Understanding Malcolm

In November 2007, after John Howard lost his seat, three people announced their intention to run for the leadership of the Liberal Party – Brendan Nelson, Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott. The position of Deputy was contested by Julie Bishop, Christopher Pyne and Andrew Robb.

The day before the ballot, Abbott withdrew, and Nelson went on to defeat Turnbull 45 to 42. Biographer Paddy Manning regards Turnbull’s decision to criticise Howard over not apologising to the Stolen Generation as sending votes to Nelson.

In September the following year, Turnbull successfully challenged Nelson, winning the ballot by 45 to 41. He had been an MP for less than four years.

In an interview on the evening of the challenge, Kerry O’Brien quipped “What took you so long?”

In answer to the assertion that he was perceived as a “driven man… a man in a hurry, a man determined to get what he wants”, Malcolm said:

“Well, I’m determined to do what is right. I stand up for what I believe in. I’m prepared to take on big challenges; I’m prepared to take on powerful people and institutions, and causes which are unpopular. I think leaders have to be brave, they have to stand up for what they believe in, and they’ve got to have the courage of their convictions. And that’s how I’ve lived my life. If that makes me driven, Kerry, then, so be it.”

Nowadays that driven leader has lain down and is being towed around by the likes of George Christensen and Andrew Nikolic. His fine words are a thing of the past, replaced by slogans, fear and smear campaigns, and political imaging.

Malcolm’s release of a video about his father is a message he has used before. In the 2008 interview on 7:30 Report Kerry O’Brien asked him about it.

KERRY O’BRIEN: You sought today to downplay your position of wealth and privilege by painting your childhood as one of struggle in a rented flat, with a single parent, very short of money. I know your mother left when you were just nine, which must have been very tough – goes without saying. But it was Vaucluse and Double Bay, and it was Sydney Grammar. What’s your message: I’m not the silvertail you think I am?

MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well, Kerry, you’re right. I mean, I’ve always lived in the eastern suburbs, and the – my dad and I and, you know, after he got remarried when I was sort of well into my teens, he and my stepmother – so, the three of us always lived in flats. After my mother left, we moved out of one small flat into a much smaller one, which he rented. Money was very, very tight. I mean, I don’t want to sound mawkish about it, but dad was a battler. And he sent me to Sydney Grammar School as a boarder, because he travelled a lot as a hotel broker. And he struggled. I tell you, he struggled to pay those fees. It was not easy for him. And I – you know, the most amazing thing about him, Kerry, I mean leaving aside the financial side, was he brought me up to love and respect my mother and notwithstanding a very unhappy divorce, he never said a bad word about my mother, notwithstanding the events that had happened. And it was a – that discipline. His love for me was so great that he was disciplined enough to say, “It is in Malcolm’s interest that he always love his mother regardless of what has happened.” And he made sure that happened. He was a very strong man.

O’Brien also asked Turnbull about gay equality.

KERRY O’BRIEN: … during the last election, when you were struggling to hold your seat of Wentworth against the tide, and when the gay vote was very important to you, you promised to be a crusader for gay rights, delivering equality for same sex couples. You spoke in favour of the Government’s bill on this issue in a speech in June and you had vowed to persuade Shadow Cabinet to support you. As leader, will you undertake to take – will you take shadow cabinet along with you? Will you tell them this is not negotiable for you? You’ll tell your party that?

MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well, Kerry, the Coalition, you know, the shadow cabinet, the party room is opposed to – or supports ending discrimination against same sex couples.

Yup, that just about sums it up – they are either opposed to or in support of ending discrimination.

When asked “is the Liberal Party you lead ready to embrace a republic?” Turnbull responded:

MALCOLM TURNBULL: … as I said in ’99: if you vote ‘no’ in ’99 – and the nation did vote ‘no’ – it will mean ‘no’ for a very long time. I do not believe a referendum can succeed in Australia prior to the end of the Queen’s reign. And a Prime Minister that tries to run the republican issue now, during the Queen’s reign, has got motives which are not republican motives, they’re just political ones.

One conviction that Malcolm did have the courage to maintain was the urgent need for action on climate change and that an emission trading scheme was the best method to begin the fight.

A year later, that conviction cost him the leadership when Tony Abbott agreed to join the ranks of climate change deniers in return for the top job.

One thing that has become very apparent is that Malcolm does not like to lose, and any convictions that might put him on the losing side are expendable.

It is also apparent that he and his party have no idea what it is like to really struggle – to be unable to find a job, to be unable to find an affordable rental, to be unable to buy groceries, to be unable to turn the heater on, to be stricken by illness or disability, to be marginalised by location or ethnicity.

Perhaps Malcolm may have benefitted more if his father had found a job close to home and let Malcolm spend his childhood growing up in the loving safety of his family. There are more important things than accumulating money.


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About Kaye Lee 1328 Articles
Kaye describes herself as a middle-aged woman in jammies. She knew Tony Abbott when they both attended Sydney University where she studied for a Bachelor of Science. After 20 years teaching mathematics, with the introduction of the GST in 2000, she became a ‘feral accountant’ for the small business that she and her husband own. Kaye uses her research skills “to pass on information, to join the dots, to remember what has been said and done and to remind others, and to do the maths.”


  1. When the first world war broke out, our Constitution forbade the armed forces to fight overseas, they were meant to defend Australia. The Parliament declared the Empire was in peril and called for Volunteers to form the Australian imperial Forces. At the end of that conflict we had Five divisions fighting as a singly force under Australian Command.
    Menzies of course, became a big noise in the failed conscription movement,but eventually conscripted my generation and the Vietnam Veterans.

    Menzies was always devoted to Mother England in fact he ensured, that the flag ACT of 1954, that the Union Jack was available as a right to any Australian resident to fly it in preference to and in a superior position ahead of the National Flag. That changed in 1968 when the British objected to our war ships having their navy Ensign in our (Menzies) Vietnam War. So we quickly created the White Ensign you see today.

    This cringeworthy behaviour was no more apparent than in the first months of world war two, when both Menzies and Churchill decided to send the Second Australian Imperial Force’s Eighth Division to Malaya to protect Singapore. The Sixth Division defeated the Italian Army in Libya and Menzies agreed with Churchill to send that division split in halves to Greece and Crete where they were made POW’s by overwhelming numbers of Nazis.

    Our Ninth Division fought Two famous battles that became the turning point of the war at Tobruk And El Alamein.
    The seventh Division fought against the French Foreign Legion in Syria and then were rushed back to Java and Timor and when they got off the ships they found their weapons and ammo was coming in the next convoy. They therefore joined the Eighth Division as prisoners of the Japanese.
    If Menzies had been working for Mr Hitler he would have earned an Iron Cross with Diamond Clusters.

    The Ninth finally came back to join the reserve CMF (Chocolate Soldiers who had held the Japanese) on the Kokoda track in New Guinea to then Push the Nips back. They were the One Division that formed our last fighting force left standing out of Four divisions from the second war.

    The Ninth Division survived Menzies and the only thing that saved them from defeat and Churchill’s order to sail north to Malaya and the japs, was the ALP’s PM John Curtain ordered the fleet to return to Australia and we looked to the American for protection and away from Churchill who was prepared to leave Australia to the Imperial Japanese Army, to be ‘regained after the war in Europe was won’.

    Don’t let the Liberals tell you what god like leader, Menzies was , he was a Tamperer and a small minded egotist, who only cared for himself and saw the men he sent to die, as the Scum of the Earth. With the advent Cold War and the post world war intelligence agencies of Britain, the US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia forming a collaboration known as ‘the five eyes’. Australia, has been told how to think ever since. So Australia had to take our share of Nazi fanatics out of the wreckage of Germany, to bring their knowledge and skills to the task of defeating Communism. The influence of this hidden body of war-criminals in our intelligence community and political class still resonates in attitudes and influence that were once foreign to our culture.

    By 1950 we still had German Italian and Japanese prisoners in custody and Menzies let the Germans stay who wanted to, Italians went home and most applied to come back. The Japs went home and we thought they would be our enemies, deep in our hearts forever. Nazis and Japs were hated universally, for their cruelty, the people that hated them are mostly dead, a handful forgave, the baby boomers were protected from the horror of war, until the fathers succumbed to PTSD.

    Menzies surrounded himself with people who were lacking in the smarts to topple him. They are the people who could simply not accept that democracy requires the rejected party, in opposition, to respect the will of the people’s judgement and prepare for the next election while holding the government to account; but not dying in a ditch before they let any legislation pass without creating the cess-pit we have witnessed over the last sixty odd years.
    The Liberals sing the same bloody song every time they get kicked out by the people and this is why we have a ‘Saw Tooth’ economic graph to contemplate and no hope for a big Australia, because the people we elect have for seventy years have been stuck with the legacy of the Fat Blow Hard, where the players are now so boring and narrow coming, as they do from university through head office or an electorate office and turn out to be educated idiots with no ambition for or love of country, Just being there is enough.

    Malcolm is behaving as if he is the rebirth of the fat controller.

  2. Turnbull is a silvertail always has been always will be. The LNP is full of people with grossly inflated opinions of themselves, they actually believe that they are another “breed” apart from the rest of us, which is why I’m always so surprised that some working people vote for them, I constantly struggle to understand “why?”

  3. It now seems that taxpayers are a major contributor to Liberal Party campaign funding through a devious shadow company known as Parakeelia Pty Ltd.

    Last financial year, Parakeelia transferred $500,000 to the federal Liberal division, making it the party’s second-biggest single source of funds. Parakeelia provides electoral information to Liberal Party candidates from a software treasure-trove of information about us harvested from Liberal sources (including the Postal Vote scam).

    Liberal candidates are required by the Party to subscribe to this data from their office and electoral allowances (i.e. taxpayer funds) it is then laundered and becomes a donation for election funding.

    In a classic comment from Cabinet Secretary Arthur Sinodinos he said “he doesn’t know if taxpayer funds have been paid to a private company [Parakeelia] controlled by Liberal Party bosses, which in turn transferred $500,000 to the Coalition”.


    Will anybody ever brief Arthur on what’s going on in the Liberal Party ?
    When he writes his memoir it’s going to take up the back of an envelope.

    Sorry Kaye a bit off topic but couldn’t find where best to post.

  4. Abbott once apparently said ”the only thing I wouldn’t do is sell my arse – but I’d have to give serious thought to it” to become PM. Turnbull didn’t think twice: he sold his arse and he sold it cheap!

  5. Turnbull didn’t “sell his arse” to become PM, he merely exposed it in revealing his true self.

  6. An ALP majority in both houses, then all-encompasing multiple ICAC’s – with fangs.

    That’s what it will take to clean all of these vicious parasitic fascists (and their enablers) out of the institutional nests they’ve made for themselves … then asset-strip them down to the clothes they stand in and sentence them to hard labour for life – no parole.

    Psychological examination of all future candidates for government and/or public institutions – these are no places for psychopaths, of any description.


    True separation of church and state.

    No corporate welfare – not one cent.

    No lobbying or private donations to politicians or political parties – election expenses to be a non-negotiable set rate from the public purse.

    No private school, or other private institution, funding – not one cent.

    No sale of assets – particularly utilities, infrastructure, natural resources or land, to foreign interests.

    All private sectors to pay full tax on gross earnings/profits made in Australia, including charities.

    All banks to quarantine their savings and loans sections from speculative activities, and their ability to create fiat currency removed – if they need funds they will borrow from the government, and pay interest on those loans.

    Politician’s wages to be no more that 5 times the average wage – with expenses to be pre-approved but not reimbursed until a receipt is produced, and checked for veracity.

    No politician or public servant to receive public money after leaving office/job.

    Superannuation rates and rules for politicians and public servants to be the same as for the average worker, and subject to the same market fluctuations as the average worker.

    All childcare and childcare workers to be public and subsumed into the Department of Education, with facilities built within in the grounds of all primary and high schools.

    … run out of puff … I’m sure there are heaps more … any suggestions?

  7. A colleague, from years ago, commented that many years after she became a single mum, her kids asked for the yummy pasta with butter and salt they used to have. This was the dish they were served when all she could afford was pasta, margarine and salt. They remembered it as a meal served in their formative years and she had not re-served it as they could now afford better. I suspect Malcolm’s memories are similarly distorted!

  8. Jack Russell: I really liked your list although I would substitute ‘median’ for average in “Politician’s wages to be no more that 5 times the average wage – with expenses to be pre-approved but not reimbursed until a receipt is produced, and checked for veracity.” I also wonder whether you might find some more ideas if you look at Canada and the Scandinavian countries where taxation is higher but more benefits are provided – including a basic payment to everyone! Education is an investment as is preventive medicine!

  9. Can someone here offer some hope ,it looks like the imbecile vote is going to see the return of the LNP ,the imbecile vote appears particularly strong in backwards QLD ,which is to be expected.
    It also seems to be quite strong in NSW ,so the LNP appear to be doing very well among backward rednecks and bogans.
    I really cannot understand how the LNP ,even with the support of the MSM and their daily stuff ups can see their margin increase.
    July 2 2016 will be the day that the morons officially took control of our country and permanently destroyed it.

  10. I have hope Damo.

    The AEC have reported a large increase in enrolment – I am hoping the many missing young people from last election care enough about climate change, university fees, education, research, the NBN, Medicare, caring for the unemployed etc to have enrolled. Also, even though the last vote was a substantial punishment to the Labor Party for their ridiculous squabbling, it would have taken only 30,000 votes in marginal seats to have changed the result. George Christensen boasts that he has a safe seat – we shall see. The Central Coast of NSW also looks promising for Labor – 2 seats there.

    And who can tell what will happen in the Senate. An evil part of me laughs at the idea of Malcolm presiding over a minority government with the Senate full of Labor, Greens and micro-parties.

  11. An evil part of me laughs at the idea of Malcolm presiding over a minority government with the Senate full of Labor, Greens and micro-parties

    Not evil, just hopeful…. with a touch of schadenfreude.

  12. If that happens, Diannart, Turnbull will have fallen at the first hurdle with his ‘rule the world’ strategy of a Double Dissolution lying in tatters.

    The Right Wing Rump will then turn to their hero in waiting : Tony will be back !

  13. You really have to feel sorry for the man. The stress and strain of being forced to survive of the commissions of a lowly hotel broker. As for being forced to endure the shame of Sydney Grammar. I mean, whatever would the neighbours have thought and imagine the gossip at the synagogue…

  14. diannaart

    Sorry…I’ll wash out my mouth later in the day……..possibly with a cheeky Merlot !

  15. Turnbull and Hunt. The glove fits the hand or the other way around. Hunt’s 1990 thesis “A Tax to Make the Polluter Pay”; in other words a carbon tax.

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