Last election I voted for Monique Ryan but I certainly won’t be at the next federal election and I’ll explain the reason later but it would be remiss of me to ignore the obvious event that’s probably affecting the mood of so many people…
Trump won.
It’s really quite amazing on so many levels but, as I’ve been a glass half-full sort of guy most of my life, I’d like to remind everyone that this has certain positives which it’s tempting to overlook when the left were preparing to celebrate the election of the first female…
As I write that, I have to explain my assumption that it would only be the left who would celebrate the election of a female. It’s quite simple, the right are blind to things like gender… which is why they never see the woman raising her hand in the board meeting or the job application from the woman who didn’t go to the same same sex school that they did…
Same same sex school… mm, there’s a whole thesis for someone there but probably not from someone from the same same sex school that I went to…
Ok, the positives:
- Trump has shown that you don’t have to live by the narrow restrictions that the Religious Right demand because they’ll forgive you if you just pretend to like them.
- Once any accusation that you were in collusion with Russia would have been enough to destroy your political aspirations in the US. Now, that’s fine and it’s the Democratic Party who are communists in spite of their capitalist leanings. Forcing people to have health insurance so that a trip to the doctor doesn’t cost an arm and a leg is the sort of communism where they should be happy to sacrifice their arm or their leg by not going to the doctor and losing either or both…
- Trump has assured us that he’ll stop the wars and who can doubt the word of a man who’s been married so many times?
- This is a slap in the face to all those who say untrue allegations of sexual assault can destroy a man’s career… Of course, true allegations of sexual assault are a different matter and they may destroy a woman’s career which I can legally say owing to a recent defamation case in Australia…
- Trump may get sick of Elon Musk and have summarily sent to Guantanamo Bay.
Ok, there are a few negatives and these include the strong possibility that some of his policies may lead to economic problems and further inflation. Of course, this is only speculation and for all I know adding large tariffs on imported goods may actually lead to a severe drop in prices, followed by a complete collapse in trade which would reduce the emissions from goods being transported from one country to another.
Ok, ok, I get the fact that it’s a very depressing idea for some of you but I try to take the long view… if Keating hadn’t won in 1993, would we have had a decade of John Howard; if Obama had lost in 2012, would we have ever had Trump; if Germany had won WW1, would we have had Hitler; if I’d played for Collingwood in 1970 would we have been behind at half time so when I was taken off, would we have won?
So if we take the long view what is likely to happen?
I’m reluctant to make predictions on the grounds that they’ll probably be wrong, but even more worrying is the fact that some of the most ridiculous ones will turn out to be right. Anyway:
- Musk will convince Trump that his legacy can be – like JFK – winning the space race and with a mere commitment of several trillion, the USA can have a colony on Mars before the end of the decade.
- Robert Kennedy will attempt to ban all vaccinations on the grounds that they cause people to believe that fluoride in the water doesn’t lead to chemtrails. Malcolm Robert will invite him to speak in Australia, but the invitation will be refused on the grounds that Australia doesn’t exist and he’ll fall of the end of the world.
- Trump will say something that even JD Vance can’t explain but he’ll attempt to distract people by saying that he’s working on a prequel to “Hillbilly Elegy” where they show his conception and how it was done immaculately. Yes, Vance will tell us, there will be a role for the stars of the first movie because as they say, “Keep Glenn Close, but keep your enemies closer.” Of course, nobody will understand that but it will distract everyone from Trump’s comments about how he was responsible for winning Wordle War 3 and his refusal to admit that he actually meant World War 3 even though it hasn’t happened.
Notwithstanding all this, I promised to explain why I’m not voting for Monique Ryan this time… Well, they moved the electoral boundary. I’m no longer in Kooyong. Otherwise, I’d be voting for her because I’ve decided that we need more independents in parliament because the trouble with parties is that they end up doing the sort of things that lead to the sort of trouble that we now face where it’s not the person who actually stands for anything that ends up leading. Yes, more independents may make the governments more unstable but isn’t that what people want these days?
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It still staggers me that a “god fearing” country where the religious right has huge sway, can even think that a lying, cheating, business failure who has been accused of insurrection and sexual assault – to name a few of the 40 – can even be considered as a potential leader.
If nothing else, wouldn’t these facts make him an unsuitable vote for a Christian person – or has all been forgiven in the name of God?
I have friends here in Oz who wanted people here to pray for him to win, and now want us to pray again to thank God that he did.
Uncletimrob, unfortunately, if he supports what they support, that’s enough for the Religious Right.
Rossleigh, l can rent you a room for the duration?
Uncletimrob, there is a religious theory along the lines of “a saviour will come to save us but that saviour may not always be what we would choose or expect”
This ‘god fearing country’ trope need a good smacking on its bare arse and then sent to the naughty room for penance; it gets trotted out ad nauseam as if to try to embed the notion of an America that actually is, when, in truth and actuality, that country is the very antithesis of god fearing.
Islamic nations may come closer to that state of belief; at least they have populations who believe in and act in accordance with the orthodoxy of their beliefs.
Americans, to the contrary, are typified by violence, ignorance, isolationism, arrogance, cruelty & brutality and racism and unwelcoming of strangers, along with their militarism, criminality and exploitation of other countries; none of which aspects of behaviour or belief would have them aligned with the teachings of Christ.
‘God fearing’ ought to be replaced with something more appropriate, like barbaric, oppressive, ignorant, or similar.
Religion in America, as in so many other things, is just a vehicle for those at the top of the pile to enrich themselves… think about it… how many televangelists are multimillionaires… rich as Croesus on the basis of fleecing the gullible?
Tuesday (US) was a very sad day not just for the US, but the world. Like the sad day for Australia last year where people were misled by misinformation and lies.
Trump is a conman, crook, and snake-oil salesman. And the US has proved too many do not see through it. He has less chance of fixing anything than Bob the Builder (hint: Bob is a fictional children’s character).
Trump won by running the most dishonest and disingenuous campaign in history. Dutton will most likely follow. But then Labor have been digging their own grave. Greens have become too far out. The last thing I want is a Trump-style ignoramus in charge of our country like Dutton.
But where do we go.
God fearing?
Fear of which god?
Despite the claim of being a god fearing nation, they appear to be a godless self serving people.
Luckily, I read to the end so I forgive you for not voting for Monique Ryan next time!
One has advice for Xi if Trump tries silly tariffs on the PRC trade, signal that he will go Tesla via legal ‘shake down’ without resorting to retalitory tariffs.
Impleme a program of broad and deep regulatory compliance audits of Tesla operations to make life difficult and lose value, then either shut down or sell out to friends of the regime; see Russia, Hungary etc.
United Stupid Americans.
If election denying criminals float your boat, watch out for those illegals eating your cats and dogs. Yes that sounds almost as ridiculous as American idiots picking Trump again. Was this election stolen?
Once Trump goes who is going to make the Republicans useless again?
Albo needs to stop his pathetic grovelling to Trump, it is embarrassing. Just like the USA is embarrassing now.
The world is mad.
The totally irrational, skewed and shocking re-election of the dangerously undemocratic, rusted-on recidivist pathological liar and unspeakably depraved misogynistic predator, Donald Trump, is a terrifying indication of just how sick, totally deluded and twisted the nauseating hypocrites in the American bible-thumping belt and racist right-wing majority have become! On what frigging planet or in what deluded universe do the intellectual midgets who decided it was a good idea to, once again, elevate this despicable, thoroughly entitled and hateful political psychopath to the most powerful position in the world with his shaky, hate-filled, racist finger poised over the Doomsday Button, was a good idea? Really? It is true that many people throughout the world often suspected that Americans – especially deluded right-wing extremists who support the like-minded nutters the Republican Party – had a worrying lack of foresight, zero insight and not one drop of compassion, but their deluded support of an uncompromising, racist, misogynistic sociopath has left us all without any doubt!
As a child who grew up in a small rural village, I had to walk to primary school along lanes and through fences to cross cow paddocks. One paddock had a bull in it. For a small kid this was pretty scary, but I learnt to get to the other side quickly, always keeping an eye on the bull. Maybe Trump is just another bull, dangerous, but … he’s over there, not here, he’s not a direct threat to us, at least not yet. With a bit of luck, he’ll never even step on these shores.
America deserves him, in a way; they’ve earned the right to have a megalomaniacal narcissistic freak at their helm, it’s their karma, of sorts. Yes, he’s bad, mad, but so is an awful lot of American policy and behaviour, and so are an awful lot of American people. It’s sad for those who aren’t in that quotient, but they’ll survive… four years is a relatively short time. As for the rest of the planet, its peoples, and the natural world, we’ll see. Que sera sera, perhaps.
I’m well and truly over the excessive media coverage of the Trump resurrection and I don’t need any more analysis of what went wrong or what went right for whoever.
I noted the family photographic portrait of the Trump family was eerily reminiscent of the Addams family. However, I do think young Barron Trump looks like a nice lad and hopefully with appropriate counselling he will come to understand that he was not born into a royal dynasty but rather a real estate franchise !
So, on with life – I’m baking Irish Soda bread this morning, a yeast free bread that I recall from my youth when we as a family would return to our Irish roots periodically.
A quick aside, I note that during the week it was suggested by the skeleton crew running our media while the big names are in the US, that Raygun the Olympic twirler was to retire from Breaking, something she never really got the hang of. In fact it turns out that it is not she who will be retiring but Ray Hadley a Sydney radio spruiker who, incidentally, I pride myself on never having heard.
Today started with a bit of a jolt at our place this morning. I opened the roller shutter door on our shed and a rather large snake plopped onto the concrete floor next to me. I’m not sure who was more startled he/she or I but we both managed to regain our composure and go our separate ways : it was a Night Tiger or Brown Tree Snake, mildly venomous but not aggressive.
As you were : have a good weekend !
God fearing? They invented their own convenient God, did they not? Just like everybody else. And as time goes by they modify their strictures, and with it their God’s notions.
That they have trapped themselves by their own notions of perfection and righteousness, is obvious to almost everyone, including them. But what do fair-minded folk do when they’ve busted their guts, only to be disenfranchised (by all in power), driven to poverty and corporal demise by the wiles and BS of the system of corporatized, militarized politics and governance? They have (another) revolution, albeit this time unarmed anarchism, in the easiest way they can do it – by electing Trump. They know he’s a sociopathic maniac, but, that (to them) is OK, they just want him to wreck the system, so that maybe they can start again, better.
Still giggling at trump’s win, Tossleigh.(oops jumped to the septic universities priority??).
Your humour, puts the icing top the ridiculous american cake. You are right Cangaru, you get what you vote for and I didn’t vote so I don’t gives a rat’s arse what he does to America and Europe. Sadly, the climate affected Pacific will be left out again. Will china step up???. I would not vote for a trump nor for a biden. dutton and the bandit are little different so no vote there. Albo is pushing me towards going bush but we have a great Labor pollie so my vote is certain. As for Monica, Hilary and Kamala I see them as more than their god given three penile receptacles and two nipples but I am not a xstian. ps When I was a paid trainee at ATC, American universities had a course for first year women on how to avoid pregnancy. It taught them how to suck cock. They might still be going but open to all? pps Don’t think fellatio would get a run???
I wonder how the military in the US is going to handle orders from the Dumpster that are contrary to, and frankly illegal, established rules of law.
After enjoying the Rossleigh article, and my comment (above), I came across this article in The Saturday Paper This Not Good about the possible Trump effect on Oz. Seems to be a balanced and informative viewpoint.
@uncletimrob. Unfortunately being Australian doesn’t stop many from being gullible brain-washed fools every bit as hopeless as the riight wing Seppos who believe what the idiot box tells them and that a mythical being in the sky will forgive the convicted felon’s uncountable numbers of sins against people and nature. He IS the perfect example of a waste of sperm.
Those same ‘bogans’ will be quick to vote for the towball head next election simply because it tries to emulate the same bigoted negative attitude that only knuckle dragging mouth breathing mono-brows can relate to; hatred and aggression towards those not like them. Ironic because that means most of the rest of the world’s population. They are a tiny minority with no more significance than a parasitic amoeba. The world is heading for oblivion thanks to those like minded greedy selfish take everything you can now before it’s all gone crowd.
Solipsisim, ever lessening concentric rings as folk’s comprehension of reality eventually disappears (reality…our understanding of it?) up its own fundament and we are left with, “how long’s a piece of string?”
The world is further split into bits: the scared and brainwashed red states fear the robotised coasters. america s a whole fears the rest, and the rest fear and hate it, it has been developing for a long time and operates well as divide and conquer, in the misguided quest for control that goes with a ruling class as alienated as its subjects.
Lights on, but nobody home”, car is moving, but who is driving it?
Tech seems to have changed many things. Once you could be in splendid isolation, ten miles from scrutiny and no radar traps in sight. Now, with IA and algorithims, they may know what you think before even you are conscience of the thought. Now things seem “electronic panopticon”, the spirit of freedom has decamped for greener pastures.
Is “Gaza” the ultimate destination? No doubt some survive, rebuild anew and someone else, at a later date, will come and kick over whatever sand castle has been erected in place of the present one.
It is going to be a long process, as it was for most people during WW2. No easy outs, the reprieve is up.
Jonathan Pie’s two bob’s worth…
Thanks Rossleigh. Et al. Puts it all into perspective.
I am not going to vote for Monique Ryan again either.
I hate tennis, and you could not pay me to go all the way to Kooyong to vote.
I am however hoping that a Teal steps up in Dunkley, because much as I like our current member, her boss sucks.
Thanks Canguro,
Seems to me that ‘Pie’ nails it as usual.
I’ve been watching America’s lunacy since the 70s. And it seems it’s been increasingly consumed by corruption running amok off the back of the populace being a confusion of misguided nativism, supremacy and glory-ridden exceptionalism delivered by a self-righteous quest for perfection – never minding that ‘truth’ is beguiled by ‘belief’.
There’s nothing really new about those strains in democracy, it’s just that America has hyped it since the 70s, and in recent years, as their hegemony grows, most folk across the globe cannot avert their eyes and ears from the lunacy.
ABC RN’s Big Ideas with Natasha Mitchell ran an interesting series of podcasts; 1. SOS Democracy with Scott Stephens – Saving Democracy with decency, 2. SOS Democracy with Jon Faine – Can democracy survive social media? 3. SOS Democracy with Niall Ferguson and Barrie Cassidy – Is democracy doomed?
I found particular interest in the latter – Niall Ferguson’s perspective over history to now. Seems humankind is pretty good at cosseting itself with the weird belief that it accumulates learning towards enlightenment, when it seems it regurgitates the same old primordial stuff and continues to abdicate its responsibilities.