Turnbull’s Christmas Message And A Merry Christmas From Me Too!

For those of you who missed it, MT – or our beloved Malcolm, as he likes to calls himself – stood up to the forces of political correctness and wished people a merry Christmas.

You can see it here, if you like.

Of course, if you can’t be bothered, I can sum it up quickly by telling you that he thanked our defence and emergency workers, and like the true leader he is, he didn’t mention his party’s desire to take away their penalty rates because if there’s one thing that shouldn’t be politicised, it’s Christmas and if anybody wishes you “Happy holidays” and not “Merry Christmas”, then report them to Peter Dutton who has the power to send them to Manus Island if they happen to be wandering the streets without a valid passport.

He also told us, “It’s also a very important time to reach out and give a hug to those who aren’t having as happy a Christmas as you might be. You know for whatever reason – they’re lonely, sick, estranged from their families.”

After all, a hug costs nothing. So if they’re sick or something, then just hug them and don’t worry about the giving them any extra support in the form of anything that costs money because we need to make cuts to spending in the Budget or else we won’t be able to give those tax cuts to those who truly deserve extra support in the form of companies. You know, people like Adani and me who have their base in the Cayman Islands…

Of course, we only mean people who are actually IN Australia! Expressing concern for people who’ve attempted to come here by boat is the sort of thing that just encourages people smugglers.

Whatever, it’s Christmas and not the time for petty politics. If you’re poor or in need, consider yourself hugged. Actually, I think, by next year, Turnbull and his mates are prepared to go all the way. Not only will you be hugged, but you’ll be screwed as well!

Merry Christmas!

Boxing Date Update: The quote about giving a hug was actually in an interview and not his actual Christmas message. He only advised us to “reach out” in the recorded message. The “hugging” must have been a moment when he went off-script and may lead to a challenge in the new year with the Corey Bernardi non-faction (“We don’t have factions in the Liberal Party!”) demanding that he stop all that left-wing touchy-feely nonsense and Abbott deciding that he needs to launch a challenge before Corey takes all Tony’s supporters to form the new conservative party.


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About Rossleigh 1447 Articles
Rossleigh is a writer, director and teacher. As a writer, his plays include “The Charles Manson Variety Hour”, “Pastiche”, “Snap!”, “That’s Me In The Distance”, “48 Hours (without Eddie Murphy)”, and “A King of Infinite Space”. His acting credits include “Pinor Noir Noir” for “Short and Sweet” and carrying the coffin in “The Slap”. His ten minutes play, “Y” won the 2013 Crash Test Drama Final.


  1. My Christmas message for Malcolm Turnbull.

    ‘You are destroying our future and you and your government belong in jail for corruptly acting on behalf of the worst of big business and other unworthy vested interests and for acting against the best interests of the Australian people and of the earth’s environment.’

  2. Oh gosh, I’ll have to eat all the food in the house then do my good Turnbullshit turn and hug all those less well off people. They might not put food on the table or presents under the christmas twig but they’ll feel terrific knowing that someone cares. Make me want to be sick you do M.T.! Any chance you will give a $100,000,000 of your stash in the Caymans away? Somehow I doubt it, unless it’s to prop up the LNP (nice little tax dodge there).

  3. I’m almost speechless, no I’m not bugger it. Give a hug to people at the bottom end of the food chain. Yeah right.
    So instead of giving a homeless person five dollars out of your wallet Mal we now give them a hug. Well that should fix everything.
    Apparently Malcolm spends four hours on Christmas day at the Wayside Chapel or wherever handing out food to the homeless and destitute around Sydney.

    If we had a decent government there would not be any homeless or destitute people…..

    We presently have a government who have cut funding to everyone at the bottom of the food chain, yet want to give tax breaks to companies that pay little or no tax anyway. Now I am speechless lost for words.

  4. thanks Rossleigh, your wicked humour is the salve I often need to get to another day of horror in the country that used to be a pretty good place before it was systematically destroyed by the LNP.

    Merry Christmas to all – let’s try to make some difference in 2017

  5. As I paraphrased Captain DiSSA Pointment in his Christmas Address to the Nation in a meme I made to “broadcast & celebrate” the event…

    “As hitting the bottom end of the food chain is really the only effective thing my government has achieved I would like everyone to get into the Christmas spirit and go out and hug a pleb”

    Honestly, his address should have come with sick bags, or at least a warning of the effects viewing could have on someone, especially the aged so I put the following in a thought bubble for him…

    “Just try and look sincere for all the cameras”

    and on that thought, as usual he failed miserably which really makes me wonder just how critical, if at all, his family are on his performances!!!

  6. That speech was so FAKE and sickmaking. Accompanied by the inappropriate airpumping of both hands to emphasise the importance of giving hugs to the poor (that he is doing his best to wallop, not hug) and contemplating “the divine”.

  7. Michael W- ” if we had a decent government there would not be any homeless or destitute people”.

    Spot on mate. Education; Health; Security; Welfare, etc – none of which have been adequately provided by the various Government’s we have had. I despair at our lack of progress.

  8. This has been added to the original post:

    “Boxing Date Update: The quote about giving a hug was actually in an interview and not his actual Christmas message. He only advised us to “reach out” in the recorded message. The “hugging” must have been a moment when he went off-script and may lead to a challenge in the new year with the Corey Bernardi non-faction (“We don’t have factions in the Liberal Party!”) demanding that he stop all that left-wing touchy feely nonsense and Abbott deciding that he needs to launch a challenge before Corey takes all Tony’s supporters to form the new conservative party.”

  9. Were there any FAKE tears for the Sudanese refugee Faysal Ishak Ahmed…?

    Don’t ask silly questions, H, he was black and he wasn’t even a sportsman, he was into silly arty stuff like painting and reading….

  10. I do wish that Mr Turnbull and his collection of ideologues, particularly the “Christian right” (what an oxymoron – they are neither Christian nor right, they are just morons!) would stop claiming to be Christian when they particular perversion of such in so many ways excludes them from making that claim. While Jesus is reported to have said give to Caesar what’s his, I don’t think this means that it’s quite the Christian thing to cut funding and support to the most disadvantaged in society (both on-shore and off-shore) and give the wealthy and big business a bloody good tax cut.

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