives look to us as caricatures instead of real people stuck inside their own filter bubble. And of course we look like caricatures to them.
I should have mentioned, by the way, a very useful plugin called “Ghostery” for most web browsers. It stops trackers, intrusive cookies, and adware which attempt to spy on you through your web browser. https://www.ghostery.com/
(Sorry to continue the off-topic thread.)
Harquebus, thanks. Tails and MenuetOS look very interesting. For me, MenuetOS especially catches my eye because it is a completely different Operating System. I used to use the Amiga computer (I still have an Amiga emulator that I use from time to time on my Puppy Linux computer). The Amiga was an amazing computer that had its Kernel on a ROM chip inside the machine and the Operating System was so small it could fit in a floppy disk. It could do this because it was very carefully built in assembly language. MenuetOS does the same, with its Operating System small enough it fits on a floppy disk. Very cool.
One of the main reasons why Linux is so safe from viruses and the like is because it is a small niche market (it is also quite varied and difficult to break into). MenuetOS takes that small market and shrinks it so much that it is not worth anybody’s while to create software to break into your computer.
The only real drawback I can see is the use of Microsoft’s crummy FAT32 filing system. FAT32 can’t distinguish between upper- and lowercase filenames, is very prone to file fragmentation, is extremely easily corrupted, is very wasteful of space in large drives, has difficulty formatting drives larger than 32 GB (though it can be done using special utilities), and can’t store files larger than 4GB. Linux’s Ext4 filing system would have been a much better choice. Microsoft’s NTFS would have been nearly as good except that NTFS is a proprietary secret, and although people have done a very good job of reverse-engineering it, it is still a secret and thus potentially dangerous.
You are welcome miriamenglish. I am a linux user myself.
@ David …. apologies.
( Re : “Annie would you expand a little on ‘Super AV’ please. When I googled came up with a) an Italian armoured vehicle and b) http://www.2-viruses.com/remove-super-av”
Thanks )
That’s what I get for going along with this ‘internet inspired language’ which is to abbreviate everything to initials 🙁
Didn’t know there was a “Super A-V” virus. …. Ooops.
I should not have been lazy, and instead should’ve typed it out in full …. super ( my superlative ) anti-virus protection – is all I meant. I use paid-for Avast ( used to use the free version, which was excellent but decided to upgrade for extra features ) … and it is like some ferocious creature when leaping on sites that are even slightly suspect – not to mention protecting everything else I have in my computer. … I am more than happy with it. … McAfee also works in the background and does not interfere with my primary Avast anti-virus software …. it scratches around for spyware and malware, but never finds anything – Avast jumps all over it, first.
diannaart …. I have saved all the info about new browsers etc. here, in a special folder in my Gmail account. I want to explore them more in depth, myself.
Also, for your own benefit, perhaps you could bookmark the article “1000 reasons why” … and add more words to it to identify what it is, for yourself. [ I must ‘cull’ my bookmarks – I have hundreds of the darned things. !! ]
And this applies ( as suggested by diannaart ) to everyone here – good thinking d-a.
Pays to be safe.
Diana, don’t cull your bookmarks. 🙂 Save them as a system of hierarchical bookmarks inside folders inside more bookmark folders. I keep a bunch of bookmark folders on my browser toolbar with commonly used categories, and hierarchies of bookmarks under each.
Periodically I save all my bookmarks to an HTML file in case I lose them through an upgrade or bad crash. (Manage bookmarks, then in the Bookmarks Manager under its Tools menu choose export HTML.) I have thousands of bookmarks because I bookmark most interesting sites so I can go back and revisit them anytime. If I misplace a bookmark in my lists I can always do a search of my bookmarks.
You can drag the little icon at the beginning of a web address to your bookmarks lists on your browser toolbar and drop it where you want it to go. This makes organising them easier. And you can right-click at any point in the bookmark lists and choose from the pop-up menu to make another folder. This helps you organise them hierarchically in a way that the categories make sense to you. Once or twice a year I spend an hour or so just moving the bookmark listings around, reorganising them more rationally. That little bit of time spent makes life much easier later.
Thanks so much for the lesson in Bookmarks 101 – I could’ve used this advice about 20 years ago when I first ventured on the internet.
My point, which was obviously not at all clear, given your effort to educate me, was for an archive of computer tips for ALL AIMN users – a cornucopia of useful information that anyone can access.
Easy to simply cut ‘n paste our PC advice from this thread – and transfer to a permanent archive along with ‘how to use smileys & other formatting’ for everyone which can then be added to as we all discover or learn something new.
Cheers m’dear.
I use One Note to organise my links however Miriam’s strategy is much more robust.
@ miriamenglish ……..
It was actually me, about to cull bookmarks…- 🙂 But yours is good advice – I have the folders bit going, and have found ( after saving my bookmarks as html – which has seen me through 3 new computers ! ) … that there are many sites now which simply don’t exist – so I tend to delete those every now and again. And it’s past time to have another look. Folders are a joy for any kind of filing.
Find that my computer has become a little like my home – a place for hoarding – so both home and computer are being currently cleaned up – but oh so slowly.
Briefly, back to topic … in his article, SirScotchMistery said ” but for the life of me I can’t understand why if he has renounced his dual citizenship, he is so standoffish about proving the fact.”
All fits in with a manipulators’ MO … a manipulator ( and this p m is ) … will do anything to try and keep another person or a whole scad of persons, off balance. According to one dictionary on-line ( Cambridge ) the word means “a person who controls people to their own advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly”.
While many are beating their heads against a brick wall, looking for ways to prove ( or not ) his dual nationality, we are in fact ‘looking over there, not here’ … as is so often the intended case when red herrings are thrown at us on an almost daily basis by this extremely cunning and not to be trusted, person-in-charge.
I dare not say any more – might get me thrown out if I typed what I really think about ‘it’.
Oops, sorry Diana. wrong person. 🙂 Your suggestion about collecting all the data in a single place is a great idea. I’m not really sure how to do it. I’ll see if I can do something about it.
Don’t throw out your old stale bookmarks yet. Check to see if they have been saved on the Internet Archive. I often find old, dead links can be found years later there on its Wayback Machine (judging by the name, somebody used to enjoy The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show when they were young).
… and it is advice like this, Miriam that we need to keep safe.
No one knows everything – but between all of us – we just might create something really useful.
Back to topic…
Annie B
Exactly, Abbott may well have renounced his dual citizenship (I am 99.99999~% sure he has – he may be intellectuality dull, but is 100% cunning) – but he does not have to disabuse the rest of us to this fact. Much more entertaining for him to watch as we scurry about fighting among ourselves.
Miriam ….
I know you don’t trust M/S Windows, which I use as a system – except I have hung on to my XP – and will do so for as long as humanly possible. The area I do not trust with M/S is it’s browser, Internet Explorer – it is garbage. … Anyway, here is a link that talks about installing M/S Office ( if you haven’t already got it ) onto Linux. … The ‘Office 2003’ version, which I think is still available, is the most reliable for Linux, and indeed most likely the most reliable for XP as well. … the only thing you would probably use is the Word Document, or Rich Text document features in that software.
If you don’t want the expense, or would not like to trust it – you could perhaps open a new email in Linux, and copy and paste all the bits and bobs shown here into that – and then file / save it. … I often use a new email to do just that, but prefer to use Word Document ( part of M/S Office ). ….. same thing applies though – highlight areas of interest, right click on the entire area, select ‘copy’ – and then right click again inside the email and select ‘paste’. ….
I must learn more about Linux. … I am presuming copy and paste works much the same on all systems. Not wishing to go to Windows 8.1 ( but might have to go with Windows 10 one day, if I cannot reinstall my XP ) I have thought about other systems ( Apple, Linux being two ) … so will scratch around and learn. …. Will also have a look at the Internet Archive you’ve mentioned, re bookmarks.
Again, thank you for the info.
Way back up the thread before all of you geeks derailed it 😀 Roscoe asked about dual citizenship in the NSW parliament.
“A person with dual citizenship may become a member of the Parliament of New South Wales. The provision applies in relation to persons who are already members of Parliament and subsequently takes action to obtain foreign citizenship or establishes a foreign allegiance. This differs from the provision in s. 44(i) of the Commonwealth Constitution that provides that a person is incapable of becoming a member of the Commonwealth Parliament if they are a citizen of a foreign power. In relation to the Commonwealth Parliament it has been held that the taking out of Australian citizenship, by people with dual nationality, is not enough to renounce a foreign nationality. Rather there must be some evidence that reasonable steps have been taken to renounce the foreign citizenship. See Sue v Hill (1999) 199 CLR 462.”
Now back off topic – I use VMware Player to muck about with various OSs. Currently I have a couple of XP machines and an OpenSUSE variation of linux. I also have a bootable flash drive with Ubuntu. I’ve also got a CD with an x86 version of Solaris (about 11 I think). I must have a look at Puppy – it does sound interesting.
Continuing the derailment 🙂 sorry…
Annie there are many more security flaws in MSWindows than just its terrible anti-standards web browser, InternetExplorer.
Word is positively riddled with security problems, including one that lets a person as part of a group sharing Word documents steal other people’s files from elsewhere on those people’s computers. Conceivably it could also put files on another persons computer too.
Microsoft’s MediaPlayer “phones home” every time you watch a video using it on a net-connected computer. Why? One can only wonder.
If you electronically register a Microsoft program then the registration process slyly sends a complete list of all the software you have on your computer.
I tend to avoid wordprocessors, but on the rare occasion I need to, I use LibreOffice the free, open source spinoff from OpenOffice (also free and open source). Open source software is safer than secret code because anybody can view the code and ensure nobody is doing anything naughty with it.
I prefer to write using text editors. The difference is that whereas wordprocessors all have their own complex file formats, text editors save as simple text. Wordprocessor formats come and go, but plain text is forever. I’ve written documents many years ago using a wordprocessor that I no longer have. The files can’t be read anymore. From around the same time and even earlier I have many other things I’ve written in plain text. They are all still readable and always will be. I’ve written 5 novels, 25 short stories, 5 plays, and goodness knows how many articles using text editors. If I need bold or italic or other styles I just use ordinary HTML symbols — they’re mostly destined for the web anyway.
Sorry again about the derailment. Diana is right. Maybe I should try writing an article on some of this stuff for publishing on AIMN so that people can add more in the comments. My main problem is that, other than helping friends from time to time with broken MSWindows computers, I haven’t had a computer running MSWindows for well over a decade, so I’m not really very knowledgeable there.
Miriam …. ( and to Bacchus – the geeks are back – just for wee moment !! 🙂 …. )
If you could have heard the number of times I have lambasted Microsoft to others, for its interference, it’s silly monthly hot patches and security fixes – ( which were stopped April 2014 for XP ) … it’s ‘nosing’ into computers by way of ‘sending error reports’ ( not necessary ) and the ‘sweep’ of one’s computer if ( when ) downloading from site, these super duper vulnerability patches ……….. Ye Gods they should never have had to FIX or PATCH anything, if their original operating systems were up to scratch . Through registration, they have had way too much access to anyone’s computer, anywhere. …. How else do they know when someone has ‘loaned’ OS software to someone else to use. The loanee doesn’t get to first base, when trying to do anything further with M/S on their ‘borrowed’ system. hmm. … M/S employ a lot of red flags methinks.
Most tech. savvy bods, never bothered with the M/S patches to ‘fix’ things. … It was a load of rubbish ( they said ), and I am not missing those ‘critical updates’ one little bit – actually stopped them before they got turfed. …. …. I still think their worst efforts was with Internet Explorer, which could cause more angst than anything, and nothing much has changed. … I don’t touch it.
Frankly, I don’t trust M/S one bit. But – – – – I am stuck with it – ( money is the problem ) and am sticking like glue to the only really good system they ever came up with – XP. ….. Believe me, I know the meddling M/S can do – as per your comments. … I began my computer life on ONE of the first wordprocessors ever produced – by Sony ( I worked for them for 6 years – early > mid 1980’s ). … It was THE most cumbersome thing I have ever operated. … but as a newbie PC user further on in 1998, I was persuaded ( didn’t know any better ) … to go with Microsoft, by the tech. we used to instal it all.
I must admit, I have never had any problems with Word Document, but then I am very careful about what I write – and then save and remove. e.g. I do on-line banking, and save my transactions’ to a Word Doc, however, if anyone were able to get past my A-V, they’d be horribly disappointed when seeing “Bank Transfers — dated ” …. because I copy and paste ( no key strokes ) the receipt, and then diligently remove all the middle numbers from the document of any listed account numbers … so a credit card # looks like : 54 ………… 89. I know what it is, no one else does. Takes about 5 minutes to do every fortnight ( am on a pension ). No key strokes to the bank either.
I have never dared share files, ( as in the sharing with everybody via a site ) … Nor do I allow remote technical assistance. IF I attach to an email, I also insert – and it is in the smallest form possible for good viewing ( which I alter manually in a graphics programme ). … Cloud storage I cannot come to accept or trust. Yet – I do have 2 websites, but have never had any kick-back or nasties happening from those, whatsoever, but then I don’t show specific personal info on those, either. … I also use html.
Nothing is sacred on the internet, and we take our private lives in our hands when we boot up our computers.
Apologies again folks, and I hope Michael doesn’t mind too much, our geeky info. that might be of some use to others – maybe ?? 😉
p.s – am enjoying my visit to your website