Good Morning, I have with me a spokesman for the Prime Minister, Dr Apollo Gist, Good morning Dr Gist.
Good morning
Now, you seem to be making some progress on the company tax cuts with Pauline Hanson’s party…
Yes, business leaders wrote to the senators and explained that if they got a tax cut, they’d invest in Australia and there’d be more jobs which, of course, would lead to wages growth, and Senator Hanson clapped her hands and said that it really, really helped.
But hasn’t your party been arguing that higher wages would stunt jobs growth?
Yes, but that was in a completely different argument so it’s of no relevance here.
Surely, you can’t have it both ways?
Well that’s the sort of socialist thinking we’ve come from the ABC. In capitalist system there’s no reason why a person has to restrict himself to one way and it’s always been our philosophy that people should be allowed to have as many ways as they want…
Hang on, I’m not from the ABC. And we’re talking about advancing a contradictory position not how many “ways” a person is allowed. It’s hardly socialist to point out that you can’t argue one thing, one moment and then change it just because it suits you.
Why not? This is really typical of the political correctness that’s stopping free speech in this country. We should be allowed to say what we like.
Unless, of course, you’re a public servant or someone who’s worked on Manus or Nauru.
Naturally. We can’t have people jeopadising our national security by wandering around blurting out classified information.
How does it jeopardise our national security?
I can’t tell you that, it’s classified.
Speaking of contradictions, given the outrage from the PM and others about the loss of income from Labor’s proposed removal of the cash back for franking credits when people have no taxable income…
With good reason, some of these people have incomes of less than $18,000 a year and Bill Shorten is proposing double taxation.
Hang on, it’s there taxable income that’s less than $18,000, but that’s only because income from Superannuation isn’t taxed if you’re over sixty.
Yes, but why should they be taxed anything. They’ve spent all their working lives putting money into Superannuation so that they could avoid tax and now just because some of them are lucky enough to be earning a tad more than you or I, those socialists in the Labor Party want to rob them with this double taxation!
How is it double taxation?
Well, the company’s already paid the tax and now Shorten wants them to pay it again.
No, the way it works is the company pays the tax, then the government gives people who can’t claim the rebate because they don’t earn enough taxable income a cash payment which means that not only isn’t it doubly taxed, it’s not taxed at all.
You must be confused…And I think that I can do just that by using the few examples where it is unfair and using words like dividend imputations and franking credits and…
Anyway, the point I was going to make is that while the government is raising so much fuss about these people losing money, aren’t they concerned about how these people will react to the company tax cuts?
What’s that got to do with this?
Well, the franking credits are based on the company tax rate. If it goes down, then they’ll lose five percent of their cash back.
So? They’ve got plenty of money.
But weren’t you just saying how much they needed it?
Like I said before, that was a completely different argument. You’re just trying to take me out of context… Besides, when companies get a tax cut, while they may lose out in terms of higher dividends.
But haven’t businesses told Pauline Hanson that they’ll use the cut to pay higher wages, how can they do both? I mean, it’s not a magic pudding, is it?
If you’ll allow me to finish…
I wasn’t aware that I’d interrupted you.
I said, “If you’ll allow me to finish…”
That’s it! I want to be allowed to finish and not have to answer any more of your silly questions.
Oh, ok. Thank you.
No, thank you.